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Fantasy Set Sail (Pirate RP IC)

Our story begins with two different pirate crews. One known as The Bloodbeard pirates who've roamed the sea since the era of pirates began. The plunder, steal and do as the please. However a brave girl who was part of the crew decided to take revenge on the captain. She fought the captain and won the battle but now she has Derek,the son of the captain, on her tail.

Wanting to find her own adventure and to change the the outlook on pirates she sets out to find people to join her crew, The Neptune Pirates. She found her self first in the West and rescued a young lady and invited her to join her crew. Two weeks have went by and now the two have made it to the North and are looking for a new ship and new members for the crew.

Samantha (Sam) Hollands
Captain Neptune

Sam sat in the bar across from a huge man with bulging muscle,scars, and several broken teeth. He growls at Sam vigorously. "You're not going to beat me little girl." he says with a sinister smile. Sam let's out a loud chuckle. "In your dreams fat man, you don't have a chance." He growls his face growing. "Im going to love slaughtering you." he say. The set up the arm wrestling match getting ready to duel. Someone stands between them readying to start the round. " Alright...1...2..." Sam quickly set foreward whispering into the mans ear which causes him to stiffen up. "Go!" the man calls and with ease Sam wins. A loud groan circles the bar as the hand there money over to Sam. She smiles ear to ear as she stands turning toward the men. "Well, after winning 20 times in a row it is time I get out of here. This is what you get for messing with the captain of the Neptune pirates." she turns on her heels looking around the bar. "Hey, Ruby, we're leaving."
WrightyNo1 WrightyNo1
Ruby Belotto

Watching from the bar with a barrel of rum at hand, Ruby grinned every single time that her Captain, Neptune had scared the living daylight out of the so called 'Men' she faced. It makes her laugh out loud every single time one of these men get overconfident, just to end up sulking off in a corner. Ruby herself would usually manage to get herself involved with these kinds of things, however this time she just wanted to relax and watch Neptune make the men look like fools. Ruby kept on being eyed up my some of the men in the bar, she was very pretty after all. After Neptune had finished her business, the Captain told her they were leaving. Taking the last few gulps of her rum, she stands and heads back to Neptune's side. "You know, after all these bars we have been in recently, i still have no idea what you say to them to make them stiffen up so much, and i'd be lying if i said it isn't hilarious," She chuckled, making sure to avoid a man who reached out to grab her.
Elijah||No crew yet||Uvening

"Are you sure you'll be alright Davis? Do you need me to make you some green tea?" Elijah back away from the older man when he had gotten out of bed, wheezing and coughing. " What did I tell you about doing everything for me kid? As long as my legs are able, I can do stuff on my own. " Elijah's caretaker had grabbed his cane, making his way towards the kitchen to prepare his self some tea."Now go on boy, you've done alot for me..go in town or something and relax."

Elijah couldn't help but to chuckle."Very well, I'll be back in abit. " he walked out the house, heading out into town. Elijah found a ledge and sat on it, having a perfect view of the ocean. He suddenly became deep in thought. "I wonder ..the kingdom." He frowned slightly and closed his eyes for a moment. "I'll find a way to restore it.."​

Within the very same tavern, scattered amongst the men were marines of the Blackjack Bulls.

"Damn, you were right." One of the memebers groaned as he flipped a coin to their leader, Flint. "Who would have known?"

"I told you you so." Chuckled Flint as he caught the coin, only to give it to powder, who was sitting on a barrel. Flint himself was currently leaning against a beam with a few of his mates standing around.

"The lassy's got quite the streak going, don't think anyone can beat her." Said one of Flint's other mate.

"Hm, she's strong, no doubt. But..." Flint mused as an idea poped into his head. "...I don't think she's unbeatable."

"Oh?" The previous marine asked in a playful tone, eyebrow raised at Flint. "I wager five coins you couldn't beat her."

"Your on, lad." Flint laughed. "Get me seven bottles, will ya? And go line them outside in a row on the fence."

"What are you up to?" One of the other marines mused.

"You'll see...doesn't have to be a test of strength now." Flint said as he strolled over.

"Oi, Captain." Flint called over at two ladies. "I don't suppose ya have time fer another friendly wager?"
Anne watched as San easily defeated 20 men and took a long drink of her ale before slamming the cup down and demanding another. Neptune pirates? She had heard of them before, but only brief mentions here and there. When a man ordered what assumed to be a shooting contest she smirked, the guy was smart to fight on what she assumed to be his terf. She would watch how this all played out, she was still looking for a new crew after all.
Samantha (Sam) Hollands
Captain Neptune

Sam laughed at Ruby's comment. "Yeah, such a shame that such cocky men can't even hurt me just a little. Easy money though, right?" The two had almost made it to the door when someone hollered at them. Sam looked over her shoulder at the man and couldn't help but smirk. She could hardly ever turn down a challenge, it was out of her nature. "Alright... I have time for one more game. What are we playing and what's the wager, good sir?" Sam stood there and leaned over to Ruby. "He seems different. If I like him enough I just might ask him to join the crew." she says with a smirk. She looked around seeing everyone staring at them. "You guys want a show, I can give you a show!" she says turning to the man waiting for his answer.

WrightyNo1 WrightyNo1 boo boo Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Acethekidd Acethekidd

"Unfortunately this one's less of sheer brute strength and more along the lines of skill, that is, your up for it." Flint said, tipping his hat a little.

He glanced at the door and saw his comrades(plus powder) exit the tavern with bottles in hand.

Flint smirked, before raising his hand towards the door. "If you lot will be willing to join me outside, I may be able to explain the nature of this next water."
Ruby raises an eyebrow when Sam whispers in her ear, then turns slightly to look at the man who had challenged Sam. She couldn't help but feel as though, one way or another. Giving a small smirk, she looks around the tavern at everyone watching intently, she scanned all the heads in the room, one woman in particular caught her eye for a second, looking way more interested than the others. "I may as well take you up on this challenge as well, see if you can beat either of us," she grins at Flint.
((Forgive me guys for disappearing. I went on vacation and I should've told you guys I was leaving but just never got the chance. If you guys are still interested let me know and please forgive me for such a slow rp. I'm trying to make more time to rp but its just been hard lately.)
Samantha (Sam) Hollands
Captain Neptune

With a sly smile Sam made her way outside. She saw several men setting up bottles in a row, seven bottles to be exact. Immediately Sam realized the little game that the man wanted to play. She turns to him the smile still on her face. "A shooting contest, huh?" she said glancing over at Ruby. "I will be honest my shot in the world but I'm sure I can take you on. If not me than my friend here could surely beat you." She claps her hands together. "Alright what are the rules and what are we wagering? I love me a challenge!"
WrightyNo1 WrightyNo1 boo boo Elekta Kount Elekta Kount Acethekidd Acethekidd
Ruby took note of the challenge ahead, and got a massive grin on her face as she started playing with the string of her bow. Her quiver filled with a countless amount of arrows. People outside, mainly pirates, laughed at her because of the bow, however a bow is just as deadly, if not more deadly than a pistol. Silent but deadly. She was a natural with her bow and had perfected her aim and quickness. "I'll let you guys go first," she grinned, extremely confident in her ability.

"The more the merrier." Flint said as he turned his head to his mates.

"Fuller!" Flint shouted as he held out his hands, to which said man tossed Flint the musket he was holding. Flint caught it with ease, before sliding the musket down so the butt of the gun was on the ground while his hands were now near the barrel. "Clark! Baker! Be gentlemen will ya and lend these fine two lassies ya muskets will ya."

Two more men stepped forward, unslung their musket as they held it out to the two women with one hand and offering cartridges.

"The rules are simple: Shoot as many bottles within a minute as you can." Flint said as he gestured at the line of bottles, as three more bottles were being added onto the line up. "Fuller over there is going to keep track of the time with his minute glass." As Flint mentioned Fuller again, Fuller raised his hand, before pulling from his side a small hourglass.

"Let's see how well you two do under pressure." Flint said, as lifted the musket into a ready-to-fire position.
Samantha (Sam) Hollands
Captain Neptune

"I accept your challenge." Sam says gleefully. She pulls out her pistol and twirls it around in her hand before pointing it in the air. A smug expression crosses her face as she looks at the man. "I'm pretty good under pressure so lets get this thing started!" A roar of cheers came from the crowd of people ready for the contest to start. "I'll be glad to start first, unless my comrade would like to?" she says smiling towards Ruby.

Derek Bloodbeard (Captain of the Bloodbeard Pirates)

The tavern roared with loud pirates, many who were drunk and stupid. The Lucky's Tavern is the most poplar tavern in all the South which is also the hideout for Derek's crew. Several floors down was several rooms reserved for his crew when the came back to the south. Derek was located in his office leaned back in his chair. He twirled a knife in his hand trying to think of his next move. "We have plenty of supplies for now but for how long we can go raid some islands or ships but he could also try hunting down Sam. Rumors had spread that the little devil was starting a crew. When he found her whoever joined that crew would be regretting it and Sam would regret ever making one. He throws the knife hard into the door making it stick. He sat back in his chair and tried to cool off.
Alv walked through the Lucky's Tavern with two mugs of ale in hand. He went down the stairs to their reserved room, finding the captain sitting in his office. "Excuse the intrusion, but I have your ale sir." Alv sighed as he put one of the mugs down on the desk of Bloodbeard. "There are still so many stupid drunkards up there. It is good camouflage for us though. I'm going to go practice my rapier fighting in another room." He walked out and went to the training room he had made. He and the captain used it most because they had to keep up their skills to not be overthrown.

MidnightStar MidnightStar

"I think you misunderstand captain, there is no turn order. We all go at once until one minute is up or all the bottles are shot, whichever comes first" Flint said with a grin, still holding his musket at the ready. "Won't be much pressure if we were simply given all the time in the world just to shoot one bottle at a time."

Flint then indicated to the men who were still holding out their muskets and bullets. "You lassies are more then welcome use my lad's muskets, if ya fancy. Otherwise the man or women with the most bottles shot within a minute wins."
Ruby Belotto
Ruby realized as the challenge was about to start that it would take both of the others longer to reload their weapons than it would take her to sort out her arrow. She turned down the offer for the guns, gunpowder weapons are not her kind of thing. She grinned, holding up her bow and docking an arrow, ready to go. "Sorry Boys, I'm using my bow, gunpowder doesn't sit well with me," She glanced at Flint, then looked to Sam and gave a wink.

"Gunpowder only. We want this to be a test of skill, not equipment. Half of the pressure and skill in a shooting competition like this is reloadin', else it wouldn't be much of a challenge now would it?" Flint snort as he looked over to Ruby's bow. "If ya want to compete, take a pistol or a musket, else you'd best step off or I'm callin' ya a cheat."
Ruby Belotto

As soon as the words left Flint's mouth, Ruby's smile turned into a scowl, "You mean to say that Bow's require less skill than a Gun?" she took a breath, then stepped away shaking her head, "I'll step away, don't want to touch one of those things," she stood a few meters away and looked at Sam, shrugging.

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