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Fantasy Set Sail- A Pirate's Adventure (Character Sheets)

(Please Read a pirates life history before making a C.S)





Which Corner do you live in:

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew):




Likes (Five):

Dislikes (Five):

Weapon of Choice:

Theme Song (optional):

Additional Information:
Samantha (Sam) Hollands

Pirate Name:




Which Corner do you live in:

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew):
The Neptune Pirates

Sam is a very happy go lucky gal. She is always seeking adventure and helps anyone in need. She loves making people smile and is very cheerful. However when things get tough she can get very serious. She is always there for her crew no matter how good or bad.

Sam lived in the East of most of her life. Her father was a ship mechanic and her mother was a marine biologist. She had a very normal childhood but when she turned 13 her life took a drastic turn. She found out her father owed a great deal of money to a pirate. Her father was planning on going to work for the pirates but instead Sam took his place. The pirates name was Bloodbeard, the dad of Derek Bloodbeard. He decided to teach Sam how to fight and she become one of his best warriors. When her debt was finally paid she tried to leave but Bloodbeard wouldn't let her. Instead he beat her and threaten to hurt her family.

Two months ago Sam finally decided to take action. She snuck into the captain's quarters and tried to kill him. The plan didn't go well and the two fought each other. Sam was too smart for him however and she came out victorious. She was able to escape the ship and get away. The new captain, Derek, now hunts her
Sam enjoyed the adventure of being a pirate but didn't want to hurt innocent people in the process. She decided she wanted to change how pirates were looked at. She didn't want them seen as evil predators of the sea, but adventures trying to make new discoveries. Which was the start of the quest to collect people for the Neptune Pirates.​


To change the way pirates are looked at.
To help anyone in need
To stop any evil pirate crews.

Likes (Five):

Helping People
Sailing the Seas

Dislikes (Five):

Suck Ups
Lack of Faith
Party Poopers

Weapon of Choice:
She has a sword but prefers the stealth of her daggers and throwing knives.

Theme Song (optional):

Additional Information:

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Derek Bloodbeard




Which Corner do you live in:

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew):
Pirate- Captain of the Bloodbeard Crew

Derek is a blood thirsty and power hungry person. His father was once the captain of the Bloodbeard pirates but after his death Derek took his place.He strives to one day take over one of the corners and bring havoc back into the world. He’ll stop anyone in his way no matter the cost.

Derek was a normal kid until his mother past away. Soon after his father and his friends started a pirate crew. His father taught him the ways of a pirate and how never to pity a person. His father would sometimes beat him for showing any sympathy which brought up the way Derek is today. He became his father's loyal companion until Samantha showed up. She took all his fathers attention and praise which angered him. He was happy when his fathered died but hated he didnt get to kill him himself. He now hunts Sam wanting to cause her as much pain and suffering as he can.

He wants to rule one of the corners and make his crew well known.
He wants to see Sam Hollands beg for mercy.

Likes (Five):
  • Killing

  • Stealing

  • Scaring People

  • Being in Power

  • His Crew

Dislikes (Five):
  • Softies

  • The North

  • Freshwater (Saltwater runs through his veins)

  • Cry Babies

  • Peace

Weapon of Choice:
His long sword and pistol

(In pic above)

Theme Song (optional):

Additional Information:
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Name: Ever Haverland

Age: 21



Which Corner do you live in: East

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): Neptune Pirate

Personality: At the surface level she is a flirt who loves to have fun, she doesn’t seem very deep. But the more you get to know her you’ll discover that she cares deeply for her friends and is loyal to a fault. Her greatest fear is failure/disappointing the people she’s closest to. As a result she tends to over think her actions and put other people's needs above her own.

Bio: She had a rather comfortable childhood, as her father was a wealthy merchant. Unfortunately her mother died in childbirth and father's profession caused him to almost never be home, so she spent most of her childhood on her own. Because of this she clung to the people she was around and strove to never disappoint them, in case they might decide she wasn’t worth their time.
When she was 18 she decided to explore the world. She started with her father as he conducted business, but soon realised that it wasn’t for her. Deciding to explore on her own she saved up and purchased a small ship when she was 20 and sailed the world. She soon realized that a small boat wasn’t ideal for traveling the world and decided to join a crew. She’s been on the hunt for one ever since.

  • Travel the world
  • Make a name for herself
  • Make her father proud
  • Help make the world a better place

Likes (Five):
  • Traveling
  • Sailing
  • The ocean
  • Singing
  • Fighting

Dislikes (Five):
  • Cruelty
  • Rainy Days
  • Storms
  • Disloyalty
  • Failure

Weapon of choice:
  • Daggers, but she also has a gun for long range attacks
Name: Anne

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Which Corner do you live in: South

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): Pirate, Neptune crew

Personality: Quick to draw her sword she enjoys a good fight, though her background means that she rarely wins in a verbal one. She cares most about self preservation and has killed more than her fair share of people for as little as a coin. That said she enjoys living life to the fullest, after all who knows when it will end.

Bio: Like many children of Uliven she grew up an orphan, unable to recall if her parents died or merely left her to starve to death. She was forced to grow up quickly and learned to trust no one, after all the only way to survive is by looking out for yourself. She joined a pirate crew at the age of 15, her crew however was killed by the Navy leaving her the soul survivor. Deciding to change things up she wants to turn over a new leaf and see what being less murder is like.

Goal(s): Become well known, become loved, get lots of money, have the best hair

Likes (Five): Wearing lavish clothes, winning a fight, getting money, sailing the ocean, having fun

Dislikes (Five):
Sleeping on the street, being forced inside a barrel, people touching her without permission, being called stupid, showing others she can't read

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Theme Song (optional):

Additional Information:
Ruby Boletto





Which Corner do you live in

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew)
Pirate, Neptune's Crew

Ruby was always somewhat fiery, in a good way. She is the type of person who always seems to just have a ridiculous amount of energy left. If she does not know who people are, she is always quiet, keeping to herself. Once she gets to know the people, her true side comes out. A highly charming attitude with a very kind heart, however if crossed by an enemy of hers, she might as well be soulless and will often need stopping before she does anything too rash. She has a knack for finding the right people to set sail with.

Growing up in the west, Ruby was always destined to become a natural hunter and killer because of the deadly conditions of the snow. With her mother dying at birth, her father was her only family. As a father who provided food and drink for Ruby's mother before she was born, he ended up teaching her from a young age how to catch prey with a bow and cook it. Her father also, at the age of 15, gave her the treasured possession of their family that had been passed down for years, two magnificent and deadly dual blades. Her and the father continued living together, living on the outskirts of the main city. That was until her father tragically died to the plague at the age of 17. With no family left and seemingly no more hope for survival as the animals were dying, she decided that it would be best for her own sake that she finds help in the city. Unfortunately for her, Emperor Edur and his wife Sheila were overrun at the time by people needing the help. With no help for herself, whatever hope Ruby had left was gone. She ended up cowering off in a shadowy alley, waiting to accept her fate. That was until, just recently, as some sort of miracle, the pirate named Neptune discovered her and took her under her care. And nowadays, she is a member of Neptune's crew, becoming a quick, skilled and deadly fighter as well as becoming an even more likable person, always looking up to Neptune with respect, but also, she hoped, as a friend.

To help Neptune with hers as she believes the same.
Establish herself as both a lovable pirate to her friends, and a feared, ruthless killer to her enemies.
To one day find someone who feels the same about women as her

Likes (Five)
Women (Yes, that's right)
Weapons (Not gunpowder based)
Beautiful Landscapes and Oceans

Dislikes (Five)
Murder without a solid reason
Men who think they're high and mighty
No Loyalty
Losing Fights

Weapon of Choice
Dual Swords
A Bow
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Name: Alv Barbarossa

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Which Corner do you live in: West

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): Pirate: Already a part of Drake's Crew

Alv is cold-hearted and serious, giving no mercy to those who oppose him. He has an unusually cruel demeanor, though he had a good family and friendly village. He does lose his temper easily when bartering with merchants, and often kills them before a deal is made. He is known by few as more frightening than the captain, showing not the slightest bit of satisfaction nor any emotion when raiding villages. He shrugs the rumors off and kills those who spread them, not wanting to have a bad connection to his captain.

Alv Barbarossa was born in a coast side village in the west. Having a loving family for all of his life and a village that loved him, he was the core of the village. People gave him food and made sure he was well fed, and they hoped he someday would join the navy. There was problems in this seemingly perfect childhood however, as the village didn't have any other children. He had no one to connect to as peers, and the village seemed oblivious of this. He spent his times alone trying activities to entertain himself, but none of it worked. It slowly chipped away at his emotions and child like friendliness. One day, when Alv was 13, Bloodbeard's crew attacked the village, and all of the village people was surrounded by pirates. Alv stepped out to the captain, and said, "I woould like to join your crew." All of the pirates laughed, and the captain said, "If you want to join my crew, you will need to prove yourself. Kill your parents." Two pirates pulled up two very scared looking people who asked, "Why are you doing this?" Alv then stared coldly at his parents an said, "You know the reason." He murdered both of his parents quickly, looking down upon their dead, bloodied bodies. "You can kill the rest of them, I don't care." The captain brought Alv aboard the ship, and his life as a pirate started.

He wishes to become a captain of his own ship, loyal to Bloodbeard
He wishes to become as feared as his captain

Likes (Five):
Being on the seas
Killing unfair merchants (most merchants)

Dislikes (Five):
"New" Pirates (Call yourselves adventurers)
Weaklings (a lot of people)
Taking prisoners
Annoyances (Anyone who can put up a fight)

Weapons of Choice:
Rapier and Dual pistols
COuld be used in pistol+pistol or rapier+pistol combinations

Theme Song (optional):
"What do you think I am, a bard?!"

Additional Information:
Is good at a wide variety of instruments, and best at playing the lute.
"Fine, I guess so."
Name: Alv Barbarossa

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Which Corner do you live in: West

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): Pirate: Already a part of Drake's Crew

Alv is cold-hearted and serious, giving no mercy to those who oppose him. He has an unusually cruel demeanor, though he had a good family and friendly village. He does lose his temper easily when bartering with merchants, and often kills them before a deal is made. He is known by few as more frightening than the captain, showing not the slightest bit of satisfaction nor any emotion when raiding villages. He shrugs the rumors off and kills those who spread them, not wanting to have a bad connection to his captain.

Alv Barbarossa was born in a coast side village in the west. Having a loving family for all of his life and a village that loved him, he was the core of the village. People gave him food and made sure he was well fed, and they hoped he someday would join the navy. There was problems in this seemingly perfect childhood however, as the village didn't have any other children. He had no one to connect to as peers, and the village seemed oblivious of this. He spent his times alone trying activities to entertain himself, but none of it worked. It slowly chipped away at his emotions and child like friendliness. One day, when Alv was 13, Bloodbeard's crew attacked the village, and all of the village people was surrounded by pirates. Alv stepped out to the captain, and said, "I woould like to join your crew." All of the pirates laughed, and the captain said, "If you want to join my crew, you will need to prove yourself. Kill your parents." Two pirates pulled up two very scared looking people who asked, "Why are you doing this?" Alv then stared coldly at his parents an said, "You know the reason." He murdered both of his parents quickly, looking down upon their dead, bloodied bodies. "You can kill the rest of them, I don't care." The captain brought Alv aboard the ship, and his life as a pirate started.

He wishes to become a captain of his own ship, loyal to Bloodbeard
He wishes to become as feared as his captain

Likes (Five):
Being on the seas
Killing unfair merchants (most merchants)

Dislikes (Five):
"New" Pirates (Call yourselves adventurers)
Weaklings (a lot of people)
Taking prisoners
Annoyances (Anyone who can put up a fight)

Weapons of Choice:
Rapier and Dual pistols
COuld be used in pistol+pistol or rapier+pistol combinations

Theme Song (optional):
"What do you think I am, a bard?!"

Additional Information:
Is good at a wide variety of instruments, and best at playing the lute.
"Fine, I guess so."

Awesome first bloodbeard pirate. Want to be the right hand man?
Name: Elijah Drexel

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Which Corner do you live in: Eest

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): None atm, May be with the Neptune pirates

Personality: Elijah is normally really nice and relax. He's very polite towards alot of people, but does have an rebellious side. If he doest agree on something, Elijah will most likely not pay attention. He's well educated, talented and smart as well.

Bio: [ His background is actually kinda long, so I'll shorten it up ]

Elijah was born into the royal family of the underwater kingdom Atlantis as it's Prince . When Elijah turned 7 years old, a group of humans manged to find the kingdom, telling the king and queen they would like to make peace with the Atlantians. When the Elijah's parents welcomes them with open arms, An attack was launched on the kingdom. The humans, who where actually hunters had laid waste to the kingdom and captured most of the Atlantians. Elijah was separated from his parents and was placed on different after the hunters had captured their fair share.

Elijah was held at an slave market in the Uliven kingdom , but not for long. A nobleman had bought Elijah, mistreating the poor for many years. At the age of 13, Elijah escaped from his master with him hot on his tail. Elijah had stolen a small boat on the decks and drifted off into the sea. He was hungry, wounded..death was closing in on him until 2 days later, an ex pirate found him, taking Elijah to Uvening.

At first, Elijah hated his guts since he was human[ at the time, he thought humans where evil creatures ], but as time went on Elijah's mind changed thanks to his caretaker. Elijah had learn alot from him, and had turn out to be a great man.[ or fishman]

[I'm so bad with bios. ..sorry umu]

Goal(s): To restore his kingdom
-Help his people
- change how pirates are viewed

Likes (Five):
the ocean ||Uvening||fencing and swordplay|| pastries|| Reading and writing

Dislikes (Five):
Summer||Disrespect towards his care taker|| mentioning his past|| cowards

Weapon of Choice:
He used a thin long sword

Theme Song (optional):None

Additional Information:
He's a fishperson, so he does have legs
-this is his outfit but he his pants aren't jeans
- can communicate with sea creatures
- haves several scars across his body
"Heave, ho thieves and beggars never shall we die."



Which Corner do you live in:

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter:
Bloodbread's Crew

Alice is a cheerful, outgoing and adventurous. She never gives up and doesn't leave anyone behind. Sometimes a little egotistical, and can be mischievous and curious. Alice is a very friendly girl and she will help anyone who needs it. Alice tends to be very energetic and lively. But don't underestimate her she can be deadly as she is nice.

Alice lived in the south poor and homeless. Her father died at the hands of the Navy he was pirate. He was hung by and unfortunately Alice saw it with her own eyes. Her mother did the best she could earn money but it was hard. Especially considering where they lived. One of the pirates crew went pillaging around the area killing and getting anything they could find. Women, children they didn't care if you were in their way you were pretty much dead. Alice and her mother ran trying to find a place to hide along with the little money they had not wanting the pirates to take it. But her mother tripped and fell dropping the bag of coins. The person who had been chasing tem raised his gun at her to shoot Alice suddenly ran to her mother and stood in front of the gun holding her arms out. "I-I won't let you hurt my mother!" Alice stood their with tears in her eyes hoping it would work but she knew better then that. But to her surprise he didn't shoot. Alice watched as brought his arm down seeming conflicted. She took a better look at him. He seemed like he was probably around 15. He bent down and picked up the bag of coins her mother bought and handed to it Alice. She took the bag in surprise she then smiled turning to give her mother the bag. When she turned around to thank him he was gone. She ran off, ignoring her mother as she called her to come back, to find him so she could thank him. When she did she started go towards him but stopped when he fell to the ground. A scary looking pirate had slapped him and she hid watching from behind a barrel. The pirate called the kid Derek and apparently was angry at him for showing sympathy to her and her mother. Afraid of what the older pirate might do she quickly ran back to her mother and hid until the rad was over.

Years went by but she never forgot that day. On that day she was determined not to be weak anymore so she could take care of herself and her mother. Alice had started stealing, people would pay her to steal things for them. She was quite good at what she did and not once had ever been caught while doing a job. She also became more athletic working on her fighting skills. Her mother hated that she would steal saying it was just as bad as being pirate. Though Alice would never say it she kind of wanted to be pirate. It was in her blood. Maybe not to do all the killing, unless needed, but the money, jewels, and adventure that came with it tempted Alice a lot and she was tired of being poor and living in the same place. Soon her mother became sick and just couldn't get better like her father. When her mother died Alice decided she would find a pirates crew join seeing as nothing was keeping her here anymore. She came across a crew who had a Captain named Bloodbeard. When she first saw the Captain she thought he looked familiar but she couldn't place where she had seen him. But when she heard his name she smiled knowing that had to be the boy from before. When she wanted to thank him for that day but when she approached and saw his eyes she stopped herself. The person that showed her mercy that day didn't seem to be there anymore. Which made her a little sad but she felt like she owed him especially since he got hit for it. She never told him who she was, plus she figured he wouldn't care or remember . Instead she asked to join the crew. Of course she had to prove herself which she did. She showed him her stealing, fighting, acrobatic skills. She likes being pirate. You would think she would hate them because of what happen to her but instead she wanted to be them. Plus what else is was she suppose to do with her life. She was beggar and thief. Aren't many opportunities for people like that except to become a pirate.

She's never really had any she just lives life. Also she's not really sure what she wants.

The ocean
A good fight

Unnecessary Killing (but will she kill)
Being bored
Feeling/Being/Acting Weak

Weapon of Choice:
She prefers fighting with out one. But she will uses a gun and sword sometimes.

Theme Song:
"Heave, ho thieves and beggars never shall we die."



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Which Corner do you live in:

Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter:
Bloodbread's Crew

Alice is a cheerful, outgoing and adventurous. She never gives up and doesn't leave anyone behind. Sometimes a little egotistical, and can be mischievous and curious. Alice is a very friendly girl and she will help anyone who needs it. Alice tends to be very energetic and lively. But don't underestimate her she can be deadly as she is nice.

Alice lived in the south poor and homeless. Her father died at the hands of the Navy he was pirate. He was hung by and unfortunately Alice saw it with her own eyes. Her mother did the best she could earn money but it was hard. Especially considering where they lived. One of the pirates crew went pillaging around the area killing and getting anything they could find. Women, children they didn't care if you were in their way you were pretty much dead. Alice and her mother ran trying to find a place to hide along with the little money they had not wanting the pirates to take it. But her mother tripped and fell dropping the bag of coins. The person who had been chasing tem raised his gun at her to shoot Alice suddenly ran to her mother and stood in front of the gun holding her arms out. "I-I won't let you hurt my mother!" Alice stood their with tears in her eyes hoping it would work but she knew better then that. But to her surprise he didn't shoot. Alice watched as brought his arm down seeming conflicted. She took a better look at him. He seemed like he was probably around 15. He bent down and picked up the bag of coins her mother bought and handed to it Alice. She took the bag in surprise she then smiled turning to give her mother the bag. When she turned around to thank him he was gone. She ran off, ignoring her mother as she called her to come back, to find him so she could thank him. When she did she started go towards him but stopped when he fell to the ground. A scary looking pirate had slapped him and she hid watching from behind a barrel. The pirate called the kid Derek and apparently was angry at him for showing sympathy to her and her mother. Afraid of what the older pirate might do she quickly ran back to her mother and hid until the rad was over.

Years went by but she never forgot that day. On that day she was determined not to be weak anymore so she could take care of herself and her mother. Alice had started stealing, people would pay her to steal things for them. She was quite good at what she did and not once had ever been caught while doing a job. She also became more athletic working on her fighting skills. Her mother hated that she would steal saying it was just as bad as being pirate. Though Alice would never say it she kind of wanted to be pirate. It was in her blood. Maybe not to do all the killing, unless needed, but the money, jewels, and adventure that came with it tempted Alice a lot and she was tired of being poor and living in the same place. Soon her mother became sick and just couldn't get better like her father. When her mother died Alice decided she would find a pirates crew join seeing as nothing was keeping her here anymore. She came across a crew who had a Captain named Bloodbeard. When she first saw the Captain she thought he looked familiar but she couldn't place where she had seen him. But when she heard his name she smiled knowing that had to be the boy from before. When she wanted to thank him for that day but when she approached and saw his eyes she stopped herself. The person that showed her mercy that day didn't seem to be there anymore. Which made her a little sad but she felt like she owed him especially since he got hit for it. She never told him who she was, plus she figured he wouldn't care or remember . Instead she asked to join the crew. Of course she had to prove herself which she did. She showed him her stealing, fighting, acrobatic skills. She likes being pirate. You would think she would hate them because of what happen to her but instead she wanted to be them. Plus what else is was she suppose to do with her life. She was beggar and thief. Aren't many opportunities for people like that except to become a pirate.

She's never really had any she just lives life. Also she's not really sure what she wants.

The ocean
A good fight

Unnecessary Killing (but will she kill)
Being bored
Feeling/Being/Acting Weak

Weapon of Choice:
She prefers fighting with out one. But she will uses a gun and sword sometimes.

Theme Song:

Looks great. PM me. I want to talk to you about a story plot idea.
Ludger Schröpfer, goes by the name “Flint”
Age: 21
Gender: Male

(He’s the man armed with the pistol, with his sword drawn)
Which Corner do you live in: North
Pirate, Navy, or Bounty Hunter(If pirate which crew): Neptune’s Pirate Crew
Sarcastic even in the worse of times, most of the time Flint carries himself as if he hadn’t a care in the world. But truth is, he always has a lot on his mind, from where his next meal will come from to the well being of those near him. Those close to him could even call him a big brother, who always doing a double take on all situations. That said, he is by no means a nervous man, rather calm individual who has seen many ship-to-ship battles. In battle he can be rather calm and even at times filled with bravado displayed by a sarcastic remark or two. Usually it in-heartens the men who fight alongside Flint, as Flint is quick to point out the enemy's weak spot or call out a boarding or repealing action. Flint’s also a really organized man, though by no means strict, asking for a baseline protocol or some semblance of discipline from those he serves with. In turn, he tends to do a spiffy job at maintaining weaponry.
Flint couldn’t really say where he started, all he had was really a name he never used and a direction of where he was from. Didn't matter in the short run, because the life he lived at the beginning of his memory was aboard a merchant ship as a swabbie. Not the most glorious life, but it was a living. Wasn't all bad, he was fed, made friends with the other little boys aboard the ships, even got to see a lot of the world as he was moved from ship to ship.
As he grew to age 9, he was “promoted”, along with many other boys, to a”powder monkey”, that is, he had the honor of running gunpowder to the cannon crew during a naval battle. It was a dangerous job, and Flint had several close calls that would have ended in him blowing up, though...some of his peers were less lucky.
This went on for about the next 6 years, before once again he was promoted, this time to a much safer job as a ship gunner. Flint at the time was still too small to really be of use in a proper boarding action, but he could fire a musket, so he and the gang of “powder monkeys” were drilled in the art of shooting aboard one of the merchant vessel by a retired navy officer. Turned out Flint was a nature marksmen, which came in handy when pirates attacked, as he and the gang, calling themselves the “Blackjack Bulls”(a story for another time), thinned the number of attackers for the ship’s marines to repel with greater decisiveness.
About another 6 years past, as Flint and his mates served this certain merchant guild as marines, gunners, cannon crew, and whatever task that need men to fill. By now, Flint understood how a ship was ran pretty well, even picked up a baby monkey and had been made a sort of petty officer of the Bulls. But after so many years, the guild had to let him and the rest of his mates go due to internal reasons.
Flint and his mates now are pondering on what to do with their new freedom, perhaps joining a new crew? After all, it's the on,y life they know.
Goal(s): Not die(right now at least), making sure his mates don't die, travel and seeing the world, perhaps find out where he came from.
Likes (Five):
-Firearms big and small
-Powder(the monkey)
-His crew mates
Dislikes (Five):
-Idiots who can't properly handle gunpowder
-Untidiness/Failure to maintain equipment
-Engaging in melee
-Raging storms
-Sinking or drowning
Weapon of Choice:
Always armed with- A number of pistols that can be unloaded in succession, sword or cutlass, knife, spyglass
Can be armed with one of the following- Rifle, musket + bayonet, blunderbuss, boarding pike
Can also man a cannon and/or mortar
Knows how to make bombs out of gunpowder
Theme Song (optional):

Additional Information:
-By no means does he like to engage in melee, that doesn't mean he wouldn’t. He can hold his own fine against most fighters, but by no means is he an expert.
-An expert marksmen, the man can not only put his mark where it counts but also reload just as fast, if he isn't just picking up another firearm.
-A bit of an officer amongst his peers in a little gang of pirate marines, calling themselves the “Blackjack Bulls”
-Has a monkey called “Powder”, who runs gunpowder to him and others, not to mention a lighter if anyone needs it. He also is capable of firing off pistols. He looks like this:
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  • Name Amelia Mossilini

    Age 25

    Gender Female


    Place of orientation She was born in the North: Kingdom of Ralan

    Occupation Is a pirate a part of Drake's Crew


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