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Multiple Settings Serenity academy redo IC thread 🦆


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hell yeah, the beginning of the RP

Alright so the beginning of the RP will basically just be like waking up and going to the academy, I have nothing else to add except TAMALE JUMPSCARE 🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔🫔
"Hey! It's 7 am! Time to wake up!"

Harken wakes up

H: hm...? Huh? What?..

His little sister, Athena, stands alongside his bed, shaking him

: wake up you big silly! It's time for school, I already got your backpack and lunch, we gotta go!


Harken got put of bed, getting his backpack and lunch from Athena and they both started running towards the academy

Meanwhile with Veronika, she was getting dropped off by her mother, and Finn, he was already at the academy, laying back on a bench, staring at Haldurs grayish blue sky, he always had a fascination with nature

F: man… the beauty of Nature
The alarm clock goes off. Henry always wakes up at 6:00. He thinks to himself, "Gee, Henry, what are we going to do today? The same thing we do every day, Pinky, try to save the world!"

He walks over to Cassie's room. "Cassie, we have school today."

Cassie, face first in a pillow, groans. "Yeah, yeah! I'm up. I think..."

"Two things," Henry says. "One, I keep telling you to get your own alarm clock. I don't know why you refuse. Two, you were probably more excited than I was the day we discovered we had magic, which is saying something considering that my entire view of reality changed that day. So, I mean, I'd expect you to be a little more excited to be going to a magic school, wouldn't you?"

Cassie jumps off the bed and is in front of Henry's face in three seconds. "How dare you?" she says in mock indignation. "I am excited! I just need a little caffeine in my brain to get my brain working."

Henry backs away a foot or two. "Yeah, well. Fair enough. I guess we're both the same in that aspect."

An hour later, they're well on their way to the Academy as their mother drives them.
"Awe, mija... are you sure you wouldn't be interested?"

Nylah cruised with her fingertips on the wood counter while in front of the barista in the local coffee shop close to the Academy she worked at. Her head was tilted with a inquisitive demeanor while the girl who stood before her, a steady expression placarded on her features, had her arms crossed with Nylah's money in her pockets. She glanced behind her at the awkward student, of whom Nylah picked up on her way.

The barista was named Lilianna. She was an ordinary girl, studying an ordinary degree in an ordinary coffee shop next to a strange academy full of strange individuals with strange powers. She has pretty much seen it all, but the professors nearby seem to enjoy her family recipe of her coffee, so perhaps they protect it? She doesn't know, but the strange wildlife tends to leave her alone.

She sighed and closed her eyes, shaking her head once more.

"I don't want to be a damned project at your school, whatever you do there," she said monotonously, opening her eyes to meet Nylah's. "What you all do there is not my business."

She rang up the amount, handing Nylah her change who graciously took it and ran a finger on Lilianna's own, who promptly retracted her hand.

"Oi, I know what you do with those hands. I have seven more hours to go and I see how it makes other people tired, however you do it."

Nylah giggled and stood erect in her posture, before turning to the student behind her. It was Chardonnay, who was quietly sipping away at his espresso and attempting to avoid eye contact with the strange interaction in front of him that even had a shocked look on his face. The audacity of this professor - but one who knew his family well.

Nylah walked forward and offered a pleasing smile towards the boy.

"Are you ready to go, Chardonnay, for your first day?"

Chardonnay nodded, and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Oui, mais... professor..." He leaned past her to look at Lilianna, who was busy cleaning and paying no mind to them. "She is... not like us, non? Why treat her equal?"

Nylah shook her head and smirked.

"What would we be without our abilities?" She winked after and started walking towards the door while taking a sip of her own coffee. "Besides, they have some damn good coffee."

Chardonnay nodded in agreement at this. With that, his eyes returned to the girl who met his gaze. He waved, and she returned a wave. The two then left her coffee shop and made their way to the academy in Nylah's own car.

Lilianna sighed, and continued to clean while humming along to the songs being played on the radio.

"All these weirds folks from that school and they want me involved... hell no. Just pay for your damned coffee.
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The loud alarm clock of Felix rang for a second before he dragged himself out of his bed and slammed the alarm clock off of the nightstand. Still groggy from waking up so early, the white haired male could keep his eyes open as he massaged his temple.

"God damn school," Felix huffed before getting off his bed and opening his bedside curtains. The light from the morning sun made his eyes squint. "Too much light..."

After he got ready, Felix closed his apartment door and locked it before walking outside. The usual stern look on his face was plastered on his face since he left his apartment. It wasn't unusual to see him with the same look anywhere in public.

As he stepped out of the apartment building, the dark hair of a familiar friend blew in the wind as it was slowly being tied in a ponytail. Felix's hair flew in the wind as he took steps towards the dark haired familiar.

"Hello Kanon. Didn't I tell you that you should go to school without me?" Felix's voice chimed after a brief silence between the two. Kanon didn't seem too surprised at Felix's voice, only looking at him after she tied her hair.

"Felix," Kanon addressed him, bowing casually, "There is no need to arrive early. It is 6:30, there is no rush."

A small sigh escaped Felix as he shook his head. "It is better to arrive an hour early than to arrive five minutes late," he stated before leading her to walk, "Let's go."

They arrived by foot in an hour and didn't seem tired of the long walk at all. Though they know that they could've taken the bus here, they still prefer the old fashion way, like how they always did.

Meanwhile, in the teacher's lounge, three teachers wandered around the room. The teacher with pale, yellow eyes and long, white hair that was combed into a high ponytail was looking out the window, watching the students gather around the campus. A small, nostalgic smile graced his lips as chuckled fondly. Behind him, a woman with a similar stature and pale blue eyes was adding accessories to his hair and making him look presentable. An air of maturity surrounding them, though the blue eyed woman gave more of the air than the male.

A flash of steel gray hair walked back and forth around the kitchen, brewing coffee for the teachers. His eyes wandered up at the white haired teachers at the windows before a small, amused laugh escaped his lips. Lifting his mug of coffee up, he mumbled, "Let us pray that the new batch of students become valrant warriors for the future."
The air of mysticism fascinated the silent and enigmatic looking girl. To the gates of the academy did she stand, staring blankly at two birds chirping and building a nest with one another. She wore her uniform as expected - though not every student tended to follow through with this rule. Yes, she was given peculiar looks. Whispers and likely gossiping that she did not necessarily care for. She was the silent type after-all, but her strange presence did catch the eye of one man in particular: that was Hex.

He also preferred to stay secluded on his own, and preferred not to intermingle with the likes of any individual that he, perhaps, perceived as normal.

He was sat on a bench outside of the Academy. Up a few feet from a couple of other individuals complimenting the wonders of nature ( NuhUhLiarLiarPantsOnFire NuhUhLiarLiarPantsOnFire ), Hex checked his cellphone to see what time it was. As he expected, it was close to his first class. He was a second-year student at this Academy, but was always silent and kept to himself. He introduced himself as Hex, and said name did fascinate many around him - but he stayed silent in his endeavors. Magic, to him, was to be used for ones' personal gain. He was no chivalrous person, no - quite the opposite. He was also well aware of the disappearances that have been happening around the school... and perhaps he had something to do with a couple of them - though by his own doings. It was his secret to keep, though; and he did a wonderful job masking any who tried to read his thoughts.

But perhaps this strange looking girl could be his new scapegoat? His last target of a scapegoat disappeared, unfortunately - so he had to find another one before he continued on what he believed to be cleansing of those not powerful enough to understand their gifts.

He stood, putting his cellphone in his hoodie and headphones in his ears as he shoved his books he had been reading in his bookbag, slung it over his shoulder and silently turned to walk into the school towards his first class: the History of Magic II.

Meanwhile, the strange girl, whose preferred name was Estara - though she would silently acknowledge whatever name was given to her direction, continued to stare about at the birds above. She was holding a notepad... a sketchpad, with what would appear to be mad scribblings. To Estara, they were readings of what she saw around her that she found peculiar. All humans were peculiar, after-all, to her. But sometimes the peacefulness of something as simple as two birds building a nest was enough for her to enjoy.

She was doodling the pair, sketching out a scene on her notepad as she allowed her mind to relax. Typically her mind was racing, attempting to still understand her own powers that were quite extraordinary. But times like these were nice...
as hex introduced himself to Finn, he thought it would only be plausible to introduce himself too
( Pyxie Pyxie )

F: ah! Well the name’s Finn, Finn katz! Nice to meet ya!

meanwhile, harken and Athena were running to school, and Veronika, with her mother’s car arriving at serenity academy, got out, saying their goodbyes

”goodbye sweetie, have a good time at the academy!”

V:bye mom!

Veronika closed the door, she walked to the entrance of the school, looking back, the car already drove off
Henry and Cassie had made it to the courtyard at this point as well. Cassie is almost bouncing around, smiling and waving to everyone she sees, while Henry follows a few steps behind, a bit slower and lost in thought.
Viktor let out a soft groan of disinterest as he reached out to silence his alarm clock. He settled back into bed, the blinking green numbers casting an irritating glow that he despised.

"8:30," the alarm blinked insistently.

Viktor's been up for a few hours, the first time he woke up having been at 6:30, the typically time he got up.

But his eyes kept drifting shut, and his body refused to let him get up.

He knew he should be on time, that he should probably make a good impression on the students.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he lay back down, rubbing his forehead.

"Maybe I should've drunk less," Viktor grumbled, feeling the weight of his hangover.

"Or maybe you shouldn't have drunk at all, Daddy," came the soft, airy voice of Viktor's adopted son, Xavier.

Hearing Xavier's gentle voice sent a surge of guilt through Viktor. He knew alcohol was a sensitive subject for the boy.

"Oh, I’m sorry, baby," Viktor said softly, reaching out to run his hand through the young teen’s white curls.

"Let Daddy fix it for you, yeah?" he asked, sitting up.

It wasn’t until his brown eyes met Xavier’s blue ones that he realized it was his son’s first day at the new school.

He grabbed his keys off the dresser and headed to the kitchen, quickly making himself a protein smoothie.

“Let’s get you to school, bud,” Viktor said, picking up Xavier as if he were a little child, which, in Viktor’s mind, he still was.​

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