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Multiple Settings Serenity academy redo character post


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serenity academy redo character thread

Rules for the characters:

Age and base(s) learned is required for the characters rest of the info is up to you

5 different types of info minimum, you can't just put your character's name and age and then call it a day

Character portraits are completely optional

There's no limit for how many characters you can RP with, the only limit is how much you can handle

I’m still playing as my same characters

Character 1: Veronika Pentaway

Age: 16
Base learned: light
Favorite food: Philly cheesesteak
Likes: anything with cheese on it, 1990-1980s music, Harken
Dislikes: attention, overcrowded places, squash

Veronika was just a regular student with a regular life until moving to haldur to stay with her childhood friend, learning that she can do magic, her parents decided to sign her up for the academy, she gained a few friends here and there, and gained a certain "interest" in her friends brother

Character 2: Athena Peterson

Age: 16
Base learned: dark
Relatives: Manuel Peterson (father), unknown mother, Harken Peterson (Brother)
Favorite song genre: rock
Favorite game genre: fighting

Athena, born into a pretty rich family, didn't have that many hardships in life, upon learning that she and Harken could use magic, their father moved to haldur and signed them up for serenity academy, with her childhood friend joining soon after, she never knew her mother

Character 3: Harken Peterson

Age: 17
Base learned: energy
Also learning: how to use a sword
Favorite color: teal
Favorite kind of pizza: supreme

Along with Athena, Harken didn't have that many hardships in life, aside from being in a few fights to protect his sister, when he and Athena were signed up to the academy, he decided to also learn how to wield a sword

Finn Katz

Age: 17
Base learned: water, uses mostly ice related magic
Also uses: Kylie boomerangs
Forte in sports: Aussie round
Birthplace: Auckland, Australia

Finn had a pretty normal childhood, he was pretty good with handling boomerangs and was the best thrower in his family, although he can be a bit of a scoundrel, becoming a bit of a skirt chaser growing up, at age 16, his family learned he could do water magic really well and signed him up to serenity academy
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OC #1

Name: Yuliy Kiselyov
Semi Italian, Semi Japanese
Age: 17
Base Learned: Energy + Dark
Personality: A flirtatious, humorous, and care free guy that would gladly slam anyone against the wall. Very jokingly optimistic, but when set on his bad side, he's entirely different. Rational and acts ironically stupid and doesn't pay attention to classes, but is naturally smart. (Not much here...)
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Androromantic
Birthday: May 5

OC #2

Name: Ajisai Hano
Sexuality: Aromantic
Personality: A resolute, shy, naturalistic boy who is soft + well spoken. Never angered, and will ignore irritable substances / subjects.
Likes: Flowers, butterflies, white = pure
Base Learned: Light and Sense
Height: 5'6
Birthday: July 21

OC #3

Name: Hinata Shoto
Sexuality: Bisexual
Chinese - Semi Japanese
Base Learned: Air
Personality: A brave, courageous, and feisty female that wouldn't spend so much time in fights, but has anger issues and gets provoked easily.
Likes: Headphones / Music - for quiet
Dislikes: Haughty People
Wears bandages + Fingerless gloves on hands / wrists
Height: 5'4
Birthday: March 15th

OC #4

Name: Autumn Skies
Korean - Raised here, Semi ____
Base Learned: Fire
Likes: Sunsets, vintage themes
Personality: Autumn is brutally honest, typically when she is lashing out at someone, but a very fun person. Tsundere (for ship...if have one)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birthday: October 30

OC #5

Name: Severin Ambrosian
Chinese - Raised here, Semi ___
Base Learned: Time and Water
Sexuality: Homsosexual
Personality: Severin is by no means a cruel and callous individual, he is simply reticent to show his emotions to others.
Likes: Flying (airplanes, skyiving, etc)
Birthday: April 19

Name: Ivy Alexandra Blake
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Base Learned: Time
Weapon of choice: Knife
Personality: Self-disciplined, diligent, nerdy, bookish, intelligent, knowledgeable, intellectual, resourceful, introverted, and witty. Comes off as somewhat cold, but not mean, to most people.
Likes: Being useful, rationality, philosophy, calculus, programming, chess, progressive rock, well-written mystery novels, well-written science fiction
Dislikes: Inefficiency, crowds, loud noises, dishonesty, clichés
Background: Ivy comes from an upper-middle-class family originally living in Seattle, Washington, where she attended the Pioneer STEM Institute. However, at one point, she discovered that she had magic and was enrolled in Serenity Academy a few months later.
Birthday: 1 September, 2007
Sexuality: Heterosexual

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