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Realistic or Modern ใ€Œ ๐’”๐’†๐’“๐’†๐’๐’…๐’Š๐’‘๐’Š๐’•๐’š : ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’“๐’š โ™ก ใ€


the princess.

sieon kim.

bubble gum


assembly hall






The summer this year was particularly scorching, with the sun beating down relentlessly on her exposed skin. Despite the unbearable heat, there was no gentle breeze to provide even a moment of respite, leaving her feeling parched and suffocated.

The assembly, intended to welcome the new students on the very first day, had turned into a suffocating ordeal. The already crushing heat was only intensified by the dense press of people gathered together in the crowded and sweltering auditorium. Seion's already irritable mood grew increasingly darker as the combination of heat and the smothering closeness of the crowds around her transformed the event into a living nightmare.

Seion had never planned on attending the assembly; her initial plan was to quickly get the dorm schedule online, settle in, and start attending classes immediately. Despite her unwillingness, her aunt had managed to force her into attending the supposedly welcoming ceremony.

The entire event felt like an unnecessary ordeal to Seion, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated and resentful at being coerced into participating in it.

Seion despised everything about this situation, the stuffy auditorium and the oppressive heat made her skin feel sticky and uncomfortable. Her irritation and frustration only further fueled her displeasure.

The constant, mindless chatter and insipid conversations of the students in the auditorium filled Seion's ears with a grating sound. As she stood there in the midst of the assembly, waiting for the event to begin, she found herself increasingly frustrated and irritated.

She could hardly understand why the other students were so happy and excited about this inane gathering. To her, it felt like an enormous waste of time, a pointless ritual that served no real purpose other than to suffocate her in a sea of noise and mediocrity.

Sighing heavily, Seion decided that she had had enough of the senseless event. She was not going to waste any more time standing in the stifling auditorium, listening to the mindless chatter of everyone around her. With a determination to escape the chaotic crowd, she made the decision to step outside and find some peace and solitude.

"Make way."
She sharply exclaims to everyone surrounding her. As Sieon began to push her way through the throng of people around her, she found the task to be surprisingly difficult.

The crowd was dense and uncooperative, forcing her to shoulder through them with almost brute force. On a couple of occasions, she accidentally knocked into people and stepped on their feet, eliciting grunts of annoyance and pain from the unfortunate victims.


the crown jewel.

shin yujin.



assembly hall



some brat


my shoes!!

few events could ever successfully rival the splendor of prosperity. whereas mass gatherings for anyone normal wouldโ€™ve been an invitation for community and reunion, the celebrations, ceremonies, galas, anything else painstakingly exquisite hosted by the affluent transcended more than simple-minded conversation and companionship. a party for the rich was never just a party โ€” it was a showcase of luxury, an opportunity to boast the most brilliant innovations, the most opulent jewels and expensive collections within oneโ€™s possessions, it was a match that ignited the flames of rivalry and competition. a student assembly, on the other hand, was nothing more than a student assembly it seemed, and this one in particular was rather unremarkable at that.

yujin, at the very least, could say that the university had checked the box for the exceptional number of attendees. everything else, on the other hand, had failed to meet the basic guidelines of any adequate festivity. for one, the auditorium was laughably small in comparison to the number of students. for two, the air conditioning hardly seemed to function, whether that was a consequence of the number of students or if it was genuinely dysfunctional. how perfect for a sweltering day like this. was the school staff eager to fry them like eggs? bake them in the heat? third of allโ€ฆ at the functions she attended prior, yujin had never seen so many outfits that were downright diabolical. you would think after roughly eighteen years of life, people would know how to properly dress themselves. apparently not.

there was some light in the darkness, however. peers with at least some eye for fashion, like the girl passing crowds of students. light blue โ€” yujinโ€™s personal favorite color โ€” refined, andโ€”โ€”

the feeling registered before any thought. the pressure forced down on yujinโ€™s shoes, the heat rising to her head (and not entirely from the poor air conditioning), the wrinkle transforming on genuine, expensive leather in a matter of seconds. did she just step on her? more importantly, did she just step on her and walk away without a care in the world?

an impulsive exclamation slipped from her lips before the calmer fraction of her mind could quell her frustration. whereas the word spilled automatically, there was thought behind yujinโ€™s next action: to pursue. did this girl really think she could just run away? because yujin definitely wasnโ€™t going to just let her! perhaps she wasnโ€™t so different from the brunette in the end, forcefully brushing past shoulders and unintentionally (but unapologetically) stepping on other peopleโ€™s feet.
"where do you think youโ€™re going?! you RUINED my shoes!"

and they were versace! nothing yujin couldn't afford out of her pocket, but time was money, and time would be wasted fixing this brat's mistake. of course it had to be a favorite in her collection, too. ugh! as if this assembly wasn't already bad enough, and it hadn't even started!


the princess.

sieon kim.

bubble gum


assembly hall





this is annoying.

as sieon was about to escape the stifling assembly and find a breath of fresh air, a shrill voice suddenly called out to her, its sharp tone only adding to her already-pissed off state.

a series of unfortunate events, why couldn't anyone just leave her alone and let her be in peace. why couldn't this stranger just mind her business like everyone else here and let her pass through. sieon had never felt as frustrated and fed up as she did in that moment, knowing that she was so close to freedom and yet still being dragged back by an unwelcome voice.

she couldn't just simply ignore the situation and walk away, as much as it's the most sensible solution currently. who even is this to raise her voice at me? whatever the girl's problem was, it didn't concern sieon, yet she couldn't resist the burning desire to let out all the pent-up frustration that had been building up inside her for the past few hours.

sieon came to an abrupt halt and slowly turned around to take a closer look at the girl who had the audacity to confront her so directly. her eyes narrowed in irritation and curiosity, a pretty face, and pretty clothes too that matches her own. yet it pisses her off, a pretty girl wasted on such a foul mouth daring to mouth back at her in public. what was it about again? ah โ€” her shoes.

something about this whole situation just bores her. was this girl really making such a fuss over something as trivial as a little crease on her shoes? rolling her eyes, sieon let out a scoff,
"what's such a big issue about having a little crease on your shoes?"
sarcasm swims in her timbre. girly voice, but somehow her words are a lot sharper than one would expect when they look at her sweet face. sieon slowly unzips her handbag, her eyes never leaving the girl's face as she reaches inside with graceful, deliberate movements. with a fluid motion, she pulls out a crumpled wad of bills, letting it dangle from her fingertips as she slowly peels off a few loose bills with a deliberate nonchalance.

sieon let the bills she had just grabbed from her handbag flutter to the floor without care, her eyes locking onto the girl's face the entire time. a slight, insincere smile appeared on her face, not quite reaching her eyes as she spoke in a lazy, deliberate tone,
"so sorry about your shoes,"
her eyes locked onto the girl's eyes with a hint of mockery,
"please, do take this and buy new one."


the crown jewel.

shin yujin.



assembly hall



some brat


so annoying...

what turned to face her on a swiveled heel โ€” much to yujinโ€™s frustration โ€” beheld an allure capable of captivating both mind and body. long, dark brown hair that rivaled the texture and shimmer of silk, with bangs that made her appear like a living, breathing doll. deep, dark doe eyes and long lashes that fluttered innocence. smooth skin unmarred from a sheltered life, but embellished with well-intentioned beauty marks. a pleasantly scented perfume โ€” surely something expensive with its potency โ€” and luxurious clothes if the fragrance didnโ€™t already scream of wealth. plump lips that were curved in faux sincerity, and a saccharine voice whose sugar concealed the rot residing underneath. yeah, yujin could admit this girl was prettyโ€ฆ pretty damn annoying.

if the temperature of the congested room hadnโ€™t sufficiently sparked a blaze in her, then the sight of bills carelessly thrown to the air had ignited an inferno. they fluttered in the air, twirling and cascading like feathers to the ground in a slow dance that was promptly halted underneath the crush of a foot โ€” a creased leather one at that. a little crease? it wasnโ€™t just a little crease. it was an insult for this girl to callously walk away following her misstep and dangle money in front of her nose like one would a dog with a slab of meat.
"do i look like some beggar to you?"
the question was scoffed, bills slid back in the girlโ€™s direction with a nudge of her foot. yujin would be the last person to pick up this pocket change.

"theyโ€™re versace. limited edition."
additional details were unnecessary to underscore the fact that the solution wasnโ€™t as simple as purchasing a new pair. not that it was truly where yujinโ€™s frustration stemmed, anyway.
"youโ€™re funny if you think this could cover even a fraction of what iโ€™m wearing."
her gaze raised from the mess of won on the auditorium floor to the girl.
"but it could afford you some etiquette classes. who knows. maybe with the leftover money, you can start getting creative."
the dig, directed at the girlโ€™s outfit, was evident from the quick up and down glance of yujinโ€™s eyes.

it was an unnecessary comment to let slip, yujin understood that. but the frustration of the heat, the crowd, and now this girl was getting to her, she supposed. and really, where did she lie? there was nothing necessarily wrong with her outfit, and perhaps yujin could see herself in it on a day she was feeling uninspired. it was justโ€ฆ too basic. all that money, and she couldnโ€™t look beyond some mannequins to copy? what a pity.

Last edited:

the princess.

sieon kim.

bubble gum


assembly hall





( ๏ฝก โ€ข`แด–ยดโ€ข ๏ฝก) do. not. insult. me.

no one had ever before dared to utter anything negative about her to her face. it was unheard of, a line that people simply did not cross. yet here was this strange girl, confidently looking down on her and speaking in a dismissive tone. sieon briefly considered whether the girl was intentionally trying to piss her off, or if this infuriating attitude was simply a part of her personality. either way, the effect was the sameโ€”sieon was growing more and more frustrated with each passing second.

one thing that got on her nerves the most was the subtle side glances that the girl casted at her either. sieon refused to sit idly by while this stranger insulted her appearance, especially after (secretly) complimenting the girl's own outfit only moments before. if she wanted to play this game, sieon was more than prepared to reciprocate.

casting a dismissive glance over the girl before her, her gaze slowly skimming over her figure. a derisive scoff escaped her as she took in the girl's attire, her tone laced with condescension as she spoke.
"not sure where you got the confidence coming from,"
, she starts, her voice dripping with faux concern,
"when you're speaking to me, looking like you robbed a goodwill donation bin"
she flashed a sardonic smile as she tapped her shoe gently against the scattered won bills, now forgotten amidst the chaos. the gesture was both teasing and mocking, a subtle reminder of the money she held, which the girl clearly coveted.

versace, gucci, louis vuittonโ€”it didn't matter to sieon. the girl's concern about the shoes being limited edition was irrelevant in her eyes. she could easily buy it anytime she wanted, and in her mind, the whole situation was pointless. perhaps if the girl were of the same social status as her, none of this would have happened in the first place.

she clicked her tongue in irritation, her patience wearing thin,
" and let's not forget,"
, she started, her tone coming out curt โ€” she could no longer hold her facade, and her composure beginning to fray at the edges,
"you started this whole thing. if you're going to lecture me about etiquette and manners, you should try practicing them yourself, little beggar."

as the words rolled off her tongue, sieon immediately regretted them. the insult sounded lame, and she silently cursed herself for not thinking of something sharper, something that would make her seem more classy and less petty.

whatever, it wasn't like she cared much about the onlookers; their opinions were like whispers in the wind, fleeting and inconsequential. her only focus was winning this confrontation. she would not let the girl get the better of her, not now, not ever.


the crown jewel.

shin yujin.



assembly hall



some brat


is that all you got?

โ€Žwhat there was to pity was beyond what met the eye. it was one thing to scrutinize the tangible, what could be wiped clean after a long day, like the brunetteโ€™s outfit โ€” which, for that matter, wasnโ€™t even that bad โ€” and make the regrettable declaration yujin had (she would never insult a woman on a normal day). it was another thing to nitpick the intangible, what permanently stuck and therefore had little resolution, like this womanโ€™s perception. in this case, it was a perception that was quite frankly incorrect. a dark brow was quick to quirk before they furrowed. was she hearing that right? did this girl have selective memory? if yujin recalled correctly, it wasnโ€™t her who had brazenly bulldozed over her shoes and several other peopleโ€™s. and she was the one who started this disaster?

โ€œright. because it mustโ€™ve been a ghost pushing everyone and running over my shoes.โ€
following the scoff, yujin had to restrain every filament of her body from rolling her eyes. little beggar? a begger would be fortunate to look even a fraction like her. if this girl was going to mock her, could she at least try to hold some accuracy? the words that spilled from her glossed lips only confirmed her complete ludicrousy, and made yujin feel incremently less guilty for the harsh phrases that slipped her tongue.

yujin had met a number of people just like her โ€” girls who delusionally believed they were princesses sat atop their pearly thrones with the peasant masses left to kiss their ankles and appease their every move. oh, the damage that could be done backed with daddy's money and parents who refused to say "no." perhaps life was too fearful to humble her, but yujin wasn't.

her demeanor, at least externally, remained calm. it betrayed the irritation she genuinely felt, but one thing she had learned from bickering with her siblings was that sometimes, the best thing to do was act nonchalant. unbothered. not because it made her the bigger person, but because it made whoever she argued with look ridiculous. yujin didn't need to take a second look at her own clothing. she was already confident it looked pleasant, contrary to what the brunette said.
"does it?"
her head tilted the slightest, almost mockingly.
"never been, but i'm not surprised you know a thing or two about the donation bins."

there was at least one thing truthful she had uttered. yujin had never been to a charity store, but that's where the honesty ended. she had seen people concoct outfits from donated clothes before, and actually, they could be quite cute. if someone stumbled upon either of their clothes, she was certain it would've been like a goldmine. however, her own pride prevented her from saying anything realistic.

at the boundaries of her peripheral vision, she could see a crowd of onlookers watching โ€” some with discomfort, some with glee at the entertainment, others annoyed by their ridiculousness. well, this was a wonderful way to start the school year. it definitely wasn't the best first impression to make in front of fellow students.


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