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Futuristic Sentinels Character sheet


One Thousand Club



Appearance either described or a picture.

Skills: What they're good at

Backstory: include how they became sentinels.

Name Alasandir "Al Lawrence

Age 25

Race human/Nimerian mix

Appearance stands at 6'5 with snow white hair and completely white eyes to the point that that it looks like he doesn't have an iris or pupil. His skin is ashen white. Three of his fingers on his left finger are prosthetic. Has a blood red tattoo with a spear going threw it on his right arm

Skills fire arm proficiency, close quarters combat, battle tactics, upper class charisma, trained in power armor

Al was born on the planet Arcadia to a human farther and a Nimerian mother. Like most Arcadians he was born into the elite upper class. He was taught from a young age that most people were beneath him especially the hicks from Avalon.

He always felt out of place and trying to match his parents unreasonable expectations for him were making him feel like he was useless. This would continued until he turned seventeen.

Like all alliance citizens he was conscripted into the Alliance Military. Unlike others however most Arcadians are able to completely skip the five required years of service or get appointed to the officer core to further their own political agenda. Al however went straight to the Alliance Territorial Defense Garrison and joined. Which surprised the soldiers to say the least. His parents were furious at him and disowned him. He would end up in the Armored Infantry of the Territorial Defense.

His experience was eye opening to say the least as he saw how others outside the Elite lived. Being from Arcadia made him a target both by the Points (appointed officers) who thought he was weak and cowardly for not fallowing his planet and those commoners that thought that he looked down on them. The latter would eventually accept him.

As the Mulich Contract of Expansion happened two years into his term he fought on many of the front lines of the war with Aces Company. He developed a strong relationship with many of his brothers and sisters finally finding a place he belonged. That would all come to a burning end on Arcadia.

Aces Company after their victory on Olympus would be sent to Arcadia for cold weather and mountain training. While there Al noticed that about fifty percent of the elite was leaving the planet all at the same time which seemed odd to him.

Then it happened the Mulich attacked Arcadia with everything they had. The beautiful sun looked blood red. Aces's Company held the line holding the Mulich back until they couldn't. A Strang group of people came and helped the Aces defend they were lead by beings named Charon and Specter. Their involvement lead to the turning point of the battle. These people were known as Sentinels. It was the first time Al ever heard of them

The Battle for Arcadia would last for three days over a four thousand Alliance Military and one thousand civilians would die including ninety percent of Aces Company. Most of the surving military would tattoo the Arcadian blood sun and whichever specialist they had to remember the Alliance's darkest days. For Al and the surviving Aces Company it was the spear of the Infantry.

As the bodies were counted Alsandir was pissed they knew. The fucking Elites knew it was going to happen. That's why they evacuated it all made sense to Al. But he couldn't prove it which made him even more angry his true family died because of them.

Charon saw the anger in Al and talked with him. The two struck up a sort of friendship. Charon offered Al a position in the Sentinels once Al finished his term. He accepted.

Now he helps those in need so that what happened on Arcadia wouldn't happen to anyone else.

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