Semi-Charmed Life [Inactive]


Untapped Potential
[OOC: Okay, guys, welcome to Semi-Charmed Life! Please try to get your starter up as soon as possible so we can get this roleplay off the ground! Remember to stay in character and abide by all of the rules listed in the rules tab. In the roleplay, it is the first day of senior year. The group has seen each other over the summer, so there's no need to be like "Oh my god, I missed you!" or "How was your summer?" because yeah. Also, if you can, use a gif in your posts! I've given each character a celebrity face claim, so you should be able to find gif hunts of each one. If you're having trouble, don't be afraid to ask me! Remember that this roleplay not only includes writing, but also tweets, Facebook posts, and text message exchanges. Please color code them! Anyway, I won't keep you any longer. Stay active and have fun!!]

[Tag! You're It: @oOBubblesOo , @Shrice Koohri , @Wirik , @???? ???????? , @Lori Williams ? ]

Skylar Sinclair

The sound of Bad Girls by M.I.A. blared loudly at the ungodly hour of six-thirty in the morning. It was kind of tacky to have that song as an alarm tone, but it made up-and-coming senior Skylar Sinclair was to dance. She swung each leg over the side of her bed and ruffled her dark hair, feeling a hangover wash over her. Did she even drink last night? What happened? She decided to text her friend Colie, who was the most level-headed and sober of the group. She'd know what went down.

[iMessage to Colie Anderson: Hey babes, I'm a wreck. What happened last night?]

As she padded down the hall of the apartment she shared with her mother and little sister, Zoey, and hopped into the shower, memories slowly started to come back to her. There was a boy, by when you were Skye Sinclair, there was always a boy. Or was it a girl? Drunk or sober, Skye liked both. She was pretty sure it was a girl. Tiffany? Or Teresa? She was defiantly a student at the community college nearby.

As the water beat down on her, she remembered. She and her friends were at Carmichael's last night, one of the music clubs they frequented. She locked eyes with Tiffany/Teresa and the two began dancing, and it definitely wasn't proper ballroom dancing. The two girls ended up in the little backstage area going to town on each other. Skye couldn't help but smile smugly. She was kind of a legend.

Once she had finished her shower, she wrapped herself in a towel and went back into her bedroom. She was glad her mother and Zoey weren't up yet. Skye loved her family to death, but her mom could be so intrusive. She always wanted to know what her daughter was up to, almost as if she was trying to live the teen years she never had through her daughter. Skye didn't blame her, to be honest. Ms. Sinclair had gotten pregnant with her during junior year of high school.

She began to root through her closet to find something to wear and settled on a printed bodycon dress. Skye loved fashion, but she'd never do it as a career. There was just something exciting about pulling together an outfit unlike something anybody else would ever wear. Skye knew she had a good sense of style. Sure, she didn't have a lot of money, but she was surprisingly resourceful.

Skye pulled the dress over her head and slipped into her favorite black combat boots. Once she was done getting dressed, she did her hair. Everybody always made a big deal about it, even though Skye thought it was fairly normal. It was jet black and fell in waves down to her waist. She had never dyed it, so it always shone glossy in any lighting, and was soft to the touch. Still, it was just hair. She spritzed some surf spray in it, and gave it a quick tousle.

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Now, on to makeup. Skye loved makeup, and even though everybody always said she didn't need it, she enjoyed the process of putting it on. She never wore foundation, but always wore bronzer. She lined her eyes with navy blue kohl and applied black mascara to her thick dark lashes. She popped some blush on to her cheeks and some coral-tinted lip gloss on to her pout, and the look was complete.

She managed to escape the house just in time, even grabbing two chocolate chip granola bars on the way to serve as some sort of breakfast. She wrapped her black leather jacket tighter around her frame as she walked. It was chilly for early September, but this was the Windy City, after all. As she walked towards school, car horns beeped and men of all ages wolf-whistled. Skye ignored them. She was used to it by now. She updated her Facebook as she walked.

[skye Sinclair: Nothing says good morning like watching a bird full-on swoop in and steal a bagel right out of the hands of a toddler. Welcome to Chi-Town.]

Skye arrived at Hamilton High School and immediately headed to the Roasters coffee bar that was set up outside the cafeteria every morning. She ordered a drink and paid for it before heading back out in front of the school. There were picnic tables adorning the quad, and as she walked towards the usual table she was greeted by some or her peers. Skye wasn't exactly popular, but everybody knew who she and her friends were.

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She reached the farthest picnic table from the entrance and sat on it, letting her boot-clad feet rest on the bench part. She checked her Twitter as she sipped her coffee and wondered when her friends were going to arrive.

[Tweet from @Shoot4TheSkye: Hamilton is still dank, and I'm still hungover. #SomeThingsNeverChange]

[OOC: This post was a lot better the first time around, but my laptop deleted it so I had to rewrite. ><]



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Theo woke to the sound of his phone buzzing next to him on his dresser. He groaned deeply, not wanting to move. Theo felt like he had been beaten with a bat, which, honestly, was quite possible. He managed to roll himself over, quickly flinging his left arm up to cover his eyes as the sun hit them. "Holy f*ck," he mumbled as he reached with his other hand to grab his phone.

[Message from Katie: Hey <3 Had a great time last night ;) Call me when you get this!]

Theo looked oddly a the text. It took his eyes a long time to focus on each letter individually as he tried to piece them together through his hangover. Once he had read the text, he smirked and put the phone back down. He had no clue who Katie was or how he got her number but apparently he showed her a great time and that had already made his day.

"THEODORE! ARE YOU UP YET!?" He heard his mom yell from downstairs. Theo sighed heavily before yelling back, "Yes, mom!" He pulled the covers over his body and slipped out to stand next to his bed. Stumbling slightly, he made his way to the dresser on the far side of his room. Theo pulled out some clothes and pushed the drawers he had opened shut. He turned to face his door; his head still pounding.

Theo made his way into the bathroom, undressing and turning on the water to the shower. He thought for a moment and walked over to the sink. He reached up and into the cabinet, taking out the aspirin and popping a few of them. Theo turned on the faucet and cupped his hands under the water, catching just enough to help down the pills.

"Better already," he said to himself as he walked back over to the shower and got in. Theo tried to piece together what had happened last night but nothing seemed to be coming to him. The only thing that kept popping into his head was some girls giggling and the faces of his surrounding friends. He washed his hair and body, still thinking, before remembering who Katie was. The bartender at the club last night's name was Katie. This realization only made Theo smile more and he shook his head a bit. He knew it was bad but he loved it anyways.

After exiting the shower and getting dressed, Theo headed back into his room. He closed the door behind him before wandering over to his full body mirror. He began looking himself up and down, examining his outfit. Theo grinned, turning to grab his phone again. He opened twitter and scanned the feed for any of his friend's tweets. He quickly favorited Skylar's as he passed it by, chuckling a bit.

[Tweet from @TheoTheLeo: Not sure what happened last night but I'm convinced it was f*cking epic. #WhosKatie ?]

Theo walked back down the hall and into the bathroom. He began working with his hair, trying to move it around to it's right place. Usually, it mostly fell into exactly where it needed to be but today it was just being a bit tough. Theo grabbed a small amount of gel and began cautiously running it through the more stubborn areas of his hair. He certainly didn't want to ruin the texture so just this small amount would do.

"Breakfast is ready!" His mother yelled up the stair, again, to him. Theo smiled and headed downstairs to eat. He didn't usually get to eat breakfast in the morning like this. Usually, his mom and dad were already both at work by now and a bowl of cereal had to suffice. Sometimes, he didn't even eat at all and that was fine with him that just meant he was hungry by the first class.

Theo finished eating just before it hit seven. He checked his phone for any more unusual texts as he headed upstairs. Theo walked into the bathroom once more and brushed his teeth swiftly and thoroughly before going downstairs and out the door to his
car. He slipped into the driver's seat and began his journey to the school.

Once he got to the school, he parked his car in the designated area and headed over to the table which he and his friends usually sat at. Theo smirked at the sight of Skye being there already. He slid onto the bench, leaning an arm onto the table and looked at her.


"You look absolutely wrecked," he said jokingly, teasing her as usual. It was always fun to mess with the girls, especially ones that would have something interesting to say in return.
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Alexander Flynn

Last night may have been a little much. Or at least that was what Zander had concluded when he woke up. He hadn't even made it to his bed, apparently after getting home the night before he had passed out on the floor. Not the first time he had failed to sleep on his bed, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. Gingerly he picked himself off the floor and took stock of himself. His whole body was stiff, no doubt from using the floor as a bed and a steak as a pillow. Steak? He was monetarily confused as he picked the raw piece of meat off the floor and turned it side to side. Oh that explains the eye. Apparently at some time last night he had gotten into a fight, he just hoped he had given better then he had gotten.

Unfortunately the steak had left a nice little stain on his floor, and was way past its prime. The stain would be a pain to get out, but the steak was easily enough dealt with. Well he would have time to deal with it later. First he needed to get out of his shirt, it was stained with steak blood, or was that his blood? Either was he peeled the shirt off and tossed it into the small hamper at the foot of his bed. Zander wandered over to his desk and plopped down hard on the chair parked in front of it. He contemplated the bag of pills sitting opened beside his laptop, wondering if it was a good idea to grab one before school. Having decided against it he it woke his computer up from its eternal slumber. After confirming the time on his computer he thumbed his way to facebook. He scanned through the various things in his feed until he came across the status update from Skye. With a smile he commented upon her status.

[Zander Flyn: At least your morning didn't start with a Steak pillow. Gotta love the early morning protein.]

After that was all said and done he put his computer back to sleep. Deftly he bent down to pluck the steak from the floor and left his room. A small rumble in his stomach verified that it was definitely time for him to find some breakfast. The lack of noise in the house told him all he needed to know. Just to confirm he slipped his hand into his right pocket and pulled his phone out. Sure enough a text message was waiting to greet him.

[Message from Mom: Your Father and I went out of town, be back by the weekend. We hope you have a good first day at school.]

Hah! As if they really cared. It wasn't unusual for his parents to leave town on such short notice, so Zander really just took the whole missing parents thing in stride. He strode into the kitchen and glared at the refrigerator, going over in his mind what kind of food he wanted to it. Not really in the mood to cook anything he opted instead to grab a bowl of cereal. Sometimes the easiest things in life were the best. As he was chowing down on his cereal he noticed a bottle on the other side of the counter. To far to reach, but close enough that he could tell what it was. A smile crossed his lips as he finished his bowl off and walked to the other side of the counter. Sure enough it was a bottle of pills. He didn't care what they were, and didn't really even care where they came from. Just something else to add to his bag, something he just might be able to consume later.


With his hunger satisfied and his new bottle of pills safely stored in his pocket, Zander wandered toward the bathroom. He had spent long enough killing time as it was, so he decided not to spend to long of a time taking a shower. Almost mechanically he rubbed soap over his body and rinsed it off. With the same precision he tackled his hair, and then turned the water off. He cursed loudly when he noticed he had forgotten to make sure there was a towel at hand. No doubt his parents had grabbed the towels out of the bathroom in there hurry to be out of the house. So he walked to his room naked and wet, leaving small little puddles in his wake. Of course he had a towel in his room, and he quickly dried himself off. He chose a comfortable tee shirt and jeans for the day of school, and then started to gather his things.

Once satisfied Zander left his house, making sure to lock it as he went. With his parents out he needed to make sure to do the things that all proper home owners would do. Like a pass through the house before leaving to make sure all the lights had been turned off. It came as no surprise that his parents had left quite a few lights on, and Zander flicked them off without so much as blinking. He would walk to school that morning, preferring to allow the air a chance to cool off his aching body. While walking he decided to send out a tweet, besides it would certainly make the short walk go faster.

[Tweet from @Pills4Zander: Parents out of town. #PartyAtMyPlace]

Before he knew it Hamilton High School was looming large before him. He knew his way around the place, and wasted no time navigating his way through the crowd of students. As he passed by a few people called his name, but instead of stopping he merely returned the greeting and continued on toward his goal. It didn't take very long, and Zander found himself at the bench his friends usually occupied. Skye and Theo had made it to school before him, nothing to unusual. He sat down heavily on the bench next to sky, cocking his head in the direction of his two friends. "Did you see the truck that hit me last night?"

Colie Anderson

Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low burst into Colie's ears and she smiled. She hadn't been a big fan of this kind of music, but she had learned to love this song. Not really the band who sang it. The song's lyrics just touched Colie and she had kept this song by her side all the time ever since.

She tried getting up, but her back was hurting a bit. She shook her head. These days she'd been sleeping in such weird positions. Well, as long as it wasn't harmful, right? She tried again, but this time slowly and walked over to the bathroom, her phone in hand. She had gotten a message from Skye, so of course she replied right away.

[iMessage to Skye Sinclair: My brain is dead right now so don't expect me to remember babes. I had a bad night. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to have my neck checked up at the hospital.]

Colie pressed send and closed the door behind her in the bathroom. "Alright, let's do this." She said, looking in the mirror. She brushed her teeth and turned on the water in the shower. She wasn't looking so great so she would have to do some serious fixing up.

Soon the water was all warmed up and she walked in, doing all the shower routines. First she did her shampoo, then after that washed out she washed up her body, then applied the conditioner. Hair was pretty important to Colie, as any girl.

Once she was all dried up she walked out and yawned.
Snap out of it, she told herself inside her head. There was a time she fell asleep again and that did not end well. Her mom called up for her and she replied. "I'm already up mom!" She shouted.

Her makeup routine was simpler than ever. It was just a few soft touch ups. She didn't like strong colors. Just didn't match her. Sometimes she went wild, but only at the usual parties. Her mother and father would kill her if she she did around her friends. Being daddy's little girl wasn't all that fun. It was awful, always having to live the way her dad expects her to. Perfectly.

She soon was called down by her mom once again, followed by her dad knocking on her door. She opened it and smield sweetly "Almost ready, daddy!" She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She closed the door and rolled her eyes. Sometimes her parents could be so annoying.

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Lately she'd been loving mint tones. It took a while but her nails finally dried and she walked downstairs, all ready. Her father and mother were already down there, getting ready for breakfast. They made every meal seem so important.

She sat down and smoothed her dress out. Her father looked up from his newspaper. "So, dear, excited for your first day?" He asked her. God what an expected question. What parent didn't ask that? "Um, yeah, I guess so." She said. Wrong answer. Her dad gave her the eyebrow and she quickly changed the answer "I meant, of course! Can't wait to meet all my friends!" Lie. She had met her friends a lot over the summer and she was pretty sure her parents knew that, but her dad bought it and was apparently satisfied with the answer.

They soon finished their breakfast and Colie got up like a bullet. "Uh, I'm gonna go now." Wow how awkward did that sound? Her parents just nodded and her mother gave her a soft smile.

Colie kept the fake smile painted on her face until she finally made it out the door. She took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. She had made it out alive. Before setting out to her school, she looked in her pocket mirror one last time. She was shocked to see how messy her hair was after all the struggling she had went through before breakfast.

[Tweet from @ItsMeColie: Ugh my hair isn't agreeing with me today and my neck makes a cracking sound every time I move it. Advice, anyone? #SucksForMe]

Colie started walking to the school. She usually was wearing shoes with at least a little heel, but today she was wearing ballet flats. They were cute and she had learned to love them more than most of her high heels.

She soon arrived at the school. People were piling in looking 1) hungover 2) high 3) groggy 4) annoyed 5) all of the above. Colie laughed inside as the way people looked reflected how their summer was.

Colie slid through the many people that were arriving at school. Some students called her name, but she just either winked at them or smiled, but kept going.

She soon arrived at their usual spot, the bench. Skye, Theo, and Zander were already here. Zander was beside Skye and on the other end Theo. She plopped herself down on the other end beside Theo and smiled. Instead of the usual, Hey guys, or How was your summer, she instead asked the question she knew the answer to already. "Sleep well? I did

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Richard Columbus


'You've got to believe that you'll be okay before you actually will be, Richard.' His Aunt Judith's words never seemed to mean more to him than now. His eyes had been stuck staring forward, in one of those moments where you kind of forget what exactly you're looking at, or where you are, becuase the only thing that is happening are the thoughts inside your head. He stirred the thoughts a bit more and then broke his stare.

Richard was sitting a breakfast bar that had been .open ever since he was a little kid, it was down the street from his school so it made it a really easy to-go place for him to relax at before classes. Richard had been going through the stages of grief for the past 7 years. Some months were better than others, the past summer had been great, but now that school was starting again he really wanted nothing more than just to shut down and sleep all day.

Taking another sip of his coffee the waitress walked over to his table, obviously as tired as he was. "You want any more coffee? You've nearly finished the pot it looks like." She smiled sheepishly at him. "I'll be okay, but thanks. You can keep the change on the bill." He replied to her, pushing the black wallet towards the edge of the table. "Thanks hon', you make sure you have yourself a good day! Come back again!"

She walked away from the table holding a few dishes that had been licked clean of any trace of sausage, egg, and hashbrowns. Richard scooted out of the booth and stood up while he finsihed off the rest of his mug. The coffee always tasted best after it had cooled off this much. He put the mug down and pulled out his cellphone, a few notifications popping up on the screen

Scrolling down through the larger marjority of the status updates and tweets, he came to the conclusion that they were all the same and commenting on how the new school year was here. 'As if I need to be reminded... ugh.' He started to start his own tweet in response to everyone else.

@RitchardItchard: "Everyone seems way too ecstatic about this school year." #hatewakingup #coffeemakesmehappy

The negativity in his mind was as strong this morning as it was perhaps because he got next to no sleep and remained sober all night. And he had missed out on the parties that no doubt had gone down. Smiling a bit when he saw a few more posts from his friends, he ragained a bit of happiness that he'd be able to meet up with them and rant about a few ideas that had been going through his head. He left the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk and crossed a few streets. Before he could dread the coming school year any further, he found himself in the quad and saw his group of friends already gathered at their hang out spot.

He sat down on the ground and asked the group a question, "You guys all have fun last night? How'd things go?" He hadn't messaged them since last night, and he wasn't able to go with them on account of the unplanned hospital visit he had from 9pm to nearly 4am this morning with his Aunt.
Liz Belle

Why is school even a thing? Liz was late--on her first day at that. Breakfast was obviously out of the picture. Letting her hair fall from a side ponytail, Liz flipped her head back and forth to "fix" it back into place. She stripped out of the clothes that she fell asleep in the night before and pulled each piece of clothing on that she had hanging in the closet.


Taking a quick glance in the mirror made her realize how horrible her makeup looked. Even though she was already late, Liz couldn't leave the house with her face looking like that. She wiped the left over smeared eyeliner off and quickly threw on a descent coat of foundation followed by her usual heavy eyeshadow and eyeliner---only a lot more put together.

Hamilton High was walking distance so at least she didn't have to worry about a ride or anything like that. On her way down the road on this unacceptably sunny day, Liv pulled out her iPhone from her leather chained bag.

{Tweet from @NotATinkerBelle: Starting the year off right I see @Pills4Zander}

After checking all social networks and messages, Liz threw her phone back into the bag and continued her way. A splintering headache was definitely with her this morning and the beating sun wasn't making it better. Hell, she only had 3 hours of sleeps; if that. Upon turning the block, the huge letters of Hamilton High School was now in her view. A little further down and she could see her group of mates sitting at the usual table like always.

A quick wave and an annoyed smile, Liz joined the tabled and plopped down at the end, resting her feet on the empty spot of the bench. "Welcome back to jail, losers." she playfully said with a slight eye roll. She was joking about the 'losers' part but not so much of the 'jail' part.
Skye let her boot-clad feet dangle off the side of the picnic table as she checked her Twitter yet again. Oooh, party at Xander's tonight, she thought to herself with a grin. Clubs were fun, but nothing beat a good old fashioned house party. You could light up a blunt or steal a bottle of something without anybody noticing, plus there were bedrooms to conduct Skye's most favorite pastime. She favorited and retweeted the party thing so all of her followers could see it, and when she looked up Theo was walking towards her in that usual "You Know You Want Me" saunter of his.

Theodore Oliver was, simply, the male version of Skye. He was a total womanizing bastard, but he had one of the biggest hearts underneath that cool-as-a-cucumber exterior. She couldn't help but laugh as song girl tripped over the shoe of her friend while staring at the shaggy-haired boy walking by her. She could tell that Theo loved every minute of it, because she was the same way. Skye never grew tired of the attention. "
I look wrecked?? she smirked, "You should have seen yourself last night. You tried to get on stage and perform your rendition of Lady Marmalade--you know, the one where you make the song even more provocative."

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You could have spotted Alexander Flynn from a mile away. He was sporting a massive black eye thanks to the events of last night. Some asshole was under the impression that Xander was flirting with his girlfriend, and punched him square in the face. However, drunk Xander will never back down from a fight. That's what got them booted out of the club around three. "I didn't recognized the dude," Skye replied with a shrug, "Did you sleep on the steak like we told you to?" The last time she saw Xander last night was when they escorted him up to his bedroom and demanded he put a perfectly good New York strip over his pillow. Nobody knew if that was actually supposed to work, but even five drunken wrongs supposedly make a right.

Nicole Anderson looked like she'd been through hell and back, and she wasn't even intoxicated last night. Her normally perfect blonde hair was ridden with flyaways, and the concealer she had applied to hide her dark circles was slowly slipping down her face thanks to the autumn morning sun. She was clutching the back of her neck, as if it was in pain. "Hey, Colie. Down for round two, tonight? Xander's parents are out of town," she asked, summoning her friend over to her. She began to give her a massage. Colie was new to the post party body aches, but Skye had been dealing with them since she was practically a fetus. "Better?" she asked, releasing her friend.

"Rich! We missed you last night," she called across the quad, noticing the thick brown hair and sullen posture of their friend Richard Columbus. He came over to them and asked how the night was. "Why don't you ask Protein Pillow?" she laughed, looked pointedly at Xander. Rich was usually one hundred percent on board to go out every night, but something had come up right before they were about to come pick him up from his house. Skye didn't read too much into it--she just hoped that if something serious had happened, Rich would feel comfortable enough to tell them what was going on. They were his friends, after all.

Despite the fact that it wasn't even seven in the morning, Elizabeth Belle was in full makeup and sporting her usual 5-plus inch heels boots. She looked like the vision of sober, thought that was not the case. She smiled sarcastically and muttered something about being back at jail. "I'd prefer jail, to be honest," Skye shrugged, feeling her phone buzz. She checked it, just now getting the reply from Colie. Damn service at Hamilton sucked ass. She looked at her new schedule and saw that she had History first period. Luckily, there were still a few minutes left before she had to retreat to the dungeon.



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Theo checked his phone just after Skye had. He smirked and favorited Xander's tweet. Party at Xander's meant free booze, getting wasted with friends, and, most importantly, girls. Theo practically lived for the parties Xander threw and he would always be there. He just hoped there would be some new, interesting people there this time. Last time, he ran into several girls that were ready to kick his a** upon sight and, needles to say, that night didn't end too well for him.


Theo looked at Skye peculiarly when she began laughing. He raised an eyebrow but let that expression fade as she began speaking. Theo made a point to look extremely shocked, as well as confused, at this comment. "Did I really!? Well I never... Why didn't you stop me, love?" Theo shook his head but began laughing anyways as he pushed his hair back. He let himself get serious a moment later to continue. "You do know that's how I pick up at least half the chicks I'm ever with? They dig it." Theo smirked once more, locking eyes with Skye.

Turning a bit to see Xander approaching, Theo quickly noticed the black eye. He shook his head, "Must have been a really big one to leave a mark like that on you." Theo responded jokingly yet still being somewhat sympathetic. He could tell the area hurt like hell and, speaking from experience, it's usually not helpful for your friends to be total douches about it.

Almost completely forgetting that they told him to sleep on a steak, Theo chuckled. "So.. I take it that myth was busted?" He quickly turned his attention on Nicole hen she sat down beside him. Theo placed an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him in a warm embrace before releasing her to let Skye deal with her aching friend. Nicole was a nice girl but not even slightly his type.

Theo watched as Richard made his way over to the group. Whether he was ready to admit it or not, Theo was actually really worried about his friend's absence the night before but he didn't want to ask him and make him uncomfortable. "I apparently had an amazing time... But I know Katie had an even better one." He smiled at Rich, hoping to help lighten his mood.

Theo chuckled at Liz's comment. "Why wouldn't we be?" He questioned sarcastically. Theo admired the way Liz was more like one of the guys, in a good way. She was pretty but not too pretty to the point where she used that as an excuse for everything. Theo looked around at everyone in the group, smiling faintly, realizing that the bell would ring soon and they would all disperse. He didn't know if he had any classes with the others but he really hoped that he did.
Ah see, everything eventually became clear. Alexander had quite forgotten who had told him to sleep on the steak, and upon finding out it had been more of a group decision shook his head with a laugh. "Next time we should leave me sleeping on something better then a steak." He paused for a minute for dramatic effect. "Oh like ice cream! Or maybe even my pillow!" There had certainly been well meaning behind the steak idea, to bad all it succeeded in was wasting a perfectly good steak.


"But I guess it was my fault the party stopped early last night." Zander hated to admit to his mistakes. He would much rather let them slid by everyone else and stay out of sight. But it had been his fault, and this was probably the closest he would come to saying sorry out loud. At least he would be making up for it, a party at his place wouldn't stop early, unless the cops showed up, like that one particularly amazing party.

He didn't have to much time to dwell upon the bad as the rest of his friends started to show up one after another. A typical day always started with them gathering around after all. Nicole was the first to show up after Zander, and he couldn't help but notice she looked almost as bad as he did. "Colie, you look like you might feel as bad as me," He smile, "But at least you don't have a black eye!" He laughed again, it was good to spread a bit of humor, even if not all of his jokes weren't received as well as they could be.

Richard showed up next. They had missed him last night, and Zander knew that perhaps he wouldn't of had the black eye if he had been there. Rich would of definitely had his back. Well perhaps he would be sporting a black eye to, but hey, who else to share your pain then a close friend or two. "Hopefully you can make it to my party tonight Rich. There will be all the essentials for a good time!" He directed that comment toward Rich. He knew if he had missed last night there would of been a good reason, he just hoped his friend wouldn't make it two nights in a row.

Zander took a look of mock pain toward Liz's comment. He gaped at her, his mouth open wide for several moments before he finally closed it. "Losers?" He questioned, a hint of pain in his voice. It was an act of course, only meant to set off a reaction of mirth. His phone buzzed and he checked it, noting that his alarm set for the beginning of class had gone off. Soon they would have to go their separate ways to trudge through the absolutely boring necessity of class. Thankfully there was always after class and his friends to look forward to.
Colie smiled and looked up at Theo as he let go from their soft embrace. She practically cried when Skye gave her a massage. It soothed her, but she also felt little shots of pain down her back. She mumbled a thank you and sat back hearing a few cracks in her spine.

"Round two?" She said uneasily, giggling. Colie played around with her hair for a few seconds before replying. "Oh, fine, I'll be there. You probably need someone to drag you home." She joked, but it was probably literally gonna happen that way. It was the usual drill and she was pretty used to it.


Zander commented on her pains and she laughed. "My parents would've probably grounded me until I died if I came home with a black eye. Literally." She said, her smile fading a bit. Colie's family wasn't the best one to have if you hung out with these kind of people. Not that she had a problem with them. She actually preferred hanging out with them, instead of the students that her parents expected her to hang out with.

Colie smiled at Liz as she walked over to them. "This is heaven compared to home. It's always so tense, that's why I actually look forward to going to school." She said. Yes, it was weird that she preferred being at school than home, but anyone that was living her life would understand.

Her phone soon buzzed and she looked down, seeing that she had forgotten her lucky necklace. She always wore it around, but sometimes, very rarely, forgot it. Her mom had sent her a text telling her where it was. Colie felt around her neck and realized he actually
had forgotten it. Colie quietly replied to her mother's sudden text and looked back at her friends, smiling.

When she was about to put her phone back in her bag she caught glimpse of the time. The bell would soon be ringing, so she put some of the stuff she'd slipped out back in her bag and popped a mint in her mouth before looking at the school clock, counting the seconds.
The group had reconnected, and even though it had been about a year since they were all waiting together outside the school, nothing seemed different about the friendship. It was still as great as ever, and just being in the company of these few people really was all he needed to get through each day... well, that and a sufficient amount of sleep. His eyes were smiling now, and his mouth played along as well as he replied to a few of his friends and joked about the steak pillow. "Yeah, I'll probably be able to meet you guys there tonight." Richard responded to Zander and told the group his goodbyes, and started off to his first class. The bell had not wrung just yet, however, it was almost always the case for Richard to head out a few seconds before the students all completely turned the grounds into a maze of yelling running and even stop and going, foot traffic from class to class.


He smiled a bit as he walked a few more steps into the classroom and sighed a heavy relief as he looked behind him to see the rush of students. "Thank god...." he said under his breath, turning around, he noticed the classroom he was in was familiar, but this was his first time taking this course. The teacher for it hadn't even gotten here..."that sucks..." haha. He laughed to himself and sat in a chair in the back of the class. He looked around the room slowly, and thumbed his cellphone screen a few times, locking and unlocking it, waiting for any familiar faces to come in the door.

The seconds felt like hours, and he continued to wait.
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