Selling my Ex3 KS account


New Member
[i'm deeply sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. If so, please have an admin move or delete my post]

Hey, everyone

Due to an untimely combination of bad personal economics and a new ridiculously high import tax (which is not going anytime soon, and may grow even more during the next few years), I've decided to "pre-sell" my copy of Exalted 3e. Since my goal is not to make money but to get it back, the amount I'm asking for is the same I backed: $160 (meant for the deluxe core and the ST screen).

My idea is to sell the account itself (I've only backed Ex3), and in exchange for the money I'll send the new owner the username and password combination, after which he is entitled to do whatever he wants with it.
We are sorry but we don't normally allow money exchanges or advertisements to be placed on the site unless it is beneficial to the community and it goes through a third-party (as in its on Ebay and you are a member posting here to tell people about your attempt to sell your exalted or D&D collection).

As we as a Site, cannot take responsibility for any sales you are attempting to make, even if they are private transactions.

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