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Multiple Settings π˜΄π˜¦π˜­π˜§-π˜ͺ𝘯π˜₯𝘢𝘭𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘀𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘡π˜ͺ𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 - a unique search thread


New Member
Well hello, I hope this post finds you well! I'm Bhost or Bo, in my early 20s, and I am awful at introductions. Truthfully it's because I have no clue what to say about myself, so I'll just wing it for a little one. I'm a fan of fruity drinks, I love the rain and more dark and dreary days, and I love cheesy horror movies. My favorite movie right now is Happy Death Day (it's so stupid but so fun) and my favorite game right now is Genshin, but those change frequently.

This is something I've done with a long-term RP partner, but with things being a bit more difficult in their life, I haven't been able to get my fix, so I'm searching for the same thing here.

Some quick rules;;
- Be 18+
- Doubling is required
- Tell me your triggers when you message me

...And that's it, at least until I think of anything else!

A small bit about my writing;;
- Semi-lit to adv-lit, tend to just match partner length when I can, normal sweet spot is between 5-6 paragraphs per character but can be dropped down to lazy lit if requested
- 3rd person, can be present or past tense
- PMs or Docs, can be persuaded into threads but usually prefer to stick there, can also be persuaded onto Discord

Okay, okay, I'm done making you wait. So, here's the premise!

Have you ever wanted to indulge in a harem/reverse harem/love triangle/anything like that of your favorite characters, tropes, and face claims? Well, that's what we're here to do! It's a two-way street so please keep it in mind that doubling is required.
We will be writing to each other's tastes respectively in a judgment-free zone that is purely for our enjoyment. Whether you want to be the most OP character who gets all the love you want, or you want to have a more down to Earth love story with a triangle, I'm here to indulge you. If you want a fandom canon character, an OC with your favorite personality and face claim, or even an AU version of a canon character, that's what you'll get. I ask for an equivalent exchange, in essence, you write the same amount of characters that you request unless I specify otherwise.

Now, you may be thinking, "But Bo, what if I want a fandom you aren't familiar with?"
Well my good friend, fear not! I am a master at studying characters through wikis and videos... Well, somewhat. I will take criticism alongside studying, so if you feel I'm not capturing them right, you can tell me. Even if you have a fandom with no information, so long as you provide it to me, I will try my best! I ask the same of you, of course, but I also am not expecting perfection if you have not seen the series. I'm not a stickler for perfect characterization and that especially applies when you've not seen the material, so don't worry too much. ^ ^ /

Also, I'm not limiting you to just 1 series in the mix, if you want crossovers and a bunch of different characters coming into a specific scenario, that's fine too! Want a college AU featuring all your love interests? I can do that! Maybe a post-apocalyptic AU? Of course! Like I've been saying, this is purely for self-indulgence and the fun of it. It doesn't even have to make sense, if you want it, I gotcha covered. Heck, if you want a total mary-sue who's loved by everyone and praised, then why the hell not? Want your edgy, angsty character to be loved by everyone? Let's do it! I only ask for the same respect in return. :3

I think that's about it..? If I forget anything I'll update it, but I'll run down the basics!
- Self-indulgent, ask for what you want and you get it.
- Respectful, no judgment.
- Doubling required.
- Mary Sues and Gary Stus are welcome!

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