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Multiple Settings Seeking roleplay partners~original plots and characters, world building, plot building.~


New Member
Good afternoon! As the title suggests I'm seeking partners for short-term and long-term or detailed roleplays. (18+, sorry kiddos) I apologize in advance for the lengthy post. I plan to reuse it in the future if I'm able.

I'm a huge sucker for world-building and collaborating on an original plot and characters. I'm not opposed to fandoms, but I do want to take an original spin on an idea or create my original characters for such fandom. The reason is that I feel like I cannot do the original creator justice and don't want to ruin the idea of it. I use roleplaying as a creative outlet for ideas and to bring my little stories to life. Do you know when you listen to a song or see an image and suddenly have a whole character and story for it? Constantly me. Haha So this is a great way for me to unlock them.

I would also love to hear my partner's cravings and ideas; this is a group effort after all. For us both to be satisfied with our little story. I'm not too fond of the idea that one person is doing all of the leg work of the plot or driving the story along.

A few things about my writing style and me I suppose~

I'm an adult with a full-time job and I tend to not have time or energy to reply on the days that I work. I work twelve-hour days cause yay healthcare. That being said I tend to have three to four days off a week and unless the adhd goblin takes over I stay pretty active. I have no problem roleplaying here or on discord whichever is more comfortable.

I tend to write more lengthy posts, four to five paragraphs at a time. Longer if I'm feeling extra inspired. I don't require a post length of my partner because I understand that some days the juices just aren't flowing. However, I do want some substance and something to go off of. It gets kind of boring when one character is interacting with themselves or having a constant internal conflict without physical actions or dialogue.
I want to have fun participating, not like it's going to be a chore. That drains the fun for everyone.
I play every gender and gender pairing. I tend to be more male-leaning in my characters but no problem playing a woman.

Here is a sample of my writing style:
There was nothing for a long time. A long pause in memory. The Gods, or universe, or magic, whatever name you'd like to give it; had yet had their fill of Magdoline. Nothing, black endless nothing slowly began to blur with white, unbearably bright light. Endless dark to light. Then colors. Greens. Deep hues of forest greens and browns. covering the backdrop of blue and white stains. The hints of colors she thought signified some sort of afterlife dreaming. Her site was no longer blurred and blank. The information of the world force-fed into red, dry eyes. Her orbits caressed the sites, unable to blink. The dry scratchy-ness of her eyes became more apparent the more she attempted to take in her surroundings. This dream was painful.

Not just her eyes on fire, but her breath as well. She didn't notice she was breathing at first. The sound of a dull wheezing is what caught her attention. Was that her breath? Yes, and it was excruciatingly shallow and insufficient. The quickening of her chest's rise and fall forced her into taking deeper and deeper gasps. The burning pain of smoke and ash in her lungs cleared with each subsequent breath. Finally one strong inhale, drawing life into her once again. A moanful exhale.

The longer time crawled on, Mag became increasingly aware that she had a corporeal form. She wasn't just a head and lungs. The dull burning sensations grasped her tightly until they strangled her nerves. An incomprehensible sensation building, building, burning. She started to moan, unable to curl into herself and writhe as her whole form blazed. She whined loudly, increasing as the pain strangled her. Her howling echoing the forest. The lamenting of a ghoul returned to life.

As days passed pain was exchanged for miracles and sensational marvels as her body healed itself. Mag was finally able to sit up from her bed of leaves and dirt. She looked down at her charred, black skin. The arid smell of burnt flesh whipped her nostrils. The familiarity of being alive overwhelmed her. She was not meant to be here. The forest bed was meant to be her tomb. Vines intertwined with her bones as flesh returned to the soil. However, here she was. An ancient arcane returned the air to her lungs.

Slowly, Mag stood her limbs heavy and weak however responsive. She stood shakey but resolute. She took her first steps into the wood, each footfall a testament to her resurrection.


As for pairings ( cause great plots can be created from simple character pairings too!) (Not my list)
Teacher x Teacher
Teacher x Student's Parent
Professor x Student
Celebrity x Body Guard
Reclusive Author x Publisher/Editor
Homeless x Wealthy
Upper Class x Servant
Soldier x Nurse
Soldier x Native

Medieval Fantasy& Feudal Japan
Princess x Knight
Prince/ss x Commoner
Princess x Sorceror
Prince/ss x Servant
Prince/ss x Foreign Prince/ss
Prince/ss x Oracle
Prince/ss x Sorceror/ess
Sorceress x Knight
Fairy Queen x Kidnapped Knight/Prince
Princess x Lady in Waiting
Arranged Marriage

Vampire x Mortal
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Mortal
Slayer x Vampire
Slayer x Werewolf
Slayer x Slayer
Demi Goddess x Mortal
Demi God x Mortal
Ghost x Mortal
Immortal x Mortal
Angel x Demon
Angel x Human
Demon x Human
Sorceror x Sorceress
Grim Reaper x Recently Dead
Reincarnated Lovers
Scientist x Experiment
Robot x Human
Alien x Human

Any Time Period!

1) Vampires
2) Werewolves / Shapeshifters
3) Mythical Creatures
4) "Gifted"
5) Superheroes & Villans
6) Time Travelers
7) Futuristic
8) Science Fiction( Watching a lot of Star Trek TNG, androidxhuman is a strong preference here)
9) Modernized Greek Pantheon
10) Elementals
11) Genetics Experiments
12) Zombie/Nuclear Apocalypse
13) Fantasy Circus/Theater Troupe
14) Modernized Fairy Tales
15) Dark, Twisted Fairy Tales
16) Modern Made Up Pantheon
17) Biblical Mythology (angel x Demon, angel x mortal, etc)
18) Haunted House
19) Alien Invasion
12) Steampunk

A couple character idea's I've been coming up with that I'd like to play with is :

A modern day necromancer who works at a funeral home ( Have a character made)
Cyborg spy/CIA agent

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