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Multiple Settings Seeking players!

Darker Shores

New Member
Hello! My name is Will, and I am looking for people to play with!

I’ve been roleplaying on and off for 15 or so years, and got started during the AOL/AIM chatroom RP days. I plan on being very active over the next four months or so, and would love to create and share some new plotlines with new friends.

I am open to both fandom and original RP; as long as my partner is good, I’m happy. I tend to take the more active worldbuilding/story-directing (“GM”) role, since I like to tell a good story and can be very flexible, and am used to playing 1x1 and in groups. I like variety in my character relationships, and multifaceted and multilayered relationships are the best. I prefer to main males, and do not sub well if that’s something that matters to you. I’m not into non-fictional settings.

I prefer quality over quantity in posts, so depending on the flow of the narrative I don’t expect a specific number of paragraphs or word count but I do expect thoughtfulness, focus, and a commitment to the craft. Please don’t fluff your posts, but make sure I’m well-fed! 😊

Otherwise, prefer to sit for a “session”. It doesn’t have to be daily, but I like to pick nights for substantial progress on that night versus a post a day, which just makes me constantly thirsty.

Lastly, I prefer to play first and ask questions later. Spending more time discussing what we’d like to do than actually playing is a no go for me. I don’t like spoilers, and I don’t like playing a predetermined plot—surprises and flow are where it’s at for me. You can provide me with a prompt, and I’m more than happy to roll with it and see where it goes. Improvisation with OOC discussion for clarification is my playstyle.

I have a number of OCs and original settings I am happy to share and discuss. They are very involved, so my preferred way of introducing them to people is through ad hoc RP. You come up with a character, I play and guide you into it.

Not a Potterverse or MCU kind of guy, but if the plot is compelling I’m open. As far as fandoms, I am willing to play as long as I’m familiar with the world, so for some preferences (asterisks for favorites and parentheses for preferred characters; including but not necessarily limited to):

*Bleach (OC)

*Kingdom Hearts (Riku, Luxord, OC)

Hellsing (Alucard, Walter, OC)

Fallout (OC)

The Dark Knight/Batman (Joker)

Trigun (Vash)

Final Fantasy 7 – X, Tactics/Tactics A2 (…oof.)

The Dark Tower (Pretty much main character. OC.)

The Neverending Story (I’m delighted to GM this one.)

Sandman, Lucifer (Dream, Lucifer, Desire)

But again, I’m open to new experiences so if there is a fandom you are WAY into, you are welcome to sell it to me and, with any luck, I’ll have a new world to get into!

I’m into teacher/master, professional partners, and otherworldly stranger plots in just about any setting.

Hit me up!
Hey lovely! I’m a huge lover of darker themed stories. Making my oc’s fall in love and struggle with someone they really shouldn’t be with are close to one of my favorite things lol.
If maybe you’d like to come up with something let me know!! (:

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