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Multiple Settings Seeking partner after brief period of disappearance.


More like burnt popcorn.
Hey guys, Im looking to start up some roleplays to fill my spare time. I have always loved writing and participating in roleplays. Over the last couple years or so I've been very sparse in my attendance and to be honest, I kind of ghosted on a few of my old partners ( I still feel terrible about it. ;-; )
Alas! I am back and I am motivated and desperate for some roleplay!

Before I get into the pairings or ideas, I'd like to put down a few things about my roleplaying style or whatever you wanna call it.
I can do any gender pairing! Well, maybe not any, but the basics! MxM MxF FxF.
I almost always play a male in my roleplays but I'm just as good at playing a female ( Seeing as I am one :P)
I always go with the flow of my partner and their writing length. That being said, give me something to work with and I will do my best to do the same.
We can use a thread, PM, Email or discord to write our roleplay.
We are in this together! So lets write something awesome together!

(Basically anything feudal Japan. Basic story lines or Supernatural!)
Dream keeper x Dreamer
Alien x Scientist
Experiment x Human
Yokai x Human
Vampire x Human
( Again, ANY supernatural pairing I'm down for)

That's about all I can think of at the moment, but to be honest Im really laid back when it comes to making a pairing, so I would also like to hear what pairing YOU are craving.
Looking forward to hearing from potential partners :D
Hi lovely! I’m craving a love story between an alpha werewolf and a human or maybe
A story about an elf prince/princess who was supposed to just investigate the humans instead of falling in love with one.
If maybe you’d wanna talk plots let me know!!
Either of those pairings sound awesome, but I really like the sound of the Elf prince/Princess one! I feel like I could really get into that one.
Hi there! ^.^ I'm interested in
Dream keeper x Dreamer, Experiment x Human, Yokai x Human, or Vampire x Human, as well as more or less any supernatural pairing as well, if you're still looking! :D
Vampire x Human is always a good one!

As well as Vampire x Werewolf, V x V, W x W, half breeds, hybrids, demons, hunters and all

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