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Multiple Settings Seeking out the literate and well-written. {plots & pairings|dark} {challenge me, bros}


W h y can't I fit the Bee Movie Script here, mods?



Bit of a pompous sounding title, eh?
Don't be scared off yet! I'm no grammar nazi nor do I expect perfection. I'm quite the fan of casual RPs, but as I have a few casual RP partners already, I am looking for 1-2 partners who can challenge me as a writer. Therefore, I am looking for literate to advanced writers whose prose draws out inspiration in me. I can provide samples if need be. You needn't be a God in writing, and this isn't a test to be passed. I'm just looking for a fellow writer whose style I thoroughly enjoy.

As for plotting, I figured I'd leave this a little short and sweet. Straight to the point, if you will.
Right after a brief introduction, of course.

I'm 24.

I work PRN at a hospital as a tech in 12hr shifts. I know my schedule ahead of time, but suffice it to say, you likely won't see much of me during the days I do work!

I prefer Discord & Skype for OOC, but I am content remaining on RPN if it suits your fancy.

I am okay with mature themes and have no triggers worthy of note.

I come with plots, woah.

I'm not a stickler for how you type OOC. I like to joke and meme about, honestly.

Grammatical and spelling mistakes happen, I am not going to ream you for them, and I have a lot of leniencies. I'm merely looking for a partner I'll mesh well with who wants to work on improving their writing alongside me.

I'm laid-back and do not have a response quota. Take your time. Rome was not built in a day. RP is a hobby, not an obligation.

I'm a huge plotter, world and character builder. You'll 100 percent have collaboration with me.

I'm an artist. I draw inspiration from music a lot. I also draw alot. Har, har.

I like darker plots as opposed to fluff but I do like fluffier stuff here and there.

I prefer non-hetero pairings for romance, but you might be able to talk me into something otherwise, but mxm is my main shindig.

I put a lot of effort into what I write. However, I'm not particular about WC. Quality over quantity, match if it is your thing or if you feel it appropriate. I tend to write quite a bit by nature, so it's unlikely you'll ever see a very, very short post from me. I don't equate literacy with the ability to post with great length. However, I dislike one-liners, lest they are amazing.

I'm slow at writing because I'm meticulous. Please don't rush me for responses, and I will offer you that same courtesy.

I'm an artist. I also enjoy video gaming. I'll ramble your ear off about games if you let me. I enjoy reading when I get the chance, and naturally, I'm a hobbyist writer (because I'll never finish a novel, bless). I like talking about music as well. Show me them sick beats.

I'm patient and understanding. I'm not a nag. I won't pester you. I'm a certified vent sponge, so vent your woes to me if you need to. As a RP-partner, I'm overall laid-back.

The Fun Stuff:
Let's take a gander at what I'm into RP-wise, shall we?
(for romance I greatly prefer mxm or just gay pairings in general, thank)

Historical (ask me about this one, there are some time-periods I'm not well versed in.)
Any mixture of the above, to be honest.
Open to suggestions.

Wolf's Rain
Hero Academia
Tolkien, though I could be better versed.
Probably wouldn't mind doing setting in some of Stephen King's novels.
The Elder Scrolls
The Last of Us
Dragon Age, another I could be better versed in, tbh.
Mass Effect
Gravity Falls
Rick and Morty
Anything by Junji Ito. I suppose that's a bit niche.
Silent Hill
Law and Order: SVU, CSI
Amnesia and its counterparts.
Dark Souls.
The Purge
Red Dead Redemption
Animal Farm, 1984, Flatland
The Hannibal Lector Series

Dark, Angst
Anything regarding about addiction or heavier subjects.

{not a full list, by all means}
Detective|Serial Killer. Killer with Amnesia|Dectective


Serial Killer| Serial Killer's object of fancy

Addict|Addict, Addict|Former Addict, Addict|Sober

Darker twists on the Red String of Fate.

Darker twists on fairy tales of all sorts.


Ghost|Living, Ghost|Ghost, Ghost|Other Supernatural Being

Gods, maybe? Or entities such as Death.

Criminal {of any sort}|Officer {corrupt or not}

Someone struggling with their sexuality|Someone open, or perhaps, two characters struggling with their sexuality. Addable to any plot.

Exploration of life after death, perhaps?

Something based off of the song Hotel California, or really, based off any song. Gotta love basing plots on songs.

Shifters! Be they weres or something of the sort.

Toxic relationships or forbidden love, or both.

Survivor|Survivor in a post-apocalyptic or war-torn setting.

Soulmate AUs, but dark, maybe?

Rivalry to Romance.


Cthuloid shenanigans

Time Traveler|Normal Human, Time Traveler|Time Traveler

A|B|O verses

Sadist x Masochist

Alien x Human

Dragon Shifter x Dragon Hunter





(* Indicates I have more details for this particular seedling, but I am keeping it short for the sake of this post. I'm continually adding to this.)

*Society is led to believe they live within a Utopia and Muse A falls under this umbrella, while Muse B, a wanted individual, knows the true nature of their world, and, in desperation, reveals this truth unto Muse A.

*Muse A is a detective that can see ghosts while Muse B is studious in criminal psychology (potentially a serial killer, think Hannibal Lector, here) and agrees to assist Muse A in capturing a killer who has proved to be an utter enigma.

*Muse A travels to a town where suicides are rumored to be exceptionally high, only to find that Muse B is the definite cause of this, unbeknownst to those around them.

Muse A is a recovering drug addict while Muse B is a very convincing dealer.

Muse A is a shifter, a dying and hunted race, who comes to Muse B's doorsteps, injured and defensive. Muse B decides to take pity on Muse A.

*Something similar to Wolf's Rain. This isn't a seedling, but I've five million ideas for this, okay?

Muse A and Muse B are participants, willingly or not, of the purge.

Muse A is an immortal being who is utterly sick of Muse B's time-traveling bullshit.
{Tumblr plot}
Muse A is a time traveler and Muse B is an immortal, they spend their lives together meeting throughout time

{Tumblr plot}
Muse A is a beautiful, brilliant student who has, unfortunately for them, caught the attention of Muse B, a transfer student who only recently just started at the university. Not much is known about Muse B other than the fact they’re new and relatively quiet. Muse A takes it upon them-self to show Muse B around, a gesture misconstrued as romantic affection. Muse B begins to obsess, and eventually kidnaps Muse A.

{Tumblr Plot}
Muse A lives in a small town just a stone’s throw away from a dense forest, called the Whispering Woods. Every afternoon, especially in the fall, when the leaves are changing color and the air is crisp, Muse A likes to walk through the woods on their way home. Muse A sits on the kissing rock at the mouth of the woods, straps up their boots and inhales the fresh pine before embarking on the winding path to the log bridge. As Muse A crosses the log bridge, one foot over the over, they enjoy the soft ‘whispers’ (for which the woods are named after) of the meandering creek below. The whispers always seem louder in October for some reason, almost comprehensible. Townspeople like to say it’s because the woods are haunted by spirits, but Muse A’s never been the superstitious type. They’ve been frequenting the woods since they were a kid and nothing spooky has ever happened to them before.

One afternoon, Muse A encounters Muse B in the thick of the towering pines. Muse B looks lost and disheveled as if they haven’t had a shower or a proper meal in a few days. Concerned for the unfamiliar wanderer, Muse A offers to guide Muse B out of the woods, back to civilization. Muse B instead asks Muse A to stay with them a while; they want to visit the log bridge, their favorite place. Muse A can see that Muse B is the lonely sort, so they agree to walk to the bridge with Muse B; they were headed there anyway. When the pair arrives at the bridge, Muse B struggles to recall why they found this spot so special, or anything about who they are at all to make conversation with Muse A, but they can’t remember. Muse A insists on helping Muse B leave the woods, worried that Muse B might be suffering from amnesia or something worse, but when Muse A gets to the edge of the woods, Muse B, who they thought was right behind them, is nowhere to be found.

Muse A calls out for Muse B for several minutes and gets no response. The sun is going down and the chill in the air is biting through Muse A’s coat, so they go home. They barely sleep that night, thinking about Muse B and hoping they’re alright, wherever they are. Bright and early the next morning, Muse A returns to the woods, hoping to find Muse B again. Muse B is there at the foot of the log bridge, waiting for Muse A, unsure of how they got there or what’s keeping them bound to these woods. Muse B is a ghost but doesn’t know it.

& much more~
Seriously, just ask. I love hearing plots from others, even if it's not listed a lick in here.


SO, if I've somehow managed to capture your fancy, shoot me a PM. I don't bite!
Comment if you are unable to PM and I shall PM you~

Last edited:
Nicked the idea of mandatory samples, given that I have "sample anxiety" if you will and don't want to hinder roleplaying with an excellent partner because they are sample shy. I will also be updating this later today with plot-bunnies and musing, as well as making it a touch prettier on the eyes.
{also fixed some grammatical errors because I wrote this in the early AM and yikes, pals}
Dudeee, m/m isn’t my main. So if you’d consider f/f I’d absolutely adore a great story about an addict and her girlfriend/wife whoever.
If maybe you’d atleast want to talk plots let me know. Love the cat eyes!
Heya, I'm interested in some of your plot ideas (preferably in a fantasy or fantasy fandom setting) and I think we might get along OOC as well. I'm most experienced with m x m pairings, so I'd be good with that. Shoot me a PM if you're interested. (-:

Re-opening. Going to continue adding plot seedlings. Challenge me, folks!

I have a plot idea (MxM) that I'm VERY interested in trying out with you. It's a vampire x human romance pairing with a very dark twist. I'll shoot you a PM going into more detail so you can see what you think!
Hey! I absolutely love mxm pairings and would love to RP with you!

I really like the detective ones! Anything along those lines!
Hello! I'm Smol, and I'd love to roleplay with you :D
I really like dark roleplays, specifically ones that involve kidnapping, toxic stuff, and cannibalism. The second to last plot really caught my attention, and I also have a few ideas of my own we can mesh together into something cool. I hope you'll wanna roleplay with me ^^
I have a smart wheelchair bound character that has a slight motor function in his upper body, or I can play him entirely paralyzed. He is good for psychological RP, heavy topics and a lot of angst, since his condition comes with other health problems.
i absolutely love the Whispering Woods roleplay! if you're still looking for a partner for that one I'd be happy to RP this with you!
i just can't start PMs yet, since im still below 10 post count, so if you're interested you'd have to PM me first ^^"
I love so many of these! I'm addicted to dark/toxic pairings and plots, so sign me up. I have the most experience with MxM, and a lot of your themes and pairings are my favourites. I can't exactly send PMs right now (I'm new. RIP), so, if you're not overwhelmed by all of your messages, lemme know!

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