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Multiple Settings Seeking more (long term) partners!

Herro! You can call me Triple_D, or any shortening of my username (Dr. Doom. Dragon, Doom, Doctor, etc.). I'm a lady.

My time zone is -7 UTC (MST).

A little about me:
- I tend to mirror posts, but I am currently aiming to average a minimum of 500 words per post.
- If romance is a thing for you, I prefer mxm or mxf pairings. I am open for fxf platonic relationships. I'm actually more for the super bff since I'm not a romantic at heart.
- I find it strange that some people don't like role playing with characters of color. Please don't be that person (with me). I like rping characters that look like me at times!
- I like to think myself as a creative person, but if you type a wall of text and I can't interact with it, I struggle. Give me something to work with!
- Since I'm a creative person, I like making characters. If I'm playing a guy, I might make a second female character. You don't have to do the same!!
- I don't like people power playing my characters or giving them random attributes.
- Significant misreads annoy me.
- I'm 20-somethin' and I still get insecurities. You don't have to reply frequently, but replying frequently to others and leaving me on a thread for days gives me anxiety. Tell me you're no longer interested.


My babies that are role play ready. They can be male or female. They all happen to be male, since I've been stuck role playing male characters for a long while. Their descriptions are not set in stone. I'm flexible. :) If they are on an adventure, that means I'm using them in a role play already. I may use them for compelling plots, so feel free to ask about them!

Genres that suit them well are italicized. Other genres/themes may be accommodated.

Elliot Roseberry
gifted, slice of life, superhero

A photographer for the Crookt Dragon. Most of his time is spent being a photojournalist because he lives paycheck to paycheck. He's from a small country that's similar to Venice. It's a series of small islands connected by bridges, but there are larger islands that are not connected and are reached by boat. This can be all he knows because the government is very strict with having their citizens leave, so discovering the real world is his current goal!

Elliot may be roleplayed as a human, but he was originally created as a gifted spirit with the seemingly useless ability to control and manipulate darkness. He's a late bloomer, so he has no handle on his powers or does not even care to work with them. The more human he appears to be the better. Maybe he could escape to the real world!

If we are to go the gifted/superpower route, he has a friend who can manipulate water. His friend is super unstable with his abilities. He's always wet, can melt into a puddle if he doesn't concentrate, and splashes apart if he's hit. He's also a flirt.

Theodore "T.K." Kyrndrom
fantasy, crime, supernatural, shapeshifting, assassin, war

Theo was born a werecat with the ability to shapeshift into a snow leopard. He's been an associate of the Rift crime organization since his teenage years and was groomed into a formidable thief and even greater assassin. Within the organization, Theodore's viewed as the boss' lap dog, yet he attempts to stay away from Rift as much as he can. He's been shackled in his later years at the organization which keeps him from shapeshifting completely. This becomes mentally and physically painful for him.

Theodore would be looking to your character for a way out of the organization, or your character may be his next target.

Daury Invire - On an adventure
historical fantasy , fantasy , pirate

Daury is a bounty hunter who had taken to living on the seas after the people on the land betrayed him. He remains a joy to be around, but he could easily turn cruel upon remembering his past. He has a feminine appearance which he won't hesitate to exploit. Daury's a functioning alcoholic and a family man.

Captain of the Silvloom Pirates, he escorts bounty of varying species on the Javelin, a beautiful ship that has space for 150 ship mates, a couple dragons if you really squished them together, and a few cages of varying sizes. He's cursed (gifted?) with the ability occasionally to see a creature's true form if they're disguising as a human. His boatswain Stevenson doesn't know this. Stevenson thinks his secret is safe. He acts like a jerk to everyone and can be a little scary. Paya, on the other hand, is the ship's cook and often Daury's confidant. He has a big heart and hates to see anyone, friend or enemy, with an empty stomach! Your character can be on the crew...or not. It's up to you!

Marcus Dimitriu
supernatural, angel, demon, psychological, slice of life, fluff

Marcus has a few demons, but the biggest is his schizophrenia. He's awkward and clumsy around people and really misses his big brother who should return any day now. He has three voices in his head. Well, he usually hears two--one is a pervert and another is a crude brute--but he's seen the third one. On a good day, they're the only ones making his day-to-day life hard to get through. If he's not doing his best to shut them out or ensuring the world isn't out to get him, he's struggling to discern if ghosts, angels, and demons are part of his hallucinations. His family is very familiar with the supernatural and dismissed his mental disorder as his ability to see the supernatural. He's become a shut-in since it has become incredibly difficult differentiating the world in his head from the real.

Gayle (or Abigail) Foadlicity Crofton
supernatural, gifted, superhero, psychological, fantasy, sci-fi

Gayle's an artificial superhuman with the ability to manipulate ice although not very well. They're a tinkerer with a case of antisocial personality disorder and ultimately want to see the world on fire. In the government or underground organization's quest to make the ultimate soldier, he's given the ability to quickly heal and boosted speed and strength. To maintain control over him, he's equipped with cybernetic enhancements that can be taken offline to disable him and high EM waves and radio jamming technologies can easily cripple him.

Gayle has a child-like curiosity. He's armed with STEM knowledge but is severely lacking in everything else. He can be a destructive handful.

Kennedy Petera-Cipyre and Cameron Jacob Cipyre
anything really

These are my twins. They've been human, werewolves, and magical boys (alias Pacitor Lux and Dio Lux), but they are 100% musicians. Kennedy's the flamboyant one and has a few screws loose. He's the youngest by three minutes but often acts like the elder brother. Cameron is the oldest by three minutes and three seconds and tends to be the more level-headed one; although, he does have his moments. An occasional airhead, he tends to be the one who doesn't have his shit together when it comes to anything magical. They were banished from their hometown for reasons to be determined.

fantasy, historical fantasy, dragon, dragon rider

One of my oldest OCs. Another bounty hunter, but this one is more merciless and cold-hearted. He's a dragon who spits shards and hot smoke. In humanoid form, he can conjure blades out of thin air. I've wanted to do a modern fantasy with him.

He's often accompanied by Ozymandius the spunky fire elf. If they are in a role play together, Zcar is more light-hearted and fun while Auzzy becomes serious and moody as a result of a curse binding them together.

Neojaya "Kayden" Wafemi
angel, demon, gods, ideas personified

Kayden is my angel of Death character who may also be fashioned into a god of Death as well. He wields a scythe with spirit name Gunegnav but is often referred to as Chi in the human plane. Kayden is often in trouble with the gods in one form or another. Either he's rebelling against their politics or being a royal screw up. As far as this angel remembers, he's always been an ethereal being. He's been an angel for multiple gods and his form has corrupted over the centuries.

Kayden may be seen fighting demons, acting as a faux guardian angel, or teaming up with an angel of Life.

My plot and pairing cravings can use the above characters, but they're more for new/unlisted characters.

x - Magical Girls
I have a couple characters I'd like to develop.

x - College for magic and/or magical creatures.
Human x Creature
Human x Magical person

x - Wizards - non HP but can be similar.
Witch Hunters
Reincarnated Familiars
There's an enby, lightning grandmaster wizard who doesn't know what to do with themselves.

x - Cyberpunk / Science Fiction
Poor x Rich
I always wanted to make a charrie like Generator Rex.

x - Angel/Demon x Human; Personified Gods
I have an angel of Death character and several demons.

1) My character is a celebrity magician, but their magic tricks seem a little too real. Your character, a fan or skeptic, gets a little close to their personal lives and end up falling into a rabbit hole.

2) School for monsters: I haven't read Rosario Vampire in a long while, but I'd like to do something similar where the students are learning to live with humans. They take field trips to the human world and learn how to use their monster powers. Perhaps something goes wrong in the human world or there's something amiss at the academy or maybe both??

3) I really want to use Gayle since I'd like some chaos and confusion in my life!! Maybe your superhero character's part of a team of supers and they pick up a wild Gayle on their radar and attempt to recruit or subdue them? Alternatively your character is a supervillain, recruit Gayle, and find out they're a bit more than your character bargained for?? Something fun, crazy, and a little flirty with this one. Gayle's the Joker looking for their Batman. <3

4) Something cute and pure?? This is incredibly vague, but I could use some softness in my life too. If we could achieve sweetness levels of Miira no Kaikata EN: How to Keep a Mummy, I'd probably be set for the year.

5) This could be a fluffy, actiony romantic type of role play. xP

Character E had it all planned out. He would become rich and famous, donate as much as he could to charitable organizations, hold fundraiser events, and spoil his grandchildren in order to do it all over again. He was a devout believer in reincarnation and certainly didn't want to wake up as a caterpillar. Following his death at the hospital after being escorted in critical condition from a train derailment, Character E had a cruel awakening when he woke up with wings, a halo, and a giant book describing how to be a true angel. He threw the largest tantrum he never had and the angels threw his spoiled ass to the human world. Wishing to leave him for the demons who would gladly rip apart the egotistical fallen angel, the angels forced him back into the human realm, looking like a human, talking like a human, but with enough abilities to drive him crazy.

Character F is a seer. The ability could be traced through every other generation, and now it was his turn to bear the curse of seeing the dead, undead, and haunted. Holding a normal life proved impossible, so he took to being a ghost hunter, ghost whisperer, and a leader in fighting the occasional zombie and vampire uprising. Dealing with demons was above his pay grade, but it was hard to not assist Character E in fighting back a swarm of medium level monsters. By the time most of them were gone, Character E was exhausted and mostly unconscious. Taking in strangers was beyond what Character F should have been expected to do. However, Character E was different than the ghosts, the spirits, and normal every day humans, so the seer took in Character E to figure out how he was different.

Ever since, Character E attempted to reintegrate into society despite it being very different than what he remembered while Character F gained a new title for being a demon slayer as he and the fallen angel take on unscheduled battles against the devious creatures.

Character A moves to a new city that isn't really under control. They are basically leaking magic which attracts people and/or creatures who want the power for themselves. They have a small window (maybe three days) to lock up or control their powers in order to prevent anymore visits from hostile followers. Character B is fairly settled in the city and has the type of power to create magical items that boost and/or control powers (like wands) or restrict them (like Sea Prism stones if you've seen One Piece; if not imagine an item that takes away power and/or weakens a person). Character A isn't conscious about their ability until they find out from a grandfather/grandmother or great great great great etc. relative's journal. Character A & B's combined minds may allow them to figure out Character A's ability.

An alternative is that Character A acquires new powers after reaching a certain age.

I imagined this to be an awkwardly cute but action-y type of deal.

Thanks for checking me out. Hope to see you in my PMs~! Please don't post here :'D
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