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Fantasy Seeking longterm partner MxM Dominance

Risky's Roleplays

Risky Vetis

New Member
Hey there~

My name is Risky and I am looking for a long term roleplay partner that would be interested in a fantasy/adventure based plot with tons of twists and turns. I am 29 and have a full- time job, but I am on every day and post as often as I can which is usually every other day or so. I am considered semi to advance literate, but my post sizes really all depend on what I have to work with, although I have been known to go overboard. Sometimes I just can’t help myself, but I don’t expect you to match it so sit back and enjoy. Currently, I am looking for a partner that would be willing to start up an OC roleplay with one or multiple ideas from the list below, fyi I normally play the victim(sub) although I don't make submission easy as most of my characters are natural dominate. I choose to make things difficult thus create chaos, why!?! Because, it's fun! The posts at the bottom are roleplays I started that either the partner dropped out of for personal reasons or lost interest. I would really like to get one of these going, but if you have an idea/spin go ahead and throw it out. I won't bite. HARD.


Male x Male pairings only!!! Get bored of the normal MxF pairings too quickly and I don't do FxF
NPC/support characters. They always help!
OCs in our own made-up universes.
Fantasy OCs
Animal OCs
Medieval - Modern

MY IDEAS (Bold are desired roles)

Shapeshifter x human
Merfolk x Sharkfolk
Vampire x New Thrall
Criminal x Cop/officer of law
Master x Slave
Mafia Boss x Rival Gang’s prized pet
Prisoner of war x pirate
Prisoner of war x officer/high ranked individual from the other side
Characters from different backgrounds/cultures
Language barriers/misunderstandings
Demon x human

I do have several plot ideas as well.

  1. Bartender finds an injured stray cat in the back alley and takes it home to try to save it, later finds out what he brought home isn’t what it appears. (Gang violence possible in the future.)

  2. During a sting operation, an undercover cop finds an illegal smuggling ring of drugs/firearms and helps bring it down only to find out that they were hiding something else as well. A very feral exotic that appears to be highly prized as attempts to capture/retake the creature requires for drastic measures. Now this undercover cop is on the run, heading to a safe house out in the country with an unruly beast trying to escape at every cost. (Violence very likely, please proceed with caution.)

  3. Shipwrecked sailor/pirate finds himself on a strange island and quickly find himself in a sticky situation as the tribal natives only want to kill him, a lone warrior of that tribe is the only thing standing between him and certain death. The catch, he has to become this warrior’s mate!?! (Culture differences/ Language barrier, plot can always change.)

  4. A scientist is given a new specimen to experiment with and becomes obsessed with it to the point of insanity, however, the specimen lives in a different world and doesn’t share the same desires. Willing to break the rules and its physical limits, this scientist is determined to make this specimen his and his alone even if it has to be by force. (Merman!?!)

  5. Betrayed by his own blood, a young prince is abducted from his Kingdom and given to the enemy’s King to create an alliance between their two great nations. Against his will, this prince must learn his place as a slave to the enemy he was taught to hate. (Violence/Shapeshifters?)

  6. Defeated in battle, a weapon master is taken as a prisoner of war by the one who defeated him and given two options. Obey his every command, or die. How much will he be willing to endure for the sake of his pride? (Humans most likely)

Pre-Created plots (Roleplays that I have started that are waiting for interested partners)

Tails of the Sea

The deep blue oceans of the world are a mysterious place, from the shallows a massive array of fish and invertebrate fill the waters with vibrant color and movement. While the deepest parts of the ocean hide hideous creatures that few have encountered, between these two depths, lies an expansion of water known as the depths where only the fastest or largest fish inhabit the wide open oceans. From the lagoons to the reefs, life is quite peaceful as food is plentiful with a wide selection to choose from, while in the depths food is scarce and harder to catch. The danger is always present regardless where one is, between the stingrays and the lionfish to the larger predators such as sharks. However, for those who spend their entire life in the ocean, they become very much aware of their surroundings and do well to avoid them either by staying in the shelter of the reefs or seeking refuge in the lagoons at low tide. However, beyond the safety of the shallows, the sands drop off sharply into what appears to be an endless abyss. Here, apex predators dominate the ocean looming in the colder waters of the deep always looking for an easy meal. Any blood in the water easily sends these sharp-toothed hunters into a frenzy, it takes very little effort for these killers to close in on an injured fish and when they do escape is impossible. The night is their time, the depths their territory as their advantage keeps them at the top of the food chain.

Sharks present the largest threat to my kind, merfolk don’t have the necessary speed to outrun this predator and although we can outmaneuver them at close courters the sharks still hold the advantage. Like blood, they can sense movement within the waters from miles away and zero in on the location while lurking in the shadows. They are like ghosts, invisible to the eye yet always there watching and waiting for the opportunity to strike. It is, for this reason, our kind doesn’t venture into the depths much if, at all, food is quite plentiful in the shallows where we can take shelter in the reefs to hide. However, recent encounters with humans have put our kind in danger as they continue to invade our home. Those who are unlucky enough to get caught are never seen again, one can only assume the worse outcome. With their greedy hands reaching further into the reefs, the merfolk have been forced to relocate to safer waters time and time again. Our only real defense against attacks from these predators was to stay in massive groups, oftentimes numbering in the hundreds to try to appear larger and deter the sharks from getting too close. It’s hit and miss, sometimes it works and others... I have lost too many friends. It’s best to travel with pods of dolphins or whales since these mammals could sense danger. However, even this doesn’t always guarantee safe passage through the depths as other creatures also target my kind as prey and sometimes as a mate.

Sharkfolk, like the merfolk, looks quite similar in appearance being half human half fish, with the exception of the tail and dorsal fins as they appear more like sharks with razor sharp teeth to boot. Their behavior is quite different too, unlike the merfolk that lives in large groups enjoying each other's company and living a happy life in peace. Our shark counterparts are like lone wolves, living alone within the dark depths living among the sharks as equals sometimes hunting together in packs with their shark companions. Conflicts between their kind are rare, but for reasons the merfolk cannot explain it appeared that they are angry and hatred of the merfolk easier lives, spiteful even as encounters have always lead to bloodshed or the abduction of a mermaid. Another mystery of the deep, it seemed as if all shark folk were male since our kind has yet to see a female shark folk over the centuries. Many battles have taken place both in the reefs and in the depths, either for revenge or for territory yet very little has changed through the passage of time. The merfolk still inhabit the shallows and the shark folk stalk the depths, but now with humans constantly invading the reefs trying to capture my kind, encounters with our two species have become more common than ever.

Forced out of the reefs as lines of boats followed our movements, my family is once again forced to seek refuge in safer waters. It seems like no matter how far we travel, the humans aren’t that far behind. It’s a frightening truth that our existence has been discovered and revealed to the rest of the world, now there isn’t a single place that doesn’t have massive nets skimming the waters looking to scoop us out. Looking behind me, my family looks broken and exhausted. We had lost several brother and sisters in recent years, now we were running while our fathers and warriors distracted the human boats. Who else would we lose? Venturing into the colder and darker depths to escape the boats, my pod was much smaller than it had been decades before. Our numbers barely broke the hundred mark, mostly older females with young children trying to keep up with the young warriors tasked with trying to keep us all safe. I, Zane, was part of the group in charge of keeping our families safe through the depths while our fathers stayed behind. Still not yet an adult, I along with a two dozen other young men surrounded our group with spears at the ready. We distanced ourselves from the main group, it was better to have one die to the sharks than for the group to become targeted. Still, I was scared as I stared into the distance looking for any signs of danger. With my blackish blue scales crawling down my lower torso to my tail I was considered one of the fastest of our pod, but that did little to instill confidence in the knowledge of predators lurking in the shadows kept us all weary.

Keeping our pace steady as we ventured through the wide ocean, Zane could somehow sense that something was following behind and although he couldn’t see the danger he knew better than to turn his back. For hours it seemed, the young merman kept a careful watch often times lagging back behind the group to have a wider area of awareness. Whatever was lingering beyond the darkness was being patient and that unnerved the male more than the fact that they were hundreds of miles away from their intended destination. If an attack happened now, it would be chaos and with nowhere to flee or hide. It would be only a matter of time before their numbers dwindled and his family perished to the depths. There, for just a moment Zane noticed a ripple of a tail fin against the fading light from below. It belonged to a shark, a rather large one too. Looking up briefly at the surface, he could tell why they were waiting. It would be dark soon, and with the night the sharks had the full advantage of surprise. They would be sitting ducks, free food to the sharks stalking them. Thinking quickly trying to think of a way to save his family, the young merman yelled ahead a warning before taking his spear and placing the sharpened stone on his palm. This was the only way to save everyone, he told himself as he sliced open his palm and dropped the weapon to the darkness below. The blood would make him the target and if he was fast enough he could lure the sharks away and buy his people some time.

With new determination and fear, Zane turned away from his family and bolted in the opposite direction using all his energy to get as far away from the pod as possible. He knew he was in danger within moments of losing sight of his pod, the waters around him were shifting as if large masses had swiftly turned around to follow the blood scent. Good, the dreaded thought crossed his mind as he focused on staying alive using all his momentum to keep him ahead while keeping a watchful eye behind him at all times. When the silhouette of a shark appeared behind him, Zane did the only thing he could think of and plunged straight down going deeper than he has ever gone before. Here the light was minimal at best, he could barely see anything but it didn’t matter as he dived into colder waters looking for something, anything. A rush of water above him made him very aware of how close these sharks were to actually bite him, they were only meters away the only thing keeping them out of reach was the angle of his descent. Here too, the oxygen in the water was much less, making it a little difficult to breathe yet still he swam straight down until something caught his eye. Having seen sunken ships before, the sight brought renewed hope to the merman as he twisted sharply avoiding another lung before darting full speed to the shipwreck. Finding an opening within the side of the vessel, Zane made it in only in the nick of time as the jaws of a shark clamped down at the very tip of his tail fin ripping a chunk off.

Gasping in pain as his tail started to bleed profusely, Zane looked out at the opening watching one...two...three...seven sharks stalking the ship he was now trapped in. This new injury would slow him down to have any chance of making a run for it, he would be easy prey. So here he would stay, trapped in a rotting ship vessel that appeared to be absent of any life. He would die here, he knew holding his injured palm against his chest as he tried to catch his breath. For now, he was safe, the opening was too small for these large sharks to enter and although they attempted to break the opening more the metal proved stronger. Perhaps this was for the best, he was doing what his father was doing. Distracting the enemy while the rest of the family escaped, in a sense, he was fulfilling his purpose by keeping the sharks here. But, how long could he possibly survive? Exhausted and injured, how long could alone merman survive trapped in the depths surrounded by hunger sharks.

Grimm's Secret

Streaks of deep crimson painted the morning sky as the sun slowly crept over the mountains revealing a quiet landscape across a small valley, a blanket of thick smoke drifting lazily from a village which looked to have come under siege overnight. The smell of death hung heavy against the crisp cool breeze as bodies littered the fields and the dirt road which leads into the once quiet little town. At first glance, it looked like a massacre as piles of bodies and charred building structures lay scattered throughout. However, a closer look revealed the evidence of a one-sided battle; wagons and makeshift barricades dotted the perimeter in an effort to create a defense. Even the insignia’s of the King’s knights were easily picked out from the carnage as the royal blue and gold bands identified a decently sized military squadron had been present at this fight, and yet here they lie dead. Shattered armor and weapons reveal just how ineffective these preparations really were against whoever had destroyed this once peaceful and prosperous community.

Gaping wounds and massive punctures showed the truth of who was responsible for this carnage as even reinforced steel armor was crushed or torn further revealing the identity of these ruthless killers. This wasn’t the attack on some neighboring nations or even the likes of the band of bandits that targets villages like this. No, this was all done by some beast. Deep lacerations and missing limbs showed the brutality of this particular killer as this townsfolk didn’t face some rogue lion or a bear. The wounds suggested something far bigger than any animal native to these parts, however, the lack of clue to this beast's identity left behind only caused confusion among those who have been unlucky to discover these massacres. There were no paw prints or fur, or any other signs of just exactly what had done this. Even more confusing was the amount of flesh missing from the corpses of both man and livestock, half-eaten cattle and even horses littered the furthest reaches of the valley and were so widely spaced out to suggest they had been attempting to flee before they were killed. Whatever these beasts were, they had quite a massive appetite.

Just what matter of beasts could have done all this exactly? The death and destruction could only be compared to what a dragon could do on a whim, however, there were usually always survivors to share the details of what happened. There were no survivors here. Only more questions can be gathered from inspecting the carnage further in detail, the blades and arrows of all these weapons were snapped in half and strangely enough remained clean from blood. Did they not get a single hit on these beasts? Considering the preparations for this battle as well as the presence of the King’s men one would have to assume they would try to kill the thing, and yet there wasn’t a single bit of evidence that revealed anything about their killer. The nature of this beast and how it kills suggests it is not some mindless blood lust creature, but rather a methodical killer. What sort of monster could possibly be responsible for this? Given the fact that this village marks the eighth village to fall victim to this same exact destruction, it could only be guessed that these attacks will only continue in the future.

Gazing out a few miles to the east, some have guessed what these possible monsters could have come from as the dark daunting forest of death stretched out all across the countryside. Rumors have it that the Grimm Reaper himself lives within since not a single soul has ever returned after having entered the eerily dark gloom known as the Black Veil. Magical in nature, this impenetrable darkness stretches across the entire radius of the dead forest turning even the sanest and veteran men into paranoid fools. Death was a guarantee for any who got lost within the dark gloomy maze of dead trees, even fire proved ineffective to rid the forest and its monsters. It was, for this reason, the forest was called Grimm’s wood, this place is known throughout the Kingdom of Saffron solely for the dangers this forest presents to any un-welcomed guest.

Very little can thrive in this endless darkness of the forest, the corruption of the mind-numbing darkness already killed off most that once inhabited this enchanted forest. It was only by luck that a safe zone was discovered near the center of the forest. Shaped like a crescent moon, the Moondale Lake provides the only relief from the magical darkness as the entire lake seemed to be warding off the Black Veil. A small oval shaped clearing provided by the lake’s formation is considered the only safe zone is known to man. This discovery was only recently found by a mage who was wise enough to fly over the forsaken forest rather than enter through it. Reaching this point by foot, however, proved nearly impossible considering the amount of magic surrounding the forest and the lack of any real evidence that anyone has entered this clearing. Something was at work within the shadows, either some magic to keep those within lost or some monster killing those before they could reach this point.

Forced to take action to protect the people of the land, the King’s armies have been sent in alongside any brave fool willing to fight to try to kill any and all monsters which resided within the Grimm’s Wood. Over the span of a decade, countless lives have been lost as the war waged on within and slowly the faith of humanity began to die as the beasts within remained at the top of the food chain. It was for this reason that the King ordered the mage’s guild to completely seal off the forest from the world. Any monsters that remained within would be trapped, unable to venture out. Only those with human blood would be able to pass through the perimeter of silver bells that surround the entire circumference of the Grimm’s Wood. Yet, the people still live in fear. Not even this powerful barrier could keep the people safe from these violent attacks since the attacks not only continued but increased in recent weeks. Now this, the eighth village to be destroyed quite literally overnight. But how?

Turning desperate as the growing panic endangers the land, the King began calling for more aid from far and wide asking any willing to risk their own lives in order to kill these beasts that plague his kingdom. A mountain of gold, as well as a large sum of land, has been promised to any bold or courageous enough to finally free the people from whatever still haunts this land. Foreigners, many novices and inexperienced villagers and farmers quickly jumped at the claim, the promise of wealth and fame far too great to stay hidden in their cozy homes. But as the days go by the same conclusion began to again set it. Masses of people have stormed in armed to the teeth with weapons and magic, however, not a single person has emerged from the damned forest. Slowly the number of people venturing in the Grimm Wood has dramatically started to decline as the days turned to weeks as the front line of fighters has yet to return. The desire of great wealth and a new life died quickly for those who have no fight in them, many returns back to their simple lives and families. However, some have remained, veterans of war or talented individuals waiting for the right moment to make their move.

Panic has already turned into hysteria for many as entire villages have abandoned their towns and left the kingdom rather than die a horrible death. The attacks have not only continued but are getting further and further away from the previously declared danger zone. The range of the attacks was so widespread that it is nearly impossible to figure out which one will become the next to fall. No one is safe anymore, very soon now the capital where the King’s castle resided in would fall within reach and become the next target. His men along already proved unable to deter or defend the people from this endless slaughter and it seemed as if nothing was going to stop these monsters as they destroyed everything in their path. Just what the hell was this monster that was plaguing the lands with death? A demon? The killings were all the same, swift yet brutal all the same. Perhaps this isn’t some creature of nature or even some abomination, but something of magic instead. In these times where humans struggle to walk beside gods, the theory has become one of some spiteful god ridding the land of man.

Since conflicts between gods and man aren’t uncommon in the world of human-dwellers, it could be possible that this land had become some battlefield between heaven and hell. And the humans, of course, were just bystanders, weak beings to be sacrificed to the cause. But even in these dark time, few have risen up against the gods to fight against these beasts of lore. These beings either specially trained in combat or magically gifted in the magic arts have become individuals to reckon with, they have become the symbol of earth’s freedom. The God Slayers. Cliché, yes! But as their achievements and experience grow, so does their strength and knowledge to handle any abomination of god or the devil. Over the turn of the century, many gods and demons have fallen by their sword or magic, some have even been captured and reformed to fight for the sake of humanity. But even then, not all are willing. Hidden somewhere within the shadows of the Grimm’s Wood, the secrets of this ruthless killer will be found. Is it another god, or just some monster straight out of our nightmares?

Demon's Desires

In the year of 3030, much has changed over the century as the empty wastelands of fallout are the only remnants of the last Great World War, the land is scarred by destruction a shell of the former life that flourished across the world. Greed and power had done this, corrupting the human’s governments and leaders into doing the unspeakable. When the threat of global warming and impending self-destruction became too great to ignore, leaders of the great nations began blaming others for the world’s fast demise. Rumors spread into full out threats and with that weapons of mass destruction were launched across the world at all the major cities and superpowers. Nuclear war triggered complete chaos as civil wars spread like wildfire as the hate and rage spread across the land like a plague. Like a domino effect, one by one the great nations set their eyes on becoming the lone victor to the war when no one seemed to consider who was the real threat until it was too late.

Upon all this death and destruction, something was able to harvest all the souls of the dead to find a way to enter this mortal realm through the mountains of blood and burnt flesh. The devil, Lucifer himself. Having used the fear that dwells within every human’s heart, he was able to do what no other force has been successful in doing before. By using the human’s own greed against them, he was able to annihilate the majority of the human race without lifting a finger. Humans were their own worst enemy, now he can freely walk the Earth and claim what remains for himself to bring a new rule over the world. Forsaken by God, the angels wept as they fled the ash-filled skies and the moon turned red as the Dark Lord spread his influence around the lands. Using his control over the humans, Lucifer began to build his power by enslaving what remained of the human population. Using their own chains against them, the devil reminded man of their place in this fragile world and had them set out far and wide to collect all the metal available to build his fortress. Using the males for physical labor, he kept the females of the human race within his fortress and ravaged them mercilessly. They were no more than cattle, kept on short leashes as their only purpose was to spawn his children and create his army.

Only when he had the necessary amount of bodies needed to complete the sacrifice did Lucifer return from the mountain in which he entered and open the same portal that allowed him entry into this realm. There he invited seven of his most loyal generals to enter, with his commanders at his side he meant to spread his power to have absolute control of the entire world. Sending one general to each of the great nations to become the ruler of that land, Lucifer sat back in his fortress and remained the Overlord of his planet Earth. Two hundred years have passed since the fateful day the devil waltzed through the portal and stepped on Earth for the first time and already his rule is considered one of the best and worst the world has ever seen. Quickly the demon population took over the land and began the difficult process of trying to fix what the humans had done to their own planet. Using magic and other methods, slowly the landscape was starting to return although there were some places that would never be the same. These spots are called dead zones or no-mans land, places where the destruction and radiation are so great that the Earth would not recover even with the help of magic.

Since then the demons population over the world has risen to startling numbers, to this day 70% of the populations consist of demons or also known as half-bloods as they are birthed from humans. Only 10% of the world's population is considered True Bloods, or pure demons as they are directly related to the generals who were invited to take over the world beside their Dark Lord. The remainder consists of humans, which have been allowed to breed only because the demons choose to use them as slaves to build their fortresses and rebuild the land. With the help of magic, most of the landscape was able to be saved as fresh water and mineral rich soils allowed for growing crops and raising livestock. However, humans were never given any real freedom as they remained chained from the day they are born to the day they die.

It wasn’t until one of the commanding Generals fell in love with a human did things begin to change, as the pureblood set his human free and shifted his duties to support the growing rebellion allowing those under his control to escape to no-mans land. Caught for his treason, Lucifer orders his death and took command of the nation that was allowed to go awry. However, his focus was divided and under his lack of action, the humans were able to take control of the dead lands and increase their numbers either by freeing other slaves or by persuading demons to join their side. With their numbers steadily increasing every year, Lucifer decided to have his armies fight this growing force head on and it seemed like the rebellion was stopped as quickly as it began. However, there are scattered groups of the rebellion still stalking around in the dead lands waiting to make a move that would turn the tides. Another war was coming, one that would decide the ultimate fate of mankind. This is where our story begins...


Surveying the latest battlefield from a high hill many miles south of the Northern Territories Fortress, Synvek glanced over the vast field of blood and corpses as he tried to find an understanding of these latest attacks. What were these humans thinking? Clearly, the demon hordes outnumbered the humans and demon could very easily overpower a human. Even the lowest ranked demon was physically stronger than a human, still, what were these humans trying to achieve? They could not win, not while they charge blindly into battle with reckless abandonment. They were getting desperate. Yet for some reason, these humans were stirring a fascination in this demon. Synvek unlike the other four demons accompanying him was True blood, a direct descendent to the General that rules these lands. His power alone outmatches many of the demons under his control and yet, this pure blood was different than his brothers and sisters. Unlike his siblings, he didn’t anger easily and didn’t find amusement in killing those who don’t deserve the punishment. Rather he was the outlier of the bloodline, using his brains over brawn and logically choosing the best course of action to better himself. He didn’t care much for his family or his duties, rather Synvek often did what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it.

This ideal thinking has gotten him into trouble plenty of times, but Synvek was never one to follow rules or orders. He only wanted to solve the puzzle that has bothered him for several decades now. Why did these humans even try? What did they have that could possibly shift the tides of war? What hope did they have left to rise up against the Dark Lord? The pureblood often considered plan stupidity or desperation, however, time and time against the humans find a way to make him rethink his reasoning. This was why he ventured into the battlefields after every fight, not to show mercy or pity. But to simply learn the truth, however, the answers always seem to remain silent as the flies swarm the rotting bodies of the dead. Another question that confused him was why demons would betray their commanders and join sides with these humans. What was the cause? The reason for joining a losing side?

Shaking his head in annoyance, Synvek lifted his head and turned toward the midday sun and the hot rays blinded the earth with its intense light. Since the fallout, the ozone layer of the Earth has diminished considerably making the sun a dangerous force to be reckoned with. A few hours of light and the rays of the sun could literally peel off someone’s skin. It was for that reason human were mostly forced to work at night, it was the safest time of day to allow hard physical labor. It was also when most of the rebellion attack occur, last night they had tried to free several scores of humans. But in the end, they all died, plus whatever humans were able to escape. There are a few stragglers around, but they won't survive long in the wilds. Not with demons scouting the lands looking to find amusement in killing humans. Synvek personally never took part in such hunts, he found them one-sided and unfair. Instead, he desired to capture one of these rebels and ask them the questions which bug him at night. However, his father wouldn’t allow such. The two times he brought a captive back alive, they had been skinned and tortured by his brothers and sisters before he could even ask. It wasn’t fair.

“My Lord, it's getting late. You should be heading back now. You aren’t even supposed to be out here.”

One of his guards, a high ranking demon reminded the pureblood as Synvek chose to ignore him and move off down the hill into the actual battlefield trying to find clues. He didn’t care about his father’s rules, rules were meant to be broken. Even if he was forbidden, the pureblood would do as he pleases simply because in truth there were very few who could actually force him to obey. Other than his father, only a few of his siblings had power over him. However, his guards had no say and no right to force him to leave. They could try, but against True blood, they would fail.

“I am don’t done here, but you are welcome to leave whenever. Don’t want bodyguards anyways.”

Synvek more than growled, he despised his guards...his babysitters. They were ordered by his father to keep a careful eye on him, but they were more annoying than horse flies. He was more than capable to defend himself, and if he needed to he could escape easily enough. Really he didn’t have many weaknesses aside from moonlight and water, and today there wasn’t a cloud in the sky on this warm evening. Sensing a shift in the atmosphere as soon as he entered the battlefield, the pureblood carefully navigated around the corpses trying to find something, anything to lead him to the answers he desired. His guards seemed overly obsessed with making sure the corpses were actually corpses, plenty of times he could hear a heavy stomp or a slash of a sword as his guards went the extra mile to make sure their charge was completely safe. It was a waste really, for Synvek really wanted to find a survivor. Perhaps he wouldn’t take them back right away, ask his questions first before letting his brothers and sisters to torture the poor fool for intelligence on the current rebellion’s location and leader. That too was a mystery. Who was leading the rebellion now?

A cry of pain alerted him to a survivor, but it was too late as Synvek shouted for his guards to stop as they plunged the sharp steel into the man’s chest. Irritated, the pureblood shoved past his guard and knelt down beside the bloody gasps as the dying man as he took his last breaths. So young, why did he have to die? This is what he didn’t understand, there was a boy barely a man on a battlefield that was suicidal. To what gain do they have to throw away their lives like this? Growing frustrated with the situation and his disobedient bodyguards, Synvek rose up with his hands in fists and strode away toward the edge of the battlefield near the forest edge wanting nothing more than to be alone. He was well aware that his bodyguards would never leave even if he ordered them to, they obeyed his father and thus his word was useless to stop them.

“Sir, stop. It’s dangerous here. You need to return home.” Against the guard implored, however when Synvek turned around and stared back at him with cold blue eyes his frame froze. It wasn’t often that the pureblood got angry, but when he did it didn’t matter who’s side you were on. With a single stride and a quick thrust, Synvek’s hand was impaled in the guard’s chest who was far too slow to have moved away in time. With a sudden jerk and twist, his pulled out the fool’s heart and presented it to the dying guard as he collapsed.

“Anyone else wants to tell me what to do? Because seriously I don’t care. So what if we get attacked? Not like they will stand a chance against a True Blood, and even if they did defeat me do you really think my father will give a shit. He has sired hundreds of sons and daughters, one child isn’t going to change anything so I don’t see why it's so damn important to keep me locked inside those steel walls you keep calling home. It's a damn prison. And I am nothing, so do me and yourself a fucking favor and fuck off.” With that, Synvek stormed off into the forest, clearly no longer in a good mood as he looked for some solitude. He couldn’t help to notice his guards still continued to follow, but at a distance, as it was likely they knew his foul reputation of killing comrades instead of enemies.

Of Feathers and Scales

Vivid nightmares of blood and death plagued the prisoner’s restless slumber as screams of the past echoed deafeningly through his tired mind, the fire consumed everything and left behind burnt bodies of the ones he once loved. So intense the visions haunted him, they played back through the captive’s bright blue eyes like a screenplay. Constantly repeating the last moments of the world he once knew, repeating the demise of everyone he ever cared about. His mother, younger brother, and lover; they were all ripped away from him by war. Now here he was, the last heir to the serpent throne. Morik Cobriana. Locked in chains and thrown into a dark stone cell somewhere deep within the enemies fortress. “How did this happen?” The question hung in the chilled air as the lone figure knelt down against the back wall away from the steel prison bars of his cell. From what he could tell, he was alone down here in the dungeons since he hadn’t heard or seen a soul in what felt like a week. Shivering violently, the serpent prince cursed at the empty walls and shifted his arms trying to relieve some of the strain from his tightly bound hands. They had left him here like this to rot, at least that is what the silver-haired cobra believed as time seemed to continue on without him.

Weakened by hunger and thirst, neither bothered Morik as much as the cold stone floor that felt like ice stealing whatever warmth he could muster leaving him in a very miserable state. Too cold to sleep or do anything really, the cobra felt chilled to the bone as his movement was slow and sluggish. This was to be expected, reptiles such as himself were cold blooded and depended on warmth provided by a heat source to remain active and healthy. Which was why they threw him down here, locked away with nothing more than torn robes to try to keep from freezing to death. How much longer could he last like this? The answer frightened him as he knew his body had already slowed its metabolism and organ function had slowed to prolong his suffering. Morik wished infection would take root and kill him, but as far as the prince could tell his numerous wounds appeared clean and were beginning to scab over. It would appear that death was going to avoid him as the cobra was left to wither alone in the darkness without knowing the fate of his people.

On that fateful night, Morik had made the ultimate sacrifice to save what remained of his kind. He practically threw himself at his enemies feet, begging for them to spare his people and in exchange, they could kill him. Kill the last of the royal family and win the war, all that he asked was that they allow his people to retreat to neutral territory. He didn’t care what happened to him, honestly, he expected to be killed on the spot and yet...here he was. Freezing to death in what he only assumed was the avian’s giant fortress known as the Keep. Morik knew his home, the palace was destroyed and if there were any survivors they would be a hundred miles away by now as he remained here completely alone and at his enemies mercy. Still, why was he still alive. They should have no reason to keep him alive, he was a cobra. A dangerous serpent that could kill an avian in seconds with a single bite of his long venom filled fangs, yet for the most part, he remained intact. A little beat up, but nothing severe enough to concern himself over and yet part of him wanted to die. To join his family on the other side and finally know what peace is like.

Confused and worst for wear, Morik spent countless hours trying to reason why he hadn’t been executed yet. If they were going to torture him for information, they would have done so already and if there were to skin him...well they would have done that too so what. What could they possibly be waiting for? Or did they honestly forget about him? Either way, he was thoroughly screwed, with the Cobriana’s name he held power by that name alone. He was the rightful heir to the throne, a throne he was supposed to take as his own in a few short months. Yet within a single night his destiny was shattered, forever changed. Shifting abruptly as a sound broke the silence, Morik looked out of the cell waiting for something to happen. Part of him hoped his soldiers would come running down the flight of stairs and pry open this door to free him, however, the spark died as the sound of chains being dragged down the steps. Wings identified the soldier’s as the enemy as the cobra shifter used whatever energy he had left to show his defiance, hissing with bared fangs. He wasn’t willing to go without a fight as the prince rose up on stiff joints willing his white scales to surface. He knew he would be defeated, as much as he wanted to deny them his reflexes were too slow to counter the blunt weapons raised up to strike him.

Grunting through the pain, Morik tried what he could to keep them at bay but ultimately failed as he was beaten down to the ground where a swift kick sent him into the darkness. He awoke sometime later chained to a wall, mind still groggy from the blow to the head as his eye scanned the room looking for something to focus on as the room seemed to spin. They settled on flames, bright yellow and oranges flaring out of a furnace provided a warmth that the serpent was instantly drawn to. In a haze, he stared at the fire longingly wanting to get closer when the sound of footsteps across the room shifted his focus. There was a single individual in the room with him, yet he didn’t seem to notice the prisoner was waking up as he was busy working on something. Slowly getting a better focus on his thoughts, Morik started to realize where he was as tools of all sorts hung from the walls. Blocks of iron and rods of steel lined the walls nearest the furnace where an anvil was stationed nearby, so this was where he was going to be tortured. The shifter thought slowly looking at the shackles around his wrists, they were solid and thick. There was little chance he was getting free from them, even if he shifted he wouldn’t be able to muster enough power to break them in time before someone stopped him.

The sound of a door opening made Morik’s heart quicken as the same two soldiers from before entered the room and without a word approached the chained captive. Glaring at them with as much hatred as he could summon, the cobra hissed while snapping his head forward again bearing his fangs as if daring them to do their worst. Suddenly he wish he hadn’t as he was swiftly punished for the display, a single punch straight in the gut made the prince buckle over and if it hadn’t been for the shackles that kept him upright he would have quickly met the floor as he wheezed painfully grasping for air. Taking advantage of the crippling blow, the other guard seized hold of his silver hair roughly twisting the handful of hair to position Morik’s head awkwardly down to the side stopping him from trying to bite. “Let’s get this over with.” Expecting them to kill him right then and right there, the cobra shifter’s eyes widen at the sight of pliers being brought toward his face and before he could make any protest the metal clamped down on his left fang and roughly yanked the venom-filled tooth. Screaming in agony as the throbbing pain paralyzed him in place and the taste of blood made him feel sick to his stomach, it only quadrupled as the process was repeated and his other fang was ripped out.

Thrashing now against the chains holding him, Morik could only scream as the pain overtook all his senses leaving him blind with white-hot fire steaming from his jaw. They had de-fanged him, a practice that even his own kind considered forbidden as the crippling pain has been known to drive people mad enough to hurt everyone around them in pure fury. Barely able to concentrate on anything as even breathing was difficult to regain control of, the cobra was only mildly aware that he was being undressed and the other individual that had been in the room entered his field of vision placing something within the hot embers of the furnace. They were talking for several moments, but all Morik could hear was his own heartbeat pounding through his head blocking out all other sounds. He hadn’t even recovered from the first infliction of pain before a second was forced upon him. Cursing as tears fell down his cheeks, the serpent grew still after they took what little pride he still had left. They castrated him, stopping him from ever having a sire. Which meant they were not just torturing him for fun, they had no intention of killing him.

Quickly falling unconscious as the blood loss and pain overcame his weakened body, Morik awoke several days later in a small chamber lit with a single torch. It was just like the dungeon cell, steel bars locking him on one portion of the rectangular room while a solid oak door on the other side revealed the only way out. Just like the other cell, this one was completely bare. It took several hours for him to even attempt to move as every muscle in his body ached horribly in protest. He had on a simple dark blue robe, something only long enough to cover his lower midsection and nothing more. Metal shackles were still around his wrists, but instead of being fastened to a wall they were fastened together only allowing him to pull them apart a foot or so from a thick chain. Propping himself up, the prince found his chest wrapped in bandages where a sharp pain coursed through his spine at the slightest movement. Pulling down the blood-stained cloth, Morik found the source of the pain as the red flesh underneath was badly inflamed as if it was burnt. They branded him as well. Slowly the dots started to connect as the cobra very gently prodded the holes in his mouth with his tongue finding the flesh extremely sensitive and swollen as well, but for now, the bleeding had stopped. He didn’t get a chance to check his other injuries before voices beyond the oak door froze him in place.

“You aren’t ready yet my son, there are still lessons you need to learn about ruling a kingdom and protecting its people. Lessons that you will only learn if you are challenged.” The door opened after an audible click revealing two forms, one of which Morik knew by name as the King of his enemy, his greedy eyes bore down at him with a sick grin. All his life, the prince had been taught to hate this man. To hate everything he represented simply because, through war, this man has literally taken everything from him. His family, his freedom, his life. Growling low as sapphire eyes glared unblinkingly at the King of the avian race, the cobra wanted nothing more than to rip out his throat. However, he found his limbs unwilling to obey him as he sat there against the back wall of the cell struggling to stand. Honestly, he hadn’t even noticed the thin chain wrapped around his neck connecting him to the wall of the cell on a short leash. However, he did notice several bundles of chains hanging off the walls from the other side of the metal gate. It quickly dawned on him that these were meant to lengthen his leash only, they weren't even giving him a chance to escape as the degree of precaution and planning put together to set this up was very careful. He didn't know that beyond the oak door lies the heir's room of the fortress, he wasn't likely to ever step foot out of this room alive.

“This is my test to you. If you can break and train this serpent to be your faithful and obedient slave within three months. Then I will hand over the reins and give you command over the kingdom, fail and I will know that you don’t have what it takes to do what is absolutely necessary to protect your throne. How you acquire it is completely up to you, but for your safety, it has been de-fanged. Yes, that is Morik Cobriana. The heir to the serpent throne, but no more. Now he is your slave, in time he could also become your adviser as I hear he is quite the strategist. But that all depends on you, depends on how far you are willing to bend the limits to obtain what you want. I wish you good luck, you are going to need it. Goodnight, my son.” Fear ran down Morik's form as the realization of his situation sent him sinking like a rock in water, they made him a slave. To the heir of the avian throne no doubt, what kind of sick cruel joke was this? The cobra wanted to hiss or protest verbally, however, his throat was completely parched of water and the fear of causing his gaping wounds in his mouth to bleed again kept his mouth shut tight. Still, his cold blue eyes showed his defiance, showed just how much hate he had for the avian race.

A Dragon is not a Slave

Before all the war and death that scarred the lands black and red, there was once a time when hate and fear didn’t fester in the minds of creatures living beside the human race. The Golden Age. Such a time forgotten as centuries of war has divided the great minds of the world's inhabitants. Its extremely difficult to believe that there was once a time when the world, and everything in it, lived in complete balance and absolute harmony. A time when creatures, big and small, lived together to thrive in a strange new land, a promising land. A land full of magic. When the Earth was still quite young, plants and animals, both of natural and magical, learned how to grow beside one another in a world full of energy and potential. At first, things were slow to adapt, first to the elements and then to the constantly changing flow of magic. Natural selection is the natural order of evolution, those who survived grew bigger and larger in number. The weak perished while the strong flourished, over time the pecking order was determined and the cycles of life and death brought forth new and strong creatures. Intelligent beasts emerged growing much faster and stronger than the rest of the organisms surrounding the world. The first ones to learn how to wield magic and help shape it, they became the Earth’s guardians. They were dragons.

With the evolution of mammals eventually came something completely new and unique, another creature capable of intelligent thought. Humans. At first, mankind was under the watchful eye of dragons and with their shared intelligence came a special bond. For a time, mankind walked side by side with dragons, learning from each other and becoming something similar to companions with one another. It was from the dragons that humans learned magic and trained to control the many elements of the Earth, learning the limits and reaching a level of control that some could say matched that of their tutors. As the decades turned into centuries, the human population exploded and spread throughout the furthest reaches. But this lead to something dangerous as a sickness spread through the minds of man, a deep desire to take and control everything around them. The scale started to shift as more humans started to break the basic rules of magic, taking what wasn’t theirs and killing for the sake of sport rather than for survival. Stress to keep the balance started to drive a wedge between dragons and humans as this madness only grew into a power-hungry surge. Fighting among their own, the poison only spread.

Dragons originally wanted nothing to do with the growing fights among the humans, the higher and more intelligent beings found it completely ridiculous to fight over things such as land or power. They still believed they could all share the Earth and live in harmony. However, the population of humans was starting to pass that of the dragons, since dragons bred every other decade or so rather than every year in comparison. It was quickly becoming evident that the humans were outnumbering the dragons at that was when they crossed the line and made the first of many mistakes. By blaming the dragons for not giving them more knowledge or power to better defeat their enemies, the humans started to attack dragons and capture them. Outraged, dragons from around the globe tried to reason with the humans at first, show them the right path and fix the balance. However, it was far too late, if man could not own power over their own, then they would over the dragons. Using magic to ensnare and restrain the massive beast, man used anything at their disposal to get the dragons to obey. It started out with physical control, cages, and chains using pain to force dragons to act a certain way. Then came a discovery that changed everything, they could force a dragon to change into a human form with the help of a special type of magic and an individual own will power. With a collar infused with nulling magic, the humans found a way to seal magic away from the dragons thus making them the superior race. Dragons were powerless once collared, on their master’s whim they would change from beast to man and only with their master’s desire could they summon their fire breath. The humans could too control the dragon’s element with relative ease. These collars made breaking a dragon extremely easy and made them obedient enough to use to fight in their battles. And then the Great Magic Wars began.

Rune inscribed collars were quickly forged by the thousands to catch dragons and soon they were running for their freedom to any place safe to hide from the power-hungry humans and their enslaved dragons. Many dragons tried to work together to rise against the human movement, destroying villages and shredding through kingdoms to bring this madness to the end. But the humans were quickly learning and using their new found power rode their enslaved dragons against clashing forces. Free dragons were starting to become less and less, those still wild found themselves at a severe disadvantage as their own blood kin were forced to seek them out and find them. Those captured by the humans often found themselves mutilated, starved and under constant abuse for the sake of obeying and serving their master and fighting in the war. Dragons were dying quickly as waves of power-hungry kingdoms collided and it was only the humans that won, many dragons forced to kill their own or be killed.

When wild dragons became extremely difficult to find, breeding farms started to spring up everywhere to replenish the growing need for dragons. Those hatched and raised by humans lived in a mixture of enrichment environments, some were lucky enough to be given plenty of space to learn to fly and grow healthy and strong. Other were kept in cramped cages so small that they weren’t allowed to stretch their wings until the day they were sold to a master. Some were kept in chains and left in the dark for their first few decades of life, only seeing the light of a torch when food was dropped down into their cell. They didn’t know anything but darkness and hunger. Ralmarek was raised in such a place, he along with a few others was kept in an underground cavern. It was only really large enough for each of them to have their own corner, their chains keeping them from getting close to each other. Food was dropped down the very center, which at first was fine. Every one of them got enough to eat to stave off hunger for another week, but as they grew so did their hunger and that was when things changed. Fighting over food became common and soon only those strong enough to grab or rip the biggest portions of meat off could survive.

Ralmarek, unfortunately, was the runt of the litter, of his blue scaled siblings he was easily half their size. Not only that, but he held a darker tone to his scales which appeared more black then blue. With his pale violet eyes, he was the black sheep of the clutch in comparison to his light blue scaled brothers and sisters with their golden eyes. Horns adored their jaws and spine whereas he only had the two primary straight horns on top of his head. His form too was sleeker, built for speed rather than strength. Sadly this spelled ill news for Ral, when the skirmishes for food started he instantly found himself at the bottom of the totem pole. Not having the needed muscles to contest against his siblings for his fair share of their weekly offering of food, he found his strength dwindling. Unable to pry away more than a mouth full of meat before the carcass was pulled out of reach, the smaller dragon found no pity from his hungry siblings. The years grew longer and slowly the desire to want to live started to die with it as he grew weaker from hunger. The strongest hatchling started to be picked by humans and was plucked out of the darkness one by one until only he remained, one would think that meant more food. Well, that wasn’t exactly the case, as spots in the cavern cleared so too did the portions reflect. Once he was by himself, the humans only threw down a chicken to get him through. A pitiful meal for a starving dragon.

When a new clutch of baby dragons was brought back into the mix Ral tried to assert his right to food early on. He was older than them, which meant he deserved more food. Such a concept meant nothing when they were close to the same size as him at the start. At about the size of a small horse, he was severely underweight and in a matter of weeks, he found himself again at the bottom of the pecking order. With misery, his only form of company, his will to live fell to rock bottom as his body started to fail on him. It soon got to a point where he didn’t even bother trying to get a bit to eat, with nothing else to look forward to in this endless darkness the young adult stopped caring about his survival. He was resigned to death as his fate when no one cares to wither you live or die its a conclusion that many young dragons learn to grimly accept. Again the time came when humans dropped down to claim their dragons, unsurprising was the fact that he wasn’t chosen again. After that he was alone, food was dropped down for him like before, but he didn’t even bother trying to eat it. Ral would just stay curled up in a tight ball against his wall of the cavern waiting for death to finally take him. Another batch of baby dragons never came and the blue dragon found himself completely alone for some time. Then one day a bright light dropped into the cavern and a man jumped down with it.

Ralmarek, as weak as he was could barely register the arrival of this newest human. Was barely breathing, he couldn’t find any strength to even open his eyes to look upon the person examining him. When he was plucked up off the ground and the chain around his neck removed and replaced with a solid ring of metal, he couldn’t even begin to fathom why anyone would want to claim him now. Skin and bones, he was days away from death. Yet instead of giving him a swift release, he was instead rescued from the darkness and brought into a world so bright and warm that is almost hurt. Little did he know at the time, but by now the Great Magic War, now called the Dragon Rider’s War was coming to an end. Peace treaties were being signed and the need for new riding dragons become less necessary. Training methods for dragons were changing too, gone were the unusually cruel methods of controlling dragons through brute force and pain. Ral was fortunate enough to be rescued by a family known for their gentler training methods and superior dragons, fortunate to be given nurturing and for once a reason to live. Given plenty of food and much-needed attention, the dark-scaled blue dragon bounced back quite remarkably. Within the first few short months, he was bouncing around in his paddock and starting to grow strong enough to learn to fly for the first time.

So why was he chosen by this renown family of dragon trainers one could ask? Well for his four wings of course! Aside from two normal looking wings, the second set of wings lay just below and slightly behind the first set that could flap independently from the stronger pair. These smaller wings allowed Ral to effectively hover in place with very little effort and change direction in an instant. With his main pair of wings focusing on keeping him airborne, the second pair of wings allowed him to hold complete control of how sharply he turned in mid-air. Not only that but when they worked in unison his wings could give him huge bursts of speed that weren’t matchable to rider’s dragons. That was where his size became beneficial to him, light and stream like Ral was extremely quick and could stop all momentum even from high speed in an instant. He was often compared to a fairy or hummingbird, being able to zip around the air in full control of his flight course. Unfortunately, he never grew bigger than a large dog, his body was just never meant to carry a rider. Yet as the years slipped by besides his new master, the blue dragon learned to love life again and a deep desire to be with his human. Submissive by nature, he quickly learned how to follow instruction through his master’s training and found other uses to serve his master.

With his superior speed and endurance, Ralmarek made a great scout. Able to cover more ground quickly, the four-winged blue dragon could explore an entire valley pinpointing many areas of interest without being winded. This speed did have one downfall, the more energy he spent the more food he would need to consume. For a dragon the size of a small pony, he could easily eat twice his body weight in meat in a single sitting. The young adult dragon was also a little picky with his food, preferring cooked meat over raw and fish over red meat. However, he was quite capable of catching his own food, being an excellent swimmer to boot. Still considered young despite being half a century old, Ral was quite curious. He loved to explore new places and learning strange and new things fascinated him, although he had moments of giving attitude to his master and fellow dragons. But they were short-lived, all around he was a happy dragon. A proud dragon.

Proud to wear his master’s collar as Ral looked down upon the rune inscribed silvery metal around the base of his long neck, the light from the magic flowing through the collar bright despite being many miles away from his human. Overlooking a vast landscape below him, the young dragon flew freely without any extra chains or magic holding him to his master. It wasn’t necessary, the bond they shared allowed a level of trust most dragons would be envious of. For the last few days, he had been away from his master on the search for clues to what they were looking for. Disturbing reports had risen up recently and after no success, their master was called upon to investigate the disappearances. For a few years now, riders and their dragons have been vanishing in this region without any trace. This part of the continent was thick with forests and rivers, the peaks of two mountains were visible in the distance to the north and west with the ocean to the east. There wasn’t anything special about this land, some deep gorges ran across the mountain range where massive rivers once ran before the snows receded further north and the water’s dried up. There were a few large lakes in the area still, prey was plentiful here. A wide range of creatures lived in the region, mostly natural creatures. There were a few magical creatures about, fairies mostly. The most dangerous thing Ral had found so far was a small pack of dire wolves that must have come down from the north, but dragons could easily deter or kill them if they proved a threat. So how can so many dragons alongside their master simply disappear? The question puzzled him, yet he was still curious.

Aside from being on the edge of their kingdom’s territory, there wasn’t anything remarkable about this stretch of land. To the north was their neighboring kingdom, the second largest among the four kingdoms that made up this continent. Nothing seemed out of place here, but more riders with their dragons were vanishing. Not just from their kingdom either, some reports from their new ally confirm nearly a dozen or so reported cases of missing riders in the last five years. Last seen in this region, it was starting to become more than just a rumor as the number of missing was nearly triple in their own kingdom over the last decade. Something was amiss, yet as Ralmarek scouted out the land quickly yet efficiently he found no signs of a battle or distress. There were a few spots that indicated someone had been there, a campfire or pile of rocks around a makeshift shelter, but there were abandoned and quite old. With the sun going down and his hunger rising, the blue dragon decided to call it quits as he turned back toward the largest of the two lakes to return to his master with his findings. Having made camp along the shore facing the west, he wasn’t surprised to find he was the first to arrive back at their planned meeting time. To cover more ground faster, Ral was tasked with scanning the whole center and southern half while his human rode off toward the mountains. Taking the opportunity to satisfy this own hunger, the small blue dragon needed little light to find his prey as he viewed the water from above scanning carefully before finding a target and like an arrowhead diving into the water with sudden speed. Emerging with a large pike between his jaws, he more or less snapped up out of the water with a single beat of his wings. He deposited the fish at the shore near their camp before repeating the process several more times, making sure to have plenty for himself and his other companions before indulging as he awaited their arrival.
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