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Seeking long term RP partner


Four Thousand Club
Ok so these are what I'm looking for in a role play partner, if you fit these criteria, please send me a PM.

1: creative, I don't wanna be the only person doing the world-building.

2: regularly active, as in on average, able to post every other day at least.

3: quality and quantity of your posts, minimum post length is 3 paragraphs unless in the middle of an action scene or conversation.

4: not a prude, I'm not asking for a hornbag, but we're adults, and I'm honest to god sick of people who want their characters to be these fragile little princesses, that's boring! It's stale! I hate it! Let's be adults, allow adult things to happen, be creative with your characters !

5: an adult, preferably female, since I honestly feel more comfortable if my partner's gender matches that of her characters.

6: willing to play more than 1 character, I'm not asking you to play a harem, but please be willing to contribute to side characters and the such.

7: be able to move the story in new directions, I'm also sick of having to carry the story myself.

8: be up for IM chat, I like to chat about RP details, ideas and the such.

I hope to hear from you soon.

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