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Seeking Literate Beings ♥ [Plots]

Hello everyone! I'm Leanne and I'm looking for partners! Partners whom would stick around, post descriptively and is quite active!

Plot #1


If there's anything girl'1 loves, it's her comfort zone. The same group of friends, the same B average grades, the same schedule, the same security of her bed and a book a night, the same foods, the same conversations, the same experiences, the same on again, off again boyfriend.

Change has never been something which she was good with and, more often than not, she avoids it. And it's not like her life sucks because it's so normal. She likes being a middle child. She likes the stability and security she feels in the small town of Silvia Springs, Maine, where she's lived her entire life. She also likes knowing everybody and everything. Girl'1 is okay with her small town life. In fact, she enjoys it.

Until, of course, a mysterious neighbour moves in to the long uninhabited house next to hers.

The close-knit town of Silvia Springs, with a population of a slightly less than staggering 5,000, rarely receives any new inhabitants. And, even more so, they rarely receive mysterious nineteen year olds who don't go beyond their front porch except for groceries. The town is only stirred for a few days before deciding to label him a harmless drifter. Except girl'1. She's convinced this guy is more than he seems. Nevertheless, because of her personal doctrine of normality forces her to suppress the curiosity for her new neighbour.

Which is nearly impossible, considering that, when he's on his porch, where he seems to spend his free time, and girl'1 is reading under her favourite tree, she finds he's always watching her.

Rather than finding it creepy, girl'1 is just more intrigued by him.

But what happens when she goes to welcome him into the neighbourhood? And what happens when 'one thing leads to the other' and they find themselves falling for each other?

But, most importantly, what happens with girl'1 starts noticing that there's much more to Liam than he's ever likely to show her?

Plot #2


Welcome to Starise Academy, a boarding school for the Super, or those who possess super powers, shaping them to become the superheroes of the future. The school rests on the edge of a forest by the sea, isolated from civilization nearby, as to not alert those without powers of the gifted group of students who lie within the old school's halls.

Students are instructed in order to develop their powers to become the next generation of defenders for humanity, but also can take courses offered to any other high school student. The academy has clubs and sports teams that cater regular and super interests alike, and boasts a population of students with diverse powers.

However, at the start of the new term, something strange seems to be afoot. A group of students is taken into one of the school's secret societies, known as the Student Defence League, told of a plot by the school's board to transform the student body into an army of super villains. Rarely, students naturally turn to the dark side after graduating the prestigious academy. However, what the society suggests is a full blown conspiracy, bent on obliterating the normal human population with belief of superiority to the regular humans that the students are taught to protect. This group of random students has been selected in order to rebel, to stop this plot before it starts.

Will things get out of hand? Or will the super students be able to restore peace to the academy?

Plot #3


All her life, she'd only had one goal: to fall in love.

girl'1 grew up watching her parents completely in love with each other. She always wanted the same thing... only those feelings intensified with the death of her parents when she was 14. From then to the moment she'd turned 18, it was her sole mission in life. And then she found the love of her life, by chance, in a huge party the day after her graduation... at least she thought it was her love after they dated for a year. girl'1 was already head over heels and she believed in her heart that he was too. Until she found him messing around with another girl, at which time he admitted that he had been doing so for most of their relationship. girl'1 was heartbroken.

Some people might say that is was fortunate while others may say it was unfortunate but the goddess, Aphrodite, saw the young girl's heartbreak and all the other loss she'd had to suffer throughout her life and took pity for her. She gave girl'1 what she had wanted most: love. Except not in the form of a man, rather in the form of a cupid's bow and endless arrows. Though she wouldn't have a love of her life, she would be able to give others this. It should be enough to make her happy? Right...?

All his life, he'd only had one goal: To become a surgeon.

Due to boy'1's life long dream to succeed in the medical world, he had deliberately pushed away any relationships, both of the friendship type and the lover type, though mostly the love. He stayed focused on his studies and slid out of high school with a solid GPA, earning a well-deserved scholarship to the college of his dreams. After getting out, however, he was rejected by many hospitals, despite his extensive schooling, because of his lack of experience in the medical field. Therefore, boy'1 now works as an EMT to get the experience and apply to one of New York's leading hospitals. boy'1's drive to succeed stems from the fact that his parents were failures in their lives and never reached their dreams. He also has a certain resistance to falling in love and marriage because he saw what it did to them. How it made them bitter and unhappy. How it messed with their goals and took time away from their careers. He'd rather be financially secure than in love... he believes that that will make him happier anyway.

But what happens when girl'1, the cupid angel, decides she's had enough with making other people happy while letting herself be on the side-lines? What happens when she tries to see what putting one of her own arrows through her heart will do and it ends up nearly killing her? And, even better, when boy'1 is one of the EMT's that responds on the scene to save her. He is the first one she sees when she opens her eyes and, therefore, though the arrow shouldn't have worked, she is immediately in love. Can she get him to change his mind about love? Will he find out her secret?

This is all I got. The role's in bold are the ones I would like to play. I'm open to any idea's you may have.

i would be ok with rping any of these plots so if you want to expand any of them into a small group instead of 1x1, i would be down :)

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