Seeking Literate Advanced Roleplayers for One on One Roleplays


Writing Addict
Hi there! I am a literate/advanced roleplayer seeking others of the same type. I prefer roleplaying with female writers, mxf. I enjoy romance and action, and almost every genre, though I much prefer OC characters and I rarely do (but would be willing to try) some fandoms.

Science fiction, modern, post-apocalyptic (not zombies), fantasy, medieval, steampunk...I'm open to it all. I can do human, furry anthro, robot, mythical creature, or some strange combination of all of them. xD (Though I am mainly hoping to do human right now.)

There needs to be at least a minimum of four real paragraphs in every post, though more is preferred during intros, heavy action, and when the muse is flowing. You must be able to post at least a couple of times a week, although I am able to do up to several posts a day.

I write maturely (although I prefer fade-to-black during intimacy) and there is usually some level of violence (although I avoid senseless and extremely detailed gore). I enjoy swearing, as well. If you have any qualms about any of this, please let me know, and I will be happy to censor myself for you.

I prefer roleplaying through email or thread, although I will consider PM if that is the only thing that works for you.

I can play male or female characters well, but I sometimes prefer playing females (if we're not doubling) because a) I roleplay my characters very descriptively, keeping few thoughts hidden, and I feel like to play males realistically my mind has to be constantly in the gutter >.< (no offense to the lurking menfolk) and b) a lot of people really suck at roleplaying females, and I don't like having to deal with it. xD However if you are a good enough roleplayer the second concern should not be a problem.

I am ALWAYS looking for more roleplaying partners. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Just do keep in mind that I am fairly picky and may not decide to pursue a roleplay with you. That does not mean that you are not awesome. ^^

***I will need to see a sample of a typical roleplay post from you before we even begin concocting a setting and a plot.***

Unless I already have an intro ready, it would be preferable if you did it. I am sorry to be so picky, but I have to screen writers before I invest in them. I've been disappointed too many times.

However, you deserve the same from me, so here are a few examples...


Intro for a pirate/fantasy roleplay (closed):

"The port was bustling as usual, despite the early hour. The air was cool, and the spray from the ocean made the wind taste like salt, even on land. It was a beautiful day, the kind perfect for a do-over. The ship the man chose was less auspicious, but he was drawn to the derelict, small vessel. It had been a real beauty once, but it had the look of something almost zombiefied now. It's name, "The Siren's Song," was barely legible on the aft end of the ship, beneath stained plate-glass windows which were no longer translucent. Barnacles were clustered too high on the hull of her, the sea trying to reclaim her. Her wood was water-rotted, gray, and certain pieces of it seemed misplaced. The masts leaned, the statue of a nude woman on the piercing prow was deformed, making her look a monster. Wide boards extended on port and starboard, trailing off into jagged, broken edges several feet behind the poop deck, suspended in the air. Her sepia sails were gathered and bound with ropes, anchored at the dock. These ropes, including the ratlines, looked sufficiently strong, if not a little more bloated and fuzzy than regular ropes. Yet she was majestic. Not something that could ever be as good as new again, but then, the man liked under-appreciated things. A hidden treasure, that somehow managed to eek into the seaworthy category, like an old well-made machine that had far outlasted its time. He saw it as a project, that he could actually do some good on board. Or maybe he just liked being a big fish in a little pond. He had a generally unassuming and humble air, but then, isn't it the people who feel ignored that most crave recognition?

If the man was driven by any of these psychological factors (and who isn't) he was unaware of it. Unusual looking as the ship he boarded, if not more so, he strode up the plank while he looked around for the Boatswain. He had heard that they were recruiting at the tavern, and set off right away. Due to a...disagreement...with his previous captain, he had chosen to stay at this port when he last docked. A couple of weeks of companionship and lounging in the pub was enough to drive him mad with boredom. He had stopped praying, and let himself get drunker and drunker, a difficult feat for such a burly man. Not pushing himself physically was beginning to drive him insane. He just let his cells soak up more and more alcohol, having to be tossed out of the taverns at night sometimes. He'd squandered all his gold and gotten his meager belongings stolen. He'd started some fights that he couldn't finish, and had far overstayed his welcome. At the pub last night, he heard the men talking about that new "crap hole" of a ship, as they had called it, and the freak of nature who captained it. He'd gone out at night to look at it, and as he stared at it the moonlight, two thoughts came to his mind, both of them wry. The first was, "I know how you feel," and the second was, "That looks like a ship I'll die on." That had decided it. Willing himself back into sobriety with the force of self-control that was so characteristic of who he was, he'd eaten, submerged himself in the cold ocean, and spent the night hydrating and sleeping when he could. Sleep never came easily to him. It hadn't for so long.

When he found the man with the manifest, he stopped in front of the man he towered over. "Koledy Hunt, reportin' for duty. What posts're still open?" the Boatswain looked at him through a scared face so beaten up, it looked like the facial features had been rearranged by a child. Maybe that's where Koledy recognized him from... "Uh, nothin'. Cap'n filled the good slots first come first serve. We'll take as many able-bodied sailors's we can, though. Still need a swabbie an' a rigger, but..." the Boatswain gave him another timid stare. "We're not goin' ta' make ye do that."

Koledy nodded. "Young men are best for those jobs, 'n you and me are old aboard a ship," the man agreed, hoping to ease the Boatswain's distrust of him. It was true that pirates lived short, danger-riddled lives. They were aged prematurely on the rough seas by conditions, warfare, and illness. Of course, avarice and hatred did not do much for a person's soul, either. "Where be the captain?"

"She stays mostly tah 'er cabin. Said she'll come out once we 'r ready to sail." The Boatswain leaned in. "Mind yer step 'round her, mate. There be dragons in these waters." The man found it hard not to feel contemptuous of someone who would say that about a woman and a captain. Everyone knew perfectly well not to step on the toes of a captain, and didn't need to be reminded. Shouldn't need to be reminded, no matter the gender. Contradictorily, he thought the Boatswain weak to fear a woman. With a simple nod, he moved off, staying topside, but examining the ship.

Though Koledy spoke of himself as old, and in years he was definitely past his prime to be a pirate and not a captain, he did not look it. At early thirties, he had been preserved rather well considering his lifestyle as a pirate. The secret to this was that he hadn't been at it for long. Not something he advertised. Though a few years was plenty respectable for one such as he, his previous profession was not, and would make him seem weak in his fellow outlaw's eyes. Dark chocolate brown skin gave him some level of protection from the sun, so he had not weathered so fast as the burnt-to-a-crisp palefaces. He had a frame that was naturally big, but not naturally muscled. His torso, while utterly devoid of flabbiness, looked almost shrunken in comparison with his powerfully built arms. They were long, with big, calloused hands, and though a cream poet's shirt hid most of this, his sleeves were rolled back to halfway up his impressive forearms. His physique was a practicality, not the result of intention. He did a lot of heavy lifting aboard ships, being one of the biggest, and the more muscular he got, the more people expected him to move crap for them all the time. Vicious cycle. It was actually pretty annoying.

He was tall, and his padded hairstyle made him seem quite a bit taller. The black English-African had a head full of thick brown dreads, bleached a few shades lighter than his skin by the sun. Each dread was abnormally fat, the thickness of three of his fingers, and they had blunt edges, as though they had recently been cut. Even freshly cut, they hung to below his shoulder blades, and he tied them back with a scrap of fluttery red cloth. What was truly interesting about his hair, though, was the amount of feathers that were tied into it. Most feathers were brown, black, or white, but there were also some vibrant parrot feathers in there, they were tied into his dreads, along with some beads and other jangley bits and bobs. Tied back like that, it gave the impression of a molting bird with its crest feathers down.

His attire was also odd, being that he wore simple loose black leggings with an egyptian-style covering. It was a large red piece of fabric, wrapped behind him and then tied in a drape in front in two narrow flaps that hung past his knees. His boots, instead of being pirate in nature, were instead more like Samurai shoes without the split toe, and their fabric wrapped in a textured way midway up his calves. The pants were tucked into these, and his shirt was tucked into his pants, beneath the sarong. His unusual dress gave him almost a kind of elegance, especially when worn by someone with such an intelligent, high-cheekboned face."
Hasty character description mid-rp for historical fiction Gladiator rp (closed):

Julius was aglow with this praise, quivering like an excited puppy about to wet himself. "Oh yes, he's very obedient. Docile as a lamb when he's not in the ring. Quite gentle with the ladies, so they say. He's done a lot of sparring in the outer lands, bit of a sand flea if you know what I mean. I thought he had promise, so I snapped him up, but of course his fighting needs to become more stylized. He needs to draw it out more. I'll tell my head trainer you said so. Until later, Lucius, Valeria," and he finally slipped away, bowing deferentially.

The gladiators had walked out of the arena, and slaves had run out to rake over the sands, covering up the small patch of blood, and neatening out the footprints. The crowd was abuzz as they discussed the fight and the new warrior, whom the women were already quite taken with. Some of the men complained that he wasn't brutal enough, but like Lucius, they thought he might have promise.

By the time the next gladiators came out, everyone was ready to watch again. There were several more pairs of fighters before the day's events were over, but few were as exciting as the first. None of the men were so handsome, nor so agile. It did become more bloody, one man getting pierced under the rib, and another having his death called for by the crowd. The sand absorbed his blood greedily, but it could not be raked away when the slaves came out afterwards.

When all was said and done, Julius' older slaves were loaded into a carriage completely enclosed in bars. The gladiators inside of it were not shackled, and they sat on benches beside each other and nursed their wounds. His brown horses pranced impatiently as the crowds swelled around them, leaving the arena en masse, but the driver held them steady. Julius' newest gladiator stood outside of the carriage, his wrists shackled so that the passerbys would feel safe. Most of the traffic were merely gladiators and their owners, however.

Up close, the gladiator looked quite different than he had from far away. He was far more muscular than he had appeared beside that rhinoceros of a man. He was taller than Julius, his owner, by several heads. His armor had been removed, revealing patches of skin that were slightly less dirty. His entire body was grimy and slick, and covered with fine, curly brown hair. He was virile and dirty and the perfect specimen of a man, as opposed to the overly-groomed and perfumed roman models of manhood.

The planes of his face were sharp and rugged. A short amount of stubble coated it. His full lips were chapped and cracked, though they somehow managed to still look soft, beneath his harsh noise, which was ever-so-slightly crooked from being broken. One long scar trailed from the top of his right cheek to below the corner of his mouth, looking more like a crease in his weathered skin than an injury. The scars on the rest of him were not always so inconspicuous, and they were numerous. He wore nothing but a cheap pair of sandals, not what a Roman would wear outside, and the dark brown burlap loin cloth, wrapped snugly around his muscular thighs. His belly button showed over top of it, coated in more of a concentration of hair. His ears were perfect, unmarred, and his straight brown hair, short though it was, managed to catch a breeze and become ruffled.

"Here he is!" Julius cried as they approached. "The gladiator who is going to make me rich!" The slave, with his graceful anatomy, did not bother to lift his eyes to his betters, keeping his gaze instead on the ground before his feet. That was until he saw the ruffling edge of Valeria's skirt, the wind conforming it to her shapely legs. He looked up, eyes trailing her from from foot to head as he did so. His expression did not change, it was blank, and passive, and just a little bit 'don't screw with me' under all that stoicism. Once his eyes reached hers, they did not wander back down to admire her pleasing figure. Instead, they remained locked on her face, his own showing no intensity. No, his face was relaxed, save for that tightness around his mouth which made it seem like he'd like to sucker punch Julius, who kept slapping at his elbow to get him to do or say this or that.

Yet his eyes...his eyes were a burning aquamarine, shocking as they peered out of his bronze skin and beneath darker eyebrows. Anything that they looked at could not help but to feel pinned into place, scorched with greenish-blue fire, the very hottest temperature of flame. Perhaps that was why he did not bother gracing many things with his unbroken gaze. This woman, he did.

Julius' voice droned on, cajoling his slave to "flex for them, say hello in your native tongue - no, say 'I'll cut off his head' or..." but no one really cared, and even Julius himself did not expect the gladiator to act on his every whim. If the slave attempted it, he would only be interrupting the profusions of his master, so his lips remained firmly shut, his eyes unblinking, only barely moving his body when Julius would give him an unwelcome poke to his bruised ribs.
Modern mermaid fantasy mid-rp post (closed):

Unaware of everything save for the dreamy memories flitting briefly through his mind, even that soon began to fade, and though life returned to him, the vignettes of his life did not. Consciousness was still a long ways off, but for now, everything was black to him. When memory did return to him, it was different than when his life had 'flashed before his eyes.' Though he gave no external sign of it, consciousness was beginning to creep over him, like the fingers of dawn.

It started with the sacred remembrance of a mermaid's song. It was an eery sound, but so beautiful, one would go towards it willingly, even if it were death. He did not know how long he drifted, cradled in the bosom of those sonar notes, but it was without beginning and without end. It connected with his soul, touched him in a timeless way. It was the nurturing murmur of his mother's voice when he was still in the womb. It was the lifegiving blood of amniotic fluid. It was the earth that would take him when he died, and return his mortal form to dust. It was the closest he had ever come to hearing god speak to him. It was an alien language, one which made no logical sense to his mind, but it felt to him like the native tongue of his spirit.

His memory warped the sound, gave it more vowels, carried it in undulating patterns which rose and fell, cacooned him and then drifted back. As he listened, his awareness very slowly widened until he could feel sand beneath his fingers, and a sore ache all over his body. There was a sharper throb on his frontal lobe, and a sticky wetness there that was different than the chill damp on the rest of him. And a weight...a painful pressure, so unpleasant after that surreal drifting, as reality returned to him. He could also hear the sounds of birds, of wind rustling palm leaves. Further away, the whisper of waves lapping a shore, and startlingly close, the occasional scratch of microscopic rocks scraping together as something on top of them moved. These sounds were different than the song he heard in his head. He heard these noises with his ears, which forced him to differentiate, and begin to realize that this incredible music was a figment of his imagination, a memory he had never had.

Breaths came stronger through his lungs, raising and lowering his chest. They now made an audible, steady sound. As the sun reached his face, he felt the warmth, but did not stir. The light shone richly on his tanned skin, making it look deeper, and more alive. Before he had resembled a waxy corpse. The nymph had kissed life back into him, but now, the sun reanimated him with a caress. Where his skin was thinner, the light reacted differently. Through his exposed earlobes, it shone red, casting tiny pink reflections on the sand beneath him. It highlighted the pulse which jerked through an artery in his neck. It formed narrow shadows behind each vein on the back of his hand, a valley behind each mountain, as though every inch of his skin was a miniature landscape. His eyelids looked nearly white underneath the already-strong sunlight, and his eyes beneath them showed faintly through like dark, circular shadows.

Then, they began to move. These veiled circles roved from side to side in twitchy patterns, and his dark, thick eyebrows furrowed as if loathe to be woken by the unrelenting light. The mystical sound of that voice had faded away to nothingness, the siren song had left him bereft. When he began to let go of it, he suddenly heard one last note, one resounding chime of that unearthly knell, which ended the memory for good, but stayed with him for a long time, resounding through his soul long after he had forgotten it.

With it, his nostrils flared as he suddenly drew in a breath through his nose instead of his parted lips, and then he coughed. Eyes still shut, body still limp against the ground, a couple of small coughs wracked him, making his torso jerk slightly. He turned his head, grimacing harder, and then slitted his eyes open. There was so much pain in his throat, from all the leftover salt, but the sunlight lancing into his head hurt him too. His head wound throbbed so much, it seemed like an atmospheric pressure which actually pulsated against him from above. His eyesight was blurry at first, offering him only a sense of light, and of cheerful colors of blue and green.

Needing to breathe more than he needed to see, Sterling lifted his head and tried to roll to the side, but did not make it very far before he swayed. He had never felt so nauseous, nor more in pain. It was incredibly disorienting. Nearly panting from the exertion of the motion, he winced against the light and slowly looked up, forcing his eyes to adjust to things that were less close than the grains of sand coating his wet sleeve.

That was when he finally glimpsed her. A woman so beautiful, his first response was to believe that he was dreaming. That notion only lasted a moment, as the pain was far too realistic and specific to be of the stuff of dreams. Yet she looked like a mirage, a figment of his imagination, transposed over this dreadfully real environment, the product of a nasty head injury. Her hair was white, with iridescent lights in it, almost as though each individual strand were see-through and refracted the sunlight into rainbows. They did not make hair that color. And what girl would actually wear her hair that long?

Her skin was so pale, as if it had never seen the sun, but here she was, sitting buck naked under the full blaze of it. Skin that white belonged to a redhead, and would have picked up UV rays faster than a pretty hitchhiker. Her skin almost hurt to look at, though his eyes were still overly sensitive to the light. Why, he wondered, was he hallucinating nude women? More importantly, why was he here? When he wondered this, his mind conjured up a brief, confusing image of a storm at night, black waters, and a rush of sound, but he had to grimace and shut his eyes to it. The memory was too chaotic and overwhelming right now.

All he could concern himself with was that very moment. It was already too much for him. Thankfully he also did not remain fixated on the woman, and missed her scales, and better still, her gills. Even what he could glimpse of her nakedness could not hold him now. Laying on his right side, leaning on that same forearm, he brought his free arm around slowly to press the heel of that hand - covered with sand and dirt - to his face, wiping it over his left eye and leaving a smear of sludge there. As he flexed that shoulder, he felt stabbing pains shooting down his spine. Dear lord, what had happened to him?


The word came to him and reverberated through his mind. Shipwrecked how and with whom, he had no immediate recollection. Sitting up slowly and with a groan, he began to feel out his legs and arms, realizing with relief that nothing was broken. The vegetation wrapped and tangled around him was a hindrance, which he began to pull off with an irritation which gave him strength. His muscles protested against this use, and his head pounded with a vengeance, but he ignored it until he was mostly free, and then gingerly touched his head injury. Pulling his fingertips away, he saw sticky, fresh blood, and he frowned.

This human flesh wound reminded him of his mysterious companion (who, if still there, was likely not an imaginary person) and he looked over at her, choking out a raspy, "Are you alright?" His voice was not the velvety, deep concoction that it usually was. It sounded rusty with disuse and possibly too much nicotine, but this was not the case. His vocal chords felt like beef jerky: dried, salty, and inflexible.

He realized that the rest of him was in fine working order, however, as he looked at the woman. Half-dead and mostly drowned, he could still appreciate her exposed femininity. Apparently all that was necessary for him to be able to think sexually was a pulse. She appeared unhurt, in fact, she appeared downright /perfect./ Except for a bloodless cut on her ribcage, which did not look so good. His brows furrowed again in concern, but supposing her to be very self-conscious of her naked state (or if she was too disoriented to be, then he should be on her behalf) he said, "here," and began unbuttoning his flannel shirt. His fingers were stiff and clumsy, and it took him awhile to get all the buttons undone, and even longer to then peel it off of his torso (to which his body protested most adamantly, decrying abuse). The black v-neck tee shirt he wore beneath it was mostly unscathed, but wet and clung to him as his flannel shirt had done. He held out the proffered article of clothing, and did his best not to look upon her points of interest, being more of a gentleman than was usual for boys his age.
Science fiction rp intro-ing female character (closed):

"NO! No! Jonathan! Oh my god, oh my god," sobbed a woman at the end of the line. The one holding her jerked her hair roughly in an attempt to shut her up, and her protests were reduced to a sort of hyperventilating breathing-whimpering. Her mouth was contorted in horror, and her eyes were wide with terror. She was helpless, her long white throat exposed, her hands grasping the wrists of the one who held her as if to scalp her. It was not the sort of scene one could witness and ever be the same after. Neither for her, nor for them.

For her, these had been her friends. If she did not intimately know all the people in this line, then she at least knew them by acquaintance. Jonathan was a first-rate medical officer. He had asked her out a few times, and though she had turned him down, they remained friends in that sort of awkward way when one party has a crush on the other, and they both know it. Her best friend, Josie, had been in the communication room. Onboard were her bosses, her flings, her petty enemies. Onboard had been her life, and her future. To witness the slaughter of so many - to know there was nothing one could do while those around them died, and death crept ever closer to was a nightmare from which a person could never fully awaken.

Yet to inflict this type of nightmare on another was almost a worser fate. To look into the dark eyes of this woman, to see her suffering and do nothing to stop it...that was a scar that would be left on any heart still beating. That obviously did not apply to Madam. The woman tried to watch her soulless enemy from the corner of her eye, as she could not move her rigidly-held head. She spared no glances for the cyborg, or any other personnel who were party to this firing line. Madam was the specter of death, and she kept her gaze upon her as best she could.

At any other time, this undone creature might have been a great beauty. She had large almond-shaped eyes, and a sheet of thick, dark brunette hair which had formerly been in a high, sleek ponytail, but had since become quite mussed, and reached the small of her back in tears and tangles. Smooth skin was blotchy and red with anxiety, and her expressive brown eyes were no more than pools of anguish, which far from being pleasant to look into, were like looking into the depths of a condemning hell.

She was clad in the uniform of her station. Thick, spongy white fabric of high-tech weave in a top and pants combo, edged in a touch of navy blue and silver. Brown combat boots were her own contribution, as well as sparkling diamond earring studs in each ear, one of which was splattered in blood not her own. Strapped to her hip was a white holster which had once housed a gun, but that had been either lost in the fight or forcibly removed by one of these lackeys.

"They don't know anything! Please, don't kill any more of them! They don't know the trade routes! That wasn't in their security clearance, please, /let them go,/" she begged, bravely and perhaps foolishly, her slender body thrashing slightly with her words, fingernails digging in perhaps subconsciously to the one who restrained her. Perhaps she should not have made her comrades so disposable, but disposable they were to their enemy, anyway. Regardless, she was turning the heat from them to herself, or at least intending to, by demanding Madam's attention.

Tears still tracked silently from her eyes over the man's gruesome death, rolling down her slick face and pooling on the fabric that covered her collar bones. Water resistant as it was, it was already becoming damp. Yet she forced herself to pull it together, for the good of the other six remaining survivors. One could see her struggle, a tiny caged bird fluttering and beating its wings against its prison in fright, while the tiger licks its lips before it. Still, she tried to put authority into her words, layering the panic.

"I - will try to help you, if I have guarantee of their safe return to GOV. I am familiar with the computers, I can save you hours in getting past the - in getting past the firewalls. These are /civilian workers,/ /innocent lives,/" she continued to plead.

"Lucy, no," an older woman one person over whispered. If this 'Lucy' swore to stay and help, there was no way the young woman would live. Moreover, to betray GOV to this band of thugs? To save their lives? Even if some of them were nonmilitary personnel, they all had taken an oath to GOV. Their lives were in service to the greater good. Lucy knew that, they all did. It didn't mean they didn't want to live, or would not have guiltily accepted her sacrifice.

Lucy's eyes tightened in heroic defiance. It was only six lives, after hundreds had been lost today. She would not give up defending her allegiance nor the people who served it, until she drew her last breath.
The following two are plot ideas...

Intro for a fantasy roleplay which takes place roughly in the medieval/dark-ages in a village. Main character is a shape-shifting guardian of an enchanted forest. (OPEN):

A pearly mist lay like a blanket along the foliage-cushioned floor of the forest. Like most mornings there, although the temperature was warm, there was an overlaying chill which seemed to be directly correlated to the mist, like a freezing rain in the middle of a summer day. It was disconcerting, a cold that got into the bones and made one shiver, while the mist crept up your legs and drenched you to the heart. The forest creatures seemed to go about their regular business, apparently unaware of the air of unnatural creepiness that hung over the woods: an invisible veil. Birds sang to the morning, high in the branches, out of sight, in this snow white forest. Enchanted-like, no animals could be seen, although their pleasant noises could be heard. If a sign of an animal was glimpsed, it was short-lived. The pointy, sharp-eyed face of a young fox was caught by surprise beneath a bush, but only a second later, the tip of its fluffy tail was disappearing with a swish. A squirrel eating its breakfast in the nook of a branch froze and then vanished, scurrying around to the other side of the tree. It's nails on the water-darkened bark made noise of its retreat for longer than seemed normal, as though sound was amplified here. A trick of the mind, similar to what happened to the ears when one was afraid in the dark.

Waist-high ferns obscured the bases of evergreens with trunks so large, one would not be able to span them with their arms. Their rough textile skins were a dark reddish brown, and if fingers touched them, they would be springy, so full of water the chunks of bark were almost soft. They had, after all, been soaking in a heavy mist all night. Their crowns soared to the heavens, almost obscuring a morning sky still an expressionless light soot color. Spindly needle-coated branches were threaded with raindrops that slipped off when touched; explosions of isolated rainfall when an animal gave a start or a passer-by pushed through. Fat orbs of water sat on the wide fern leaves like mini fortune-telling glass balls, casting bewildering reflections of a 360 degree forest on their mirroring surface. When the slippery foliage was pushed through and then released, as the leaves slithered back together, hardly any drier from the encounter, they seemed to whisper menacingly "you will never get out, you will never get out, you will never ever get outtttt..."

Indeed there was a claustrophobia about this hushed, dreamy place. Then suddenly, with almost no warning, the intruder would get to a place where she could see into a clearing. The ferns dwindled to a more reasonable size, and the more narrow trees held back to skirt a small circular glade with short grass and tiny-petalled wildflowers. It would be what was in this clearing that would draw her up short. A large stag was grazing peacefully, but he was more unlike any other stag than this forest was unlike any other forest. His pelt was a touchable chinchilla-grey, lightening to silver where the light hit it. Eye-confusing gold highlights seemed to undulate over the muscular counters of the sleek coat. The ends of each shaft of his hair was hollow, allowing light to pass through it, creating an ever-shifting silver glitter like a Bengal cat's fur. This look was intensified by the droplets of water that coated him, glimmering like translucent diamonds. His dainty hooves were a murky brown, and the fur above them was wet, and parted, the only thing that made him appear real. He took a step so that his long neck could reach another bite of grass. The step took him through the path of a bunch of wildflowers, and the petals stuck to his damp ankles. His white teeth made a lush tearing sound, though his chewing was nearly silent.

He had long, sparse black eyelashes that lanced over half-closed eyes that did not bother to look up. This deer was not on his guard. There must not be many hunters that ventured this deep into his forest, or any people at all. The fur on his muzzle was cloud-white, as was the fluff on his chest, and the smooth contour of his underbelly. His tail gave a switch, revealing that flash of white, that flag of warning he didn't have the sense to put up yet. One large, soft ear flicked away a tiny bug, which must not have been satisfactory because he then shook his whole great head, droplets dancing from his six-point brown antlers. He was about to go back to grazing when he must have heard a noise, or caught a strange smell, for his velvety nose suddenly whipped up, and his large, gentle midnight blue eyes zeroed in on the intruder. His face was remarkably intelligent for a cervine, and it showed utter shock. Enough shock to freeze him there for only a moment, unless she started to advance on him.
Idea for a post-apocalyptic and/or futuristic gladiator/hunger games roleplay (OPEN):

With a vast majority unable to aspire to the lifestyle of the wealthy in New City, the poor had to come up with their own means of entertainment, mimicking the stories and adventures played out in the highly advanced, virtual reality video games many of them enjoyed. Without the technology, they used people. The slumlords created and upkept arenas where players could spar under an alias. Despite its seedy nature, the rich sometimes ventured down into the dangerous areas of the city to watch the games, or even, rarely, to fight. In general, there was a surprising amount of fair play and equality when it came to these fights. Players were rarely severely injured, and no one "owned" them, although they usually had coaches and mentors who knew their secret identities. Winners won money and fame, though for most, it was merely what they did for fun, or rather - what they lived for. Those not athletic or brave enough to participate watched all the games they could, living vicariously through the thrills, and cheering on their favorite player. Though there were many famous fighters, there were also many smaller "cult favorites," with how many there were, and the smaller arenas that dotted the slums, where the poverty-stricken clustered, like mice to cheese. **Feel free to request this one, but you will basically have to be an insanely good writer for me to try this one with you, considering how vast, intricate, and action-packed it ought to be.**
Thank you so very much for your time; I hope to hear from you!
Reply yay! :D I wanna roleplay

OhGodOfWriting said:
Still looking!
Hey I am new to this site, I usually roleplay on gaia, but the pickings got slim so I moved out. lol Anyways here is my information. You can call me Ari. I am a female roleplayer and I enjoy action packed, interesting roleplays with a twist of romance usually. I rarely do friendship/family roleplays however I can do anything if I like it. :3 All of my characters are interesting, usually stronger females and I can so anything from a shy, smart teenage girl to a demonic sociopath of a villian. Between those I have been known to do idealist heroines, the occasional princess (and warrior princess xD ) and villainous or gracious goddess characters. I think what really makes a roleplay are the characters, how they interact and so on and so forth. I generally get very attached to my characters and work on making them believable. But anyways, I also love to just dig down and really get into a roleplay you know? I love to talk about it and plan out plot twists and lines and what not and just really throw in some good old fashioned hard work. (some of my ideas get a bit cliche at times but I LOVE working WITH my partner to create a truly great story!)

Finally here are two samples of mine:

1. This is a post from a roleplay about twins, the Prince and Princess of England. They are extremely close, in love even, and often feel like they are the only two in the whole world that matters. However just when they truly come out with their feelings to one another - their world is shattered as their parents announce on their 17th birthday that the sister (my character Adrianna) is engaged to the young, charasmatic, and extremely wealthy Prince of Wales. From that point on the roleplay revolves around the twins as they struggle with their relationship, trust issues, strict parents and the countries expectations, as they try to both hide their love and find a way to keep them together. This roleplay was originally designed to become rather dark and if you are curious to find out what happened just ask. :)

Aiden and Adrianna have paused in their horse ride to spend some time together in their secret place far off the beaten path in the forest:

"Adrianna Felt a leap of joy in her stomach when he agreed to stop here with her for a moment. Aiden was extremely hansom, he was charming and brilliant, he was kind and witty, he knew everything about her and was considerate to her always,while Aiden was seemingly the perfect man he was more than that. He was her twin brother, she knew that - and everyone said it was wrong to love him as more than a brother, it was wrong to love him as a soul mate but she did. Adrianna knew that if she were to find a man as hansom and loving as her brother, even if she did develop feelings for him, those feelings wouldn't be able to hold a candle to her feelings for Aiden. Aiden and her shared more than genetics - they shared a soul, and Adrianna felt it with her whole heart.

She halted her horse and smiled when he helped her off her horse, he was such a gentleman and despite their long term relationship, she still got butterflies in her stomach when he looked at her and his eyes caught her own, when he flashing a charming smile at her...when they were alone together. She welcomed the kiss as she dismounted and smiled coyly to his compliment, her dazzling blue eyes staying on his own bright blue eyes. "You are looking as hansom as ever this morning as well Aiden."

While it was expected for all girls at court to be good at flirting, Adrianna had nearly perfect the art of flirting. Sure it helped she was attractive, but she was playful and good at leading on any man or woman, and while she was always sincere with Aiden, she was not above enticing him a bit, staying playful in their relationship to help relieve his stress. Being a prince was hard enough, and her brother was often serious when he needed to be, not to mention their father's and their country's expectations of him- Adrianna thought it always helped when she could take him from that stressful world filled with problems, and into their own private world filled with love and playful games.

She leaned against a near by tree, playing innocent with him,"You know you shouldn't spoil me with compliments though, I might become vane is you aren't careful." She said in a voice feigning innocence."

My Partner Posted for Aiden:
"Aiden felt the familiar burning sensation of his cheeks becoming flushed when Adrianna complimented him. He hated how easily she could make him blush. Although, he couldn't complain. She always did manage to bring the best of him out. If he had anything to live for, it was for her.

Thoughts of running away had occurred in his thoughts more then once in regards to his dysfunctional parents. Not wanting them to corrupted his heart with spite and resentment. However, he could never bring himself to do it because the thought of abandoning his sister was to over bearing. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved her. He loved her more then anything in this world and to lose her would probably be the death of him.

Watching her lean against a nearby tree, his eyes roamed her figure from head to toe; as if his eyes were undressing her. Her voice of feigning innocence sending shivers down his spine as he approached. Not hesitantly to place his forehead against hers, lips inches away from caressing hers. His eyes peering into hers with eagerness. "Oh Adrianna, have you ever wondered if I intentionally try and seek out the vane side of you." he said with a playful tone, a sly smirk forming on his lips.

Reaching up, he allowed his hand to gentle caress her cheek and down along the sensitive skin of her neck. His body slowly pressing against hers, starving for her affection, for her touch. He always loved the way she embraced him."

"Adrianna was well aware of his eyes roaming her body, it was one of the few assets that was hers and hers alone, it wasn't her family or her fortune, or her place at court - it was hers, and she didn't mind sharing all of it with Aiden. She smiled, inhaling his scent as he came closer to her and touched his forehead to her own, this morning she would smell like a sophisticated rose and sandal wood, an earthy scent sweetened by a floral aroma, a truly intoxicating perfume, one that was made especially for her that she brought out on casual days.

Adrianna inhaled deeply, taking him in, then sighing out softly. "Oh, there is no doubt you seek out the vanity in me," She said, getting chills as he smirked and let his hand move across her skin, sending adrenalin into her wherever his skin rested upon her own. She breathed in deeply, embracing his touch and shuddering just a little as she closed her eyes and let her hands move under his arms to his strong, muscular back, pulling him in closer to her - her body aching for his just as much as his did for hers,"But I'm afraid I am much too busy admiring you to be vane about myself." She said, feeling her coy, innocent act slipping away as he pursued her. She took in a deep breath then let it out slowly as she calmed herself down, leaving her eyes closed for now as she concentrated on his body so near her own. Every time Aiden was close to her and they were alone was completely agonizing to Adrianna. It was wrong, she knew, but Adrianna couldn't help it. She wished for his kiss, desired him to embrace her. She wanted to stay in this spot with him for the rest of their lives - she wanted this moment to remain untouched and untainted by humanity and society - she didn't need fancy clothing, precious jewels, extravagant perfumes or soaps, or any of the luxury she was used to. All she needed was Aiden. Being twins they shared a soul and somewhere between conception and birth they separated becoming two separate beings and it killed her inside. They were one in the same and no one in the whole world could ever understand them but each other - some may have thought them to simply be vane and only loving the other because they thought of themselves as perfect - and maybe that was why Aiden loved her, but on her own Adrianna was incomplete and she felt it when he was gone......"

This is actually a very flirty part in the very beginning of the roleplay so I guess it might seem a little promiscuous however their love is much more than skin deep. Aiden hates his father who is very dismissive of him and his family, however he loves his mother who dotes and fawns on her only son (the only suitable heir she produced for the throne so she values him much more than Adrianna) and Aiden doesn't know it, but their mother is fierce and cruel with Adrianna when she needs to be. (Example: Adrianna and Aiden get a plan to sabotage her engagement and make Edward not want her - however every time Adrianna does something to try and help that plan her mother punishes her severely and the punishments only get worse and worse -slowly breaking Adrianna's will- as they go. Of course though Aiden never sees it and his doubt in his sister causes more trust issues between them.)

2. This is going to be a solitary sample of my work. This roleplay was based off of the Power Rangers, I created it and played both the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Darkness however you will be reading my post as the Goddess of Darkness. She was a particularly fun character as she reveled in the praise, love, and admiration of her young follower, a dark power ranger who controlled shadows instead of one of the elements. They had a fun relationship because she is a sociopath (sort of, being a goddess she lacks many human emotions) and yes he was evil, had a super hard life growing up until the Goddess of Darkness came and awarded him power and wealth. He fell in love with her and became the most fierce warrior he could, he will do anything for her and he follows her orders exactly as she says and she just loves how he loves her. He has served her well and she just delights in him because he is so intensely loyal to her. That and she could go from delighted to horribly angry in a moment's notice.

The Goddess of Darkness: Dianna -


Luna's eyes examined him, peered through hims, as if they could see through his eyes and into his very soul before she picked it apart and saw it fiber by fiber. Her eyes were always like that, filled with silver and night sky, they often appeared blue. She smiled, her pink lips tilting up ever so slightly as he spoke of his disgust for humans and the demon lord. She crossed her legs and felt her enjoyment of him fill her up again, she loved his company for more than a few reasons. One he was fairly attractive for a human, two, he entertained her, thrilled her when he spoke of his passionate hatred, she just loved it. Not to mention his aura was so...dark and she adored it, she adored him. "You always please me Kane, this mission shall be no different." Luna said, re-affirming her trust in him. "I await the day I am freed from this


prison as well, then it shall be just you and I...and we won't have to worry about the Demon Lord ever again..." She said.

"I also await our victory." she said, moving her legs over one of the arm rests and leaning back over the other, her dark hair filled with darkness and stars spilled over the arm rest and swept the floor as she stretched in joy, showing off her perfect figure,"That


day when we can


rid the world of those


humans and their


goddess..." Luna often had a habit of going from an orgasmic mood to a violent one all at once. She was filled with, not life, but a passionate deep hatred. She moved and again disappearing and again reappearing behind him in shadows, her arms hugging around his chest from behind as she touched her cheek to his own, she smelled of amethyst orchids and moonlight, and darkness if you could give it a scent.She constantly showered him with affection...a dark kind of affection, like one of those sick twisted 'loves' that a serial killer holds for the one person they can't kill.

"Calm down darling," she cooed in his ear softly,"Hold in all that rage for exterminating the Power Rangers instead." She added with a smile. "I'm afraid I have nothing left for this visit," She said and disappeared, reappearing sitting on the edge of the pool in front of him,"That is all I need for now. Just remember that should you need me, you can always call through the stone I gave you." She said, gesturing to the stone on the chain around his neck she'd given to him when they fist met on that dark, dark night. She had sense his powers and felt his spirit, he was so powerful, it had been the perfect time for her to reveal to him his true destiny."

I am Domph Bloo and I am new to the site. Was hoping that people could direct me around to some interesting threads or even stir up a few ideas with me. Am really excited to get started here. Here is my "resume".

  • I have been RPing since I was 16: so 4 years?
  • Writing Level: I prefer paragraphs. Word count ranging from 500-1500. Love details and action.
  • Specific Interests: I am pretty across the board with characters. I will play both girl and guy, different ages (because it is boring to play someone my own age), different ethnic backgrounds, etc. What I love is a detailed plot (either overall or between characters) and strong character development. I am a character monger by the way. So it is really hard to stick to just one. But as a writer, I promise that each will get development and plots. At one time I like to play two to three characters. Either one on one or a small group would be nice. With one on one however I would expect the other person to be able to juggle characters too or be willing to interact with the rest. It's sort of dull when there are a limited number of characters. I am a very plot driven person. So while there is something happening here, there can be something happening over here and all of a sudden it comes together and makes sense. But I'll cease my blabbering now...Just figured I'd emphasize how much I love strong stories and characters.
  • Genres: Again, pretty across the board. When in doubt please feel free to shot me a PM. I like an array of different genres but what I won't play are Fandoms, animal RPs, military based (though if it is a historical setting like WWII or something that is ok), a battle royale, most high school or similarly based rps. When it comes to sci-fi I fet turned off by space based RPs. Not sure why. Some of my favorite RPs include: real life (circus or carnival based, historical, a sort of government spy setting), supernatural (where a species or two live underground in the human world, a sort of True Blood plot where they have "came out", many more), Sci-Fi (post-apoc, zombies, Dystopian Future, Authoritarian regime, etc). There are a lot. But I am willing to hear suggestions.
  • This I just wrote from an old concept. I do play both guys and girls though.
Sometimes you wake up to fluorescent lights. It’s quite an ordinary thing really. You spend your whole educational existence waking up to a bell and fluorescent lights.Depending on your career choice, you may open those bright peepers up to a low hanging ceiling lit by what? Fluorescent lights. If you are extremely unlucky, you wake up to a hospital room bustling with nurses and the rhythmic beeping of your heart rate…and of course…those ever present fluorescent lights.

Here is yet another occasion when you open those eyes and everything is a blur. You wonder “What happened? Where am I?” As the room comes into focus, you begin to notice the posters on the wall. “Hang in there Champ!” one reads with a Grim Reaper holding a young child’s hand. Before you start questioning such dark humor, you hear a few stifled cries. You spin around to figure out who is in so much distress. That’s when you discover the line.

Yes, you are standing in a line. Which is odd, because you should be in a hospital, right? This is where I inform you, my dear reader, that you have died. You are currently reading a pamphlet at the Death Directory Communications Centers.First you may be in denial…perhaps shock…

Slade gazed up from the pamphlet, peering around at the other folks in line. They were in all sorts of dress; nightgowns, business suits, half dressed, and even a naked butt glanced out of the front somewhere. Wiping the back of his neck he realized that his own attire was less than savory. Why in the ever blazes was he still in his tear downs? He may have been a carny but his mama had taught him better than to show up all greased up with holes in the knees.

Slowly, the line progressed and never did anything click into place. Last time...well, last thing he remembered was putting tilt-a-whirl bolt plates on the trailer. Fingers clutched the pamphlet a little tighter. Was this some joke? Didn't smell like no hospital. No bleach or medicine or nurses in scrubs. But there was still that faintly familiar touch. That scent that taunted and teased but never revealed its name lurked forever on his mind. Was that decay? It had a murky moldy like sensation...

"Next!" He had always hated hospitals. They reminded him of how very mortal he was. One day, like his drunken daddy, his bible thumping mama, and his POW brother, he too would die. "NEXT!" Slade started as a woman with horned glasses waved him down. "Hurry up...we only have eternity." Tipping his hat, the man lumbered through the swinging doors. Inside he was greeted by a wide mouthed young women with a sharp clean green dress. She talked fast and moved faster. His southern demeanor pinned her clearly as a big city Yank. They were always in a hurry. Places to be, people to see...he never really got it. What was the point of going all those places and seeing all those people if you never got to stop and live the moment?

"Well Slade Rowe, here we are." An office door was pushed open for him and a seat offered. The women, he thought she had introduced herself as Diana, sat behind a stack of manila folders. Blue eyes peeped over at him before she blushed and pushed them aside. Off in the shadows of the room were various shoots and tunnels that reminded him of the ones at the drive-up that banks have. One hummed and a capsule shot down. Diana ignored it for a second before rising to retrieve it.

"So..." She started, popping the top off. "Do you understand why you are here?"

"This paper sure doesn't help, ma'am," He held up the brightly printed welcoming kit.

"Ah yes...if I had it my way we wouldn't pass those things out. But you know why you're here?"

"I don' even know where here is, ma'am, much less tell ya why I am here."

“You’re dead Mr. Rowe. At 7:03on May 19, 1988 you were setting up Gypsy Foot’s tilt-a-whirl andas you were putting a bolt plate on the chain snapped and it fell.The paramedics couldn’t do anything for you. Course, five hundredpounds on the top of your noggin is pretty fatal.” No sugary buildup. No tissues. Just a cold hard slap of reality.

The only thing he could do was lean back and spout out, "Yer kiddin'." Big forearms crossed over his chest. Dark brown eyes squinted hard at the little lady. If the room was supposed to be welcoming and comforting...Slade diminished it with his cold stare. This joke wasn't funny anymore.

"Afraid not, Mr. Rowe. I am your current caseworker. No you can apply to get a new one if you so desire...but for the time being I have managed to set you up with an apartment on the east side and a job working as a maintenance man for the building. It is mandatory that you maintain this job while you are in Limbo a-"

"Is that what they call it? Limbo," He drew the word out to an impossible length. Tasted salty and bitter...but most of all Limbo tasted like something you wanted to spit back out.

"Yes...that's what we call it. Now if you woul-"

"I think I had enough...jus' give me that there envelop and I'll figure ever'thing out on my own." He held his hand out, demanding not asking. "If I'm dead than what the f*ck is the point of pretendin' I'm alive..."

"It's not about being alive, Mr. Rowe. It's about passing on." Inside his heart sank at the sorrow that dripped in her voice. It resembled the years he suspected she wished she could cry. "You haven't done that yet. None of us have." Her smile wasn't as wide as it once was and as she handed him the folder she held tight. "Take my're going to need it eventually." Without further delay, she placed the tiny piece of paper on top of the folder and walked him to the door.

Slade shuffled through the halls to a check out. He signed his name and asked the receptionist where his new home was.
This is just an hint of concern based on you're first on with the twins. Please keep in mind our site is PG-13 and no sexual content is allowed (Romance is fine). Thank you~

It was to one of the repliers, but it's a good bit of knowledge to have all the same, right?
Esme said:
I believe you were referring to me :) that sample of writing was from a roleplay non-related to this site, however I believe I will have to redefine my ides of PG-13, I suppose that particular sample was more PG-17. Thanks for the reminder xD I won't happen again.
I am pretty into anything as long as it includes some romance (strait, old-fashioned, non-alien, non-animal romance. I have nothing against gay/lesbian, but I'm so strait even reading that stuff is super awkward, much less writing it). I am good with first-person, or third-person AND I also usually write my characters in depth as well. I can write either male or female pretty proficiently. My sample is below. Contact me if you're interested.

Quiet. He hated it, and yet that was precisely what he was confined to now. With little mood to jump up and join in with his mates’ antics, Jasper was once again perched in a chair in the back corner of he room taking occasional drags from a cigarette between his fingers. Oh, he wasn’t supposed to smoke, but who was going to tell him to stop anyway? It was Jasper frickin Javier.

It’d been getting a lot worse lately, his thoughts of her.. They were constant and relentless, never ceasing except for during the nights he spent getting absolutely hammered or shagging some random chick that’d caught his eye. And there was never a shortage of chicks. Ever.

The sharp snapping of fingers in front of his face brought Jasper out of his Sierra consumed thoughts and molten gold eyes flickered up to meet Landon’s concerned gaze. Landon asked him something inaudible and Jasper offered only a grunt before standing to smother his cig out in a nearby ash tray. They’d stopped at some swanky hotel for their day off and it was obvious the rest of the lads wanted to go down to the pool to catch a rare moment of sun, four sets of curious eyes laid on him wondering if he was coming too. A sharp jerk of the head to the door was their only answer and they wasted no time leaving.

After their voices finally disappeared down the hall, Jasper stood as well headed towards a very different part of he hotel- the bar. It seemed luck was on his side today as a blonde haired whiskey girl passed by, a positively fit bartender at that. She was no Sierra, but she'd do for the night. Tall and masculine form waited until the girl was just in front of him before his hand flashed out to grab her arm, effectively stopping her escape.

She was flustered as soon as their gazes met, how cute. “Whiskey girl…?” Baritone vocals held a rasp to them as the man spoke, eyes trained on the girl’s blue ones.

“Per-personal assistant..” Her flustered correction would receive a grunt in response as Jasper eased the girl back until she was flush against the wall, their proximity dangerously close. The hand not on her arm slid to the girl’s hip and soon the other followed, and the man could feel the girl’s hands resting on his chest, rising and falling with each breath. Smouldering amber orbs stayed locked on her green ones, and he could practically see her melting before him. Leaning forward until he was pressed fully against her, his mouth found her ear pausing there to allow her a moment to squirm under his experienced touch.

“I’ll need some assistance in my room tonight. 10 o’clock.” Jasper rasped into her ear, smirking as he felt her shudder against him. She would be there, they were always there. Grip tightened at her hips as lips pressed once against the girl’s neck. And just like that, the space in front of her was vacant, and Jasper was once again headed to the bar in the lobby below.
I liked the pirate one, here is a sample from me.

Cecile watched the ship from the roof of a nearby tavern. She didn’t move much and attracted no attention, which was the way she liked it. Dressed like a peasant, with a wide brimmed straw hat covering her face and Asiatic features, she looked like any of the numerous farmers that come to town to sell their wares, and then drank and whored to excess before heading back into the hills. One dagger was tucked up her sleeve, just in case someone looked too close. A fool might dismiss her as a boy due to her small size, she preferred it that way.

Right now she wasn’t happy and she found it best for her own mental health to let people know about this. Since she didn’t really care about anyone else, much less their mental health it tended to work out pretty well for her. Even better now that she was the captain of her own ship and intended to beach or murder anyone who annoyed her. The Siren was a hard won ship and while others might despair of taking a voyage on her, for fear of it being a one way trip, she had already fallen in love with it.

She had been born on a ship, agile enough to keep from being washed overboard, it was only male children who rated a rope around their middles to make sure they didn’t drown, daughters were worthless to a sea people and the weak perished quickly. Her years since had only confirmed this opinion.

She disliked the bosun, though he knew his business well enough. She disliked that she was here in port, openly recruiting. In her mind that should be done quietly, escaping notice from authorities, the merchants she intended to rob and other pirates who might just as easily rob her.

The black man caught her eye, she recognized something, didn’t know what it was but wanted to know more. The dock was too crowded now, so she waited until dusk fell and the crowds headed for homes or taverns. Without a sound she shimmied down the wall and then keeping to the shadows she moved towards her ship. There were several people topside and so she moved past the ship once before doubling back and walking up the gangplank.

The bosun stepped forward to stop the boy, recognized his captain and stammered out a quick, “Welcome aboard sir…er ma’am.”

“Shut your trap, do you want to announce it to the whole world?” she hissed.

As usual he didn’t know how to respond to her and she slipped past him and into her quarters, coming out a few minutes later with leather leggings and a red sash, which held a short scimitar, the straw hat replaced with a red bandana, now she looked like a pirate.

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