Looking for Seeking Gamers


of the Nightfall
Share your gamer tags / ids here:

Xbox: Egolegume


Raptr: Egolegume

Feel free to add me, just include a message if you can so I know you're an RPNer.
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Wouldn't it be better to have a general thread for gamer tags/IDs?

In any case, mine are

steam: aslerudi

origin: togfan95

xboxlive: can't remember >.> i think it's togfan
PC gamer,reporting in.

Steam: sridley78

Origin: Riddle782

I enjoy a good singleplayer experience,but multiplayer from time to time is good. If you're a Dark Souls II player...

Name-Engraved Ring Status: Caffrey,the Goddess of Fortune.
I'm a PC gamer, and dude who plays single player games exclusively at that. I've got a PS3 and a 3DS but those are mostly unused except for Diablo 3 with the ladyfriend and Animal Crossing. So, on to the only thing I actually use consistently, Steam!

Steam: UncleShortyB

I mostly just leave it on in the background in case someone on my list wants a chat or something.
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PC Gamer all the way. Even though I have Origin, I only have a couple of games on there.

Steam: phantomhivexx

Ask for Friend Code (3DS).

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