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Fantasy Seeking an RP Partner


New Member

I’m Amber and I am brand new to this site though I have done RP before. Ultimately, I just want to have fun and create an epic story together.

18+ only as I feel it is inappropriate for someone my age (27) to engage in RP with someone younger than 18.

1 post/ week minimum. I know we are all super busy (myself included) but I will be checking as frequently as I can so I would like the same consideration.

Ghost Friendly but I promise I won’t be mad if you tell me you’d like to stop.

Preferably would like someone who does their best to write with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Totally understand mistakes though! I’m not gonna be a jerk about that.

Length doesn’t necessarily matter as long as there is appropriate contribution.

M/F or F/F. I would prefer to play the female character as that is what I’m most comfortable with.

Plot ideas:

I’m honestly open to suggestions here but I’ll list a view ideas I’ve had.
* Highly desirable

Medieval Fantasy:
Arranged Marriage*
Exiled sorceress

Random journey encounter

If you would like to RP, just PM me! I look forward to the stories we can create with one another


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