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Fantasy Seeking a few new partners


A single sunbeam can chase away many shadows
Hello! I had quite a bit of luck finding partners on here a while ago so I figured I’d give it a go again and see if I could find one or two more people to write with. Plus my current long time partner is on vacation and I'm totally going through withdrawals.

First off, the rules:

1) This, I think, should go without saying but please be literate. Don’t use text lingo or short hand. I can deal with the occasional spelling mistakes. I don’t need multiple paragraphs every post but I don’t want one-liners either and I ONLY write in third person. Also, as a side note: I do write most of my replies on my phone so they look WAY longer to me than they may to you so please keep that in mind. I’ve always preferred quality over quantity anyways.

2) No God-Modding. Even if we are playing in the world I created I will not do this to you so please don’t do this to me. Also, please don’t completely ignore what I write simply because it isn’t the response you were looking for.

3) Be willing to COLLABORATE! I cannot stress this enough. Now, if creating plot is not something you’re good at than please be able to help move the story forward. I am more than capable of creating multiple plot points and carrying a story, but it does get exhausting when I have to do that and my partner can’t drive time forward.

4) Be willing to play more than one character if needed. There is only so much that can happen between two characters without any interaction with any others. I can promise you that I will play multiple characters.

5) Please be at least 18 years old. I'm in my early thirties and I'm simply uncomfortable writing with someone who is underage.

6) I ONLY RP through google docs or email because it is easier for me to respond to either from my phone no matter where I am. I prefer google docs because I also have google hangouts which allows for OOC conversation while we RP.

What I'm looking for:

Adventure, action, and romance all in a medieval/fantasy setting. I do have a basic medieval/fantasy world that I have set up inspired by the following Fandoms: The Green Rider Series, The Codex Alera Series, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I am somewhat obsessed with Game
of Thrones and if you can play a convincing Jaime it’d probably be the easiest to convince me to do. I’d also be more than willing to do a AU or crossover of any of those series but some may take some convincing. Overall, I’ve found a basic medieval/fantasy setting works best but that doesn’t mean I’m completely closed off to the idea of doing a Fandom RP. Also, if you have a world that you’ve created I’m more than happy to come play in your sandbox. I thoroughly enjoy dark themes. I’ve found over time that I generally like placing my characters in situations that will create internal conflict, anguish and the likes simply because it helps add to their depth.

I do play both male and female characters. I am more than capable of playing either in a romantic capacity, however I'm currently only looking to play the female role. If you have an interesting female character or an intriguing plot, I can be convinced to play the male. The only reason I currently want the female role is because I've spent the last 18 months playing a male in a romantic role and as much as I've enjoyed it, I miss playing the female counterpart.

I do not have any specific plot ideas in mind or pairings but I tend to be pretty good at coming up with things on the fly whether it be from a suggested pairing, a song or a character bio. If you're interested please PM or respond to this thread and I will get in touch with you.
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Hello, I'm Eliza! I'm interested in concocting a role-play with you. I don't have a specific plot in mind, though perhaps we can figure something out together? :)
*jumps up and down like a anime nerd at a anime convention. * me me. I’ve been looking for a rp like this. Please pm me. I won’t bite I promise “
I think i'd be interested in this definitely. Drop me a line because i can't pm for some reason.

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