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Fandom Seeking 1 x 1 Partners


Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey there! My name is Lady I'm a 25 year old female looking for a partner for an one on one roleplay. I have several fandoms that I'm itching to write with, but I'm also happy with original ideas if there's one you've been wanting to try out too.

What I'm looking for:
- Please be 18 +
- At least be semi-literate, I range anywhere from 400-1000 words. I always try to match my partners in writing length
- Please be okay with doubling
- I'm open with either MxF or FxF, not so much MxM because I haven't had the practice and don't feel like I would do it justice
- OOC is not a requirement, but I do enjoy chatting with my partners, sharing memes and videos, as well as sharing music or head cannons about the characters

Fandoms (* next to it are ones I'm itching for, but I'm open to any)
- Supernatural *** (I'm looking for a Sam or Lucifer for my oc, I can play Dean or Cas)
- Doctor Who
- Marvel ***
- Last of Us
- My Hero Academia
- Demon Slayer
- Attack on Titan
- Pokémon
- Full Metal Alchemist
- Harry Potter
- Transformers
- Legend of Zelda
- Baldur's Gate 3

There are probably more, but these are the ones I can think of. Feel free to reach out to me if there's a fandom you're into and want to do.

Some non-fandom ideas are:
- cowboy x city girl ***
- fae king/queen x human ***
- knight x prince/princess
- villain x citizen
- hero x citizen
- hero x villain
- angel x human
- demon x human
- angel x demon

If you're interested feel free to reach out to me on this post or PM me! <3
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Oml are you still looking for a supernatural rp? I'm so down to go down memory lane if you're up to playing Dean for me. I'll happily play Sam for you!

Quick intro, I'm Vanitas, I'm 24 and rp 300-1000+ words. I'm all for quality over quantity, I'm a full time student which actually explains why this intro is so rushed haha, I'm in between classes atm but have to check if you're looking b4 I forget!
Oml are you still looking for a supernatural rp? I'm so down to go down memory lane if you're up to playing Dean for me. I'll happily play Sam for you!

Quick intro, I'm Vanitas, I'm 24 and rp 300-1000+ words. I'm all for quality over quantity, I'm a full time student which actually explains why this intro is so rushed haha, I'm in between classes atm but have to check if you're looking b4 I forget!
Hey there!! I am definitely still looking! I'll PM you!
I'm interested in doing a Marvel doubling rp with my OC son of Knull and the Phoenix x Either Jean Grey or Gwen Stacy. I write about 200-500 words and try to match my partner in length. I am 24 and would love to see if you'd be interested. I can send over Null's bio in pm if you are interested? Also I prefer quality over quantity.
Hello there! Do you have a prefer between which lady for your oc? Feel free to PM me and we can talk/plot more!
if you're still looking for supernatural, i would love to do a roleplay or it!! i'm philip, 20 years old, and it's been forever since i've roleplayed it haha but i think i can play sam pretty good still if you're interested! i'm not quite sure what my word count is, but i'm a pretty literate writer and i write in third person, present tense. i usually go for quality over quantity!
if you're still looking for supernatural, i would love to do a roleplay or it!! i'm philip, 20 years old, and it's been forever since i've roleplayed it haha but i think i can play sam pretty good still if you're interested! i'm not quite sure what my word count is, but i'm a pretty literate writer and i write in third person, present tense. i usually go for quality over quantity!
I would be interested! PM me?
I'd be so down to do a Demon Slayer RP! Call me Gao, I'm 21 and I'm a bit rusty at text based RP but I did it for a couple years when I was younger! Let me know if you're still interested.
I'd be so down to do a Demon Slayer RP! Call me Gao, I'm 21 and I'm a bit rusty at text based RP but I did it for a couple years when I was younger! Let me know if you're still interested.
I would be open to doing one with you! Feel free to message me!
Well well well, I see much that catches the eyes. Now while I see your itches, I barely know the fandom ones. I do see your itch with cowboy x city girl. While that is out of my comfort zone and I feel I'd do terrible with either role (Lmfao) Is there anythin else that you could be craving aside from those? 👀
That's totally fine, I know fandom ones aren't for everyone. Is there something in particular you would like? I am a fairly open book and love new ideas. <3
That's totally fine, I know fandom ones aren't for everyone. Is there something in particular you would like? I am a fairly open book and love new ideas. <3
♥️ I was looking for...Well... It depends really. What type of FC types do you prefer? (Like photo type? Anime, real, realistic, etc) Cause that can also determine what I could pitch out
No problem! I tend to go to real for FCs but I would be fine with drawn or anime style as well if that's what you preferred.
No problem! I tend to go to real for FCs but I would be fine with drawn or anime style as well if that's what you preferred.
You and I are gonna get along I'm starting to feel LMFAO I can go for a real fc, however my real fc is female and I wouldnt want to force you into a M role if you wanted Female. The only time I prefer a diff style of Photo is when im playing Male tbh LOL
Hahaha I feel like we will as well! That's okay, I honestly have a harder time writing males, but when I double for some reason, I do it just fine. I don't know if that is something you would like, but I thought I would offer it
Hahaha I feel like we will as well! That's okay, I honestly have a harder time writing males, but when I double for some reason, I do it just fine. I don't know if that is something you would like, but I thought I would offer it
my males are...quite interesting. I probably would've been like them if I was a male LOL But we could double if you're up for it. Otherwise we can start with one and then add another later see how we feel. So if its harder for you for males, I could take the male role. Now I know I've been seeing some hero x villain going around lately on youtube so I've been watching that. Unless we want to go more supernatural and do your typical vampires/wolves/wizards/etc etc
Oh really? Haha that's okay with me! How about we double up that way we both can get both roles and it's evened out? I'm fine with hero and villain, that would be interesting to see it play out
Oh really? Haha that's okay with me! How about we double up that way we both can get both roles and it's evened out? I'm fine with hero and villain, that would be interesting to see it play out
Evil laugh cough I mean... LMFAO Yes we could definitely do that. Would you like to discuss more in dms or?
Aye! I'm down to do a Full Metal Alchemist roleplay if you are. May I PM?
I'd be down to double up on The Last of Us if you're familiar with the games.

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