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Fantasy Seeker RP


Caught in a storm
In the beginning there was only suffering. Monsters ruled over the world of Ayadeen. Some say she was a human, others say that she was a demigod. What everyone agrees on is that she was the first mortal on Ayadeen to harness the power of magic."
"She was the one that killed the evil sorcerer Zeidan, we all know the story." said Morgan. Morgan was sitting in one of the chairs at the cafe bar "LeBlanc" the cafe barrista was an older man in his sixties. One could describe him as friendly, he had a full grey beard and grey hair, wore an old beat up apron but held himself in a way that gave the impression he cared about others around him. He only ever wore a basic brown tunic and beat pants with old boots that were clearly made decades ago. She frequented this cafe often because the coffee was really good. She had some respect for the old man who was known to everyone who went there as Arden.

The old man chuckled "Well it's important to remember some of the old stories, even if not everyone always agrees upon which of them are true." said The Old Man.
"Speaking of which today is the Valoran Spring Festival, why bother to show up here when there's plenty of shops and stands setup throughout this district? Surely a girl like yourself would be interested in some nicer clothing, or atleast something to take care of that sword." He said pointing towards the sword sheathed on her back.

Morgan smirked "I'm not really into shopping. My sword doesn't exactly require much maintenance." She said.
It was true most everyone would be shopping in the rest of the market district. A few others could be seen in the cafe, perhaps taking leave from the market or perhaps simply to get something to eat or drink for the morning. Although she could easily hear the sound of shoppers from throughout the rest of the district outside.
He was close to a breakthrough he knew it. The clues were there. Why would someone target a council member of Valora. An agent, one of Valora's greatest caught dead in his own study. No clear signs of entry, no signs of exit. He had been there once the local authorities had hired him on but it wasn't out of the possibility that someone could have tampered with the scene before he got hired. When he visited the crime scene earlier that day everything was a mess, a knife protuding out of the agent's back as they lie on the floor dead, several books knocked on the ground. One of the books had a symbol, one he knew he had seen before. It was runic symbol, one of magic, of what meaning he had no idea.

He flipped through another book. None of the runes in the book matched what he had seen. It was strange. He had never found a rune that he had never seen. He often visited the library to find information while on cases. In his line of work he had gotten quite accustomed to various runes used in magic. While not a mage himself he had spent enough time here to know most of them, and yet now he found one that didn't exist in the library, Highstone had the largest library in all of Valora, but it wasn't the only one. He likely would have to visit another library. Plentwood was far near the border of Valora so he likely would have to visit Darkwood. Kaokotoka didn't exactly have much of a library, there were a couple book stores but perhaps they might be worth visiting too.

"On another case detective?" The librarian, Plester spoke up, stirring Kasival from his thoughts.
"Yes. Is there anymore books about runes?" He said to make sure.
"I can check the records but I think this is everything." She said moving away and heading back towards the front desk.
"Thank you Plester" he said continuing to look through the book.

Stormie was sitting on a train. It wasn't much but she was headed towards the market district. She had saved up some coin from a few odd jobs but was hoping to get something good today. She had no idea what she wanted but she had been having a rough week so honestly anything that was nice to spend some Valoran Coin on would be fine.

The train was built high in the air on tracks. It was the safest way between the four cities of Valora. While mos monsters had been cleared away between the cities and really mostly everything within the walls of the kingdom kept everything out, there was always a chance of getting attacked by something that managed to survive by hiding during the clearing, a low chance but not impossible. Stormie had heard of a few stories of someone being attacked by a sewer wererat or saw an ooze. Neither of those were really any significant threat to an average person. Infact oozes basically didn't even really attack anything they just ate whatever trash it slithered to, wererats on the other hand could sometimes get big as a dog but weren't any more threat to a person than a dog.

The train stopped and the driver at the front announced they had arrived to the Highstone drop off point. She made her way to the market, it was bustling with life and she could see tons of stands selling all kinds of things from clothing, food, jewelry, weapons, pretty much anything anyone would have any interest in.

Anne Runeweaver
The Fugitive Apothecary

NorthWind Apothecary, Highstone Market District -> LeBlanc Cafe, Highstone Market District
Interactions: SomebodyElse SomebodyElse

The morning light shone through the curtains as the sun rose over the city, hitting Anne right in the eyes, rousing her from her sleep and getting her started on her morning routine with a groan. Anne was most definitely not what one would call a morning person, especially after having to deal with a late night surge during her shift last night at the bar. Suppose there really is no shortage of people in Valora that want to drown out their sorrows by getting to the bottom of a glass… or several. But hey, at least the tips were good so she could afford to eat better this week and have some pocket change left over. Though, it would be nice if she could see some of that business transfer over to her own little store: NorthWind Apothecary.

"Should I even bother opening today...?“ A sigh escaped the blonde as she complained to no one in particular as she went down the stairs from her residence to the storefront. Even after she saved enough money from working nights at the bar down to open her own hole in the wall place faces coming by the shop to actually buy something are fairly uncommon, what with all these fancy machines and technology everywhere in this kingdom not like back up North.

Well, no use worrying about it when she was half awake. Anne got dressed in her usual outfit and head out the door, but not before hanging up a sign that read “Out for coffee” out front. Her destination was a few minutes walk away: LeBlanc Cafe.

“Arden.” She said to old man as she walked in through the door to the cafe. Anne personally preferred tea over coffee, but she came to LeBlanc every so often over the past few years since she’s been here, especially when tea itself wasn’t going to do the job of waking her up. Plus it was also a nice place to get away from the hustle and bustle outside when she didn’t want to hole up at home all day. “Something to wake me up.”
Lucius Ward | Marketplace
Not a Cat

The after effects of last nights indulgence amplified the already booming mans voice to painful levels, but Lucius had never been one to quite when the prize was dangling just before his very eyes. He needed to grit his teeth, steel his resolve and dive right in, it was the only way through. With an silent groan the treasure hunter took a step, then another and finally was swallowed whole by the bustling spring festival crowd.

Several minutes later the man found himself enjoying a deliciously spiced skewer from the relative shelter of a small alcove between stalls. A stray cat shared the space and eyed him suspiciously from atop a crate. In turn, Lucius eyed the crowd until he recognized a familiar face framed by blonde locks cross the street and enter the small coffee shop. At least it seemed familiar... Lucius couldn't quite put a name to the woman or fully recollect where he'd seen her before. That wasn't overly surprising after a night of pre festival celebration, but it did gnaw at his peace of mind.

“They say curiosity killed the cat, you know?...” The treasure hunter addressed the feline on its perch with a smirk before tossing the half eaten skewer with a flick of his wrist. It landed on the edge of the crate unceremoniously where the stray eyes flicked from it to him in a baleful gaze. Lucius shrugged, “Fortunately, I'm not a cat.” He promptly ducked out from between the stalls to rejoin the teeming masses only to have one of the many charms tied about his person snag on something or someone. Overbalanced the man ungraciously stumbled into the street, colliding with someone. 'Definitely not a cat' the thought shot through Lucius mind unbidden.

Mentioned: Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Looking to stumble into anyone

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