Caught in a storm
In the beginning there was only suffering. Monsters ruled over the world of Ayadeen. Some say she was a human, others say that she was a demigod. What everyone agrees on is that she was the first mortal on Ayadeen to harness the power of magic."
"She was the one that killed the evil sorcerer Zeidan, we all know the story." said Morgan. Morgan was sitting in one of the chairs at the cafe bar "LeBlanc" the cafe barrista was an older man in his sixties. One could describe him as friendly, he had a full grey beard and grey hair, wore an old beat up apron but held himself in a way that gave the impression he cared about others around him. He only ever wore a basic brown tunic and beat pants with old boots that were clearly made decades ago. She frequented this cafe often because the coffee was really good. She had some respect for the old man who was known to everyone who went there as Arden.
The old man chuckled "Well it's important to remember some of the old stories, even if not everyone always agrees upon which of them are true." said The Old Man.
"Speaking of which today is the Valoran Spring Festival, why bother to show up here when there's plenty of shops and stands setup throughout this district? Surely a girl like yourself would be interested in some nicer clothing, or atleast something to take care of that sword." He said pointing towards the sword sheathed on her back.
Morgan smirked "I'm not really into shopping. My sword doesn't exactly require much maintenance." She said.
It was true most everyone would be shopping in the rest of the market district. A few others could be seen in the cafe, perhaps taking leave from the market or perhaps simply to get something to eat or drink for the morning. Although she could easily hear the sound of shoppers from throughout the rest of the district outside.
"She was the one that killed the evil sorcerer Zeidan, we all know the story." said Morgan. Morgan was sitting in one of the chairs at the cafe bar "LeBlanc" the cafe barrista was an older man in his sixties. One could describe him as friendly, he had a full grey beard and grey hair, wore an old beat up apron but held himself in a way that gave the impression he cared about others around him. He only ever wore a basic brown tunic and beat pants with old boots that were clearly made decades ago. She frequented this cafe often because the coffee was really good. She had some respect for the old man who was known to everyone who went there as Arden.
The old man chuckled "Well it's important to remember some of the old stories, even if not everyone always agrees upon which of them are true." said The Old Man.
"Speaking of which today is the Valoran Spring Festival, why bother to show up here when there's plenty of shops and stands setup throughout this district? Surely a girl like yourself would be interested in some nicer clothing, or atleast something to take care of that sword." He said pointing towards the sword sheathed on her back.
Morgan smirked "I'm not really into shopping. My sword doesn't exactly require much maintenance." She said.
It was true most everyone would be shopping in the rest of the market district. A few others could be seen in the cafe, perhaps taking leave from the market or perhaps simply to get something to eat or drink for the morning. Although she could easily hear the sound of shoppers from throughout the rest of the district outside.