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Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.



Welcome to the recruit thread for SEE YOU IN HELL! Originally the interest check thread, this thread has been repurposed as a place for new or prospective members to ask any questions in preparation for joining. The main means of OOC communication will be through a Discord server, but in order to keep things organized, I'm going to keep the link private. If you are interested in joining the roleplay, please post an application in the APPS thread. Upon your acceptance into the roleplay, I will PM you a link to the Discord server.

If you are pending acceptance or simply looking around, please feel free to ask any relevant questions in this thread, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Ooh, this one sounds right up my alley :V I'm certainly interested in it.

I'm wondering if there's room for/where the concept of a fallen angel might sit in this sort of world? Would that be a valid option? If not no worries, I have a lot of angel and/or demon OCs to pick from that I'd love to be able to throw into here haha.
Ooh, this one sounds right up my alley :V I'm certainly interested in it.

I'm wondering if there's room for/where the concept of a fallen angel might sit in this sort of world? Would that be a valid option? If not no worries, I have a lot of angel and/or demon OCs to pick from that I'd love to be able to throw into here haha.

aaa thank you for your interest!! :bishiesparklesl: absolutely, there can be fallen angels! i have a draft for the lore written up here (it's veeery basic, basically just blurbs of the three races you can play), and i included a section for fallen angels!

Ordinary, everyday people like you and me. Humans come from all walks of life, and as a general rule, they are blissfully unaware of the decidedly otherworldly beings that walk among them. There are exceptions, of course, but on the whole, anyone who attempts to “reveal the truth” of the existence of the supernatural is usually dismissed as a conspiracy nut.

The vast majority of humans are completely mundane, with no supernatural abilities to speak of. There are some rare humans, however, who have preternatural capabilities, including some who may not even realize it. (In character-building terms, humans are permitted to have an ability, but please keep it more grounded/subtle, along the lines of extrasensory perception, psychic abilities, mediumship, etc. Keep the flashier/more obvious stuff to the demons and angels).

Humans can, of course, access power they never thought possible through making a deal with a demon. Whether they want wealth or love or simply power itself, a deal with a demon opens a world of possibilities for them—and all for the low, low price of their immortal soul.
Demons are creatures born in Hell, where wicked human souls are tormented for eternity. If the heart of a demon is an engine, human souls are the fuel that keep it burning, and demons require a steady diet of souls to keep their power at full potency. Unfortunately, politics in Hell can get pretty messy, and a brutal hierarchical system means that in many cases, the highest-ranking demons hoard more than their share of souls for themselves. This has led many demons to travel to the human realm in search of souls. Procuring the soul of a still-living human isn’t as simple as taking it by force, though—a human must consent to signing away their soul, leading many demons to forge contracts, feeding off of the power of the human’s soul in exchange for fulfilling some kind of demand.

All demons share certain common abilities, including: increased strength and durability compared to humans, the ability to disguise their “true” demonic form into something more humanoid, and the ability to forge contracts with humans. Demons generally have a unique ability that is either entirely their own or common to their bloodline, with some examples being hellfire manipulation, dreamwalking, and compulsion/persuasion. As a general rule, the more human souls a demon has fed off of, the stronger their abilities, but a demon’s hunger is as bottomless as mankind’s capacity for sin itself.
Angels are the soldiers of Heaven, beings of grace whose wings are given flight by the will of God. Even among humans who are “in the know,” angels are considered to be exceptionally rare, and this is usually due to Heaven imposing strict rules regarding when and where angels can reveal themselves to humans. All angels share certain abilities—they are immortal and ageless and, like demons, can disguise their true forms into something more palatable to human eyes, with the classic winged humanoid being a common choice. Depending on an angel’s rank in Heaven’s hierarchy, they may have additional, more specialized abilities such as healing hands or light manipulation.

Angels are completely tethered to God’s will. As a result, they must strictly adhere to any divine missions they are tasked with. Any angel who steps out of line, fails to obey God, or abuses their power is severed from His grace and becomes fallen. Some fallen retain access to some of their previous abilities, depending on their nature, but any power that involves directly invoking God loses all efficacy, as God will no longer heed their calls.

Although they oppose demons, not all angels are necessarily friendly to humans, either. When punishing sinners, they are just as capable of brutality as their hellish counterparts. Although angels are said to be incapable of free will, how sympathetic they are towards humans varies from angel to angel, showing that they at least have the capacity for individuality—a dangerous quality for an angel to have.
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Oooh yep, looks like it fits perfectly with an OC of mine I'd love to submit here haha. Their original concept was meant to be that they were an/*the* angel of knowledge, so less fire and brimstone guardian and more of a tired old man sort of archetype collecting hoards of books and dispensing wisdoms and such. I could certainly see them getting a bit too philosophical or opinionated about some things in Heaven and getting booted from it a long time ago XD

I suppose with this in mind, they'd have all their heavenly powers severed? Would there possibly be room for them to have gained some more demonic traits/abilities then instead if they've made a living off of making contracts and munching on souls over the centuries?
Oooh yep, looks like it fits perfectly with an OC of mine I'd love to submit here haha. Their original concept was meant to be that they were an/*the* angel of knowledge, so less fire and brimstone guardian and more of a tired old man sort of archetype collecting hoards of books and dispensing wisdoms and such. I could certainly see them getting a bit too philosophical or opinionated about some things in Heaven and getting booted from it a long time ago XD

I suppose with this in mind, they'd have all their heavenly powers severed? Would there possibly be room for them to have gained some more demonic traits/abilities then instead if they've made a living off of making contracts and munching on souls over the centuries?

oooh i love the idea already! c: as far as their abilities, that's one of the things i'd be happy to give more wiggle room on/not impose anything too strict for how it "needs" to be! like, if you wanted to make an argument in this setting for god being behind all of creation, then technically demonic power comes from god, too, so you could apply that to angels who fall. like, they don't lose their supernatural nature or powers, they just lose god's "backing" behind their powers, if that makes sense? so anything that directly invokes god or god's name wouldn't work anymore as he wouldn't answer their calls, but other powers might still work. in that way, becoming a fallen angel might even be freeing in some way for some, since their use of their powers is tightly controlled while they're in heaven. maybe the longer they spend as a fallen angel, though, the more their power kind of "distorts" and takes on more demonic qualities over time? that's just a possibility though!

i hope that makes sense!! i tend to ramble HAHAOOPS shushishs. but basically a) you're free to have them keep some of their abilities from when they were an angel, and possibly over time those powers would become darker/more corrupted, b) you're also free to have them gain demonic abilities through feeding off of souls over time!
That sounds fair :V I'm pretty adaptable and always happy to tweak things or dial back some things if they're heading into OP territory or anything like that, so, I'm happy to play it by ear and see perhaps what other OCs are capable of before I figure out where they stand on the power scale and abilities and such haha. The way you described it seems to make sense to me though, no smiting down an opponent with thunder by invoking God's name but they might still be able to channel some of their own energy and power into things, perhaps?

I do know I like to keep a motif that they can't lie, whether it's due to divine punishment or just by their very nature. And so maybe within that it also makes it difficult for others to properly lie or deceive them (though it's by no means impossible). And I'd love to give them a library/book store/etc of some kind with little animated quills that do the filing for them if that fits too XD But otherwise yeah that's all pretty flexible and I'm open to changing things to fit with other roleplayers and their OCs.

Happy to workshop it, at any rate :3 Rambling is fine by me trust me I'm probably one of the worst for it once I get comfortable with a new group haha.
That sounds fair :V I'm pretty adaptable and always happy to tweak things or dial back some things if they're heading into OP territory or anything like that, so, I'm happy to play it by ear and see perhaps what other OCs are capable of before I figure out where they stand on the power scale and abilities and such haha. The way you described it seems to make sense to me though, no smiting down an opponent with thunder by invoking God's name but they might still be able to channel some of their own energy and power into things, perhaps?

I do know I like to keep a motif that they can't lie, whether it's due to divine punishment or just by their very nature. And so maybe within that it also makes it difficult for others to properly lie or deceive them (though it's by no means impossible). And I'd love to give them a library/book store/etc of some kind with little animated quills that do the filing for them if that fits too XD But otherwise yeah that's all pretty flexible and I'm open to changing things to fit with other roleplayers and their OCs.

Happy to workshop it, at any rate :3 Rambling is fine by me trust me I'm probably one of the worst for it once I get comfortable with a new group haha.

that all sounds great to me!! c: flexibility is definitely the name of the game with this roleplay; at least, that's what i'm aiming for! if a player has an idea they want to try, i'd rather come up with a way to make if fit rather than tell them that it won't fit. the main thing i'll be looking out for as we move along is OP territory, like you said, but i'm going to start out with a very loose and free approach to people picking their characters' abilities. if power levels start to be a concern, then we'll see about introducing limits/weaknesses, but it may not end up being an issue, either!

i especially love the idea of having little animated quills in their library, that's such a vivid and fun image! c:

and OH MY GOODNESS, SAME RE: RAMBLING. i'm stupidly shy/socially anxious and yet i'm trying to step out of my comfort zone by starting a group but once i'm comfortable, i will not. shut up. :' )
Haha nah honestly same, same. I'm new here and very much an introvert so I can't stress how much I've had to work myself up into having the motivation to post here. Thankfully everyone I've run into so far has been pretty welcoming :3

And yep, that all sounds good to me. I've 100% used the excuse they're too corrupted/tired/whatever else reason to nerf their powers before if they're getting too OP so I don't have any objections there either haha. I know it's early days still but do you mind if I ask how you're planning to do OOC discussion if needed? I'm pretty partial to using Discord but I think I could adapt to staying within RP nation or any other format people would want.
Ohh, this sounds interesting! If the search is still up, I'd like to join in!

I would like to know tho if spirits like ghosts exist in this world too or if it's more like human souls go directly in either hell or heaven after their death?
Haha nah honestly same, same. I'm new here and very much an introvert so I can't stress how much I've had to work myself up into having the motivation to post here. Thankfully everyone I've run into so far has been pretty welcoming :3

And yep, that all sounds good to me. I've 100% used the excuse they're too corrupted/tired/whatever else reason to nerf their powers before if they're getting too OP so I don't have any objections there either haha. I know it's early days still but do you mind if I ask how you're planning to do OOC discussion if needed? I'm pretty partial to using Discord but I think I could adapt to staying within RP nation or any other format people would want.

eep, sorry for the very short response, i'm about to head into work, but i am planning on making a discord server!! i'll have a public OOC thread for people who are looking to join/need to ask questions/etc. but once someone joins, i'll pm them a link to a discord server! c:
That's fair, good luck with work for now then :V

Ohh, this sounds interesting! If the search is still up, I'd like to join in!

I would like to know tho if spirits like ghosts exist in this world too or if it's more like human souls go directly in either hell or heaven after their death?

Just piggybacking off this question too, if the souls do go to heaven and/or hell on death is there any pathway that might see them turn into some kind of demon or angel o a lesser equivalent after death? Or can humans become one or the other while alive?
Ohh, this sounds interesting! If the search is still up, I'd like to join in!

I would like to know tho if spirits like ghosts exist in this world too or if it's more like human souls go directly in either hell or heaven after their death?

AHHH HI!!! ; v ; oh my goodness, i don’t know if you remember me, but we used to have a 1x1 together! i hope you’ve been well!!

answering question below!
That's fair, good luck with work for now then :V

Just piggybacking off this question too, if the souls do go to heaven and/or hell on death is there any pathway that might see them turn into some kind of demon or angel o a lesser equivalent after death? Or can humans become one or the other while alive?

re: ghosts, i can definitely see there being ways that someone’s soul gets trapped in the human world as a spirit as opposed to going to heaven or hell. like, maybe if someone’s death is sudden or jarring enough, or if there’s something they really wanted to do before they died, they become a spirit and don’t move on. these spirits can probably be forced to the afterlife through exorcism, although that’s not seen as a very kind or helpful option. helping the spirit achieve whatever goal is keeping them here and helping them peacefully “move on” is probably the ideal solution.

re: humans turning into demons or angels—i can definitely see there being avenues for this! like as an example, a human soul goes to hell and is tortured for many, many years, and over that time they become a demon. a human could also theoretically make a deal with a demon while they’re alive to become a demon themselves. humans becoming angels is probably a lot trickier, since angels are usually differentiated from humanity by being created without humanity’s sin (but also without their free will as a result), but i won’t say it’s impossible! just difficult and the knowledge on how to do so isn’t widespread. c:
Would you be handling the resolution of player actions (e.g if player A's punch hits the demon)? Or do players themselves decide what happens in the world (e.g player A's punch sends the demon flying into a wall), outside of situations like PvP?
Would you be handling the resolution of player actions (e.g if player A's punch hits the demon)? Or do players themselves decide what happens in the world (e.g player A's punch sends the demon flying into a wall), outside of situations like PvP?

ideally i’d like to keep that up to the players—like if two people are involved in a fight scene, they kind of plan out the flow of the fight as they go. of course, if there are concerns about things being fair, i can always mediate! and we could always do things like dice rolls to decide whether something hits.
AHHH HI!!! ; v ; oh my goodness, i don’t know if you remember me, but we used to have a 1x1 together! i hope you’ve been well!!

answering question below!

re: ghosts, i can definitely see there being ways that someone’s soul gets trapped in the human world as a spirit as opposed to going to heaven or hell. like, maybe if someone’s death is sudden or jarring enough, or if there’s something they really wanted to do before they died, they become a spirit and don’t move on. these spirits can probably be forced to the afterlife through exorcism, although that’s not seen as a very kind or helpful option. helping the spirit achieve whatever goal is keeping them here and helping them peacefully “move on” is probably the ideal solution.

re: humans turning into demons or angels—i can definitely see there being avenues for this! like as an example, a human soul goes to hell and is tortured for many, many years, and over that time they become a demon. a human could also theoretically make a deal with a demon while they’re alive to become a demon themselves. humans becoming angels is probably a lot trickier, since angels are usually differentiated from humanity by being created without humanity’s sin (but also without their free will as a result), but i won’t say it’s impossible! just difficult and the knowledge on how to do so isn’t widespread. c:

Yes! I remember you! I had so much fun with our RP before. I am glad to see that you're still here! I just returned a few months ago after a long hiatus, so I'm excited to write to you again! (and the new ones of course!)

Oh, nice! I asked because I plan to play a human who always gets into accidents and bad situations almost every day. She thought it was just "very bad luck," but the incidents were actually caused by the spirits surrounding her. I'm still deciding whether she can see the spirits, but she surely got this "luck" because of her background.

I see that this situation will make her very appealing to both demons and angels.
okay!! threads are all set up. this thread has been repurposed into the recruit thread. all links are on the first post!

to very briefly sum up the process—go to the APPS thread, fill out an application (there is a coded version and an uncoded version—you do not have to use the coded version), and post it. once i react to your application, consider it accepted! that's all!

there is a profiles thread, but this is completely optional. i know some people like doing more detailed profiles for their characters for fun, but having a full profile is NOT required to post. all you need is an accepted application. c:

so,, without further ado, we are accepting!! oh lord i'm so nervous HAHA it's been so long since i've done a group like this ;; pls bear with me, i'll do my best!!

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