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Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.


Welcome to the lore thread for SEE YOU IN HELL! If you’re reading this at the start of the roleplay, you’ll probably notice that there isn’t much here. That’s because this roleplay isn’t going to follow a strict database of lore that it must adhere to. I’d like to give the players as much freedom and wiggle room as possible when creating their characters, so I’m not going to start us out with anything too rigid.

With that being said, this thread is subject to change as we progress through the story and will mainly serve as a cumulative source of info for if and when the need arises. As an example, if we end up needing to introduce limits to certain characters’ powers, I will add lore here describing a weakness certain types of characters may have (e.g. a weakness all demons share, a weakness all angels share, and so on). I plan for all of this to be stuff we discuss as a group first, so nothing in this thread should come as a surprise—this is just a convenient, all-in-one place for any and all relevant info.

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Ordinary, everyday people like you and me. Humans come from all walks of life, and as a general rule, they are blissfully unaware of the decidedly otherworldly beings that walk among them. There are exceptions, of course, but on the whole, anyone who attempts to “reveal the truth” of the existence of the supernatural is usually dismissed as a conspiracy nut.

The vast majority of humans are completely mundane, with no supernatural abilities to speak of. There are some rare humans, however, who have preternatural capabilities, including some who may not even realize it. (In character-building terms, humans are permitted to have an ability, but please keep it more grounded/subtle, along the lines of extrasensory perception, psychic abilities, mediumship, etc. Keep the flashier/more obvious stuff to the demons and angels).

Humans can, of course, access power they never thought possible through making a deal with a demon. Whether they want wealth or love or simply power itself, a deal with a demon opens a world of possibilities for them—and all for the low, low price of their immortal soul.
Demons are creatures born in Hell, where wicked human souls are tormented for eternity. If the heart of a demon is an engine, human souls are the fuel that keep it burning, and demons require a steady diet of souls to keep their power at full potency. Unfortunately, politics in Hell can get pretty messy, and a brutal hierarchical system means that in many cases, the highest-ranking demons hoard more than their share of souls for themselves. This has led many demons to travel to the human realm in search of souls. Procuring the soul of a still-living human isn’t as simple as taking it by force, though—a human must consent to signing away their soul, leading many demons to forge contracts, feeding off of the power of the human’s soul in exchange for fulfilling some kind of demand.

All demons share certain common abilities, including: increased strength and durability compared to humans, the ability to disguise their “true” demonic form into something more humanoid, and the ability to forge contracts with humans. Demons generally have a unique ability that is either entirely their own or common to their bloodline, with some examples being hellfire manipulation, dreamwalking, and compulsion/persuasion. As a general rule, the more human souls a demon has fed off of, the stronger their abilities, but a demon’s hunger is as bottomless as mankind’s capacity for sin itself.
Angels are the soldiers of Heaven, beings of grace whose wings are given flight by the will of God. Even among humans who are “in the know,” angels are considered to be exceptionally rare, and this is usually due to Heaven imposing strict rules regarding when and where angels can reveal themselves to humans. All angels share certain abilities—they are immortal and ageless and, like demons, can disguise their true forms into something more palatable to human eyes, with the classic winged humanoid being a common choice. Depending on an angel’s rank in Heaven’s hierarchy, they may have additional, more specialized abilities such as healing hands or light manipulation.

Angels are completely tethered to God’s will. As a result, they must strictly adhere to any divine missions they are tasked with. Any angel who steps out of line, fails to obey God, or abuses their power is severed from His grace and becomes fallen. Some fallen retain access to some of their previous abilities, depending on their nature, but any power that involves directly invoking God loses all efficacy, as God will no longer heed their calls.

Although they oppose demons, not all angels are necessarily friendly to humans, either. When punishing sinners, they are just as capable of brutality as their hellish counterparts. Although angels are said to be incapable of free will, how sympathetic they are towards humans varies from angel to angel, showing that they at least have the capacity for individuality—a dangerous quality for an angel to have.



new ark city
For all intents and purposes, New Ark City is an average modern day city. While not on the level of anything like New York City, it's still fairly bustling. There are nice, high-rise apartment buildings with pleasing views of the business district for those with the money to afford rent, while most will probably have to make do with a smaller apartment downtown or something cheaper in the nearest suburb. Like many cities, New Ark City boasts a lively night life, though many of the thriving clubs are, unbeknownst to their human patrons, run by demons looking to seize the opportunities inebriated humans provide.

Crime rates have been steadily climbing, with a string of recent murders leaving some to fear the possibility of a serial killer in their midst. Fanatics station themselves at street corners, shouting about the end times, but most simply ignore them and go about their days as usual, having faith in the painfully human belief that nothing bad could possibly happen to them. The truly faithful might find their way to the Cathedral of the Holy Angels to pray for their safety, but whether God will hear their entreaties, none can be sure. Although the great cathedral was once the beating heart of the city, as of late more and more empty spots have been popping up in the pews at Sunday Mass.


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