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Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐬

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.


Welcome to the application thread for SEE YOU IN HELL! There is going to be a simple application process for this roleplay. If you would like to join the roleplay, please fill out an application using the info provided in this thread and post it here. I will provide a coded version of the application, but please note that you do not need to use the coded version of the application and are more than welcome to submit a plain text version. I know coding can be very daunting for many people (I would know; I'm one of them!), and I don't want coding to be an obstacle that precludes anyone from joining the story. All are welcome here!

Please click
for the coded version of the application. If you do not want to use the coded version, please simply make sure to include this information in your application:

NAME: your character's first and last name
RACE: your character's race (i.e. human, demon, angel, etc.)
PRONOUNS: your character's preferred pronouns
AGE: your character's age
HEIGHT: your character's height
THEME SONG: a song that fits your character, or their favorite song (OPTIONAL—this is just for fun! I love learning about characters through songs associated with them).

Please include a short blurb about your character. You don't need to get too detailed; just give a brief overview or snapshot of what you feel is the most important info about your character. Basically, 'pitch' or describe your character in a nutshell. If your character has any supernatural abilities, please include them here.

And last, if you are using images for your character (not required), please include either any image themselves or links to the images. Please stick to using illustrated (anime/semi-realistic/etc.) images.

After you post your app, I will reach out to you with any questions I might have, and I will react to your app once it is accepted. I hope you'll consider joining!

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application incoming !
Maylee Song.
five feet & two inches

A human, yes, but not easy prey. Maylee has been well aware of the supernatural from an early age—too early, some may say. Monsters under the bed and in the closet became more than just fantasies—they were realities to be fought against. Fantasies, after all, couldn't take away people she cared about. While other children tripped and skinned their knees, she learned how to dress slash and bite wounds. Her dolls were traded in for weapons clutched in small, shaking fingers.

She has no special powers. Why would she? She is, after all, nothing more than a weak little human. What she does have, though, is a tenacity that very well may be the death of her. Oh, and a mysterious old knife that can pierce a demon's heart. If nothing else, her mother gave her the tools to fight back.

Her "day job" is a delivery girl at a local flower shop. A young woman biking around town with a bouquet of flowers in the front basket isn't exactly the intimidating image she'd like to project, but hunting demons doesn't have an hourly wage, and landlords don't care if you spend your nights as an unseen protector of humanity.

She has a passion for ballet that spurred her to enroll in some classes at the local community college, but actually making it to class is often easier said than done. Still, the agility and flexibility of a dancer come in handy when battling demons. She can't expect her human strength to hold a candle to a demon's, but killing her becomes more complicated when demons realize they have to catch her first.

Guarded and fiercely determined on the surface, Maylee in reality nurses a heart that is soft and vulnerable, one that has scabbed over and bled a few too many times. Her drive to fight for humans who can't fight for themselves comes not from undaunted courage—as much as she endeavors to hide it, she battles fear as regularly as she faces off against the unholy—but from a sense of compassion, a bleeding heart for those who are weak and scared like she once was. Perhaps in an effort to become the hero she wishes she had, Maylee has appointed herself something of a guardian for humanity. She can't count on angels to do it, after all—she doesn't believe in them.


A human, yes, but not easy prey. Maylee has been well aware of the supernatural from an early age—too early, some may say. Monsters under the bed and in the closet became more than just fantasies—they were realities to be fought against. Fantasies, after all, couldn't take away people she cared about. While other children tripped and skinned their knees, she learned how to dress slash and bite wounds. Her dolls were traded in for weapons clutched in small, shaking fingers.

She has no special powers. Why would she? She is, after all, nothing more than a weak little human. What she does have, though, is a tenacity that very well may be the death of her. Oh, and a mysterious old knife that can pierce a demon's heart. If nothing else, her mother gave her the tools to fight back.

Her "day job" is a delivery girl at a local flower shop. A young woman biking around town with a bouquet of flowers in the front basket isn't exactly the intimidating image she'd like to project, but hunting demons doesn't have an hourly wage, and landlords don't care if you spend your nights as an unseen protector of humanity.

She has a passion for ballet that spurred her to enroll in some classes at the local community college, but actually making it to class is often easier said than done. Still, the agility and flexibility of a dancer come in handy when battling demons. She can't expect her human strength to hold a candle to a demon's, but killing her becomes more complicated when demons realize they have to catch her first.

Guarded and fiercely determined on the surface, Maylee in reality nurses a heart that is soft and vulnerable, one that has scabbed over and bled a few too many times. Her drive to fight for humans who can't fight for themselves comes not from undaunted courage—as much as she endeavors to hide it, she battles fear as regularly as she faces off against the unholy—but from a sense of compassion, a bleeding heart for those who are weak and scared like she once was. Perhaps in an effort to become the hero she wishes she had, Maylee has appointed herself something of a guardian for humanity. She can't count on angels to do it, after all—she doesn't believe in them.

Viktor Ivanov
Vi, Vicky, Ivanov
Appears to be 29

A demon of great power, Viktor is one of the greedy ones, hoarding souls that'd be more than enough to feed at least three others for decades.

Viktor is a fairly charming man, most mistake him for being some kind of incubus, he's highly intelligent and manipulative.

Viktor is said to have been alive for at least 3 centuries, but the exact date is highly unknown. He is no more than a millennium old though.

The thing he disguises himself as is a bodyguard to the spoiled brat to a guy who sold his soul to Viktor for help to fame.

The special ability he has is that of blood lust he calls it, he has a natural urge for blood, rather it's from animals or humans, it doesn't matter as long as the creature is a mammal. It grants him a temporarily increase to his health and endurance, making him harder to kill.

Positive Traits
Intelligent: Viktor values his pride above all else, he's skilled in both the fields of medicine and strategy. For the longest while he was a unbeatable commander of a army
Brave: Aries is one of them bravest souls out there, he'd more then willingly sacrifice himself in a battle if it meant getting others out alive, even if they're lower ranks then him
Loyal: Viktor's loyalty is very hard to gain, but once you do, you best believe he'd more then willingly kill for you, hey, if it means he gets in trouble but you get revenge he doesn't really care what happens to him
Caring: He doesn't show it much, but deep down he cares, a lot more then he lets on.
Negative Traits
Ruthless: Viktor is ruthless in a battle, so much so AFO tried recruiting him, he's not typically considered a hero since he will not hesitant to kill if somebody's irritated him enough
Cold: Viktor would rather die then let anyone inside his feelings or thoughts. He's been though too much to let anyone inside. He has a tendency to fake emotions to blend in with humans more
Aggressive: Even to those he cares about Viktor can accidentally act aggressively, he can get quite terrifying, especially if he's disrespected by someone he considers lesser then him
Prideful: the sin of pride is a common one, and Viktor is no exception, his need for control or his pride in his intelligence could be used against him
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.... I am weak

NAME: Ketna Morass
RACE: Demon
PRONOUNS: She / Her | They / Them
AGE: 187 years is the best estimate
HEIGHT: 5'3"
THEME SONG: Tossup between Saints and Lullaby, I think

Small, frail, and practically sickly in appearance due to being locked away for decades by a more powerful demon, Ketna is a primarily silent being drowning in oversized clothes and cardigans. Patches of mushrooms and moss grow upon their shoulders, back, arms, and legs. Corkscrew-like black horns grow from her temples and arch vaguely downward while grey eyes with dark sclera peer out from a gaunt, sharp-featured, face. Due to years kept in darkness, her skin is a very pale teak coloring. Lastly, ash-dark hair falls from their head in messy, unkempt waves to end at their lower back.

"Force-fed" contracted souls during captivity to determine the extent of her abilities, Ketna's talents lie more in the vein of intricate--almost hallucinogenic--illusions. But it's also led to her own uncertainty of reality versus fiction. To help keep herself grounded, she utilizes an aged wooden staff. More specifically, they fidget with the various enchanted trinkets attached to it. As a bonus, the staff helps her walk on the days her legs are unable to adequately hold her weight on their own.

Detached from the world--even Hell--for the majority of her life, Ketna comes across as very aloof. And she stares a lot. She spends much of her time simply drifting from one location to another, absorbing everything with her senses. Sunlight is still painful to fully be out in, though. Someday though. Someday....
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NAME: Filch Vegas
RACE: Human
AGE: 18

The Evil-Soothing Devilslaying Beast King


Filch's mind is an errant gramophone needle picking up stray signals, ever-changing, ever-twitching—as fluid as the ocean's deep blue. He has been described, affectionately, as an "amiable, narcissistic, but high-functioning psychopath." In his psyche, he exists as a divine soldier ordained by Him to root out and destroy evil wherever it might sleep. Yet, the truth lies somewhere in between, seeded deep in those ever-twitching eyes and hurried gait. Filch is unquestioningly empathetic. The issue lies in the way that he expresses the depths of his empathy. The boy is one to make lofty promises without thinking of the consequences ... and where he goes—death tends to follow. Hesitation breeds defeat: a mindset he has lived by ... and a mindset that wrested his soul from his heart.

Fancying himself a hero of yore, Filch is ever on the trail of his quarry. Devils, ferocious, unerring creatures of pure evil, sent to Earth to wreak havoc on civilians simply living their lives! The boy was born with a sense for the creatures; his nose is the first appendage to enter any room. Demons have a particular smell that others seem to ignore. To him, it is a foul odor: pungent, rotten, enough to pinch the etchings of his face into a rictus of disgust. A tool most useful, in his line of work; it stands alongside his arsenal of bladed weaponry. Your hand cannot enter a pocket on Filch's person without risking stabbing or slicing your flesh. The boy is a living arsenal.

A troubling item is that if one were to peer into the depths of Filch's being ... then they may only find a hollow, soulless, husk. For Filch, despite his hatred for the "deal-striking-hellshits" the promise of power was all too tempting. For how might one stand against these creatures without becoming one yourself? Filch struck a deal with an entity known only as, "The Taxman." In exchange for his mortal soul, he is granted a physical strength surpassing that of an Olympic athlete. More than that, he can shape and control metal as he pleases. He has yet to hone this ability, but he is also able to create metal in small quantities. It seeps from his pores as a liquid before being melded together by his hand into any shape he sees fit.

As insane as Filch might be, he is a vessel for his empathy. He desires above all else to be useful to those around him.


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