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Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.

IN CHARACTER⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

In the modern day, humans have a lot to worry about—the rising cost of living, messy and brutal politics, and crime and violence seemingly worsening with every day. What many humans don't realize, though, is that there's an unseen terror among their midst—demons from Hell who live among humans, wolves in sheep's clothing, hungering to feast on their delectable souls. Far less intimately tied up in human affairs are the angels of Heaven, some of whom intervene when they can but most of whom are stuck following Heaven's strict laws about appearing to humans. But the eons-enduring cold war between Heaven and Hell is heating up, and soon, humanity will no longer be able to ignore the otherworldly beings in their midst—not when their home becomes a battleground.

Hello and welcome to SEE YOU IN HELL, a modern urban fantasy/supernatural roleplay! In a nutshell, this is a lazy lit, casual roleplay that's meant to emulate the feeling of early '10s roleplaying. In my years of roleplaying, I've done my share of highly-structured stories with intricate plotting, and while those experiences were great, I dearly miss the days where posts were short, stories spontaneous, and interactions frequent and varied. I've been on a hiatus from group roleplaying for a long time, but I miss meeting new people and making new friends through roleplaying, because whatever force governs this universe saw fit to curse me with roleplaying as my Special Interest. If this sounds anything like you, I hope you'll consider joining!

This roleplay is not a walk-in in that I will require applications to be accepted before you can post (for a few different reasons, one being that I'm honestly just very anxious about roleplaying in a group after such a long hiatus, and I want to be able to maintain some kind of control over the size of the group so I don't overwhelm myself), but believe me when I say I want to make the process of joining as smooth and quick as possible. There will be no pre-determined roles or complicated app process. Just head to the APPS thread, fill out the application as shown there, and post it. Once I've reacted to your application, consider it accepted, and you're free to begin posting! If there is something in your application that needs to be tweaked or edited, I'll send you a PM to discuss it! We will have a PROFILES thread for anyone who wishes to make a more detailed profile for their character(s), but this is not required.

I will be making a Discord server for OOC communication. Please note that engaging in the Discord is not required; if you'd like to simply post in the IC thread and leave it at that, that's completely fine! However, I really enjoy talking with and befriending people I roleplay with, and I'd really love to make a nice, laid-back, close-knit group if possible, so the Discord server will be there for anyone who wishes to use it and especially for things like activity updates. As a full-time worker, I completely understand that you don't always have the time or energy to post, so the Discord will serve as a way for us to check in with each other.

Sorry for that somewhat rambling intro. Basically, this is just going to be a relaxed, loosely-structured roleplay for people who just want to roleplay spontaneously, meet new people, and make new friends. Click the links on the bar above to navigate the threads (the links bar scrolls horizontally on mobile), scroll down to give the rules a quick read, and buckle up for a wild, supernatural thrill ride!

01. Please be 18+ in order to join. I'm really sorry! I just don't feel comfortable running a group with minors as an adult.

02. Above all else, please be nice! Drama and conflict are all great and wonderful in-character, but out-of-character, I'd like this group to be a relaxed, friendly space. We're all adults with busy lives and responsibilities and stress, and I'd like this to be a place we can escape and just enjoy and have fun. I will do my best to be as welcoming as possible, and I ask that you please try to do the same if you join the group!

03. There are a bunch of little rules I could break this one up into, but I'm going to ultimately file it all under one big rule I'll call "roleplaying etiquette." Or maybe "roleplaying common sense," but that sounds a little harsh LOLRIP. ; v ; What this means, basically, is to be mindful of other players. Do not control another person's character without their permission. If your character is in combat with another character, please don't auto-hit them. This roleplay will involve supernatural powers, and I'm not going to put any hard limits on them at the outset, but I'm essentially trusting you to write any powers in a way that is fun and fair. If there start to be concerns of characters being overpowered, god-modding, etc. I may need to start putting limits. Oh, and please keep it PG-13. Romance is great, but fade to black if things start to get spicy, pls.

04. Let's talk posting styles! I love them, but not everyone does, and that's totally okay! Feel free to do whatever you'd like with your post layout. Fancy coding? Go for it! Just a picture and a name? No problem! Just text? Also welcome here! In fact, using a picture for your character is not required for this roleplay, in case anyone happens to have a character in mind but can't find a good image for them. If you do use a picture, however, I ask that you only use art/illustrations, i.e. no real-life face claims.

05. This roleplay is intended to be lazy lit. What that means, basically, is to just write your post without worrying about meeting certain word counts/standards of "quality"/etc. The focus here is going to be on having a fun time with a brisk story and interactions. Not every post is going to be your best, and that's okay! I'm not going to impose any minimum word counts. Likewise, I can't stop you from writing a novella if that's what you want, but I really would like to try to avoid filling the thread with huge walls of text as those kinds of posts can quickly become tedious and overwhelming.

06. Multiple characters are allowed. You can have as many characters as you can keep up with.

07. As far as activity goes, I'm going to approach it with a similar mindset as rule number two, i.e. "just use basic etiquette/common sense." We've all got responsibilities. My current job allows for way less free time/computer time than I used to have, so I get it—lulls in activity will happen. I'm not going to chase you down for a post. All I ask if that you try to be mindful of the group. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, roleplaying is an important way to relieve stress and make connections with people with a similar, very niche interest. If you're going to be away, just let us know so we're not waiting and worrying. To put a number on it, I'll say that we're aiming for roughly at least a post a week per character, and if you're inactive for longer than that, I'll navigate your character out of the current scene and carry on. Please know that if you go inactive at some point, you're always welcome to rejoin, and I'll be happy to help reintegrate your character into the story.

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