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Fantasy See the M&M Menagerie's newest attraction!


Bavarian Donut Queen
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Madrai, Kocka, and Nathair Lore/RaceInfo/Sheets

Madrai - wolf souls
Kocka - wild cat souls
Nathair - snake souls

I have a few characters I've made. Haven't updated my character sheets towards the bottom so ignore those. Feel free to design your own character based on these races for RP with me. Not group rp, 1x1 only. Seeking male characters for MxF. It's pretty expansive with details, but don't let it discourage you! It's pretty basic and you don't *need* to know every detail :3

Need to Knows about me
·I play female (and make up side characters of variety male/female)
·I write responses ranging from 2-7 paragraphs (usually around 3)
·I sometimes write triggering things that you might dislike Dark/Abusive/Drinking/Cussing/Slavery
·Your character also needs a background
·Romance at all has to happen organically. I won't force the romance, nor should you. It'll happen on it's own if it happens
·Medieval is preferred time period
·Literate, English speaking only no text chat in RP. Please use proper punctuation and grammar to the best of your ability. No one liners
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Name: Asmita

Gender: Female/Hetero-Asexual

Race: Kocka

Age: Around 20

Theme Songs: Stray by Steve Conte / I Am Not Nothing by Beth Crowley /

Significant Other:

Ship Songs:

Personality: She has a feral personality. She's wild at heart, but not necessarily in the good way. She hisses and growls at people when she's nervous or threatened. She also is very shy and would rather remove herself from a conflict than fight. She is hard to earn the trust of and she will attack if she cannot escape what she is afraid of. She has been treated as nothing but an animal since she was captured and sold to the Mystical and Magical Menagerie.


She has a beautiful face with markings of a clouded leopard on her skin. She has deep amber eyes that appear lost and sometimes clouded with emotion. She can be in either form; feral or humanoid. She is slightly larger than your average clouded leopard, but still no larger than a dog.

Weaknesses: Asmita's size is against her. In her normal form, she stands at around 5’2 and isn't exactly strong. She doesn't speak much at all. It's as if she has forgotten how to because no one has ever listened to her. She wears an iron cuff on her right hand wrist which is connected to a post at the MMM. She is either kept on that post or in a cage, but the cuff makes it hard for her to escape. She can't slip her wrist out, no matter if she takes her feral form or not. It has a spell on it and only the key or a powerful magic can undo it. That cuff has been on her arm for over a decade and has left permanent marks on her wrist and reduced how well she can use her hand. She is malnourished and underweight. The MMM doesn't want her at full strength, so they do not feed her the amount of food she needs.

Strengths: Asmita is not very tall or very strong, but her ability and heightened senses help her. She has a survivor's heart, even though things have not went well for her lately.

Favorites: Asmita likes the sky. She also likes to eat fish and raw meat. She can gorge on raw meat forever if someone let her. She would love to perch up in a tree and watch the sky change from dusk, to day, to night. She hardly ever gets to see any of the sky though. Nor does she get to see the wild.

Fears: Dogs, men, cages, and fire. A traumatic time being a menagerie attraction has left this girl scarred.

History: At the age of 10, she was captured and sold to the MMM. Before that, she was lurking in the forests on her own. She was able to take care of herself rather easily after the age of six and that is when she and her mother parted ways. She spent most of that time in her feral form because it was easier to hunt. Why Cernunnos bothered to give her people a humanoid form, she did not know. It only complicated things. She has spent the last 10 years treated like a circus animal. She is put on display for people to ooh and aww at. She had tried to escape once, but was caught before she even made it out of the MMM tent and was beaten for it. That is when she got her metal cuff and when they decided to rarely feed her.


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