Spooky Scary Skeletons!
Secure. Contain. Protect.
This is an SCP personnel debriefing file. The following information is documented for safety purposes and is to be expunged from all public catalogues after reading. Any personnel without O5-A clearance found to be in possession of this file after 04/15/2015 will be terminated without review.
Subject: Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
Personnel Security Clearance ID: T-O5-17
Containment Breach Prevention: Omega-7 Oversight Authorized
File Date: 4/3/2015
SCP Item No. 682
Containment Breach Log T-98816-AP0315/682
Review By: O5 Command 1 – 13
On Site Forces: Task Force Alpha-440, Mobile Task Force Omega-7, 67 D-Class Personnel
File Information:
At approximately 4:33 AM local time, SCP 682 breached their containment and began its escape from compound [REDACTED]. Retrieval of item was of top priority. Category 7 loss of life detected from remote locations. Compound lockdown occurred. Contact with compound lost at 4:58 AM. Lockdown of compound likely to keep 682 and other Euclid items contained for less than 12 hours. Suppression of items required.
If you're here, then you've got an abiding interest in the SCP Foundation and its endeavors. Would you be interested in playing a researcher, Class-D personnel, or one of the Containment Task Force agents? Post below. I'm looking for a group to RP these roles, and flee from SCP-682, which will be played by me.
The difference from other RPs, is that you will die. You will die, and often. Don't get attached to your character. This is meant to be "throw all your assets at it until it dies". If you can stand being in an RP like that, then you've come to the right place.
The goal would be taking back the compound where 682 has broken out of their cell, and putting it back into its tank of acid with minimal loss to life. You will have other SCPs at your disposal classed as Safe only. These are to be reviewed by the O5 board before taking from their containment.
If other items are used without express permission, your contract will be terminated and the transgression will be reviewed. Pending O5 decision, you may be terminated.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: For the sake of reducing 682's OP abilities, I will be playing it in such a way as you will eventually win, but not without some good fights to go with. If you know 682, you know its voraciousness.
This is an SCP personnel debriefing file. The following information is documented for safety purposes and is to be expunged from all public catalogues after reading. Any personnel without O5-A clearance found to be in possession of this file after 04/15/2015 will be terminated without review.
Subject: Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
Personnel Security Clearance ID: T-O5-17
Containment Breach Prevention: Omega-7 Oversight Authorized
File Date: 4/3/2015
SCP Item No. 682
Containment Breach Log T-98816-AP0315/682
Review By: O5 Command 1 – 13
On Site Forces: Task Force Alpha-440, Mobile Task Force Omega-7, 67 D-Class Personnel
File Information:
At approximately 4:33 AM local time, SCP 682 breached their containment and began its escape from compound [REDACTED]. Retrieval of item was of top priority. Category 7 loss of life detected from remote locations. Compound lockdown occurred. Contact with compound lost at 4:58 AM. Lockdown of compound likely to keep 682 and other Euclid items contained for less than 12 hours. Suppression of items required.
If you're here, then you've got an abiding interest in the SCP Foundation and its endeavors. Would you be interested in playing a researcher, Class-D personnel, or one of the Containment Task Force agents? Post below. I'm looking for a group to RP these roles, and flee from SCP-682, which will be played by me.
The difference from other RPs, is that you will die. You will die, and often. Don't get attached to your character. This is meant to be "throw all your assets at it until it dies". If you can stand being in an RP like that, then you've come to the right place.
The goal would be taking back the compound where 682 has broken out of their cell, and putting it back into its tank of acid with minimal loss to life. You will have other SCPs at your disposal classed as Safe only. These are to be reviewed by the O5 board before taking from their containment.
If other items are used without express permission, your contract will be terminated and the transgression will be reviewed. Pending O5 decision, you may be terminated.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: For the sake of reducing 682's OP abilities, I will be playing it in such a way as you will eventually win, but not without some good fights to go with. If you know 682, you know its voraciousness.