• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Sector 6-10 Member Application

Which role are you interested in?

  • Second in Command

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Medic

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Engineer

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Pilot

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters


Indecisive Being



Our mission, our goal, is to protect our sector.

Whatever evil comes our way, Sector 6-10 Squad, us, we will stop them.

Many missions lie ahead of us.

We will prevail in all.

Let us not repeat what happen to Planet 9.


Major Do's Major Do Not's
Writing in detail. Major Yes. Talk about: How your character is feeling, what body parts is he/she moving, what is he/she wearing, what does he/she see, ect. No ONE LINERS. This is a detailed role play, so you can not write anything less than a paragraph.
Let me know if you're going to be absent. We can have your character temporarily sick or need to attend to family matters, so you could have a smooth transitioning back (not needing to know what happened while you're gone) Don't wait for me to control an NPC. NPCs are created, so you can kick their ass. I will let you know if there is an NPC that I need to control because he/she holds very important information.
Mingle with other players when you're not in missions. Take advantage that you're not on duty. Go flirt with somebody (including the captain ;) ) Do not act like your character is new to the ship unless you specifically state that you're a new recruit. Mostly all members have been on the ship for some time.
Remember to follow all RPN's rules<3 That would be awesome. Don't speak OUT OF CHARACTER anywhere other than the OOC Tab. And, if you do speak in OOC during the role play use (( )), but try to have all your OOC in the designated tab.


Second in Command Engineer Medic Pilot
When the captain is not present, he/she makes the calls. Is the captain's eyes and ears. Aids in making decisions with the captain. In charge of upgrading armor and equipment. Repairs machinery. Computer assigned tasks. In charge of stocking medicinal cabinet. Researching medicinal alternatives. Aiding the injured. Can pilot any vehicle. Maneuvers the ship when necessary. Help decides which path is best for the ship.

***All members of the Sector Squad are trained for combat. Each role, minus the Second in Command, has up to three openings. A Squad Member may be dual enrolled.

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Please use the code below to create your character sheet.
If you are not comfortable with BBcode, but you want to use it, please PM me or SachiGrl SachiGrl in the OOC thread.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-xxxx < replace x with #s
Date Doc: xx/xx/3005 < replace x with #s
BIRTH NAME: First Middle Last
NICKNAME(S): N/A if not applicable
RACE: Chordation, Nauvon, Human, Android, Demonic Elf
AGE: Chordation(100-300), Nauvon(18-30), Human(18-30), Android(1-1,00), Elf(100-300)
GENDER: Male/Female
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual/Bisexual/ect.
DATE OF BIRTH: xx/xx/xxxx  < subtract age from 3005
HOMETOWN: City/Town, Planet
[indent]FATHER: Insert Name here
MOTHER: Insert Name here
WIFE: N/A if not applicable
CHILD(REN): N/A if not applicable[/indent]
OCCUPATION: Medic/Pilot/Engineer/Ect
FLUENT IN: Hmmz/English/Phi/Naun/Vols <All must be fluent in English

List your powers and describe them if applicable.
List skills applicable to your role and describe them.
HEIGHT: x'x"
WEIGHT: xxxlbs
EYES: select color
HAIR: select color
One paragraph.

ALLIES: Communicate with other members and decide who are your friends
ENEMIES: Communicate with other members and decide who do you dislike
list hobbies
list likes
list dislikes
One paragraph
Two paragraph minimum

Additional information if necessary.

I have created an alternative code for those uncomfortable with BBcode.
Please use the code below to create your character sheet.
If you are still struggling with the code, please PM me or SachiGrl SachiGrl in the OOC thread.

[b]Doc #:[/b] SEC6-10S-???? (replace the question marks with numbers or letters)
[b]Date Doc:[/b] 05/??/3005 (replace the question marks with any number from 01-31)
[b]BIRTH NAME:[/b] (Required)
[b]NICKNAME(S):[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable.)
[b]RACE:[/b] (Chordatian, Demonic Elf, Nauvon, Human, or Android. If your character is of more than one race write Mixed and in parenthesis the mix. Example: (Chordatian/Nauvon) )
[b]AGE:[/b] (Chordatians Select from 100-200 years, Demonic Elves select from 30-40 years, Nauvons/Humans have a normal life span, and Androids select 10 or more years)
[b]GENDER:[/b] (Required)
[b]SEXUAL ORIENTATION:[/b] (Required)
[b]DATE OF BIRTH:[/b] (This is based in May 3005, so the math should be easy)
[b]HOMETOWN:[/b] (City, Planet. If you would like to create your own city, provide me a description and picture.)
[b]BLOOD TYPE:[/b] (Required)
[indent][b]SPOUSE:[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable. Discuss with other players if you'd like to be wed.)
[b]CHILDREN:[/b] (Write N/A if not applicable.)[/indent]
[b]OCCUPATION:[/b] (Select one of the following: Second in Command, Engineer, Pilot, Medic or Soldier.)
[b]Powers:[/b](List each ability and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses. Write N/A if not applicable.)
[b]SKILLS:[/b](List each skill and describe its usage and limitations/weaknesses.)
[b]HEIGHT:[/b] (Required)
[b]WEIGHT:[/b] (Required)
[b]EYES:[/b] (Required)
[b]HAIR:[/b] (Required)
[b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] (Required) (Picture may be optional, but this isn't. If you have a picture, you need one paragraph describing what we can't see or any changes to the picture. If you have no image, please be thorough in your description as well.)

Example Length Required: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.
[b]ALLIES:[/b] (Talk with your fellow role players and list who's your friends)
[b]ENEMIES:[/b] (Talk with your fellow role players and list who's your frienemy)
[b]HOBBIES:[/b] (Required)
[b]LIKES:[/b] (Required)
[b]DISLIKES:[/b] (Required)
[b]PERSONALITY:[/b] (Required)(1 paragraphs minimum. Lemme have a feeling for your character. At least some of who they are.)

Example Requirement Length: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.
Example Required Length: (Character history. 2 paragraph min. Let us know what kinda stuff has gone on in your characters life.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.

Sed euismod imperdiet quam. Sed sit amet cursus metus. Duis eu ultricies elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur quis posuere elit, et sagittis nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed feugiat ullamcorper dui, sed mollis augue dapibus ac. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis mollis. Fusce vestibulum nibh metus, a consectetur nisl consectetur a. Quisque ullamcorper elit et accumsan suscipit.

[b]NOTES:[/b]  (Extra tidbits of information)
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Doc #: SEC6-10S-9326

Date Doc: 06/12/3005
BIRTH NAME: Martha Sane Thatcher
RACE: Bionic - Nauvon
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 12/07/2986
HOMETOWN: Kakushi, Nauvolous
FAMILY: The Thatcher Family
MOTHER 1: Metra Thatcher
MOTHER 2: Keta Thatcher
OCCUPATION: Weapons Specialist
FLUENT IN: English/Naun/Vols

  • Powers: Automatic computerized interface with all authorized military equipment, ability to remotely control specified weapons within range, enhanced zoom vision, personal interface (Think Ironman and Jarvis)

    SKILLS: Ability to jump 6 feet in the air with a simple hop, can hear things in all directions better than humans, has a large knowledge base on weaponry and warfare electronics with some piloting skills, has amazing natural aiming ability

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[border=2px Solid Green][center][size=7][color=Green][font=Ubuntu]VERIFIED[/font][/color][/size][/center][/border]
Doc #: SEC6-10S-9326
Date Doc: 06/12/3005
BIRTH NAME: Martha Sane Thatcher
RACE: Bionic - Nauvon
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 12/07/2986
HOMETOWN: Kakushi, Nauvolous
FAMILY: The Thatcher Family
[INDENT]MOTHER 1: Metra Thatcher
MOTHER 2: Keta Thatcher
OCCUPATION: Weapons Specialist
FLUENT IN: English/Naun/Vols
Powers: Automatic computerized interface with all authorized military equipment, ability to remotely control specified weapons within range, enhanced zoom vision, personal interface (Think Ironman and Jarvis)

SKILLS: Ability to jump 6 feet in the air with a simple hop, can hear things in all directions better than humans, has a large knowledge base on weaponry and warfare electronics with some piloting skills, has amazing natural aiming ability

HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 122lbs
HAIR: Antique White
Martha stands at a comfortable 6'2 or 7'1 with her ears fully erect. She drones pale skin even for a Nauvon, having been raised mostly in space rather than the naturally lit jungles of her homeworld. Martha generally keeps her hair in buns but sometimes lets it out straight, causing her hair to fall to about her waist.  Both her eyes are red but can change color and seem to glow when she's using her bionic abilities. Still young, she wears a hoodie most of the time and semi-symmetric clothing when not on duty.

 Tinkering, Modifying Weapons, Cruising Around/or racing,
Talking, Being Pet, Music, Staring out the Window in Space
Being scratched, Being Alone,
Martha is quite an enigma for some. At times she is childish and annoying while other times mature and calm enough to blend in with the older crew members. Often at her workshop or bugging people around the ship. Her most unusual trait is when she's alone especially at night. If caught unaware, someone would find her huddled in the corner of her room, rolled into a ball, as if she we're afraid of something.
Martha wasn't born more than she was found. Discovered by an interplanetary researcher in a small capsule with severe injuries from scratches and bruises to the obvious chunk of her missing leg and gouged out eyes. Immediately she was taken to a nearby medical station and nursed back to health over the course of two years. Eventually, the person who had found her Metra Thatcher adopted Martha and spent most of her free time in the hospital when not paying for her medical bills, which were barely manageable. As time went on she got better, even a new treatment from Terran came into the station. Finally, Martha saw for the first time since her unknown past with her new robotic eyes she is allowed to leave the hospital and live with her mother as well as the nurse whom her mother fell in love with while they both cared for Martha.

After some time out of the hospital, the situation of her medical bills became apparent, so to help Martha began doing odd jobs throughout Nauvon and Terran and usually was hired for use of her bionic eyes. Eventually, she realized she wasn't going to make enough, so after turning 18 she enlisted into the military after finding out her original parents were part of the Sector 6-10 Squad before they vanished, giving her and 2nd reason for trying to join. About a few months after training Martha recieved a letter containing a files about her parents only to find it all blacked out. Determined to gain clearence to know more about her parents she began to push through the ranks, eventally being trained as a equiment specialist and excelling at it. Now she still tries hard for the chance to know the truth.

Voice Sample
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Doc #: SEC6-10S-537L
Date Doc: 05/20/3005
BIRTH NAME: Lil'Ayta (no surname)
NICKNAME(S): Preferably Ayta. Hates being called Lil.
RACE: ChordatIon
AGE: 106
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: January 20, 2904
HOMETOWN: Sipiolodae, Chordate.
Yzzir'ten (Deceased)
OCCUPATION: Second-In-Command/Head Medic
FLUENT IN: English, Hmmz, Phi, and Naun.

  • Powers:
    • Water Manipulation: Ayta can use water for almost any purpose, as long as there's a source of it nearby. This ability allows her to use it for a healing technique she learned back on Chordate, where the patient is placed in a pod of water, their body submerged in the water while their face is above the water to allow them to breathe, and the water is moved back and forth, a lulling action that helps heal the body.
    • Water Solidification: A fancy way of saying she can turn water into ice. Ayta uses this ability to freeze over wounds (the presence of water in the body allows this to remain for a small period of time) so that she can treat the wound(s) once the area is safe and cleansed.
    • Enhanced Senses: She has really good hearing, but her sight is only great under the water. When on the surface, her vision is slightly impaired (she has to squint to read things sometimes, and often asks for help when reading books).
    • Enhanced Agility: Sort of self-explanatory. She's a fast swimmer, runs quickly, dodges well, and can jump higher than humans can.
    • Medical Profession: Ayta learned how to heal others at a young age, her talent only flourishing as she grew. Her talent became more prominent as she became a woman, but it prevented her from being important to the Chordate society for a while, since she lacked combative skills. However, over time, she became an important part of the small portion of the big city, helping those who were attacked by the creatures on Chordate.
    • Peacemaker: Ayta always has a level head when facing an obstacle or facing an argument. She knows what is right and wrong, and finds the two easy to distinguish, which helps her as a Second in Command. However, this attribute is also why she may be disliked, since she seems to be emotionless in her decision-making, when the truth is she just closes off her personal emotions when helping others.

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[border=2px Solid Green][CENTER][SIZE=30px][COLOR=#008000]VERIFIED[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/border][/column][column=span5][B]Doc #:[/B] SEC6-10S-537L
[B]Date Doc:[/B] 05/20/3005
[B]BIRTH NAME:[/B] Lil'Ayta (no surname)
[B]NICKNAME(S):[/B] Preferably Ayta. Hates being called Lil.
[B]RACE:[/B] ChordatIon
[B]AGE:[/B] 106
[B]GENDER:[/B] Female
[B]DATE OF BIRTH:[/B] January 20, 2904
[B]HOMETOWN:[/B] Sipiolodae, Chordate.
Yzzir'ten (Deceased)
[B]OCCUPATION:[/B] Second-In-Command/Head Medic
[B]FLUENT IN:[/B] English, Hmmz, Phi, and Naun.[/column][/row]


[*]Water Manipulation: Ayta can use water for almost any purpose, as long as there's a source of it nearby. This ability allows her to use it for a healing technique she learned back on Chordate, where the patient is placed in a pod of water, their body submerged in the water while their face is above the water to allow them to breathe, and the water is moved back and forth, a lulling action that helps heal the body.
[*]Water Solidification: A fancy way of saying she can turn water into ice. Ayta uses this ability to freeze over wounds (the presence of water in the body allows this to remain for a small period of time) so that she can treat the wound(s) once the area is safe and cleansed.
[*]Enhanced Senses: She has really good hearing, but her sight is only great under the water. When on the surface, her vision is slightly impaired (she has to squint to read things sometimes, and often asks for help when reading books).
[*]Enhanced Agility: Sort of self-explanatory. She's a fast swimmer, runs quickly, dodges well, and can jump higher than humans can.
[*]Medical Profession: Ayta learned how to heal others at a young age, her talent only flourishing as she grew. Her talent became more prominent as she became a woman, but it prevented her from being important to the Chordate society for a while, since she lacked combative skills. However, over time, she became an important part of the small portion of the big city, helping those who were attacked by the creatures on Chordate.
[*]Peacemaker: Ayta always has a level head when facing an obstacle or facing an argument. She knows what is right and wrong, and finds the two easy to distinguish, which helps her as a Second in Command. However, this attribute is also why she may be disliked, since she seems to be emotionless in her decision-making, when the truth is she just closes off her personal emotions when helping others.
[B]HEIGHT:[/B] 6'3"
[B]WEIGHT:[/B] 183
[B]EYES:[/B] Pale Blue
[B]HAIR:[/B] Dark Turquoise/Seaweed Green
[B]DESCRIPTION:[/B] Ayta is a tall, slender, and lightly muscular female. She has five fingers and five toes, similar to humans, but there is slight webbing in between each finger. Her skin is the same color as her eyes, and rather than having a whole head of hair, she has tentacles, fins, and pointed ears, all her the color of her skin. Her body is covered in lean muscle and is always healthy, because she values being at her peak health so that she may always be able to help others. Her thin layer of muscle allows her to be agile and quick, especially underwater, but she is nowhere near strong. She wears very little, only letting what she wears cover the vital regions, mainly because showing skin was never a problem for her people and the less clothing, the easier it is to move. The attire she bears is related to the religious lifestyle of some Chordations.
[B]ALLIES:[/B] Everyone
[B]ENEMIES:[/B] No one
[B]HOBBIES:[/B] Painting patterns (sometimes on herself), singing songs in her native language (Hmmz), reading about things she's never experienced, organizing things in her free time, and conversing with the Captain.
[B]LIKES:[/B] Warmth, relaxation, peace, the smell of the ocean, animals, silence, and watching people.
[B]DISLIKES:[/B] Loud noises, the cold, altercations/arguments, combat, death.
[B]PERSONALITY:[/B] Ayta is the calm before and after the storm. She prefers to stay quiet and observe, and speak up only when it suits her or another. She enjoys helping others and solving problems, and she especially likes having relaxed conversations with her comrades. It takes her a long while to become angry, and when she does become angered she'll leave abruptly, rather than causing a fight, because of her distaste for altercations. When she is treating a patient, she is level-headed and efficient, determined to help as best she can.
When Lil'Ayta was young, she was teased and bullied for her calm and modest demeanor. She turned down challenges and fights, and ended up resolving more than starting them, which wasn't common for the arrogant and selfish battle Chordations. Her father disapproved of her peaceful nature, but her mother supported her, and was the only family member Ayta could grow close to. Both parents, however, fit the Chordation stereotype, and battled often with other Chordations, becoming gravely wounded in the process.

When her parents passed on, and Ayta was given to a man as a servant/slave, she took on the art of health and healing, talking to the other low-status Chordations of the city. She learned from several old Chordations about healing techniques that could be done with water, but the city limited her ability to learn more. After the man she was wed to, who called her his slave had died in a battle (she made no move to heal him), she left the city, eventually reaching the surface in search of knowledge.

A ship had landed on the planet a couple years later, after she had adapted to living on land, and she was allowed to become a passenger for several years, learning how to speak the other languages and other medicinal practices and techniques from the other planets of Sector 6-10. She only recently felt as if she had mastered the art of Medicine, and had been wandering between the planets in search of a new purpose. On the human planet Terran, she met Captain Andro, and he fascinated her, so she spoke to him about medicine, space, exploring, and her origin. Not long after, she became his Second in Command on his own ship, destined to protect their Sector.
[B]NOTES:[/B] She has a pattern of dots on her face that look sort of like freckles, but are actually some form of tattoo, and they look fluorescent when she's expressing an emotion strongly.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-1726

Date Doc: 05/16/3005
AGE: 23
DATE OF BIRTH: 05/16/2982
CHILD(REN): N/A if not applicable​

  • Powers:
    -TECHNOLOGICALLY PROFICIENT: Able to use technology of any make, but is most proficient in spacecraft and machinery of Nauvon, Chordation, and Human make

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[border=2px Solid Green]


Doc #: SEC6-10S-1726
Date Doc: 05/16/3005
AGE: 23
DATE OF BIRTH: 05/16/2982
CHILD(REN): N/A if not applicable[/indent]

-TECHNOLOGICALLY PROFICIENT: Able to use technology of any make, but is most proficient in spacecraft and machinery of Nauvon, Chordation, and Human make
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 132lbs
-Semi-curcular horns, main spikes begin at temples, top of the head, and back of the ear

-Horn starts at small of back, extends to base of neck, two points start in similar place, end at shoulder blades, points extend beyond shoulders

-Extended ulnas, bone extends past elbow 3in or 7.6cm (approx) reenforced with metal braces

-Cybernetic arm, left, sterling silver/stainless steel alloy, various jacks and ports, small electric dishcarge unit on back of wrist

-CO2/H2O filtering unit, installed inside base of throat

-Partially cybernetic eye, right, sensitive to infrared and ultraviolet light, ability to magnify vision

-Large red tattoos down left side of face, similar markings on far right breast and back, extend across shoulder and down bicep

ALLIES: Captain Andro, Phi-gora
-Taking things apart
-Putting things together

-Sharp objects
-Inanimate objects
-Strange/curious objects

-"Bad vibes" (refuses to elaborate)

Jaenko Valere is a semi-gruff technician. He tends to show his more rugged side to ward off those he believes he cannot trust, but his usual bitter demeanor hides the part of him that sincerely cares for those around him. Jaenko feels all emotions vehemently, and will not hesitate to act upon them. Given this, Jaenko tries to take hurtful comments and situations with a grain of salt, and praise/goodwill to heart. Jaenko is a brutally honest person, and wishes others were the same way. Agressive, but not bellicose, Jaenko is not willing to give even the slightest amount of ground in his values, arguments, and opinions.
The Nauvons known as Jethro and Cynthia Valere gave birth to Jaenko on their merchant vessel, Chronomajeir, in an uncertain point in space in sector 6-10. As merchants, the pair had no time for delay in their trade routes, and simply brought their son, later dubbed Jaenko, along wherever they went. Jaenko matured aboard theChronomajeir, and could usually be found messing with anything he could get his hands on. As a result of this, Jaenko was not allowed in the control room of his parents ship until they deemed his piloting skills sufficient enough. There were a few other crewmembers aboard the ship, three Chordations, a Human, and his parents. The Chordations spoke their native language at work, this lead to Jaenko's first words being spoken in the language. He learned both Nauvon languages from his parents, and the Human also taught him english, or common tounge. Jaenko recieved much practice on his parents endeavours, and was able to understand their business and trade interactions at the age of three.

His parents retired from their jobs (Age 6) to a nice waterfront property on Chordate. Jaenko didn't understand why he couldn't breathe underwater like the majority of his aquatic neighbors, so he proceeded to find a way that he could, installing a CO2/H2O filter in his throat (age 7), allowing him to breathe underwater, and anywhere where oxygen is present. On Chordate, Jaenko adopted the planets tribal and warlike behavior, wrestling with the other children, even gearing up to fight in the arena once (age 19). His assorted bone growths made ample tools that gave him an edge in these situations, but Jaenko had a carefree attitude about such activities, and never took them seriously.

At age 14, Jaenko and a few of his friends were swimming near an abandoned Phi're shipwreck. Naturally, Jaenko went to explore, and discovered some of the ship's systems were still functionable. After a bit of messing around, Jaenko learned how to operate the systems, and this became his friends new hideout. This ended a few weeks later when Jaenko accidentially got his arm crushed in a malfunctioning airlock. Jaenko healed eventually, and built himself a new arm one handed, giving himself a much stronger and more utiliary appendage. There is a blade attatched to this arm in a similar place that the one made of bone is on his other arm, but this one is a bit longer, and is made of steel lined with fragments of bone while the other is made of bone lined with fragments of steel.

At age 23, space once again has called to Jaenko. Refusing to start a trading bisuness like his parents, instead looking for a bit of adventure, Jaenko enlisted in the draft, and was put on the ship in charge of sector 6-10. His parents would rather he choose a safer career, and take their old ship, but they understand that Jaenko's "wild and free" nature will only be lived in the spirit of high adventure.

-Greet with caution. Will attempt to strike with head
-Fully fluent in Chordation, Human, and Nauvon languages
-Decent pilot if none other available
-Proficient skill with mounted and ship weapons
-Proficient in hand to hand combat, uses his horns and other bone growths
-Immune to harmful/poison gasses due to CO2/H2O filter
-Any threat of bodily harm is calculated to be 48.6% serious

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-1409

Date Doc: 05/12/3005

BIRTH NAME: Atsutane Kobe
NICKNAME(S): Kobe, Tane
RACE: Nauvon
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: 01/12/2980
HOMETOWN: Kamiyama, Nauvolous
FATHER: Hachiro Kobe
MOTHER: Yusuke Kobe
CHILD(REN): Hina Kobe, daughter, 10​
FLUENT IN: English, Vols

    -TECHNOKINESIS: Atsutane has cybernetic brain augmentation that allows him to scan and manipulate technology to repair, damage, or otherwise alter the hardware. If he's working with new or extremely complicated technology it takes time for him to scan it, however. Depending on the complexity, this could take anything from a few minutes to several hours to complete. He couldn't manipulate a super computer on the fly, for example.

    -FLIGHT: His powerful Nauvon wings give him the ability to fly up to 28 mph as well as glide long distances or increase jumping distance.


    -CYBERWARFARE: He's exceptionally skilled at breaking through firewalls and other computer security to reach the files inside or to upload viruses and take down systems. He can break into enemy ship's systems to gain access to crew dossiers or shut down important systems like artificial gravity or air.

    -PROGRAMMING: He is able to create rather complex programs that can be an asset or liability, depending on what the program is needed for. He can make encryption codes and security programs that protect data better than standard cybersecurity as well as programs that can slip into others' systems and erase/download important data.

    -TECH REPAIR/UPGRADE: His implant and general skill with technology makes him very efficient at repairing on-ship systems and vehicles as needed. He also spends some of his free time working on personal projects to keep his skills sharp.

    -HANDGUN TRAINING: He was trained by a few of the black market trading groups he traveled with in the use of small arms like pistols and small submachine guns.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-1409
Date Doc: 05/12/3005

BIRTH NAME: Atsutane Kobe
NICKNAME(S): Kobe, Tane
RACE: Nauvon
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: 01/12/2980
HOMETOWN: Kamiyama, Nauvolous
[INDENT]FATHER: Hachiro Kobe
MOTHER: Yusuke Kobe
CHILD(REN): Hina Kobe, daughter, 10[/INDENT]
FLUENT IN: English, Vols

-TECHNOKINESIS: Atsutane has cybernetic brain augmentation that allows him to scan and manipulate technology to repair, damage, or otherwise alter the hardware. If he's working with new or extremely complicated technology it takes time for him to scan it, however. Depending on the complexity, this could take anything from a few minutes to several hours to complete. He couldn't manipulate a super computer on the fly, for example.

-FLIGHT: His powerful Nauvon wings give him the ability to fly up to 28 mph as well as glide long distances or increase jumping distance.


-CYBERWARFARE: He's exceptionally skilled at breaking through firewalls and other computer security to reach the files inside or to upload viruses and take down systems. He can break into enemy ship's systems to gain access to crew dossiers or shut down important systems like artificial gravity or air.

-PROGRAMMING: He is able to create rather complex programs that can be an asset or liability, depending on what the program is needed for. He can make encryption codes and security programs that protect data better than standard cybersecurity as well as programs that can slip into others' systems and erase/download important data.

-TECH REPAIR/UPGRADE: His implant and general skill with technology makes him very efficient at repairing on-ship systems and vehicles as needed. He also spends some of his free time working on personal projects to keep his skills sharp.

-HANDGUN TRAINING: He was trained by a few of the black market trading groups he traveled with in the use of small arms like pistols and small submachine guns.

HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 193lbs
EYES: Silver-white [URL='https://ravensaustralia.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/eyes-beak.jpg?w=300&h=200'][COLOR=lightblue]like a raven[/COLOR][/URL]
HAIR: Naturally black, dyed bright green
Astutane has a pair of glossy, black feathered wings that protrude from his shoulder blades. These wings can reach a span of 13.5 feet, but he can pull them tightly to his body so they don't get in the way. His right arm is [URL='https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2e/01/d3/2e01d370cffc9552ff42637017b0ed91.jpg'][COLOR=lightblue]entirely cybernetic[/COLOR][/URL], made of a silver magnesium alloy that is extremely strong but lightweight. The arm has pale blue lights that glow in grooves where the joints meet and a built in holoprojector for communication or on-the-go hacking.

ALLIES: Communicate with other members and decide who are your friends
ENEMIES: Communicate with other members and decide who do you dislike
Listening to music
His daughter
Hanging out with friends
Obnoxious people
Being in one place too long
Having too many rules
Atsutane is a pretty laid-back and care-free individual. He doesn't hold back his sarcasm most of the time and his filter doesn't really exist, even in places it really should. He can act pretty indifferent some of the time, especially when he's engrossed in a project, but his funloving demeanor does pop up pretty easily if you bring up a subject he's interested in. He has a problem with sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and asking too many questions. He's also very messy, his quarters and workspace are usually strewn with various snack containers or mechanical parts of varying make and in random stages of deconstruction or reconstruction.
[imagefloat=left][IMG]https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/images.geeknative.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Saul-Espinosa-2.jpg[/IMG][/imagefloat]Astutane was born on Nauvolous in a city called Kamiyama high in the mountains. Kamiyama is well known for it's technological exports and Atsutane's parents were fairly successful programmers. His passion for technology became obvious from a young age and he soaked up everything he could learn about it, and his parents encouraged him, even bringing him along to work sometimes after he reached his teenage years. At 15, he got his girlfriend pregnant and she had his daughter, Hina. He tried to avoid the responsibility at first, but infant nauvon grew on him and he became devoted to her, even taking less than legal work on ships going off-world in order to support her.

At the age of 22, Atsutane was working on a black market ship as a programmer and hacker when the ship was attacked. He was injured in an explosion and was carried to an escape pod by a fellow crew member. [imagefloat=right][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/170x/47/17/8c/47178c847d2d370f5f408edf48d426ae.jpg[/IMG][/imagefloat] He sustained severe head injuries, lost his right arm, was returned home in a coma. It was unclear whether he would wake up again, but his parents decided to use a new cybernetic design  they'd been working on to see if they could revive him. After a few weeks of surgeries and over a year's recovery, the cybernetics worked and his brain seemed to adjust to them rather well, but not long after they discovered an unusual side effect in the form of his new ability to manipulate technology with his mind.

He remained with his parents and his daughter for another couple of years to make sure he fully recovered before returning to travelling work, this time of a more legal status. Despite his past with the law, he was offered a job with Sector 6-10 Squad as an engineer and accepted, happy to have something that will finally make his parents and his daughter proud.
He has a tattoo of a blue hexagon design over the top half of his back
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DOC# SEC6-10S-1314
Doc Date 07/04/3005

Birth Name Katarina Blakesley

Nickname(s) Kat
Race Human
Age 28
Gender Female
Sexual Orientation Asexual - Homoromantic
DOB 05/27/2977
Hometown Eshlemont, Terran
Blood Type A-

Mother - Blair Blakesley
Occupation Pilot/Medic
Fluent In English - Phi

  • Powers
    1. Pilot: She favors and excels at evasive maneuvers, but has to be reminded to return fire.

    2. Vehicle: Not an engineer, but if she has the time and interest, she often tunes freshly repaired vehicles sitting in the hangar.

    3. Medical: As part of her human heritage, she is very familiar with implants, cybernetics, and synthetic materials, the surgery and physical therapy part of it of course. If something gets broken, or needs adjustment, an engineer will have to make a visit, or an engineer/medic will have to take over. Otherwise, Katarina makes a great nurse and helper.

    4. Tech/Cybernetics: (1) Middle and pointer fingernails of both hands. (2) Right eye is a cybernetic implant. || (1) Her middle and pointer fingernails have cybernetic capabilities. Katarina regularly uses it as a way to read bio markers in her patients. Essentially, Katarina's cybernetic fingernails are clean tools she can use out in the field, to gather information of injury, surrounding biology, and to interact with the rest of her cybernetics. || (2) Katarina has a small chip over her right ear, upon tapping it with (1), her cybernetic eye begins to sync up and she then has access to a holographic user interface. When driving it may provide routes, maps, and the like. It also contains patient files, her schedules, inventory information, and many more things. Unfortunately, only other humans or androids who have that specific brand can actually see the holographic UI when it pops up - to other people, she looks like she's tapping away and turning her head madly at thin air. The main computer it's connected to is on the ship, so she has access to this on field as well.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-PHNX
Date Doc: 05/66/3005
BIRTH NAME: Ireythalli Corvenath
NICKNAME(S): Alli, Ire
RACE: Demonic Elf
AGE: 33
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: February 18, 2972
HOMETOWN: Balgar, Phi're
FLUENT IN: Phi, English

  • Powers:
    • Fire Manipulation: Alli has the ability to manipulate fire, using it to her advantage whether it's against others in battle, or heating up specific parts of the ship so that she can work with them better or fix them with ease.
    • Technology/Mechanical Knowledge: Alli is known for her fiddling and tinkering with ships and other mechanical parts - how to tweak them or bend them or whatnot just comes to her naturally, allowing her to be very good at her job
    • Combative (CQC): Thanks to her tough upbringing, Alli was raised knowing how to fight and use her powers with precision and control, although her temper flares often enough to balance out her control. Nonetheless, she's talented at CQC and prefers fistfights rather than the use of weapons other than her powers.

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[border=2px Solid Green][CENTER][SIZE=30px][COLOR=#008000]VERIFIED[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/border][/column][column=span5][B]Doc #:[/B] SEC6-10S-PHNX
[B]Date Doc:[/B] 05/66/3005
[B]BIRTH NAME:[/B] Ireythalli Corvenath
[B]NICKNAME(S):[/B] Alli, Ire
[B]RACE:[/B] Demonic Elf
[B]AGE:[/B] 33
[B]GENDER:[/B] Female
[B]DATE OF BIRTH:[/B] February 18, 2972
[B]HOMETOWN:[/B] Balgar, Phi're
[B]OCCUPATION:[/B] Engineer
[B]FLUENT IN:[/B] Phi, English


[*]Fire Manipulation: Alli has the ability to manipulate fire, using it to her advantage whether it's against others in battle, or heating up specific parts of the ship so that she can work with them better or fix them with ease.
[*]Technology/Mechanical Knowledge: Alli is known for her fiddling and tinkering with ships and other mechanical parts - how to tweak them or bend them or whatnot just comes to her naturally, allowing her to be [I]very[/I] good at her job
[*]Combative (CQC): Thanks to her tough upbringing, Alli was raised knowing how to fight and use her powers with precision and control, although her temper flares often enough to balance out her control. Nonetheless, she's talented at CQC and prefers fistfights rather than the use of weapons other than her powers.
[B]HEIGHT:[/B] 5'7"
[B]WEIGHT:[/B] 137 lbs.
[B]EYES:[/B] Gold-Orange (Red when angry)
[B]HAIR:[/B] Red-Orange (On fire when angry)
[B]DESCRIPTION:[/B] Ire has pale, grey, skin, the color of ashes beneath a fire. Her eyes are the same color as her hair, a red-orange-gold curly color, the shade of flames (quite literally, sometimes). Her body is muscular and short for a demonic elf, being a small ball of anger and fury when irritated, but a warm and caressing figure when she's calm. She's aware of her beauty, and tends to use it to her advantage when she can, knowing that her curvy figure attracts many. However, she is often seen tinkering with mechanical parts of a ship or huddled beneath the engine, trying to fix its next problem, totally forgetting about her lovely appearance and getting grease/oil/etc. all over her.

(Glows with red instead of blue)
[B]ALLIES:[/B] Captain Andro, Phi'gora, Jaenko, TBD
[B]HOBBIES:[/B] Tinkering, thinking out loud, playing with fire.
[B]LIKES:[/B] Sparring, using her fire to her advantage, CQC, pranking people, and getting new 'toys' (aka mechanical things to tinker with).
[B]DISLIKES:[/B] Reading (her fire always burns the pages ;) ), boring people, "sticks in the mud," ranged fighters, water-users.
[B]PERSONALITY:[/B] Ire is led by her emotions. She feels that her emotions are the best guidance for her, and she often speaks her mind, it just depends on whether or not she's understandable when she does. She prefers the company of females, but isn't against hanging out with the males of the crew, only because she's worked with them for a long period of time. When she's alone, she often talks to herself, muttering about the mechanics of something. When she's with others, she likes to be funny, lighthearted, and kind. Experiences outside of Phi're taught her how to be like that.
When Ire was born, she was raised in a proper home, just like every other Demonic Elf on Phi're. Her parents had a steady income, didn't work more than they had to, and didn't have any family events. Her parents did not love one another, and were only together based upon a decided marriage they had been forced into by their own parents. Nonetheless, the two gave birth to Ire and loved her, so they remained together for her. This made her unhappy, since they fought all the time, but that was how she accepted her life to be at that time.

As Ire grew older, she became fascinated with the ships that came and went from her planet, and how they were capable of touching the hot surface without combusting. This fascination urged her to learn more about ships, and in doing so she became immersed in ship manuals, blueprints, and materials, learning all she could on how to be a spaceship expert. Of course, as she learned more, the other Elves did not call her that, and instead called her an engineer when she became skilled at repairing some parts of the ships. Every time a ship came to visit the planet, Ire offered to look around the ship, see if she could help with anything. Since she wouldn't really take no for an answer, she would manipulate others into letting her poke around, which only occasionally backfired (some men became a tad bit too touchy).

As her knowledge of how ships worked grew, Ire became more popular in the big city, proving to be quite talented. Captain Andro had somehow heard of her talent and came to offer her a ship to work on and fiddle with whenever her heart pleased, and Ire leapt to the offer, excitement and eagerness in her eyes. Ever since she was accepted onto the ship, she figuratively lived where the engines resided, and has befriended the other demonic elf of the crew, and possibly the other people on the crew as well.
[B]NOTES:[/B] When Ire first learned to control her fire powers, a tattoo wound its way up her body, starting from her left foot and curling around her body, covering almost every inch of her, but focused on her dominant side, the left half of her body. She also has an accent that resembles what we know as Scottish today (corresponds with the Celtic tattoo covering her).

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-1726

Date Doc: 05/16/3005
AGE: 126


FLUENT IN: Hmmz (Czech), English

  • Powers:
    -WATER MANIPULATION: As a native of Chordate, Mingo has the ability to manipulate water.
    -SIREN CALL: Mingos mother was of siren decent. He has inherited the ability to make unnatural noises of both high and low frequency, and various wavelength. If need be, he can function as a type of radio.
    -TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION: This is just an extension of Mingo's siren abilities, he just talks in a way that the sound only bounces to specific peoples ears/audio receptors.

    -PHYSICAL COMBAT: Mingo excells in hand to hand and physical combat in any environment. Low-g, underwater, high-g, aerial, you name it. Mingo uses a charged bowstaff/spear combo weapon that has the capability to fire laser bolts from both ends.
    -WEAPON HANDLING AND RESOURCEFULNESS: Mingo has been training, drilling, and sparring since he could barely walk, via Chordation tradition. He can use almost anything as a weapon anywhere against anything in more ways than possibly imaginable.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-8644

Date Doc: 09/21/3010
BIRTH NAME: Graffink Klapleshh
RACE: Nauvon (Mantis Bred)
AGE: 48
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: April 14, 2957
HOMETOWN: Dark Mantis Grove, Nauvolous

FATHER: Graffink (deceased)
MOTHER: Klapleshh
SPOUSE: Miklio (deceased)
CHILDREN: Unidentified

FLUENT IN: Vols (Japanese) and (enough) English, as well as insectisoid communication.

  • Powers: -INSECTISOID COMMUNICATION: Graffink has the ability to communicate with insects, and other insectisoid animals, as well as understand them. This comes in handy during combat and recon missions, as while a giant mantis creature might not be overlooked, small insects are completely ignored.


    -UNREAL SPEED AND REFLEXES: Graffink can move very fast. Very very fast. Her multi-fragmented eyes see everyting, and she has exeptional reflexes and depth perception. Like most mantis, the fastest part of her anatomy is her striking arm, which can attack and retract in 30-50 one thousandths of a second. Given that the blade itself weighs a good 10lbs (4.5kg), Graffink has the ability to smash/cut through many layers of solid metal in a single blow.


Doc #: SEC6-10S-8644

Date Doc: 09/21/3010
BIRTH NAME: Graffink Klapleshh
RACE: Nauvon (Mantis Bred)
AGE: 48
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: April 14, 2957
HOMETOWN: Dark Mantis Grove, Nauvolous

FATHER: Graffink (deceased)
MOTHER: Klapleshh
SPOUSE: Miklio (deceased)
CHILDREN: Unidentified

FLUENT IN: Vols (Japanese) and (enough) English, as well as insectisoid communication.

  • Powers: -INSECTISOID COMMUNICATION: Graffink has the ability to communicate with insects, and other insectisoid animals, as well as understand them. This comes in handy during combat and recon missions, as while a giant mantis creature might not be overlooked, small insects are completely ignored.
    -UNREAL SPEED AND REFLEXES: Graffink can move very fast. Very very fast. Her multi-fragmented eyes see everyting, and she has exeptional reflexes and depth perception. Like most mantis, the fastest part of her anatomy is her striking arm, which can attack and retract in 30-50 one thousandths of a second. Given that the blade itself weighs a good 10lbs (4.5kg), Graffink has the ability to smash/cut through many layers of solid metal in a single blow.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-0213

Date Doc: 01/01/2901
BIRTH NAME: Android62128 Style#027
NICKNAME(S): Captain, Cap, Captain Andro
RACE: Android
AGE: 104
DATE OF BIRTH: 01/01/2901
HOMETOWN: Japan, Earth
BLOOD TYPE: Peritoneal fluid


FLUENT IN: English, Hmmz, Phi, Vols, Naun, and any downloadable language.

    • Eternal Upgrade: Some of Andro's limbs are capable of disassembling and reassembling into various forms of technology, allowing him to perform system checks, enhancements, and upgrades.
    • Super-Strength: He has an incredible ability to defy weight compared to his race, but not completely break them. Dense, lengthy, or overweight items are easy to move and simple to use in nearly any manner. Andro can crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight.
    • Flight: Andro demonstrates skills with using the jet packs installed underneath his feet for long distance leaps, flight, elevation and even using the rockets as a means of attack.
    • Heat Vision: He can use this power to fire off lasers from his eyes which can cause destructive damage on his intended targets or use this ability for the use of construction.
    • Perfect Vision: Andro has enhanced vision, allowing him to see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color, even in a different spectrum of light into another dimension. His eyes emit a ray frequency that produces a transparency effect to also visually penetrate solid objects or see within objects. Can be used for medical purposes such as the detection of cancers, tumors, blackened lungs, etc. The skill of perceiving a specific location is given by partial reflection of the ray from each specific surface surveyed. The direction of incoming light allows for a positioned focus on the depth of a viewing surface.
    • Emotion Negation: As simple as flicking a switch off within himself, Andro can suppress or negate emotions, allowing him to to ignore emotional distractions and/or feelings from affecting his thinking-processes.

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Doc #: SEC6-10S-2222

Date Doc: 08/22/3005
BIRTH NAME: Azel'fe Todunde
NICKNAME(S): Zel, Azel, Z
RACE: Demonic Elf
AGE: 39
DATE OF BIRTH: 09/11/2966
HOMETOWN: Balgar, Phi're
Father: Adol'fe Todunde
Mother: Orisa Todunde-Belldis
Brother: Adol'fe Todunde
Sister: Orisa'ma Todunde
OCCUPATION: Pilot & Aerospace Engineer
FLUENT IN: English and Phi.

    • Elemental Speed- Azel'fe can travel at extraordinary speed using Phi're's most natural elemental source, fire, by using the fiery element embedded in his genes to accelerate. Most Demonic Elves are born with this ability.
    • Auto-Reflexes- Azel'fe possesses extraordinary reflexes that are entirely involuntary. Due to this they can be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes and can be utilized to better coordinate their own movements.
      Because his body moves without the use of their brain he is free to strategize and can dodge a wider variety of attacks, even in a weakened condition. The reflexes can enhance his physical speed to react faster than the eye can see especially with his natural elemental speed boost. Since his body moves on reflex and not reaction, feints and illusionary techniques are useless against him.
    • Vehicle Intuition- Azel'fe is able to operate a variety of different vehicles (cars, motorcycles, tanks, walkers, hovercraft, robotic suits, aircraft, locomotive etc.) with ease.
    • Aviation Intuition- Azel'fe possesses extraordinary skill in piloting aircrafts/spacecrafts and is better than everyone else except for his brother; they're tied. He usually is credited with shooting down several enemies during aerial combat and accounted for the majority of air-to-air victories in any battle or war.
    • Robotic Creation- Azel'fe can create useful robots; they can be filled with a varying arsenal or weaponry, support, and defensive capabilities and surprising forms of getting around, to serve their bidding under undying loyalty.

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Due to the mechanisms within the heels of her feet, Trinitee is able to run at speeds faster than any human, Nauvon, Chordation, or Demonic Elf. She utilizes this to her advantage against larger opponents.

Due to the mechanisms within her legs and feet, Trinitee can jump and dodge attacks with greater fluidity, her flexibility being one to rival a gymnast's.

Similarly to the previous description, the way Trinitee was built was to allow her to be a fast, acrobatic opponent that can climb the walls and move across the ceiling (yes, like Spiderman or Robin. Hush.).

Since her arm can transform into a sniper rifle, she can shoot it at because it really is an extension of her body. Her eyesight and arm combined allow her to shoot multiple targets and hit them in vital areas in quick succession, but this requires a significant amount of energy that she can only harness a couple of times per day. When she uses this ability her eyes glow (both the irises and the sclerae) a bright blue, as does all of the lines in her body that are between the different plates of metal and synthetic flesh on her body.


Thanks to her robotic eyes, Trinitee can see in any wavelength, radiation, and can zoom her vision in on her targets to ensure her shot hits its mark. Hence why she's an amazing combat specialist who is particularly fond of her arm-sniper rifle.

Due to the fact that she's an android, Trinitee can download any combat techniques as well as weapon techniques and how to use them. There's yet to be a weapon she has come across and been unfamiliar with.

Already explained under MARKSMANSHIP.

5 feet 7 inches

121 pounds

Solid white irises, no pupils

Bleach-blonde, practically white

Very old-fashioned, similar to the 1960's style of spy.


Her entire fucking arm turns into a sniper rifle. Yes. It is amazing. Deal with it.

Two pistols that she holsters on either hip, both containing random rounds within them of different types: incendiary, poison, acid, explosive, and regular. She likes keeping it random because it's fun. The grips of the handles of the pistols recognize the fingerprints and palm prints of her hands when she uses them and will only activate when they're in her hands or Andro's hands.

Poison pellets are built into Trin's hands beneath her nails and are releasable mentally so that when she claws a fleshy opponent they are poisoned with a chemical that is incredibly toxic.

Trinitee is a thin, small female android compared to the enormous androids that are much more popular at present, but she was built to be someone who can infiltrate, fight with speed and agility, and move with as much flexibility as she could be given. She's a bendy robot. With a thin layer of flesh that covers the metal of her body and gives her a more human-like appearance and the warm peritoneal fluid that runs through her carefully designed veins, she appears very much to have a human body, except for the presence of her glowing eyes and the many lines in her body that allow her to be as fluid-like as she is and keep that aspect of being an android. Trin loves her appearance, especially considering the fact that she was gifted with a curvy and flirty design, emotions, and everything that could make her as close to a bipedal being with a conscience as possible.

Captain Andro, for the moment.

Anyone who doesn't let her have fun. ;)

Having Fun
Wild Behaviour
Sparring for Funsies

No Weapons
"Going Easy"
Really Big Enemies
Not Being Sexy <- although this never happens~

Flirty, sexual, emotional, all the things that make up horny women. JKJK she's just like that. She loves having a good time, admiring her weaponry and herself and anything else that's pretty, and she loves to fight. This girl doesn't take no for an answer, is the epitome of being a rebel (just like my code) and will kick all the asses, if given the chance to.

TR1N1T33 was built to be a combat android meant to serve in the military on Earth in case of emergency, due to her significant enhancements and abilities in comparison to the traditional androids used in the military alongside enhanced humans. However, despite her advancements and advantages, Trinitee wanted more. She wanted to serve as something more than a soldier, do more than her original purpose. She was gifted, and she wanted to travel, to be more human, and to learn the ways of the universe. In order to do that, she had to rebel against her precinct (which she found to be exhilarating and fun) and run away from home in a whirlwind of excitement. GET IT TORNADOES IN KANSAS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Anyway, she found that in spaceships and space itself, she felt more at home and more willing to fight and serve her true purpose: be a badass android lady.

DOC #: SEC6-10S-8920 DATE DOC

TR1N1T33 - Android89200 Style #999

Trinitee, T, Trin






Tupar City, Terran

Peritoneal fluid



Pilot/Weapons Specialist

English, Hmmz, Phi, Vols, Naun, etc.


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Doc #: SEC6-10S-0173

Date Doc: 05/31/3005
BIRTH NAME: Phi'gora Armsworth
NICKNAME(S): Phi, Phi-Phi, Doc, Doctor Phi
RACE: Demonic Elf
AGE: 45
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: December 7th, 2960
HOMETOWN: Balgar, Phi're
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
FLUENT IN: English and Phi.

    • Fire Armor- Phi'gora can form armor around her body or a shape it from fire for protection and physical boost. With training, she could shape the armor into new forms for weapons, transportation, even constructs of the element, but Phi likes to construct medical supplies.
    • Fire Wall- Phi can create walls of fire from nothing or by shaping the existing fire, they can shape the wall to any shape they want, but afterwards the walls are unchanging and immobile, their usually made for shields. She's not a fan of fighting.
    • Flaming Surface- She can cause surfaces (often floor) to emit flames, causing fire-damage on anything in contact with them or the flames.
    • Medical Intuition- She has a great, if not innate, medical knowledge, enabling her to easily treat others' injuries and create medicines. One with this ability can cook up concoctions and remedies for ailments with nearly anything in one's environments. They are also able to tell which things in the wild (or in one’s kitchen) are poisonous and which are safe to ingest or to use to treat injuries. This ability is not always accompanied by the ability Healing, just the ability to discern sources of natural remedies in domestic products and the like.
    • Medical Weaponry Proficiency- Phi-gora is able to demonstrate unique aptitude for the way of medical weaponry (sutures, saws, hypodermic needle etc...).
    • Medicinal Creation- Phi can create or generate different kinds of medicine including ointments, tablets, elixirs, serums, cream, powders, etc out of thin air or by transforming other matter. These medicines could be used to cure numerous amounts of illnesses or prevent illnesses to occur and used for healing and pain suppressant.





Doc #: SEC6-10S-0733

Date Doc: 07/03/3005
BIRTH NAME: Seriekke Kirthaun Ibrodra
NICKNAME(S): The Doctor. She has aptly demonstrated that she does not wish to be called Serri
RACE: Snake Nauvon
AGE: 30
GENDER: Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 07/03/2975
Dyredirell, a small city in the mountains, known only for being a host to a remarkable cybernetics school. They also have some odd laws, enforced by their own small augmented military force and made by a religious council.

FATHER: Estranged
MOTHER: Estranged
WIFE: Ex-wife. She refuses to answer questions about her.
FLUENT IN: Hmmz/English/Phi/Naun/Vols Fluent in all, and capable of downloading language programs to teach more to herself instantly.

  • Powers:
    Snake Sense: As a part of her Nauvonian snake biology she is entirely deaf. Point of fact she doesn't have any kind of natural ear structure, although that is no longer visually apparent. Instead she has a snakes sense of heat signatures around it. She has also enhanced it greatly using her implant, giving her remarkable range along with a great deal of precision. The main thing to remember is that she cannot usually monitor everything around her at once, so she will miss small movements and heat changes at longer range unless she is paying attention. She will however feel all major thermal changes at a range of up to five miles. To clarify, a human would not count as a major thermal change, but most vehicles would, unless they were thermally cloaked, even if they were visually cloaked.
    Machine Hearing: She tried to build a form of hearing for herself. It worked. Sort of. Specifically speaking it worked far too well. She tried to build herself a highly precise aural vibration detector, but accidentally keyed it to produce sound as well. This resulted in a prototype device that produced a form of echolocation, constantly. The first time she turned it on the information overload nearly drove her insane. She has now refined the device, allowing her to hear remarkably well, but without the echolocation. The echolocation is still something she can use, but it is still not something she can use very often, in part because it is not something her brain naturally does, and in part because it requires more processing power than her brain has. It is not however directly dangerous to use, instead just sapping her energy, mentally and physically.
    Snake Venom: In place of canines, she has two snake fangs, the venom of which is exceedingly potent. One drop is enough to paralyze most normal sized humanoids, two is enough to kill most humanoids, and larger portions can kill most anything organic. She has made a small alteration at the root of her fangs, a small tongue activated switch that prevents the flow of the venom. She is immune to her own poison, but installed this a long time ago. It was one of her first cybernetic augments she made for and installed on herself.
    Cyborg: She has over time replaced most of her brain with cybernetic augmentations. This gives her an enhanced memory and makes it much easier to calculate and analyze things that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to solve. That is the quantifiable, measurable portion of what this has done to her brain. What else this may have done, what it may have changed about her, she doesn't know. She developed this tech on her own, in a place that frowned upon this type of science, and considered this specific kind of procedure to be wildly illegal. More than that, this was the prototype build. She built this kind of tech one more time and then renounced it, since refusing to do anything more than basic neurosurgery if at all possible. Her other piece of major work was a sort of high-tech replacement/alteration surgery she carried out on her scales over the surface of her entire body. She basically turned her skin into a massive energy conductor array that can absorb most types of pure energy. This was built as a protection against EMP's as at this point if an unblocked EMP hit her, her brain would shut off. Like her brain implant it has had a few extra effects, mostly because she is working from theory and an exceptional intellect, rather than any real plan. Her scales can absorb, reflect or ground most kinds of energy. The mechanism that does this can survive some damage to her scales, but if she gets too torn up it can damage the field and allow energy through. If she were to get hit by an unblocked EMP her brain would be wiped, and while she has some built-in measures to save her mind, that requires somebody else to know about that and to bring her body back to her lab. The last piece of this tech is a universal port she installed on her left arm, allowing her to interface with almost anything. She uses this to offload energy, and while she can store a fair amount she has not yet managed to turn it into something her body can use. If she is taking heavy energy weapon fire she has to offload energy or it can get very dangerous.
    Visor-Sight: She wears a high-tech visor most of the time that directly interfaces with her augmented brain. It is primarily designed for medical purposes, and allows her to much more easily inspect and diagnose her patients. At a basic level she can see in terms of heat as well as using a sort of bastardized x-ray vision, produced by projecting a non-harmful energy and reading the minute changes it under-goes as it passes through something. This works on most any organic entity that she is familiar with, although it helps to have a baseline scan. There is a more intensive scan, allowed for by small nano-bot clusters that she keeps in inject-able capsules. These are minute machines, so small that even with her expertise she cannot get them to observe much information. However they can observe enough, and after injection she can get a full diagnostic on whatever she injects them into after about a minute. This includes machine prostheses and proper machines, so long as they have a port and don't have internal protections against nano-machine movement.
    Mad Doctor: She is an exceedingly well trained and knowledgeable medic, in part due to the encyclopedic memory allowed by her brain implant. The main issue is that her solutions have a tendency to be a little out of the box, and it's best she not be left alone with someone injured or she might try to improve things. She also tends to be a little emotionally removed, with nothing really seeming to bother her. This can be helpful when she is acting as a combat medic, but is rather less so when she is in any situation involving bed-side manner.
    Blade Mistress: Her primary non-academic activity and second favorite thing is fighting with blades. Knives, swords, axes, even spears and glaives. If it's got a sharp edge she has probably at least tried it once. Even with weapons she has barely used she is lethal because the implant in her brain lets her react extremely fast, and gives her a certain level of automatic knowledge. With her usual weapons, and especially her treasured personal designs, she is incredibly deadly. She is remarkably difficult to hit, and has a snakes striking speed.
    Cyberneticist: Medicine was always a secondary, incidental path of study, adjacent to cybernetics. She is skilled enough to elevate it to an art, the precise art of taking things apart and rebuilding them with a little something extra. She is also a capable repair worker with an extensive knowledge-base of all the usual cybernetics and enough know-how to adapt to most any tech given time. She does however have a bit of a problem with rebuilding tech as is, often making little improvements. This is usually positive, but can make it difficult to work with her or repair things she has worked on if you work from factory specs.

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(( SachiGrl SachiGrl Heyo! Is it too late to apply to this RP? I'mma throw this in here, just in case. Hope that's okay! It's still kinda WIP, with more to be added later! (Language Fluency, New Skills, Armors, etc.) ^_^' ))

  • JackCommonPic.png



    Doc #: SEC6-10S-0193

    Date Doc: 05/17/3005
    NICKNAMES: "Jack", "Ed", "Davian", "Old-Timer", "The Fossil"
    RACE: Human | Neuro-Linked Clone
    GENDER: Male
    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
    DATE OF BIRTH: 10/15/1993
    WIFE: N/A
    CHILD: N/A
    OCCUPATION: Engineer-In-Training | Pilot (Pre-Cryo Occupation. Re-learning the new functions.)
    FLUENT IN: English

    • POWERS:
      >> Cryogenic Clone: Due to the dangers of the first Cryostations, Jack's brain was implemented into a "Vault", where cloned bodies that resemble his original now rests. They operate similar to any other ordinary Human Body, even to a genetic level... however, his blood is blue, due to the millions of Neruobytes (extremely powerful, miniature robots that allow his brain to control his body from countless lightyears away) floating within his bloodstream. Whenever one body dies, another begins to be restructured, then his consciousness is restored into that one. However, should any harm come to his brain, then his consciousness is moved into the clone, where he is at his "Last Life", unless his clone's brain were used to replace the original.

      Once injured, the Neurobytes begin to rebuild the lost ones, and restructure the damaged tissues over time. However, lost limbs will have to be replaced manually, or a new body would have to be built for him, which usually takes three IC days!

      >> Fast Learner: He may not be from this time period, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a bit of a "Science Enthusiast" in the past. To him, this whole ordeal is just another "Learning Process" that he seems to be getting the hang of! It won't be long, and he'll be among the best Engineers out there.

      He can learn quicker than usual, and is fast at getting the hang of things.

      >> Quick Reflexes: A split-second decision is a must for any Pilot. Whether it be spotting something odd on the radar, or just going with a "Gut Feeling", he is able to spot something off-putting from a mile away, and react accordingly.

      More likely to dodge and/or spot sneak-attacks and stealth-based individuals.

      >> Auto-Turret: Whenever in combat, Jack can deploy a Turret that senses movement from hostile forces, which are pre-programmed to sense the insignia of the uniform being worn. If one of the programmed insignias are spotted, it fires at the target, unless turned off by one of his remotes.

      >> Flight Maneuver 1 (Barrel Roll): When under attack while flying, Jack can spin the ship around in an evasive maneuver, preventing damage from small-medium-sized projectiles. Larger ones, however, he could just fly around, due to their size.

      >> Cryogenic Medpack: He carries a few Injectors with him that contain Neurobytes, which are used to heal his Clone Body. They only work on him, however, and could prove dangerous if injected in another individual that isn't in a Clone Body, as well!

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