[Secrets of the Bureau] The Forums of Yu-Shan (OOC)


One Thousand Club
Out of character talk here.

Books you'll need to reference for this game:

Exalted (1st ed)

Exalted Players Guide (1st ed) for power combat

Sidereals (1st ed)
In a somewhat unanticipated stroke of luck, I happen to have all the above. :D

>.> At least, I assume so.

I know my Sidereals book is 1e, because you said so.

I know my base book is 1e... because I have a 1e and a 2e. Ilovehalfprice.

I have a Player's guide. I'm assuming it's 1e because the images inside it are not in color. That is the way to tell, right? :D
Yeah, there isn't a 2e player's guide (they did Scroll of Heroes and Scroll of Fallen Races instead). You're in luck.

Given any more thought to the nature of the game you'd like to play?

BTW, chargen and houserules are up.

>.> Looks like I'm working long today... and I'm (again) in charge of raid. Mind if I get these up on the weekend?

;_; Sorry for the delay, and I promise it isn't starting a trend.

As far as the nature of the beast... I'm going to shoot for balance (dunno how well I'll do) -- but I was thinking of going down as one of the Chosen of Endings, if that makes anything more obvious or less.
Boo for raid =p.

Chargen is a soul-searching process and I'm not making it easier with my wonky houserules (though I believe they're miles more fair to you, the player). I can understand if it takes you through the weekend, and I can't wait to critique on Monday!

Regarding endings, what I need to know is how death-y of a theme you expect. Some people treat Endings as Abyssals lite, Fate Ninja edition, others as cheery bureaucrats who happen to have a knack for creative destruction and really like weeding their gardens. I imagine you're somewhere inbetween, and you don't have to clarify, but it would help.

Gratz on 100 posts btw!
:) need to double that soon!

Houserules are fantastic! I do agree that they're nicer than what is hanging out in the 1e books. Don't take it too easy on me, though! I dig challenges. <3

I was imagining Endings to be a little more zen than goth. I guess, on that spectrum, middlin, but closer to the happy bureaucrat side. Fwiw, it seems that Gold faction makes more sense. All things have their time, and Bronse's time is closing. ( please correct me if I'm treading on setup toes!)
I'm not taking it easy on you. Sidereals, as the reigning Celestials of Creation, just have more Backgrounds and Bonus Points than everybody else. They're just relatively uncontested when it comes to neat magical things, awesome mentors and the like. Which I've translated into more exp for those two in my system. As for the free merits, I just liked those merits alot when I read them in the context of this Sidereal game =D. Like Lunars, Sidereals start out of the gate as strong or stronger than Solars. Solars make up for this by having, pretty much, unlimited potential and better xp costs for getting there, and pass everyone up in short order.

As for toes, not at all! Your Sidereal's faction opinions (the time of the Bronze faction is coming to an end) are entirely your own. We'll see through play what happens in the age of sorrows!

It is rumored that Saturn recently remarked to Chejop Kejak that she was dissapointed that the Sidereal that will bring an end to two ages was not her own.
Aside from time that I'm inexplicably short? ;______;

I've still got Xs for the following, because I've not finished looking for them yet.

Dodge DV - XX Natural

Parry DV - XX Natural

Hardness - XX


Move - XX

Dash - XX
Away from my books at the moment, but the power combat section of the players guide should clarify all your questions. If it's not there 1e Core will set you straight, but be sure to look at the player's guide first, since it has the power combat update (which is necessarily contradictory). Please take the below from the top of my head with a grain of salt.

In 1e there are no DV's. You get a pool to roll, like any other action, when dodging or parrying, so just put the normal die pool on your sheet, similar to attacks. Of special importance is how this interacts with the multiple action rules (which I should re-read myself). It's also worth noting you can only parry up to the rate of your weapon in 1e in a turn (though as an archer that's less important). Hardness is like soak only it trumps min damage if the Hardness > Raw damage. Very useful against DB Animas. Move and Dash are something like Dex+12 or something? I'd have to look this up.
My kingdom for a decent index. =\

Amend: An index AT ALL, or a decent ToC. ;_;

Would I be right to assume that my "natural" soak is going to be 0B, 0L?

>.> What is "A" for soak?

No, I'm in the market for a good dice roller actually. I'll go ask in the main forum here.

But you won't need to roll till after your stunt or any Charms you declair, am I right?
Bah; weekends are FOR having fun! Did you manage to avoid the sunburn? :D Or did you court it?

(FWIW, weekends will be incredibly spotty for this one, too.)
:D Yay for making it out unscathed!

I won't be at Gen Con -- OT at work and traveling to Kentucky this weekend. :D Enjoy it, though! I hope you find many things that are awesome!

(I'll post up in the other forum tonight; need to run a few errands just now.)
Thanks for the post! I'll forward time and reveal the results of the motion research after gencon.

As for the court, this isn't your normal mortal court. I find that the compass of celestial directions: Yu-Shan gives a good feel for the behaviour one can expect from the employees of the Bureau of Heaven. It's a 2nd ed book, which I draw inspiration from for my part of the posts, but isn't required for you. Just FYI.
:D I'll see if I can find it hanging around. <3

No pref on Martial Arts styles, really. I'd like to poke around them, but it's going to be something to work up to, I'm afraid. >.>

I'll have colleges finished Sunday when I'm back in town <3 Enjoy GenCon!
I'm having a bit of trouble finding a reference to the godess of lost things. I recall her vividly, especially her minions that 'intentionally lose' other people's things. But I haven't had the quality time with my library to find her (she's not in the wiki as far as I can tell).

Need any help with your post?
I got a stub up in and around maiming both my cats. I'm at a loss for what to do; I figure there's probably work at the loom that needs to be done... otherwise, I'm totally going to throw a charm to take a hint from the GM. <3

Sorry. I'm so incredibly worthless lately that it isn't even funny.
=\ So, I was hoping to get a post up before I left for the weekend -- but then I got a root canal. I will absolutely have a post up tonight, or die trying.

I'm really, really sorry. ;_________;
So, I've been toying with posts for literally hours, and every one keeps getting deleted.

It keeps boiling around to...

- Need to make a prayer roll, then an effect roll. The prayer roll is the hard one. (7 base; Cha(3) + Perform(2))

- To make it less hard, I can write up a (resource 2) petition. That makes it remotely possible. (-2 difficulty)

- To make it even less hard, I can have Wayang sign it (Separate EASY prayer roll to Wayang. Need to offer a garden in creation or a requiem or something, at resource 3 cost. I thought that hiring a performance-talented person to sing a dirge in his honor might be a way to get to that. ) (+3 dice)

- To have a flying chance in hell of getting the thing to pass (I ROLL SURGES), I'll need at least that, if not another signature (God, different caste sidereal, solar, or lunar: Sig = +1 die)

I also need to be wearing the symbols -- I'd be shooting for the Crow; that's black feathers, a black cape. Shiny objects, black humor, clever tongue. Widow; Orphan; Ancestor-worship.

I know the technical stuff. I've spent the better part of three hours writing and deleting fluffy wrappers for it...

... but I have no idea how to START.


please? ;_;

The internets are short on explicit examples of people trying to make resplendent destinies. Long on telling me the stuff I know, though.

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