Secret Werewolfs


Junior Member
we are all normal school kids and we go to school but two of us are werewolfs but the two students think that they are the only werewolfs there so they do not know about the other one. My character is a new student (girl) who is a werewolf and she is also very pretty in her human form. She is great at sorts so she surprizes the boys , The werewolves (1 girl 1 boy) oth love music aand my character writes and sings music and he sings and plays the guitar

here is how to post info-




*student 'place'*


age must be 16 or something like 16 1/2

gender must be male *for the other werewolf*

your kid must not be new

bio - you can have one if you want

have fun !

only 1 other werewolf

*sorry for rules but it must be spasificly what i need i will add rules as they are needed*
View attachment 9051Name: Suekihara


Gender: female

Bio: She's loved fortune telling and her mother being a traveling fortune teller had nothing to do with it she studies hard because her dad promised her if she got top scores she would get more fortune stuff. She's good at palm reading and tarot cards. But only for romance. Her father took her in because he didn't want her to travel around with her mother. Everyone calls her Sue for short. She never has a problem with anyone but the boys she was always a bit cold to them being that she steryoty
(Gimme a sec guys are harder to do 030)

Name: Mikohara(Sues twin brother)


Gender: Male

Bio: he is the werewolf he wasn't shunned by anyone but there mother and he learned how to hide his powers so nobody would bother him. His sister told him about school when he couldn't control it. She then showed him how to have fun. They wanted to switch abilities. His mother never looked him in the eyes but his father let him have a lot more room then Sue did.
(okay i will make a boy character to be a friend of your boy character)

Name- Mandy

Age- 16

Gender- Female

*ame- Mandy

Age- 16

Gender- Female

*student 'place'* new kid


Name- Jacob

Age- 16

Gender- Male

*student 'place'* jock

Human/Werewolf- Human

(oh and my character Mandy is a werewolf)
Miko and Sue where eating breakfast. Sue slowly got up and put on her book bag,"I'll see you at school k bro? I want to be first so I can study"she explained putting on her shoes at the doorway. Miko nodded his blue eyes watched her leave and his ears perked slightly at the door closing. Miko began cleaning up the breakfast mess. He then sighed looking out the window for his friend and saw Sue wave holding up her skateboard. The stickers on her board where flames and letters that spelt,'fortune'. He looked at the vibrant wheels as she began skating away. Sue turned the corner and hid to wait for her brother she just wanted to scare him really. Miko began waiting for his friend and made Sues bento he knew she was attempting a scare he was so predictable for him.

He only knew he was going to scare him because she took a skateboard but only rides her skates for distances like school. She never noticed this but he always did.
Jacob walks infrount of his house and knocks on the door waiting for him to come out so they could get to school already
Miko came out holding Sue's skates,"hi..."he said a bit quiet as usual in the mornings. Sue snickered thinking that he didn't expect her to pop out. After Miko put on his shoes and backpack he began walking and turns the corner to see Sue roar at him then jolt seeing Jacob."oh hey..."Sue said regretting the ugly face she just made she slipped on her skates in embarrassment with her bothers hand held out to help her balance. She handed him his skateboard and looked at Jacob,"where's your ride?"Miko asked softly.

(*her skateboard)
"its in the alley,i parked it there " he goes and gets on his motercycle and drives over infrount of them ," Here is my ride " he turns around his 'bike' and says " meet you at school " after finishing that sentence he drove to school super fast and parked his ride and waited at his locker which was near Mikos and so he waited there looking at Mandy the new student while she stound still looking around
Sue jolted and began skating taking a short cut. Miko just skated as normal he didn't like competitions. Sue got to school quickly putting on her shoes and putting her skates in her locked then ran over to Miko's locker and opened it grabbing the band-aids. She watched and jolted as Miko came crashing in. He bumpt into Mandy and blinked,"sorry..."he said softly but he had turned last minute so he was on him."are you hurt?"Sue asked determinedly holding up band-aids then helped Mandy up.
Mandy was a little dazed and said," I think so " she was a little wabbly and unstable when standing " can you help me find my locker though i am a little lost oh and my name is Mandy "
"I'm Suekihara!"Sue said excitedly. Miko blinked,"I'm Mikohara..."he said nonchalantly. They then looked at Jacob,"and that's Jacob"they said in unison."I'll help you look"Sue offered. Miko put the skateboard into his locker then looke at Jacob and smirked,"like what you see? And if you refer to my sister..."he said seriously at the end.
Jacob shook his his head with a half smile and opened his locker getting his books and stuff and Mandy said, " it is number 654 " she said after looking at a peice of paper
Miko smirked,"pffft you like the new girl~"he said as they walked. Miko then chuckled a bit,"hey dude it's okay as long as you have protection"he said. Sue smiled,"your locker is next to mine"she said and grabbed Mandy's hand then began walking to the locker when they got there Sue let go and did jazz hands infront of the locker,"tadaaaaa~"she sang happily.
"thanks" she opened her locker and put her stiff in it and then closed it

" I do not like the new girl dude " he said more abnocshous (miss spell) then normal

(gtg be on Tomorrow)
"Then do you like SOMEONE? Come on we're grown up in Highschool you have to have a crush on someone your the school bada$$!"Miko said flatly. Sue smiled hoping a bit,"so um~ can I see your schedule?"she asked excited to make friends.(kk peace)
Cole and Soul stood by there lockers,which were right next to each other,alone."See,there's how you do it."Cole pointed out in the book Soul had held up,trying to catch up on what he didn't pay attention to."Oh,well that's simple once you see it..."Soul said snapping the book shut and placing it back in his locker,Cole nodded."Yea I know,I told you."He grabbed what looked to be a leather note book out of his locker and shut it."Only takes a few times and you'll get it down."Soul smiled."That's for sure,"He stretched his arms up."Why is it so hard to get this when they teach it to us though?"Cole shrugged his shoulders as Soul shut his locker."Maybe because they make it complicated."Cole chuckled and Soul nodded in agreement with a smile.
"and i do smarta$$" he said like a jacka$$

she handed sue her schedule and said," This is my schedule" sue was being so nice it made her suspicious but her suspicion went away
Sue smiled looking at the schedule, "i have some classes with you like math English and lunch but I have history with Jacob and you have it with Miko" she said looking at the notes on her own schedule. Sue then pouted, "you also have study hall with my brother....You have most of your classes with him" she whined.

Miko smirked trying to pry the answer, "hmmmmmm? I who" he asked being a bit evil about the situation.

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