Secret Intelligence Agency


Mr. Kat Lover







Special Skill(s):





My Character

Name: Jesse Colson


Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthplace: A small town in the Midwest

Height: 5'8

Weight: 156 lbs

Special Skill(s): IQ tests have proven him a genius. Also he remembers every little detail that he's ever witnessed.

Bio: Jesse had always been that strange, snarky kid that people pushed away. His amount of knowledge overwhelmed teachers, "friends", and even his own parents. As a young child, he spent most of his time at school and when the janitors finally kicked him out, he would sit alone in his room and read. When he was 13 he was contacted by the SIA and through the years he spent there, living in their facilities, he felt more at home than ever before in his life. He worked himself up the ladder and eventually found himself being asked to be the new Co-Director which he of course accepted. He is now in charge of finding and briefing the 8 most talented kids in the country.

Personality: Jesse is a fun guy, always in a great mood and pretty easy to please. He rarely gets annoyed or bothered by anyone other himself, as strange as it sounds. Ever since he was young he forced himself to achieve a high standard, making him the perfect candidate for the SIA. Although he's often too hard on himself he knows when to take a break, and those times are usually when he's feeling the best. Jesse likes to keep moving, go on adventures and try new things. Sometimes he comes off as a bit of a jerk since he can't help but correct people.

Other: He loves to read
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Name: Adalia Kane




What do you think I am?"



You know, I'm beginning to think you're a stalker"



Where was I born? Okay."

Born and raised in a small town in Kentucky





Special Skill(s):

"Oh, you mean why do people think I'm a freak?"

Telapathy, Telekinesis, and Time.


Growing up in a small town surrounded by judgemental people left and right, actually being able to read their thoughts made her feel like she was crazy. She never told anyone this, except when she accidentally stopped time. Her friends suddenly used her to put her abilities to "good use" as they said. Getting her to read the minds and implant thoughts into theirs.

Eventually, those friends started resenting her powers and talked when they knew they was safely away. Then one day, the SIA watched as she got their revenge when they decided to try and kill her. Swooping in to save her, she was taken away. Now, here she is. A new worker for the SIA.

What she doesn't know, is her hidden power in teleportation.

Personality: Adalia has always doubted people's good intentions seeing the darkness in others through their thoughts. So she's mistrusting and narcissistic. She has never had a true friend and hopes that this crazy program might be able to get her one. She's lonely and a sweetheart to those that are kind and have good intentions, yet she's ruthless and unforgiving to those who have the opposite.

Other: She can use these powers to a limit. Each is different. Telepathy is infinite, Telekinesis is nearly infinite as it became extremely easy for her, time is harder to control as it requires emotion, and teleportation is extremely tiring and she doesnt know how to yet.

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Adrian(Addy) Kings









Tiny town in the middle of nowhere known as Stranger Springs.





Special Skill(s):

Silvertongue, like in Inkheart, whatever she reads out of a book out loud can come out and something from the real world goes into the book.


Addy grew up in a troubled home, her parents were drug addicts and would do pretty much anything to get money for drugs. When they found out about Addy's power they used her as a side show attraction and soon she was very famous for her powers and her parents went from drug addicts to millionaires. She tried to escape many times, but they hired body guards to watch her day in and day out, so that she could never leave. Finally, having had it with how her parents were treating her, she said she had to use the restroom, climbed out the bathroom window, down the vines growing on the sides of the large mansion her parents lived in, and into the woods behind the property and never came back. Her picture was on the front page of the newspaper for weeks, but no one ever found her and brought her to the mansion. Finally she joined the SIA to put her power to good use and so that her parents would never be able to find her again.


Addy likes to think of herself as a comedian, cracking a joke in every situation, good and bad. She makes friends very easily with her bubbly and outgoing personality. But she can also be extremely fierce when she wants to be, and fights mercilessly to the end, to protect her friends.


She plays a black guitar.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_16-43-54.png.2b50e5ef6a8a0194c0533d07d5e308f6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_16-43-54.png.2b50e5ef6a8a0194c0533d07d5e308f6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ryan Anderson

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_15-33-52.png.560bbecde3b97415616ad65d13dd5e1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_15-33-52.png.560bbecde3b97415616ad65d13dd5e1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_15-34-2.png.1d151e35ed88290ba0fa61145399ab11.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-18_15-34-2.png.1d151e35ed88290ba0fa61145399ab11.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Yes this is the same person...just with different lighting and hair style.)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthplace: Torrance, California

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 175 lbs

Special Skill(s): Enhanced physical abilities (He has super human strength, speed, hearing, etc.) and enhanced combat skills (The ability to become unbelievably skilled in known forms of fighting. He can be exceptionally proficient in the fighting traditions of a variety of cultures and become advanced with his own individual methods of close quarter combat, including martial arts (from all over the world), boxing, and wrestling. He is superhumanly skilled in his use of weaponry).

Bio: Ryan Anderson was raised by his mother, Emily Anderson, and his father Jericho Anderson. Jericho is the General of the Army and Emily is a neurologist. Ryan was always one of the top students at his school. He excelled in sports and academics. He was enrolled in a Mixed Martial Arts Academy, and due to his excellent skills and speed in learning fighting techniques, Jericho persuaded Ryan to join the military once he graduated from high school.

Ryan thought that his ability to learn martial arts quickly and execute the proper movements was just a talent. He later found out that it was actually a power he possessed. His enhanced physical abilities are still hidden and he has yet to discover them.

Personality: Ryan is funny, smart, athletic, brave, fun-loving, adventurous, selfless, good-hearted, determined, and protective. He is also pretty outgoing and usually only gets mad when someone harms his family or friends.

Other: Ryan’s favorite pass time is running around a city and doing parkour because he feels free and unrestricted.



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Remy Koven


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mx1i53rpYc1svv87ro1_400.jpg.049c9d2c63c776aa5e499760d919f550.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/tumblr_mx1i53rpYc1svv87ro1_400.jpg.049c9d2c63c776aa5e499760d919f550.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






St Petersburg, Russia




107 lbs

Special Skill(s):

Hand to hand combat. Sniper-rifle sharpshooting. Agility. Her small size helps her be unnoticed. Technology hacking.


Remy was born as an orphan in the slums of St Petersburg, Russia. A underground Soviet rebel group took her in and trained her to be a mercenary assassin. She was sent on an assignment to assassin the president of the United States when she was 15. But once she got to America she met a boy named Peter who she then fell madly in love with forgetting all about her mission. Then a year later the Soviet group came and killed Peter right before her eyes and there was nothing she could do to save him. Ever since then Remy has been a Rouge spy seeking revenge.


Remy is very witty and sarcastic. The girl lives up to the Russian stereotype of being tough as nails. She does have a soft side and heart of gold when in comes to people she cares about.




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Name: Real name is Martin Tinnith, but everyone calls him 'Tin

Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, freckles, EXTREMELY baby-faced, 5'1", 117 lbs

Gender: Male

Age: Just turned 15

Birthplace: A small town in Belgium, though lived most of his life in England

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 117 lbs

Special Skill(s): Very adaptable, gets the hang of weapons, no matter what it is very easily, agile, and his small stature/young appearance not only helps him trick people, but also get into tight places

Bio: Orphaned as a baby, after finding a small stray dog in the woods one day, he ran away and was raised by a retired marine/fisherman, who let him work for a few dollars or so. Eventually, the man insisted he learn some combat skills, including hand-to-hand and weapon usage, and how to improvise, and the boy was eventually contacted by the SIA.

Personality: His brave attitude and a sense of what's right and wrong gets him into fights, some of which he doesn't often win. He's a lonely character, but finds it hard to trust people and doesn't speak much about himself, preferring the company of his dog, Snow. He's quick on his feet and of his mind as well, and due to the many scrapes he's been in he knows how to fight dirty and use what ever's on hand.

Other: He has a dog named Snow that follows him everywhere.

Florence Roslyn


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.49e87cc792882c85115d4ebbcbf04d54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19092" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.49e87cc792882c85115d4ebbcbf04d54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






New York City, New York




108 lbs

Special Skill(s):

Automobile theft/racing

Hitman Marksmanship

Parkour Addict

Ghinzu Steel Expert

Prolific Wushu martial arts student


Florence is an Italian American who lived in Little Italy for quite sometime before having to relocate with her father in uptown NYC. The mob was after him and months after living in a secure penthouse in uptown NYC, he was killed. Florence was devastated and since then, executed a villainous plan to kill her father's grim reaper. After setting up months to train herself as best she could, she finally received a letter of acceptance to the SIA.


Florence is quiet but vocal when she feels attacked or cornered. She still hates the bad guys in the world and wishes all hell for them. She has no friends and she likes to work alone, only agreeing to partner up if the second party is willing to provide results.



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Name: Lucile Darnrow


Gender: female

Age: 14

Birthplace: San Luis Obispo, California

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 115

Special Skill(s): camouflage/blending, effortless fighting, effortless strategy, photographic memory, super-sense (knows whats about to happen kinda like Raven Samone haha)

Bio: Lucile has gone to public school her whole life and doesn't get what people mean when they say shes special. She has a younger brother and older sister who have always been extremely jealous of her. She has taught herself how to fight and also was just born with amazing sense and a strategic mind, making her perfectly sculpted for something like this.

Personality: denial, wild, crazy, daredevil, loud, highly opinionated, fearless
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Name: Kai Woods


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.412596267c88146685645a2b84f4ba0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.412596267c88146685645a2b84f4ba0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthplace: New Salem, Oregon

Height: 4'2

Weight: 90 Lbs.

Special Skill(s): Sniper, Skilled at hand to hand combat, Weapons specialist, Brutal fighter, Healer, Silent

Bio: Born in New Salem with 12 siblings and separated parents Kai raised himself. He was brutally tortured by his brother and a few friends. He ran away to New York at 12 and has fended for himself in the real world since.

Personality: Cold towards strangers, driven, loyal, protective, shy, sweet, timid.

Other: loves sweets and hides in strange places. 
I can make it longer 
Am I in or not? 
Short can be useful



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(I'm an anti one liner person soo....If I see one I probably won't be hanging around long..)



Donnie J.







Lawrence, Kansas






Special Skill(s):

~He was born with fire abilites...he just didn't actually know until he was six,can't really control it yet,

which means he could burn up the whole place if not careful

~Mind control: Can make a person do anything he wants and can put images or thoughts into other's minds.


Donnie was born as an orphan.Giving up when he was a newborn and,as the doctors inspected,was abused before he reached the orphanage doorstep.Abandoned half of his life and only got to see the inside of that building and school,Donnie was a bit depressed because he got to hear other kids stories about how they went to parties and sleep overs and theme parks while he got to do chorus all day long.He saw the other orphans get picked and went to a good home while he was still stuck in the horrid place.After five long years,he finally got adopted to a rich family who was nice and didn't act as if they were rich at all.They were caring and loving and although Donnie got in trouble sometimes,they never abused him in any way but,that was only the beginning of his life.When Donnie turned exactly six years of age,he was on fire....but didn't burn.He was screaming for help but,no one would save him...they all just stared and that day on he was sent into a psychological ward.Being a child,Donnie really didn't know what to do or how to act.....he just saw himself burn on fire and there wasn't a scratch on him.Soon his powers started to get stronger and he started to gain another ability,an ability where he could mind control someone to do something for them or give them images in their heads to make them think something that isn't really there or control their thoughts.The years went by and he got stronger and stronger until the people started to get really afraid of Donnie and decided to
execute him immediately.Donnie didn't seem to be phase by this...he hurt enough people was time for him to go....Well that's until someone ran in yelling "Wait!Wait...there's a letter for him!".Donnie was unstrapped and handed the letter...."SIA...?"he said.He began to read it more and more "I'd rather die than go there and hurt more people..."he said to himself."Welp,you're just going to have to commit suicide because we're not killing you and you're going."a fellow working told him.

"Great....why me?". Let's see how this writes out the rest of his life...


Donnie sometimes gets upset over things that he shouldn't,which is a big bother for some people but, for a lot of other's they don't seem to mind.Although he does drink,he doesn't drink a lot at all and the only time he does drink,is if it's a special occasion or to calm his nerves down.Sometimes he may get drunk but,that's only when he's depressed or at a party.He doesn't care for anybody who might be trouble-sum to his life or to his friends,family,or any other loved one and quickly boots them out of his life basically getting rid of them.He gets annoyed when people asked him the same questions over if he they didn't get it the first time.It's highly irritating to him and is a quick way to piss him off a bit.Especially when you do it on purpose...He loves to hunt so,don't be surprised if he knows more about animals or any kind of weapon than you.Another way that helps him to calm down is hunting,sometimes it maybe playing his guitar as well if he doesn't feel like going into the wild.Since his....abilities have gotten worst,Donnie hasn't been the same at all.He's more distant and really doesn't want to socialize with anyone anymore.(Like Elsa "Conceal....yet,I can still feel").Yes,he would take his own life...he's tired and wants to just...just you know *slits* but,he feels that something...or someone is there keeping him from doing so.

"I was on the edge of dying then...SIA came...if this doesn't work out for me *smirks and shakes head* Well,you get the hint."


"I like climbing up high into trees and looking around."


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