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Fandom Secret Crisis (Character Sheet)

View attachment 1161645

Name: Emma

Age 13

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Powers/abilities: Super Hearing, Ghost Clones

Skills: Street dancing, ninjala battling, disguise (though she’s not entirely good at it), handling kunai.

Universe: Ninjala

Bio: Before becoming a student of the WNA Academy, she was an orphan girl who would street dance in Eagle City, however at night, Emma would go as a vigilante and fight crime due to her super hearing. One day, she gets discovered by a WNA worker named Lauren Warren who encourages her to dance on a popular talent show on TV, at first she had grown nervous due to her superhearing catching the negative comments from the audience, but thanks to Lauren’s reassurance as well as the positive comments from certain fans of the street dancer, Emma was able to perform her dance at ease. This event leads to her unlocking a new ability, the ability to create illusion copies of herself, leading her in winning a trophy. After winning the competition, she learns that she comes from a ninja bloodline and was ecstatic, calling herself a ninja dancer, and begins attending the WNA Academy. Since then, she’s befriended other children with ninja abilities. She still does her street performance and her vigilante work on the side.

Weakness: Disguise. While Emma is good at looking like the said person she’s impersonating, she doesn’t have their personalities nor habits right.

Bonus: Emma would send care packages to the orphanage she was raised in.

  • Appearance:
    "Better to be No.2 than No.1', that's my motto!"

    Name: Hol Horse

    Alias: N/A

    Universe of Origin:
    Jojo28Classic_English_Logo_Vector 29.png
    Gender: Male

    Species: Human
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Quote: “I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about.

Name: Buffy Anne Summers

Alias: The Slayer, Queen of the Slayers

Universe of Origin:

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Buffy's parents, who had been experiencing marital troubles for years, finally divorced, and Buffy moved with her mother to 1630 Revello Drive in Sunnydale, a small town in California. Little did they know that the town was located on a Hellmouth, and that Buffy's presence there was predestined. Buffy enrolled at Sunnydale High, where she became friends with Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg, as well as her new Watcher, Rupert Giles. She also met Cordelia Chase, a superficial cheerleader reminiscent of Buffy before she became the Slayer, and Angel, a mysterious and handsome stranger who aided Buffy with cryptic advice. After successfully stopping the vampire ritual known as the Harvest together, Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Giles formed the "core four" of the "Scooby Gang" and continued to investigate the various supernatural mysteries that occurred on the Hellmouth.

Buffy is an upbeat, stubborn, and a natural leader. Buffy is in many ways a normal teenage girl, but with a core strength that enables her to withstand the trials of being a Slayer. She has a strong moral compass, and values honesty and determination.

Gifted Intellect/Master Strategist and Tactician:
Despite being viewed by some as ditzy and dim-witted, Buffy is in fact a very intelligent, sharp, cunning, and resourceful woman. Even when a teenager Buffy proved herself a keen tactician, being resourceful and clever in her fighting by outsmarting larger and powerful opponents, such as the Master, Spike, and Angelus. With time Buffy also showed to be a cunning strategist as well, successfully outsmarting Angelus, a master of psychological manipulation, and Richard Wilkins, who had prepared his ascension for over a century. She was able to outwit the Demon-hybrid Cyborg Adam, who had an immense degree of knowledge downloaded into his brain, and defeat the Hell-Goddess Glory, who she knew she could never defeat in a fair fight. Buffy displayed the full potential of her intelligence against the First Evil, soundly outsmarting the Demon and disrupting its plans with devastating effect. Buffy later founded the Slayer organization, effectively leading and coordinating it with help from Xander Harris, and helped found the new Watchers council.

  • Tactical Analysis: Buffy possesses a keen skill to read and analyze her opponents, using her observational skills to find weakness in their tactics and fighting style.
  • Leadership: Buffy was an outstanding leader, effectively leading the Scooby Gang for years against many threats, and was able to effectively lead the Slayer organization.
  • Master Teacher: She also proved to be a capable teacher as well, instructing many potential slayers in combat and weapons, as well as training newly called slayers as part of the Slayer Organization.
Master Hand-to-hand Combatant/Martial Artist: As a Slayer Buffy possesses innate combat and weapons training, allowing her a strong degree of fighting skill even without formal training. Her fighting style takes elements from Karate, Aikido, Boxing, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Judo, Kung Fu and Wrestling. Buffy was trained in martial arts and weaponry by her original Watcher Merrick, becoming skilled enough to defeat the Master Vampire Lothos. After coming to Sunnydale Buffy worked to hone her skill further, as the Master's Order of Aurelius was comprised of many skilled and formidable elder vampires among its ranks. Buffy proved capable of defeating the immensely formidable Master himself, and was able to match Spike blow-for-blow multiple times. Buffy was able to match the skill of assassins sent by the Order of Taraka, and could eventually outmatch the lethal Angelus as well. When forced into the Cruciamentum, a right of passage for Slayers during which she was deprived of her abilities, Buffy was able to overcome the Serial Killer Vampire Zachary Kralik, by outsmarting him. Buffy successfully outmatched Faith Lehane, her sister Slayer who had sided with Richard Wilkins, nearly killing her. Buffy proved capable of holding her own against the Hell-Goddess Glory to some degree despite the latter's immense strength advantage, and could easily defeat agents of the Knights of Byzantium. During the conflict with the First Evil, Buffy was able to defeat the immensely powerful and skilled Turok-Han, ancient vampires who were much stronger than even the Eldest common vampires. Buffy also proved capable of overcoming Caleb, A lieutenant of the First's who had been imbued with abilities superior to that of a Slayer. She was also able to defeat the Twilight-empowered Angel, and defeat a former MMA fighter after losing her Slayer abilities.

  • Weapon Mastery: As a Slayer Buffy possesses an instinctual proficiency with a variety of weapons, specifically medieval weapons. With the experience Buffy has worked to become as master of many of them, being an especially skilled swordswoman and axe fighter.

Powers and Abilities:
Vampire Slayer Abilities:
As a slayer Buffy possesses advanced abilities well above humans, being effectively designed to go toe-to-toe with vampires and even high-level demons. With time and experience her abilities have improved, making her effectively one of if not the most powerful and skilled Slayers to ever exist due to her being the longest surviving one in history.

  • Superhuman Strength: Due to her abilities Buffy is immensely strong, being able to easily overpower even centuries old vampire masters with little effort, and match the strength of older and more powerful demons more dangerous than Vampires.
  • Superhuman Agility: Buffy is a master acrobat due to both her abilities and her cheerleader training, making her incredibly agile and flexible, complimenting her combat prowess.
  • Superhuman Resilience: As a Slayer Buffy is extremely durable, being able to survive injuries most humans and even some demons would not have.
  • Superhuman Senses: Buffy possesses heightened senses, not only her human ones but also possesses a separate ability to sense vampires, even differentiate individuals from one another.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to her abilities Buffy heals much quicker than humans, shrugging off major injuries within a few hours and healing from mortal wounds within days.
  • Adaptive Intelligence: Buffy's combat awareness is enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing her a much greater degree of focus and cunning in the heat of battle.
  • Intuitive Combat Instincts: Separate from her learned skills Buffy possesses innate survival skills as a Slayer, allowing her to adequately defend herself even when amnesiac.
  • Precognitive Dreaming: Slayers are gifted with visions from the Powers that Be, giving forewarning of disaster when necessary.
  • Mystical Protection: As a Slayer Buffy possesses a degree of resistance to magic.

While she has some degree of resistance to magic, she is still susceptible to vampirism and demonic possession
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Quote: "If an individual's own grandeur happened... I'll be damned if there isn't this one

Name: Eleanor Hera Chase

Alias: The New Number One

Universe of Origin: 6 Underground

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Born as an ordinary person, Eleanor has been living a steady lifestyle, with an ordinary family, the love of her life in Victoria, and a life as an CIA agent. Until one day, tragedy happens; an assassination attempt to her thought to herself, man, is she dead? Well, the bullet hits her nearly on her heart and then, she was taken alive by Number One at Rome. Then, she had been living her whole entire life as a ghost, after a few years of being the Number Three, she is now the new Number One.
A strategic, ruthless, and cold-hearted woman, Eleanor is more than just a former CIA agent, she is also a calm and determined individual who can lead her team to a successful mission.
  • Elusiveness - Eleanor has a agile-like movement whenever she is in a foot-chase or in a stealth mission and does parkour training in her spare time.
  • Marksmanship - A skilled marksman, she has been wielding her silenced G26, modified Vector, and a M4A1.
  • Hand-to-hand combat - A former black belt in jiu-jitsu, Eleanor uses her own combat skills in any stealth or non-lethal missions.

Powers and Abilities: N/A

Weakness: An individual who is mundane and has no strength to lift any type of strong equipment

Other: Theme Song



”Doctor Doom does not beg.

Alias: Doctor Doom, Doom.


Gender: Male

Species: Human

Bio: Dr. Victor von Doom, Ph.D a.k.a. Doctor Doom is a Latverian politician who serves as the Monarch and Supreme Leader for the Kingdom of Latveria. He was scarred from an accident and wears an iron mask and armor to hide his true face. He is considered one of the most brilliant minds and scientists on the planet Earth. He is also a sorcerer with skills in magic matching the most powerful beings in the Universe, making him a potential candidate for Sorcerer Supreme. He hopes to bring order and betterment to humanity through world conquest. Unequalled in ability, ego, and will power, he has come into conflict with both superhumans and cosmic beings. He is best known as the rival of Reed Richards and archenemy of the Fantastic Four.

Doom is an extremely intelligent, proud, arrogant and vain individual. Desiring supremacy, he frequently spites Mr. Fantastic for being a rival to his genius. Some accounts say the explosion of his machine only caused one scar, which he could not handle, as "Doom should be perfect". He also places his own importance over others and has no problem killing people when the situation calls for it, regarding life much like a game of chess. But Doctor Doom is a gentleman and is bound by his honor and pride.

He seems to value science heavily, preferring to build machines that have the same function as some of his magic spells. The only people he's seemed to ever care for are his parents, vowing to avenge them once they were gone. He is known for going to great lengths, showing no fear whatsoever, yet being honorable and wanting godlike powers for himself.

Although a major threat, Doom can also prove a valuable ally. He has been seen to team up with numerous superheroes on numerous occasions, even his arch-rivals, the Fantastic Four. In most cases, however, the alliance works in Doom's favor, and he will often abandon the person as soon as he gets what he wants. Such as when he helped defeat the god-like Beyonder, only for his plan to involve stealing the Beyonder's power.

Skills, Powers, and Abilities:
— Magic
  • Mystical Blasts
  • Mystical Force-Fields
  • Invoke Entities
  • Spell Casting
  • Spell Reversing
  • Summoning
  • Teleportation
  • Dimensional Travel
  • Mystical Ensnaring
  • Mystical Portals
  • Healing
  • Banishment
  • Time-travel
  • Power Absorption
  • Elemental Manipulation
  • Telekinesis
  • Power Nullification
— Psionics
  • Mind Transference
  • Hypnotism
  • Technopathy
— Super-Genius Intellegence
— Master Martial Artist
— Peak Human Conditioning
— Indomitable Will
— Highly Influential Connections
— Charismatic Leader
— Diplomatic Immunity
— Artist
— Pianist
— Master Swordsman
— Weapon Systems And Vehicles Proficiency
— Multilingual
— Master Chef

Weakness: Ego: It has been shown in the past that Doom can be manipulated by pandering to his sense of superiority, especially over Reed Richards. Spider-Man was able to gain his assistance concerning unknown technology by saying Reed could not figure it out. This ego is also the main reason for his vendetta against Reed, as he cannot accept that Reed understood his equations better than he did.

— Doctor Doom likes to refer to himself in the third person, but not always.
— Doctor Doom likes to hum/sing the Latverian version of The Beatles’ All You Need Is Love, which just replaces “Love” for “Doom”

I’m sorry but I have plans for the good Doctor.
Since Nezuko will be an NPC,there my real eighth character.
"Is it okay for a girl to be this strong?I still worry someone may ask that,as though I'm not human.In my fear,I was suppressing my strength.But not anymore.Leave this to me.I will protect everyone!"
Name:Mitsuri Kanroji
Alias: Love Hashira
Universe of origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba

Gender: female

Species: human

Bio: Mitsuri was born with inhuman strength and a huge appetite,yet her parents still loved her. Her originsl black hair turned pink with green highlights due to her eating alot of sakura mochi.After being rejected by a man who dated her she stopped eating alot and hid her strength in attempt to please future suiters,even if it made her sick and unhappy. That is until she met Kagaya Ubuyashiki,the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps,who accepted her in his ranks and told her to be herself. Now fighthing as herself, Mitsuri trained as Kyojuro Rengoku,the son of the then Flame Hashira,Senjiro Rengoku and was thought Flame breathing,which would be the base of a new breathing style of her own creation: Love breathing. She then rose though the ranks as the Love hashira.
Weapon: Special nichirin sword shaped and fonctioning similar to a whip.

Enhanced flexibility
Immense speed and reflexes
Immense strength
Immense stamina and endurence

Master swordwoman

Fighthing style: Love breathing
First form: Shivers of first love
Second form: Love Pangs
Third form: Cat love shower
Fifth form:Swaying love wildclaw
Sixth form: Cat legged winds of love.

Weakness: If someone calls her weird because of her inhuman strength and apetite.

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"What're you lookin' at, loser?"


Universe of Origin:


Digimon; Impmon

A Digimon bound to a pair of Tamers who just happened to be toddlers, Impmon got a bad impression of humans from the get-go as he was treated like a toy, causing him to run away. His impression of humans as a whole stayed with him this whole time, with him stubbornly sticking to this negative impression even after seeing his fellow Digimon evolve with their help, brushing it off as an impossibility.

Impmon screams mischief and a good prank. He pranks all, but he especially loves pranking those humans he hates. Deep inside, while he has seen the potential his fellow Digimon can achieve with the aid of humans, he rejects the idea that one needs them, yet at the same time, is saddened by the fact that he isn't getting stronger alongside them.

Powers and Abilities:
Summon - Impmon's signature move that allows the conjuration of ice and fire.
Night of Fire - a move that utilizes dark flames.

As a Digimon, Impmon possesses the potential to digivolve. However, the point in time Impmon was taken from is prior to acquiring that ability from the Deva.

As a Rookie-level Digimon, there is a lot that can put a dent on him.​


"Uhuhuhuh... this sucks."
"Yeah! Ehehehehe."



Human (?)

Their dads scored, and the rest is history.

Our titular characters share many traits in common, such as lacking the instincts or survival or fear, yet relying on other primal urges like hunger or the need to score to guide them. This never ends well, of course. Overall, they are both simple-minded and are undeterred my many things, including very blatant signs, but that is mostly due to the fact that they cannot read or they misintepret abstract images and symbols.

Beavis lets his anger boil and Butt-Head will release the slightest bit of range on the get-go.

Any random thing I can potentially list falls under two categories - their sheer willpower driven by their urge to score will make them very good at it, they will somehow screw it up even in its simplest state, or some mix of the two.

Powers and Abilities:
Inexplicable inability to die

They can lose a finger, bleed to death, get poisoned by concentrated pesticides, lose their kidneys, and somehow they'll be alright by the next scene or even the next episode if it's more severe - in one piece.


"I am the Great Cornholio! I require TP! TP for my bunghole!"
Beavis only. Under certain pressures, an alter ego named "The Great Cornholio" emerges, requesting "TP" for his "bunghole". Much like how the mythical Irish hero Cu Chulainn folds his entire body inside out to achieve a hulking, berserking state, so does Beavis as he dons his outfit over his head as a hood. On one occasion, Butt-Head has borrowed a small fraction of this form's power to annoy the class with his partner.


"Quite so. And you, Beavis, are my special one."
Beavis only. Beavis has the ability to directly communicate with fire, presented to his feeble mind as a literal face that speaks words. It is unclear whether or not this is a form of schizophrenia or if fire truly does look like that, but only to its "special one". His pyromania could be a case for the former, yet Fire's insistence that Beavis do things that he would never truly do, or the fact that Fire has vocabulary or knowledge beyond Beavis is a point towards the latter. It is a mystery.

Low intelligence
Ease to distract
Menaces to society
Known Urinators
Will never score​


"Uhuhuhuh... this sucks."
"Yeah! Ehehehehe."



Human (?)

Their dads scored, and the rest is history.

Our titular characters share many traits in common, such as lacking the instincts or survival or fear, yet relying on other primal urges like hunger or the need to score to guide them. This never ends well, of course. Overall, they are both simple-minded and are undeterred my many things, including very blatant signs, but that is mostly due to the fact that they cannot read or they misintepret abstract images and symbols.

Beavis lets his anger boil and Butt-Head will release the slightest bit of range on the get-go.

Any random thing I can potentially list falls under two categories - their sheer willpower driven by their urge to score will make them very good at it, they will somehow screw it up even in its simplest state, or some mix of the two.

Powers and Abilities:
Inexplicable inability to die

They can lose a finger, bleed to death, get poisoned by concentrated pesticides, lose their kidneys, and somehow they'll be alright by the next scene or even the next episode if it's more severe - in one piece.


"I am the Great Cornholio! I require TP! TP for my bunghole!"
Beavis only. Under certain pressures, an alter ego named "The Great Cornholio" emerges, requesting "TP" for his "bunghole". Much like how the mythical Irish hero Cu Chulainn folds his entire body inside out to achieve a hulking, berserking state, so does Beavis as he dons his outfit over his head as a hood. On one occasion, Butt-Head has borrowed a small fraction of this form's power to annoy the class with his partner.


"Quite so. And you, Beavis, are my special one."
Beavis only. Beavis has the ability to directly communicate with fire, presented to his feeble mind as a literal face that speaks words. It is unclear whether or not this is a form of schizophrenia or if fire truly does look like that, but only to its "special one". His pyromania could be a case for the former, yet Fire's insistence that Beavis do things that he would never truly do, or the fact that Fire has vocabulary or knowledge beyond Beavis is a point towards the latter. It is a mystery.

Low intelligence
Ease to distract
Menaces to society
Known Urinators
Will never score​

sorry, chief. they're not in.
Since Nezuko will be an NPC,there my real eighth character.
"Is it okay for a girl to be this strong?I still worry someone may ask that,as though I'm not human.In my fear,I was suppressing my strength.But not anymore.Leave this to me.I will protect everyone!"
View attachment 1177667
Name:Mitsuri Kanroji
Alias: Love Hashira
Universe of origin: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no yaiba

Gender: female

Species: human

Bio: Mitsuri was born with inhuman strength and a huge appetite,yet her parents still loved her. Her originsl black hair turned pink with green highlights due to her eating alot of sakura mochi.After being rejected by a man who dated her she stopped eating alot and hid her strength in attempt to please future suiters,even if it made her sick and unhappy. That is until she met Kagaya Ubuyashiki,the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps,who accepted her in his ranks and told her to be herself. Now fighthing as herself, Mitsuri trained as Kyojuro Rengoku,the son of the then Flame Hashira,Senjiro Rengoku and was thought Flame breathing,which would be the base of a new breathing style of her own creation: Love breathing. She then rose though the ranks as the Love hashira.
Weapon: Special nichirin sword shaped and fonctioning similar to a whip.
View attachment 1177672

Enhanced flexibility
Immense speed and reflexes
Immense strength
Immense stamina and endurence

Master swordwoman

Fighthing style: Love breathing
First form: Shivers of first love
Second form: Love Pangs
Third form: Cat love shower
Fifth form:Swaying love wildclaw
Sixth form: Cat legged winds of love.

Weakness: If someone calls her weird because of her inhuman strength and apetite.

Is Mitsuri accepted?

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