Second Aeon: Age of Evolution [Dawn of Divinity]


The Great Ao



As the Second Aeon comes to a start, the Gods awake from their slumber in a slightly different universe then the one they left behind. Life across the universe has evolved, in manner suited to their environment. In the System of Ao, all planets, even those punished by Ao, had life sprout and evolve into more advanced forms. Every planet had a plethora of plant and basic animal life, both aquatic and surface, that appeared in such a variety that the same species could not be found on more then one planet.[/hr]

Rules of the First Aeon:[/hr]

Advanced life forms can be created in this Aeon (animals, sentients either biological or elemental).

Primordial life forms cannot be created in this Aeon (cells, bacteria, etc). All life, be it normal or heroic, must be advanced.

#3. Celestial, planetary and galactic entities, forms and laws cannot be created in this Aeon.

Posts here cannot be edited by any God. Only Ao can edit posts in this thread.



Allazo held to his promisee with Mitra and combined Life, death, fate, and balance as well as pulling all the laws of magic together and created a hundred or so Dragon children in Mitras image, both male and female, to aid her In maintaining the balance on Allazo.

Mitra These are your children, raise them well and they will Aid you in maintaining balance. Once you have finished teaching them they will spread to every corner of Allazo and begin preforming their duty.

After giving Mitra her her Children and Giving her a task He looks about his world. It was growing quickly, life springing up in every direction, evolving. However at the same time it was stagnant. Only the dragons were really aware of what they were or even capable of thinking on a hire level, however they were bound to preform the task of maintaining balance, and decided a knew life form would be needed. Allazo went to the deepest oceans and gathered up as much of the clay as he could and brought it back to the great hall of Divinity where he began sculpting it.

Act: Allazo Creates a population of Dragon children (capable of breeding) in Mitras image to aid her in the task of Maintaining Ballance

Act: Allazo Gives mitra the Task of Raising these dragons to preform the their tasks, Allazo will leave it to Mitra to choose how best to raise them.

Act: Allazo creates the initial ground work for a knew race of beings that will one day inhabit his planet (Basically makes the initial Body frame but hasn't completed the broject yet.)


Auryn[/hr] looked upon the beginnings of the Second Aeon. Much had progressed since he and his brethren began their slumber while the worlds developed. It was still incomplete though, but Auryn knew exactly what to do to speed things up. He gathered the Element of Aether, or Mu, as well as the Element of Sora. He wove the two concepts together, Zen's endless potential combined with the ingenuity of Sora. From those two elements he created a pulsing ball of energy. He created Tamashii, the Soul. It would serve as the catalyst of sentience, a minor accelerator of knowledge, emotion, and creativity. Looking upon his planet, he noticed three different species. One of them was canine-like with coarse ebony fur, one was reptillian with armor-like scales, and the last was stood on two legs, similar to primates yet not quite like them. He granted those three species with his new-found creation of the Soul, weaving it into their very beings. It would not awaken now, but it would introduce them into sentience slowly and gradually. Lastly, Auryn looked upon the barren landscape and realized that there needed to be water in order to balance the immense amount of land present.

Being careful not to disturb the life upon his planet, Auryn brought forth lakes, springs, and streams throughout his planet. Water slowly sprung from the grounds Eventually, they would very slowly and gradually grow in size but he was careful not to flood or harm the creatures on his planet. They would continue to grow at a very slow pace until around 30-40% of the was covered in water.

ACT: Auryn creates the Soul, the source of Sentience, with the elements Mu and Sora.

ACT: He grants the Soul to three species in order to catalyze Sentience in a slow fashion. (Jackals, Dragons, and Humans [or at least, their ancestors])

ACT: Auryn creates various springs, lakes, and streams which take up around 30-40% of his planet's surface in such a way that it doesn't affect the life on his planet harmfully.



(Im not exactly ready to unleash my life form onto the world yet some Im holding off on giving it life unttill i have pulled all the elements together to make the being perfect witch requires a bunch of actions.)

Allazo Continued to stare at his creation, it was still farm from being finished, and he thought for a moment then looked to his planet for inspiration as he thought about what he should use to complete his creation.

As he wandered the earth he found a great bear who knocked over a tree to get to the fruit at its top. Allazo was impressed by his strength and so Imbued his creation with the strength of a bear.

As he continued to walk he noticed a great cat stalking its prey threw the forest with a prowess unmatched by any other, to his creation he gave the instincts, ferocity, and skill of the great cats that hunted the world.

When the cat stopped it did so in front of one of the smallest creatures on his planet. A mongoose witch stood there hissing and growling at the great cat clawing and biting while its family cowered behind it.

Again Allazo was impressed with what he saw and gave to his creation the great courage the mongoose had shown to face creatures much more powerful then it to protect that witch it cared for.

Act: Allazo Gives his creation The Great strength of the Bear:

Act: Allazo Gives his creation the cunning,instincts, ferocity and skill of the great cats that inhabit his world

Act: Allazo Gives his creation the Courage to protect that witch it cares about even against a greater foe like the mongoose.



Sarasti awakens and examines the strands of Fate, curious to see what has come and what may yet arise.

He descends unto his planet, and scuttles for a time amid the forests and the oceans, the deserts and the tundra, and in each place leaves a single print.

Finally Sarasti espies a spider, huge and dark, in the centre of its web. To the spider, in the twilight, Sarasti spoke a secret. And to the spider, in the twilight, Sarasti gives a minute spark of his divinity.

Then he crawls across the void to the moon, and there creates an Avatar to protect the world - Volgara, the Keeper, the Moonfire Butterfly. Immense, silver, and empowered with subtle magics to protect with trickery before violence.

ACT: Sarasti plants the seed of sentience in a spider

ACT: Sarasti creates the Avatar Volgara to protect his world until the spiders are ready to inherit it.



The now sentient spider acts with intent, breeding more rigorously than any other spider. Within weeks the sentient spiders have began to spread to other parts of Sarasti. As they spread, Volgara watches them, guiding them in their journey [/hr]
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Kuas yawns and stretches as he awakes from slumber, wings unfurling from the cocoon they had formed to protect his body. With a mighty flap, he leaves his overworld, passing over his planet and seeing what the intervening time had wrought. In the oceans of Kuas, Khlun-long dances among the waves, surrounded by his progeny, a race of smaller beings with bodies like crystal-clear pools. On the five continents, beings formed from stone stalk the primordial forests, hunting and slaying beings formed from flesh. The planet is anarchic.

With a roar, the dragon god lands among the stone beasts, sending them scattering; some of them, he notes with a point of pride, instinctively using the arts of Wind to hide themselves. He plunges one mammoth hand into the ground, drawing forth a massive obsidian obelisk.

"Hear me, children of Kuas. I am your god and progenitor. To you, creatures of stone, who fight so ardently against the curse of flesh, I grant the knowledge of law."

With a wave of his claw, the light of sentience begins to glimmer in the eyes of the feline beasts of stone. Another wave reshapes their bodies, giving them the balance to walk upon two legs and five-fingered hands with which to manipulate their environment.

One of them steps forward, the symbol of Chi upon his brow. He drops to his knees before the god, genuflecting in deference. Kuas grins.

"You have shown me the proper respect, and thus you shall be a leader to your people. I name you Rigar, king of the Rakshasha. You will lead them in my absence, and guide them in the creation of order amid this chaos."

His work done for the time, Kuas slips into the stone of the obelisk, the smooth surface contorting into a carved mural depicting the god.

Act: Kuas grants sentience to the Rakshasha, a race of felines formed from rocks and precious metals.

Act: The Rakshasha are shaped to stand upon two legs, and are granted five fingers on their hands in place of the paws that once existed there.

Act: Kuas empowers Rigar, the first king of the Rakshasha, creating his first Hero of this age, then enters stasis in a carved obelisk of obsidian.



Wriath thought for a moment as he wondered what he would do now. He saw his planet, full of life and light from the sun. Though the planet has shaped in its own way, not touched by him at all leaving it up to his own creations to this universe with luck, balance, and random in to reality. It has created a world fit for him, a planet that is balanced in its own way. Trees, Mounties, and vast grass ranges all go far through out the planet but what was life on this balanced world, was a bit bland, it seems most falling in to the same model of universes past. There was the predators, and pray of many verity so were to start, apes, the birds of pray, or perhaps mold a creation out of clay. "Hum what to do what to do". He reached down to grab for something blind. What was before him was a elegant bird of prey. Seeing Kuas create his own first life he takes a bit of a lesson from him so he changes this bird of prey, keeping with its elegance, a creature that can dance in the sky he takes his own images, that of a fare adolescent male human that he found fond of in another reality he observed. While though his form had its flaws these creatures will not lack elegance. With his structures he adds the Bird of Pray to the frame making these creatures of a bird affinity but with a bipedal structure and more of a modest face he molded after his own.

Act: Wriath creates his own unique life the Harpath, a race shaped as his own, to stand on two legs, arms that act wings, and sharp talons on both the hands and feat race that is in it self elegant, though deadly in the skies.

Act: Wraith adds sentience to the bird of pray race Harpaths

Act: To add balance to the Harpaths and so that their presences does not upset the worlds balance, with the gift of sentience they will be intoned with nature around them that shelters them.



The first harpaths are born, avian humanoids with talons upon their legs and wings. As they explore the world granted to them, they take care not to disturb the seemingly delicate balance of their home. [/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

The pillar tree upon which Narlon Tarlens had slumbered shook as he awoke to find himself on the moon of Primus. Curious about what had occurred, he moved from Primus to both Narlon and Tarlens, appearing on both simultaneously. Excitedly he examined the exotically beautiful insects which now populated Narlon and the heavily armoured arachnids that inhabited Tarlens. Enchanted with the possibilities he acted, granting sentience to two races which he name Xenomites and Tiberions.

The Xenomites stood at 3' tall with the stiff wings of a dragonfly, the head of an ant and six appendages (2 legs, 4 arms). Their carapace was softer than the exoskeleton of the Tiberions, but it's iridescent colouring was more appealing visually. They would be fast, agile and intelligent, but fragile and comparatively few in number. They would communicate through the high pitched humming of their wings, the scents they would detect with their feelers and a minimal amount of speech.

The Tiberions were at most 4' tall, but their tails reached 3' above their heads. Their exoskeleton came in a variety of dark colours and their sense of smell allowed them to easily navigate their world, compensating for their poor eyesight. They possessed 4 legs to allow for easy maneuvering and climbing and 4 arms. Two arms had large pincers designed for grasping and combat, and the other two sport 3 digits for finer detail. They would easily be able to live underwater and above it, and their language would consist of low syllables, clicks and subtle changes in body language and scent.

Content with the two races, Narlon Tarlens granted them intelligence by marking them with the rune of awakening (an open eye) before returning to the tree that he had rested upon during his slumber. Whilst Secundus was now a barren world of rock and lava and Tertias a frozen block of ice, Primus was a colossal forest, protected from meteors by the other 4 celestial objects in this odd system. The tree that he had slumbered upon had grown vast through his passive magics. Where his sleeping form had once been he scribed the rune of bounty, granting this tree it's own sentience and designating it his champion, naming it Lignus and chargin it with the protection of Primus's forest and all that was within.[/hr]

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates the races named the Xenomites and the Tiberions

ACT: Narlon Tarlens grants the Xenomites and the Tiberions sentience

ACT: Narlon Tarlens grants sapience to the tree known as Lignus, creating an immortal hero of wood.



Allazo looked at the sculpture, rengtst It possessed great, great cunning and skill, and courage, but it still lacked much, Further more it still did not posses balance. It needed balance in order for it to work, at this point he feared the creation would simply become a harbinger of destruction on his world. And then it came to him, Compasion and respect, his creation would need a great compasion and respect for all things would be needed to keep balance.

Act: Allazo gives his sculpted creation great compassion and respect for all things.


Auryn[/hr] looked upon his three chosen races before he frowned. It would take time for them to gain sentience but before their dormant Tamashii awakened, Auryn needed to make some changes. He descended to his planet in all of his glory. The scene was burned into planet's and the memories of the three races he had chosen.

"I am Auryn, Architect of the Soul." he announces. All of the non-sentient animals scatter before his glory but his three chosen races do not flee. Instead they bow down in reverence, recognizing Auryn for who he was. Auryn smiled, "You were the only ones to stand before me without fear. As such, I shall reward you."

To the canines, he shaped them to stand upon two legs, and molded their fore-legs into arms with five digits, much like his own. "You are the Lupis. You are gifted with Strength and Conviction." Auryn said, naming the first race. He did the same to the reptilian race that he had chosen, molding their forms similarly to his image. "You are the Szmiya. You are gifted with Grace and Wit." Auryn declared to the new race. Lastly, in order to distinguish the third race he had chosen, he bathed them in his light, thinning out their previously thick fur into something thinner. It was drastic enough to notice, but different enough for them to have to adapt to the recent change. On a whim, he left the fur on the tops of their heads untouched. "You are the Humans. You are gifted with Versatility and Faith." Auryn announced.

When his work is done, Auryn looks to his new creations. "I shall return to grant you more gifts. But in order to do so, you must prove to me that you are worth giving them to. Live in harmony and peace with each other, and I shall return." With those words, Auryn vanishes, leaving only his newly shaped creations behind.

ACT: Auryn changed the body structure of the Lupis in order to grant them two arms and two legs with five digits each.

ACT: Auryn changed the body structure of the Szmiya, giving them two arms and two legs with five digits each.

ACT: Auryn thinned the fur of Humanity, leaving only the hair on top of their heads.



He thought for a second and realized that his creation still had no actual reason to progress and not stagnate, and so he gave to it Desire for betterment and perfection, to create and develop great works to balance its respect for all things so that it wouldn't just stagnate.

Act: Allazo give his creation the desire for betterment and perfection and to create and develop works constantly seeking to better itself.



Allazo looked at the creation and decided that it still wasn't finished, and so blessed it with the power to manipulate the domains of life, death, and balance. As he continued to think on what the creation needed more, and gave it the knowledge to craft tools to better survive.

ACT: Allazo give his creation the magic of life, death and balance

ACT: Allazo gives his creation the knowledge to create basic tools

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