Seasons Gaurdians

Jess Buck

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In each generation, there are sixteen children chosen to be the Season Guardians. They are born with special powers that pertain to their season. For example, someone born as the Spring Guardian would have the power to make plants with just their hands. When these children turn 14 they are sent off to a special school where former Guardians teach them how to harness their powers and how to work together to make the seasons change.

Rules: (I promise there aren't many)

1. There may only be 16 new guardians, 4 for each season. Keep that in mind when making your characters.

2. However there may be a sh*t ton of former guardians.

3. You have to make at least one former Guardian.

4. If you have a winter guardian do not name them Elsa, Jack, Anna, Sven, Olaf, Hans, or Kristoph. I know how you guys work. :wink:

5. Please have a color for when your characters speak, that way it makes it easier to distinguish dialogue when there a large text posts.

Character Skeleton:


Age: 14 for new guardians and older than 30 for former guardians




Appearance: Real Life Pictures Please


Spring Guardians

Name: Madelyn Page Abrams

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Season: Spring

Personality: Kind, Smart, Funny, Witty, Sweet, Motherly, Caring, and Fun Loving




Summer Guardians

Name: Jessica Christine Torres

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Season: Summer

Personality: Funny, outgoing, smart, kind, caring, sweet, loving, quirky, cute, adorable, dorky, and goofy




Autumn Guardians

Name: Grayson Kerry Baldwin

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Season: Autumn

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Klutzy, Kind, Caring, Generous, and Smart




Winter Guardians

Name: Lyle James Crawford

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Season: Winter

Personality: Cunning, Witty, Sarcastic, Smug, Cocky, Kind, Caring, Jokester, and Intelligent



This seems like an awesome idea. Do we make the characters here or when you make the actual thread?
Okay! :3 I'll probably make a character or two tomorrow or Thursday. I've got lots of homework right now. xD
May I reserve a spot? I'm currently on my phone so I can't post it now. And may it be a summer one?
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Character Skeleton:

Name: Pera Austin

Age: 14

Gender: male

Season: Spring

Personality: mischievous, friendly, curious, cheerful, stubborn, determined, loyal, brave, quirky, intelligent, sweet, artsy, and protective.


Extra: He wears whatever he wants regardless of gender.
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Name: Austin Barett

Gender: Male

Season: Summer

Personality: Austin is a fun and happy guy. While he is fun to be around, it does take a lot to get him to do things. He often procrastinates and puts things off for later.


Extra: Font Color
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*former guardian*

Name: Max Burrick

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Season: Autumn

Personality: Max is a rude, sarcastic and a control freak. Some would call him cold. He often gets angry when things don't get his way. While he has a bad temper he is extremely smart and strategic.



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Winter Guardian

Name: Faith Williams

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Season: Winter

Personality: Energetic, Cheerful, friendly, kind, caring, adventurous, brave, smart and clumsy (sometimes)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0fa3911bc3a3cecf0b25e4fe533fd78e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.0fa3911bc3a3cecf0b25e4fe533fd78e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Andrew Samuel Bastion








Cold and Calculating, distant, a little hostile, blunt and straight forward, honest, trust worthy



Oh, are you sure? There's Andrew, Faith, Lyle, and Max, right? But does Max count, since he's a former guardian?
Opallies said:
Oh, are you sure? There's Andrew, Faith, Lyle, and Max, right? But does Max count, since he's a former guardian?
Well, I think so. In the rule, it said: ' There may only be 16 new guardians, 4 for each season.'
Name: devon crimson sunny

Age: 14

Gender: male

Season: spring

Personality: nice to most, but if you anger them they will encage you ... ( only thing that they kknow how to do xD )



likes: cats, dogs, wolfs.

hates: most other animals. bees that sting all the time. spiders.

you can still be a winter guardian a new one though.
Name: Primrose Marigold

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Season: Spring

Personality: Bubbly and cheerful, almost never seen without her usual bright smile. The energy never seems to leave her body, she could be running around for hours if she really wanted to. She is gentle and caring. Primrose also avoids every serious subjects since she prefers to keep the mood light, wich makes her a hard person to talk to about things that actually matters.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34307" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: Loves everything that has to do with nature and animals. Nothing makes her more happy than to spend time in the wild where the animals roam around freely.


Name: Amber Rose Hibiscus

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Season: Autumn

Personality: Outgoing, loves a good talk. Allthough still quite calm and caring. But don't get on her bad side, she's a tough girl and does not fear to hit anyone if she feels the need to.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/______.jpg.c66a75409159cea64fbd0fff2b701d40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/______.jpg.c66a75409159cea64fbd0fff2b701d40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: Loves spicy food and black coffee.



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Name: Lauren Blackwell

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Season: Summer

Personality: Lauren is a bold, gentle person, although sometimes can take things a bit too seriously. Despite the fact that she's a summer guardian, she has a relatively cold personality and can act rather aloof, although when she's in the mood she can be extremely warm and energetic. She is hugely against global warming and in fact dreams of helping undo the damage that humans have done to the earth. She has a love for polar animals such as penguins, arctic wolves, and polar bears. As well as this, she is incredibly generous and selfless, but is very rude and stubborn towards demanding people whom she considers rude or selfish. She is also easily bored and distracted.



(I will add a former winter guardian tomorrow. ^.^)
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@Jess Buck Is a new guardian allowed to be related to a former guardian? (I was thinking of having my former winter guardian being my new summer guardian's aunt or something along those lines.)
Opallies said:
@Jess Buck Is a new guardian allowed to be related to a former guardian? (I was thinking of having my former winter guardian being my new summer guardian's aunt or something along those lines.)
I was gonna do that to :|
Ok! I am so glad you all like the roleplay! This is really exciting! Alright, now I hope this post will answer everyone's questions.

1) The former Gaurdians do not apply to the 4 gaurdians per season. The 4 gaurdians per season only applies to the new gaurdians.

2) Yes! Your gaurdians may be related to former gaurdians! However, your gaurdians must have the same season. For example; if my character Madelyn had a neice or nephew who was also a guardian, they would have to be a spring guardian as well. It just makes sense because your of the same blood and so you'd have the same powers.

Here was what I currently have pertaining to the New Gaurdians:

Spring Gaurdians

1. Pera- @felixvoidwalker

3. Primrose- @David Parks

3. Lauren- @WannaNinjaHug

3. open

4. open

And here is what I have for the former Gaurdians so far:

1. Madelyn (Spring)- Me~! :D

2. Max (Autumn)- @David Parks

3. Samuel (Winter)- @CrimsonEclipse

There is no limit to how many former gaurdians there can be, but we can only have 5 more new guardians.

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