Story Seas of War Chapter II: The Choppy Waters of Hell

Akatsuki Watanabe

Unlucky Member
4/16/4971: At 05:00, a luxurious jet engine vertibird being escorted by fighter planes and military vertibirds flew over the waters of the South Atlantic Ocean, it was on its way back to the capital ship of its home country. The capital ship had several helipads, and had several trees around the city on the deck of the massive ship. There were several more cities below the deck. Lavish vertibirds, airships, helicopters, and airliners served as homes and condos for the really rich.

There were also a whole bunch of aromas around the massive water vessel, the aromas came from fried bread dough, bread, burgers, steaks, sweets, and other amazing, tasty foods. Many a hungry patron came to the stores and stands to buy the incredible foods. In the kitchens, the sounds of cooks and bakers hard at work could be distinctly heard from just outside the doors, the sounds of ovens, food sizzling in skillets, foods being deep fried, and the sounds of exhaust fans hard to work, fanning the carbon dioxide out into the open airs outside so it wouldn't be able to kill the cooks and bakers.

Black smoke came from the stacks on the ship, these smokestacks carried the exhaust out of the engine room. This engine room specifically housed the engine used for the propulsion of the ship, which were 4 diesel straight 14 engines, each of these engines were connected to a propeller. A diesel v20 engine supplied electrical power to the electric starter motors needed to start the straight 14 engines, after the engines started, the v20 engine could be turned off, as the bigger engines could now generate their own power.

Up on deck, there was all kinds of hustle and bustle in the open urban area, like food being made, tech hubs being displayed, buildings being constructed, private cars and public transportation moving people around the streets, trash and recyclables being taken to their respective processing plants, freight trains, passenger trains, and mixed traffic trains also zipped down their lines. These trains were being pulled by diesel, overhead electric, diesel battery-electric hybrid, and hydrogen engines. Meanwhile, in the yards and stations, freight cars and passenger cars were being shifted around by small locomotives that were either diesel, diesel battery-electric hybrids, or hydrogen engines. Meanwhile, in the lowest parts of the ship, in front of the engine room, V16 and V20 diesel power generators were hard at work generating electricity for the rest of the ship.

Surrounding the capital ship were battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyer ships, fighter planes, military helicopters, and military vertibirds. In underground garages owned by the Army and National Guard, there were various vehicles waiting, like armored trucks, tanks, APCs. In the garage above it, there were armored trucks and APCs that were assigned to the SWAT groups. The capital ship did have to deal with uprisings, insurrections, and raids before, however, they were dispersed after a few days, and the most it took were the SWAT teams, however, the Army and National Guard were still prepared to respond, just in case something did happen, and SWAT somehow wasn't enough to deal with it.

Meanwhile, on some slightly smaller ships, which were supposed to be the rural areas, the agricultural scene was booming as well, with tractors plowing and cultivating fields, and dragging seeders which put seeds into the topsoil, the seeds which would become booming crops of various grains and vegetables, like wheat, rice, and corn. Meanwhile, in Coops, Chickens were laying eggs, which were being loaded into trailers, and onto truck beds, and being transported around decks of these ships to other ships and to planes, along with all kinds of meats, like Chicken, Beef, and Pork, which were going to markets, and to the urban area ships, like the capital ship.

The air was thick with the smell of gasoline exhaust fumes, diesel smoke, and the smoke from meats, eggs, cheeses, and other foods being cooked.

Meanwhile, out on one of the country ship's territories, a massive cargo and tanker ship and an oil rig with tons of living spaces, everything was no so peachy. Off in the distance, there were speedboats headed toward the oil rig. These speed boats were being used by separatists, Communist separatists, as an attack against the country ship's economy.

Once the speed boats reached the rig, the attack was ready to begin. The first step was to incapacitate and take the oil rig, and then hijack the tanker ship to transport oil back to their own country ship with. Men wearing masks who carried AKs proceeded to leave the boats and run up the stairs to the platform of the oil rig. Immediately, they began to open fire and kill all guards in sight. Upon reaching the doors to the oil rig, several of the separatists were mowed down by machine gun fire from more heavily armed and armored guards.

While the outcome of this battle was yet to be certain, it was clear these choppy waters had become the waters of hell...

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