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Fandom Searching for rps to get through the long dark winter


Senior Member
So here I am searching for more rps. Really i need a life but i honestly like dealing with rps more than people. Anyway. I am stuck at my sister's house till have the holidays...well not really stuck it is just has been easier to stay here and help her and her bf out till after the holidays. That being said I have alot of down time. Not that I don't have alot of down time to start with, I am out of work for abit, and taking a break from school. Any way alot of info mostly because for the first time in like 5 years i have a real computer and not a phone. So i am enjoying typing again. Sorry sidetracked. Now my rules. Please be over 18, fade to black, I love chatting with my rp buddies....really i have better relationships with my partners than with real life people, tell me what you like, about your pets, I have this thing where i love to know the weather in your area, I really prefer to double i just find it easier and alittle more fun, I love romance and fluff, give me chocolate and roses, I do have a couple plots but really i tend to wing it more than anything, going back to my downtime i can pretty much reply a few times a day but I don't expect that from you, but if you are gone longer than 4 days i will check in make sure everything is ok, Brain fog kicking in trying to think of what else so i guess that I'll post my fandoms and who i would like you to double as.

The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals ( Klaus i love the hybrid)

Marvel ( Now for this have scene all movies expect the Enterals but I also have some comic knowledge (mostly X-Men.) Anyway how I am looking for Steve Rogers, Bucky Barns or Remy LeBeau)

Smallville ( Lex)

Trueblood ( Alcide)

Celebrities ( Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill, Johnny Depp)

pm me to rp

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