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Multiple Settings searching for rp partners !


wing wing wing
hey all !! my name is keonbee; im a former member of ff and im just getting back into rping now and i would love to start some rps with yall! i apologize in advance for how lengthy this all is. before we get into any rp interests though ..

general rules / stuff to know !
01. dont let my horrible writing here and lack of apostrophes and stuff scare you- this is just how i type casually lmao, i will type properly when rping of course! if this ooc typing style is an issue for you i can set it aside if needed and type more properly
02. i can rp as any gender, and i dont have a preference!
03. as a member of the lgbtq community myself, i love playing characters who are also a part of the community! lgbtq relationships definitely give me a lot of inspiration, if you are interested in that. if this makes you uncomfortable in any way, please leave now as i do not want to rp with you whatsoever
04. i want rping to be fun, and i understand low muse. i wont be picky about how much you write, and as long as your writing isnt unreadable i wont be too picky abt that either! and i understand life can be busy, i wont pressure you to reply. all i ask is that you do all of the above with me as well. my life is busy too!
05. adding onto the previous point, i typically match to write my partner (unless i get a huge burst of energy and inspiration). for one-liners, im okay with having small bouts of one-liners here and there as long as we keep the plot rolling!
06. romance is not required in any of my rps, honestly. platonic relationships are very fascinating to me; if you have ideas centring around platonic relationships, i am very open to that!
07. i am not interested in any rps where we rp as real people or canon characters (the second can be possible under certain circumstances, but the real people rule is non-negotiable)
08. i generally use real people as faceclaims for my rps
09. now ive hope youve read through this list, even if its a bit lengthy, and before i release you to read my rp interests ill say this: if you have ideas or plot prompts youd love to do, feel free to show them to me and ask if id be interested! the worst ill do is say no.

interests !!
01. kpop
yeah, im a kpop fan. whoop-dee-doo! i am not interested in rps that include real people (ie kpop ships or real idol x oc). that makes me very uncomfortable. therefore, all of the pairings in this topic are oc x oc. some themes i am interested in for this topic are...
a. survival shows
b. idol x normal person (can be a fan or not)
c. idol x idol (cross-group or same group)
d. generally just the lives of idols

02. slice of life rps
i love these kinds of rps, honestly; as long as we have a plot and we can keep it interesting. this is a very broad topic, so if you have specific plot ideas for this then feel free to show them to me! these plots can include everything under the sun- fluff, angst, everything in between.
a. school life (preferably university/college)
b. domestic life
c. roommates.. maybe with a bit of romance !?
d. like i said above, this is a very broad topic so there are many things i could list hehe. fee free to suggest anything!

03. royalty
now ik that this is under “realistic” but we could also mix in some fantasy magic with this topic to spice it up.
a. throne heir runs away !?
b. royalty x servant
c. royalty x peasant

04. stardew valley ish ??
okay im a total sucker for stardew valley and while im not looking for anything specifically set in that universe, i love the whole “city person coming to small town to escape their life” idea. so you dont have to play stardew valley to do this!
thats all i can think of for now that i would be interested in for realistic rps, but feel free to suggest anything you want, even if its not on this list!
01. specific idea
ive had this idea for a while, and bear with me while i try to explain it.
basically, there is this village set at the edge of a forest, and ever since a young man was found mauled to death at the edge of the forest, it has been said that a dark being lurks in the trees and the townspeople avoid it. the mayor receives word from someone they had sent to explore the forest that the darkness requests a sacrifice every year: someone will be sent into the forest, presumably to be killed by this being. but not just anyone can be sacrificed, it requests specific people. the first person it requests is sent away, expecting that they are going to their death. but this is no normal forest, what will they find on this adventure?
there are no set characters i want you to play. you can be a magical creature from this forest, you can be a townsperson trying to rescue the sacrifice, you can be the dark being for all i care! all that matters is that you are interested in this plot and have ideas to contribute to it. i would definitely prefer to play the one being sacrificed, but i can be convinced otherwise if you are very interested in playing that role.
i wont list anything specific under these fandoms, this is just a list of things i love and would love to rp in the world of!
01. harry potter
02. the hunger games
03. noragami

yeah this is rly short nothing else is really coming to mind, sorry [shrug]
I could be interested in trying slice of life realistic rp with you ^^
I would love to do some building on the fantasy idea.
im sorry about the late response, everyone! if you arent interested in an rp anymore, feel free to ignore this!

I could be interested in trying slice of life realistic rp with you ^^
i would be interested in that! if you dm me we can figure out something we want to do and get that going!

I would love to do some building on the fantasy idea.
great! if you dm me, we can build on it more and develop it and figure everything out.

I would love to do a slice of life rp if you are interested
yes i am interested! if youre still up to it, you can dm me and we can figure out a plot!

hihi! I'm interested in either a kpop or stardew valley-ish type rp ^^
hey!! if youre still interested, feel free to dm me! im definitely up to doing either of those !!

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