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Multiple Settings Searching for Partners.


Lord of the Trash Kingdom
Hello everyone. I'm not really one for long introductions so let's get started.

I am searching for long term partners with a grasp of basic English. I'm not looking for novella type responses but I am looking for at least one paragraph. What I want for a partner is someone who is going to want to develop a world with me and add to a plot and almost make a story out of the characters we create. I love romance but am not against just having a platonic relationship between our characters. I do indeed double up and am fine with LGBTQ+ characters and relationships. However, I am not okay with playing M/M for personal reasons as it feel like fetishizing a relationship.

MCU (OC/Wolverine|Logan Howeltt)
(I have yet to see Infinity War)
Dragon Age (OC/Alistair Theirin; OC/OC)
Voltron: Legendary Defenders (OC/Hunk Garret)
Mystic Messenger (OC/Ray; OC/Zen)

Please do inquire about more Fandoms. It is quite possible I will roleplay another show/anime/comic/series with you.

Random Person/Pet Shop Owner
Random Person/Café worker
*A familiar can be a creature with two forms or maybe a supernatural being

Original Plots:

All who wander are not lost. But you, my friend, are most defiantly lost. You had made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on a beaten path that lead you to a place that resembled civilization. However, everything was old and dated, untouched by time it seemed. Everyone rode on horses and wore those thick cotton clothing you'd see in movies about the early 1900's or so. It was as if time never touched this town... and rather quickly you learned time never moved forward here... instead the only thing that moved here was an old train that sped through the town, never stopping. That train was your only escape from this town. Miss it five times and devil will come for your soul just like it had done for every poor sucker in this town.

This storyline goes along with a universe I am building up based around a concept I adore: morally grey characters. I'm a firm believer in flawed characters and there are no true "problematic" characters because humans change and flaws are naturally problematic by nature.

But anyways this univese is a high fantasy set in medieval times. There is magic and elves and some pretty common themes in fantasy universes, but there are some key differences as well. So now, the lore:

The races are human, elf, dwarf, curse-blooded, a cursed. Cursed are magical creatures that were always magical creatures. They are the outcasts of society and often have their own communities outside of major towns and cities. Curse-blooded are races that are imbued with magic or extreme emotion and intent. Most of the Curse-blooded are demonic in some way or fashion and there is actually nothing similar between the cursed and curse-blooded other than magic. A big difference is that curse-bloods tend to have lost their humanity with the magic and tend to mimic emotions they remember and their only desire is to fulfill the wish that made made them into what they are now.

Magic is not a naturally learned trait within the uncursed races and so magic is only passed through a ceremony where magic is passed from a teacher to their selected student. Magic users that are not cursed or curse-blooded grow stronger with each generation that the magic succeeds but because uncursed races are not naturally given magic it slowly kills off the magician. The more powerful the magic is the short a magician has to live and train another to qalk in their footsteps.

The beginning of the timeline begins with a war creatively named "The War of Lords." The war started when a bunch of Lords under King Thames decided that the aging king was weak and without there being an heir to his throne decided that by taking the throne themselves they would become king.... however, that didn't work out and the king discovered their plans and to demonstrate his strength took his rage out in not just the nobles, nobles family, and noble armies but innocent civilians. Many families were caught in the cross-hairs and thus many innocents were killed and a hatred and fear were instilled in the surviving nobles and civilians.

After the war, there is a huge hatred towards the king but with war fresh in everyone's mind and an undiscovered bastard child the heir to the throne none of the lords wish to upset the volatile king and risk another war. However, in a bar called the "World's End" sits a dwarf with the keys to a rebellion group. It is filled with nobles and civilians alike who all wish for the downfall of the royal family.

In this universe I really just want to build it up more and play as my darling character Faylen Telethsyr so was my entire inspiration for this universe. Anyways, I'm willing to change some things around in the universe to accommodate your character say you wanna be the heir of the throne or what have you.

More to come.

Please do not be afraid to offer suggestions for original plots! Also, please PM me and I'll get right to you.

Have a great day
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