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Searching for Partners <3


One Thousand Club


Hello everybody! I am looking for more people to do 1x1s with ^^

A few things about me are:

- I am from the UK so y'know, time zones and all that.

- I am fine with playing either male or female or anything for that matter.

- I am fine with any sort of romance - MxM, FxF, MxF

- I usually write one or two paragraphs minimum. But it depends on how much the other RPer writes, however, I would really prefer it if you wrote quite a bit. If you write one or two lines; I am not the clone you're looking for.

- I am a bit of a Grammar Nazi, but if you can use somewhat decent grammar and spelling, and I can understand what you're saying; I am fine with it.

- I don't mind if you take a while to reply, considering I sometimes take a while to reply also.

- Feel free to talk to me about anything, I love talking with people and making new friends.

- I'd be glad to hear any ideas you have for any of the things I roleplay, any plots or if you want to know if I roleplay anything else - just PM me.

Anyway, onto what I roleplay -

    • Demon x Human
    • Thief/Assassin x Citizen
    • Supernatural creature (preferably Werewolf) x Human
    • Friend x Friend
    • Police x Criminal
    • Criminal x Victim
    • Detective x Detective

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Thief/Assassin sounds really cool honestly

So do Detective X Detective and Demon/Human // Supernatural being / human
Hi - I think I can follow your rules pretty well - I absolutely LOVE Doctor Who. I'm also a fan of High School of the Dead, and Detective x Detective sounds neat - it kinda makes me think of Case Closed/Detective Conan. Anywho, send me a pm if your interested in either of these.

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