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Multiple Settings Searching for Partners 2.0 || MxM, Platonic FxF or FxM || Open

Artifical Emotions

A ball of excitement~

"No matter what the situation, do not let your emotions overpower your intelligence." ~ unknown​

Hello and welcome to my search thread! (^.^)/
I'd like to start out by telling you about myself.
♦ My name is Artifical Emotions. I have 9 years of experience in roleplay!​
♦ I am a college student with a little time on my hands, all dedicated to roleplay.​
♦ I am super talkative, and I try to be really friendly. Since I live in the South of the US, I tend to call people darling, honey, sugar, etc. Pet names are a habit of mine.​
♦ I am very stubborn, so if I don't like something, likelihood is I won't do it. For example, when it comes to romance, I only do MxM relationships. I'm no good with the others.​
♦ For face claims, I prefer the following order: anime/drawing>realistic>descriptions. Let me know if it conflicts with your preferences.​
♦ I will never, ever say no to a soulmates roleplay!​
♦ I am returning to the site after an extended period of writer's block, which completely nixed my chances of roleplaying.​

So um, I don't have much in the way of requirements from my partners, but I do hope for a few things.
First, please don't hate me if I can't answer immediately. School is very important to me.​
Second, please be friendly. I love to chat, so I hope we can be friends.​

Onto the good stuff. What I want to play is underlined. Diamonds determine my interest level. OC is self-explanatory. Pairings can be mixed with fandoms and AUs. Plots as well. Ask me about my ships!

  • 1. I really want to do a Haikyuu rp: KuroTsukki or IwaOi. Note: We have to do an AU. I would prefer to play Tsukki, but I don't mind playing Iwa-chan or Oikawa.
    2. Teacher x Single Parent
    3. Superstar x Writer
    4. Elf x Human
    5. Plot under Plots please ❤
    6. A:LTA OCs. I have a plot where my character would be the avatar, but I'm also open to others being the avatar.
    7. BTS ships. As certified ARMY, I must be trashy and request some ships: YoonMin and KookieMonster are my top cravings right meow, but I'll take others.
    8. Let's do some sort of adventure type RP. Like a dystopian or futuristic or high fantasy or SAO style kind of thing.

If you're interested, please PM me or leave a post below so that I can get back to you.
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Hi there! I really love your pairing ideas and I also only RP MXM. I'm also into all of the shows you're into, especially Haikyuu. I would love to roleplay with you!

"No matter what the situation, do not let your emotions overpower your intelligence." ~ unknown​

Hello and welcome to my search thread! (^.^)/
I'd like to start out by telling you about myself.
♦ My name is Artifical Emotions. I have 9 years of experience in roleplay!​
♦ I am a college student with a little time on my hands, all dedicated to roleplay.​
♦ I am super talkative, and I try to be really friendly. Since I live in the South of the US, I tend to call people darling, honey, sugar, etc. Pet names are a habit of mine.​
♦ I am very stubborn, so if I don't like something, likelihood is I won't do it. For example, when it comes to romance, I only do MxM relationships. I'm no good with the others.​
♦ For face claims, I prefer the following order: anime/drawing>realistic>descriptions. Let me know if it conflicts with your preferences.​
♦ I will never, ever say no to a soulmates roleplay!​
♦ I am returning to the site after an extended period of writer's block, which completely nixed my chances of roleplaying.​

So um, I don't have much in the way of requirements from my partners, but I do hope for a few things.
First, please don't hate me if I can't answer immediately. School is very important to me.​
Second, please be friendly. I love to chat, so I hope we can be friends.​

Onto the good stuff. What I want to play is underlined. Diamonds determine my interest level. OC is self-explanatory. Pairings can be mixed with fandoms and AUs. Plots as well. Ask me about my ships!

  • 1. I really want to do a Haikyuu rp: KuroTsukki or IwaOi. Note: We have to do an AU. I would prefer to play Tsukki, but I don't mind playing Iwa-chan or Oikawa.
    2. Teacher x Single Parent
    3. Superstar x Writer
    4. Elf x Human
    5. Plot under Plots please ❤
    6. A:LTA OCs. I have a plot where my character would be the avatar, but I'm also open to others being the avatar.
    7. BTS ships. As certified ARMY, I must be trashy and request some ships: YoonMin and KookieMonster are my top cravings right meow, but I'll take others.
    8. Let's do some sort of adventure type RP. Like a dystopian or futuristic or high fantasy or SAO style kind of thing.

If you're interested, please PM me or leave a post below so that I can get back to you.
I am interested in quite a few of your ideas! Are you still looking for partners?

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