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Multiple Settings Searching for partner to do some FxF plots

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Prince Charming?: The Prince is well known throughout the school as the most handsome person around. Many talk about them and their beautiful eyes, soft skin, angelic voice, and all around grace. It's no wonder they're so popular in an all girls school. Oh yeah the so called Prince is just a boyish girl of course everyone knows. Well everyone but the Prince it seems who has yet to realize why so many girls are so nice to them. Now here is a girl in front of them confessing their love to the Prince like a light suddenly turning on it all clicks for them.

My guard dog: Weakling, trash, pipsqueak, short stop. You've heard it all every single insult in the book you've heard it thrown your way. Each time doing nothing about it you always just stand there and take it. When they slap you or pull your hair or take your stuff you don't do anything back. What would you do your too weak. That's when a miracle happens you spot the toughest girl in town getting closer you find she's playing with a small kitten. On that day you make a promise you'll watch her precious stray kitten if she protects you not as a knight, no you need a beast you need a guard dog.

Strange girl Y: Your class just got new seats and now you sit next to who many call the weird girl. It's not just being mean she truly is weird. She talks funny, does strange things, says strange things, and you swear you've caught her staring at you on more than one occasion. You're sure after the day she made a little figure of you out of an eraser she couldn't get weirder. That is until she shows up to your house late one night covered head to toe in ash. Telling you her house had burned down and since you lived close and she has no close relatives to live with she wants to now stay with you. By some strange chance your parents agree maybe out of kindness you just know things are about to get strange.

Accidents Happen:Here you are the roof of the school waiting for your crush to come up. You finally worked up the courage to ask them out and this is your chance to finally tell them how you feel. Just as you're second guessing yourself you hear the door open. You can't stop yourself the words just get blurted out. "I like you go out with me!?" You close your eyes and you hear it. "Yes." You can't believe you actually did it and they said yes but as you open your eyes it's none other than one of school's most notorious delinquents well accidents happen.

The Blurred Line:You can't believe how angry they make you even after knowing them for years they still know just how to piss you off. Everyone keeps joking about how you two are some old married couple but you can't see it. There's no way you like them, you constantly talk about them but only to complain about them. You stare at them but only cause they won't stop making faces at you in class. You go over to their place a bunch but only because they won't shut up unless you agree to help them study. You absolutely hate them....right?

Beethoven:You've never been one for music but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate it. Everyday you eat lunch in the same spot just down the hall from the music room to hear the beautiful music that is played. For the longest you were sure it was a recording but after talking to some other students you found out that wasn't true. The music is actually coming from someone playing it in the room themselves. Many think their amazing including yourself they're even nicknamed Beethoven not only because they are amazing but because similar to him they too should have much more difficulty playing so well. Afterall they are blind completely in both eyes you decide during your next lunch period you should stop by and get a close up view at this Beethoven.

Harmless teasing:Kids will often tease those they like in order to get their attention. When most grow out of such childish behavior some do not, but what happens when innocent name calling become hurtful verbal abuse? What happens when playful hits become actual blows? What happens when cute teasing turns into full blown bullying, what happens if the feelings that started all this never went away? What if you wanted to stop but every time you saw their crying face you couldn't help but fall in love all over again?

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