Anime & Manga Searching for Mekakucity Actors / Kagerou Project Fans!


New Member
I haven't seen many yet, but is there anyone on this forum (other than myself) that is a fan of the Kagerou Project by Jin and is also now watching the new anime for it, Mekakucity Actors?

I need more fans to chat with and speculate on the story with!
Hm, I feel that SHAFT did a reasonable job on that episode. Though that pacing was a little off, it still gave me chills.
I've only seen Mekakucity Actors but I adore it so far. The atmosphere and characters are all so well-done, and I like how everything ties together.
I'm a fan of Kagerou Project, but I haven't really been caught up in it lately ( q w q ) So i'm not really a "hardcore" fan ^^;

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