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Searching for lovelies to roleplay with c: [CLOSED TILL FURTHER NOTICE]

Hello people of the Roleplay Nation!

I am UnknownRunner, but call me Runner or Unknown, or whatever else floats your boat. I am new around here, but I am not, however, new to roleplaying/writing. I've been roleplaying and bouncing around sites for quite some time, and I figured I'd give this lovely community a shot. Anyways, on to info about me. :3

Info About Me

-I am from the United States (Southwest), so bear with me if our time zones are completely different.

-I am in high school, so I will be busy with homework and projects and etc.. Try to be patient with me.

-Being new to the site, I will have newbie moments.

-I do enjoy a good chat outside of the roleplay. ;]

-Weekends are busy for me, but normally I am on a few hours on weekdays (after school and homework)

-I prefer playing a male, but I'm completely capable of playing either gender.

-I only do MxF. (please don't take this the wrong way; I'm just more experienced with this)

-I can post anywhere from two paragraphs to a wall of text, depending on what you give me to work with.

-I LOVE little details in writing, so I do add a lot of detail and thought into my posts.

And now, on with the rules.

The Rules

-Absolutely NO one liners. Ever. I understand Writer's block, but please,
please, at least a good, thick paragraph for me to work with.

-Be literate. This means a thick paragraph or two per post, included with decent spelling, grammar, and punctuation. We're not perfect, but at least

-Be open to ideas and suggestions. No one likes it when someone is too stubborn and selfish.

-Please. Contribute to plotting. I can't do all the thinking, now can I? (don't be scared of me; I don't bite
much. :3)

-Keep drama and everything IN the roleplay.

-No godmodding, Mary Sues, and etc. Keep it real, please.

-Please be somewhat active. This means replying once every two days. If not, please let me know in advance. Don't leave me hanging. It sucks.

-That's all I have for now.
Have fun! (I'll probably add more rules later. c:)

Note: I will be only accepting FEW partners as of not to overwhelm myself with roleplays. Take a spot while you can.

Okay, so, now that that's out of the way, on to the pairings and fandoms!

The roles bolded and italicized are the ones I'd prefer to be. If none are bolded, that means I'm fine with either role. :3

American Soldier x Nazi Soldier (set in WWII)

Ex-Prisoner x Old Friend or Girlfriend/Boyfriend

High School Drop Out x Successful College Student

Cancer Survivor x

Boy that Travels Around the World x Small Town Girl

Foster Boy x Abused Girl

Up and Coming Singer x
Boxer/Professional Hockey Player

Poet x Guitar Player

Deaf Boy x Dyslexic Artist

Best Friend x Best Friend

That's all the pairings for now. Please, if you're craving something and it's not on the list, suggest it!
:D Now on with the fandoms.


I will base roleplays off of these fandoms, but I prefer to use our own characters and plot twists.

The Maze Runner (Books; really craving this)

Ender's Game (book, or movie)

LOST (TV show)

The Walking Dead (TV Show, Season 1)

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn (movie)

The Purge

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but feel free to suggest TV shows, movies, or books! Thank you, and enjoy. C:
Hi, my name is Hanna, I am brand new to this website and was wanting to get back into roleplay.

I am not sure if I am suppose to post directly to this, but sorry if this is wrong!

A bit about me real quick, I am from Florida, and I am 18 years old attending college. I am experienced in roleplaying, but due to being in school I may be a bit slow replying due to school hours! Yet, I will try to reply as much as possible (even if it's late at night).

I really enjoyed the idea of American soldier x Nazi soldier, and the purge ideas. I usually play female roles, and would be perfectly okay with a MxF roleplay!
Of course I can! Uh, it will not allow me to send the message. Says I need to have an account for longer land 24 hours! I am sorry!
Hi there, Runner.

I've just come back from a pretty lengthy hiatus from roleplaying, but now I'm back (hoorah). Although I joined this site quite a while ago, I haven't gotten the chance to actually write stories with someone yet; however, I plan to change that.

As a little precedent, I've been roleplaying in some form since I was around eleven or so, and to put that in perspective, I'm in highschool now. I like to think that I'm literate and know what I'm doing, however there's always room for improvement, don't you think? I can churn out three full paragraphs with ease and that number tends to be my minimum per post. I don't personally like writing less than that and I often do more. As far as activity goes, I'm typically an every-three-days type of person, but I can attempt my very best to bump it up to every two for you.

Anyways, on to those pairings of yours that I absolutely love and adore. Try as I might, I can't decide between two (they're so great I can't help it) — Cancer Survivor x
Ex-Soldier/Marine and Up and Coming Singer x Boxer/Professional Hockey Player. Both of those just — squee. I love them. I may be leaning toward the second one, though. I dunno yet.

Nonetheless, I hope to get the chance to roleplay with you. I think we'd get along well. c:

I'm Mobius and you seem like the partner I have been hunting for for a long time!I myself,can easily hit two nice chunky paragraphs and my best post came in an opener for a Sonic the Hedgehog one in which I did four chunky paragraphs and scare the crap out of my partner xD .I tend to be very active so,unless I am sick,suddenly use muse (which is very rare),do not have access to a computer (for when really long posts are required,stupid iPod/phone is no fun to do that on),or my life activities (horse racing ,horseback riding [lessons are on Wednesday,4H starts soon],drumming,concerts/musical outings) get in the way,you won't have to wait long for me to reply.Also,I am in EDT.

Now,for what I have been craving (I hope you will be interested in one of them):

Something The Hunger Games based

Something Sonic the Hedgehog based

Some sort of band roleplay (fictional band or a real life band [skillet <3] with our own members)

Master x Slave (I love playing the slave)

I would like to play the girl if possible since I stink at guys
xD .I also might be able to do a Scientist x Experiment one if you're willing to work with me on it.

I'm also eying up the American Soldier x Nazi Soldier one,but I'd probably stink to high heaven with it so I'd be nervous to try it.
@Callow Hi there, Callow! Welcome back, my friend. :3 Don't worry about the activity, I honestly don't mind at all. Just as long as you don't disappear on me with no explanation or warning, than I'm completely fine with it. I myself will be busy a lot now, as my English and math homework is heating up, but I'll try my best to reply every one or two days. Of course, I'll always put thought and detail into the posts to make up for the time difference.

Aw, thank you! It took me a bit to come up with the pairings, so I'm really glad someone appreciates and loves them. c: Oh, those two are probably my favorite, gahh; decisions and more decisions. I personally love them both, so it's up to you on which one you'd like to play. :3 I'd love to roleplay with you! I think we'd get along perfectly well. So, shoot me a message so we can begin discussing! (I would message you myself, but I am still new, and cannot message anyone until 24 hours are up) Thank you!

@Mobius: Hi there, Mobius! :D Like I've said to Callow, I do not mind the activity, just as long as you give me a heads up; no one likes being left hanging, hehe. Anyways, of all the things you've listed, the band one really caught my eye. I think it'd be fun to create a fictional band and just roll with it! So, please shoot me a message, and we can begin plotting. :D Thank you!


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