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Searching for long term partner!

Prize Fighter

One Among the Fence
Hello, lovelies! I'm not going to go into great detail about what I'm looking for, because the title is pretty self explanatory.

Information about me

  • I only play female characters
  • I only do MxF pairings
  • I'm a full time college student, I'm not available 24/7
  • I will respond as soon as possible, and let you know when I will be busy
  • I'm very easy going, and not very picky about most things
  • I want to talk to you outside of the RP, I want to get to know the people I RP with

What I expect

  • At least 1-2 posts a day
  • No one liners. I will not stand for that
  • 2-4 well done paragraphs
  • Character development
  • Decent grammar. I realize we all make mistakes. No one's perfect!
  • Fun, and lots of it

What I'm looking for in a RP

  • Plot twists. I was to go "WHAT?!" while I stare at my screen in disbelief. It keeps things fresh and interesting
  • Romance, but nothing forced
  • Pugs. Lots and lots of pugs. Kidding...kinda
  • Development of characters
  • Fun!

Plot Ideas

The Compound


Setting: Texas, 30 years after nuclear devastation

Are we talking Fallout wasteland setting?: Yes, yes we are.

Basics: The year is 2176, and America is little more than a wasteland. Twenty years ago Rhett and Mary Winters, former pastors, created a small community known only as "The Compound." People have come from all over to join The Compound, knowing that it is one of the safest places in America...at least that's what they were told. The Compound is nothing more than a glorified cult, with Rhett Winters as their prophet and protector. Once you enter, you never leave. Ever.

Idea for the RP: Your character would be the oldest son of Rhett and Mary, and my character would be a new comer to The Compound with a troubled past.

Information on The Compound

  • There are arranged marriages. Your character is going to be married, but doesn't care for the girl.
  • Those in power abuse it greatly.
  • You can't leave The Compound unless it's to go on a 'Holy Mission.'
  • Holy Missions aren't that holy.
  • Rhett and Mary will have you killed if you start to create too much trouble.
  • Most people their are brainwashed to think they're living the life.

Other information on this world

  • There are opposing groups.
  • Slavers exist, and will kidnap anyone they can.
  • Mutated animals are a thing. Ugly, ugly things.
  • There are mutated humans, sadly.
  • Cannibals are a thing.
  • Most water is safe to drink...I mean, as far as you can tell.

The Streets are Calling

Time Period: Victorian Era

Setting: England

Basics: When you live on the streets your choices are limited. Pick pocketing and deception become art forms, and you do whatever you can to stay alive. That is until you make the mistake of pick pocketing the wrong person, stealing something that he would gladly kill you for to get back.

Idea for this RP: This is one that we would have to discuss. There are many ways this could go, and I have a few ideas. This RP is a lot more open than the first, meaning we can really plan for this one.

Brats with Tats

Year: 2076

Setting: Liberty Heights and Rust

Basics: In 2076, you are either a Brat or an Elite. Though if you could choose, you would be an Elite.

Brats: Brats are strong and proud, their bodies covered in tattoos. They've been labeled "lesser" humans, and are forced to live in the dilapidated city of Rust. They lack basic needs, like food and water.

Elites: Elites pride themselves on being perfect. Perfect in every way, from their head to their toes. Despite being "perfect," they are cruel and generally heartless. They have been known to destroy Brat cities simply for the fun of it.

Idea for this RP: The Brats are preparing for war. They will no longer be oppressed, they will no longer allow themselves to be the lesser being. One of our characters would be an Elite, and the other would be a Brat. In a twist of fate, the Elite tries to help the Brats with their war...but why?

Stolen Gods

Time Period: Medieval

Setting: Farion

Basics: Welcome to the world where gods and goddesses hide their true faces to live among the humans they have lovingly created. All seems to be well until the gods and goddesses begin to disappear, their temples crumbling to the ground and their people's prayers going unanswered. Who would do such a thing?

Idea for this RP: Our characters set out on a journey to restore the god and goddesses to their thrones. Their journey will not be an easy one, and they will face many trials along the way.

Extra information: There are many other magical creatures living in Farion, and there are spirits too. Creatures and spirits are neither good or evil, but generally only do things when it suits their own needs. Many of them hate the gods, so be wary of where you put your trust.

Extra, extra information: My character is already planned for this RP.

If you're interested in any of these, PM me with the title of the RP as the subject! I'm also open to other ideas, so feel free to shoot them my way!

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