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Multiple Settings Searching for long term, original content partners!


Hi there! My alias is Mercury and I've been roleplaying for 7 years. I took a small hiatus and in that time roleplaying has changed a ton, so please have patience while I'm learning this new terminology! I am looking for long term partners who are 18 or older to create original stories with.

I write in 3rd person past tense. I've been out of the fandom loop for a long time (the last fandom I RPed was hetalia, it's been THAT long) but can definitely do my google research if you would like to do a fandom based RP. I have a lot of fun putting tons of details into my RP universe and characters and am looking for partners that can offer at least a paragraph of response so we can really build the story up together.

I'm very open to all kinds of themes and topics, but action writing has never been my strong suit. I love doing time period RPs, everything from the 1380s-1980s is right up my alley. I would love to discuss ideas with you, tell me what you've been itching for! It does not matter to me what gender your character is; I tend to favor RPing as female characters but am not opposed to doing males.

I hope that covers all the bases!
Hi, I would like to rp with ya!
If you want I can send you a pm, I have a few ideas.

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