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Multiple Settings Searching for fandoms + originals!


New Member
Hello! I've fallen out of RP and writing in general for quite some time, but I'm looking to get back into it and am hoping to pick up some new partners. I don't have any specific cravings at the moment, so anything I've listed is pretty much equally fair game.

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About Me
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  • 25​
  • She/her pronouns​
  • Overall active, but reply times can vary​
  • Ghost friendly​
  • Enjoys chatting OOC, be it about the RP or not - very open to making friends, too!​

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What I'd like to RP
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These are not listed in any specific order, so if anything piques your interest, shoot your shot! I'm open to anything at the moment!

  • Death Note​
  • Naruto Shippuden​
  • Jujutsu Kaisen​
  • Nana​

  • Lost​
  • The Good Doctor​
  • Good Girls​
  • Supernatural​

For all of the above fandoms, I'm mostly interested in OC/Canon (willing to double of course!) - Canon/Canon isn't really my thing these days!

  • As far as original RPs go, I really enjoy urban fantasy settings (think demons, werewolves or people with secret magical powers) but I am open to any ideas you might have. I also enjoy modern stories with no worldbuilding twists.​
  • I am less interested in sci-fi with very complex worldbuilding around it. It gets overwhelming and is a hard sell for me. I like to be detailed with characters and certain other things, but having to keep track of a ton of world lore and power systems isn't my thing. I also am not as much interested in anything that would require a lot of research to be historically accurate (or RPs where historical accuracy is important). I don't much like western themes either.​
  • I can do f/f, m/f or m/m -- anything, really! I like to have some kind of relationship as the center of the story with the plot happening around it, but it doesn't have to be a romantic relationship, though romance is always a yes in my book as well. I like plotting together and creating OCs for each other, but pre-existing plots/OCs are fine too.​
  • I am less interested in sci-fi with very complex worldbuilding around it. It gets overwhelming and is a hard sell for me. I also am not as much interested in anything that would require a lot of research to be historically accurate (or RPs where historical accuracy is important). I don't much like western themes either.​
  • More extreme/dark themes and gore are totally okay with me!​

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What kind of RPer I am

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  • I write in third person and can do either past or present tense -- no preference!​
  • I enjoy doubling the most! I think it's a lot of good silly fun to get excited over pairing our OCs with different canon character or OCs, and I can promise equal effort! Not doubling is also potentially fine, just ask ♥​
  • I love to write and I love detail so I do err on the longer side with most of my replies, but I don't write to meet length or word requirements. I believe some types of scenes are better suited to shorter replies.​
  • As I said, I'm pretty active, but my activity level ebbs and flows with energy and depending on the flow we have going. I might respond within an hour, or I might take a few weeks. Generally, though, I am on the quicker side of things and can get back to you within a few days to a week at most.​
  • Ghost and drop friendly! It happens and I get it.​
  • I can send a writing sample if you'd like.​
  • I will only RP with people who are 20+, regardless of content.​
Please send me a DM if you're interested! Looking forward to talking to you ☆
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