Searching for Doctor Who or Sherlock roleplay partner!

Time Lord

New Member

Hey! I'm looking for someone who might want to do a 1X1 Doctor Who or BBC's Sherlock with me!I can play cannon, but I cannot promise I will be good at it! Here is a list of characters I can play:

(Please not that all characters WILL be a bit OOC. I'm still working on it!)

~The Eleventh Doctor

~The Master

~John Watson

Honestly, that's about it. And I'm sorry the list is so short! BUT, I do love a good romance! (MaleXFemle please.) And if you'd like to play a cannon character, I've got an OC to use as well! Or, we could each have 1 OC and 1 cannon!

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I'd love to participate in a Doctor Who Rp if you'd have me for it. Absolutely love the 11th doctor as well~


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