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Multiple Settings Searching for a partner


gay and tired
Like everyone else, I'm in search of a rp buddy. This is a casual thing for me, so I probably won't take on more than a few rps at once. If you want to know more about me, check out my introduction post or simply ask. I'm a generally easy going person who talks about my pet and plant too much.
A few things about my rp style:
I don't rp with minors. Sorry, it's not you. I'm an old man/woman/thing and get vvvvvery uncomfortable writing certain things(aka romance) with minors. So it's a hard pass on that.
I don't write huge paragraphs. I like short replies that keep the story moving forward. One or two paragraphs with content is perfect!
I'm not a stickler for grammar. If you miss a comma or two, whatever.
I write a wide variety of genres. Comedy is my favorite.
I write a wide variety of characters. Most of my characters tend to be lgbtq+
Chat with me ooc. I love to brainstorm an idea with people.
I rp on Discord as well :)

Onto the ideas~ I will forever be Person A in these ideas, unless otherwise specified. Hit me up on here or on Discord if these catch your eye.

Carry Me Home
Being gay is never easy in a hetero-normative, overtly religious society. It's even harder being a gay, polygamous woman is Russia. After the murder of their beloved partner in a hate crime, two young women are attempting to flee their home country with their two toddlers. Coming across an advertisement for an international marriage agency, they both sign up, knowing it is their only way out alive. It doesn't take long for them to match with a lawyer and a businessman respectively. It takes another five years of heartbreak, struggle, and another murder before they can start to put their family back together again.

F*ck This and F*ck You
Pat, a 21 y/o college drop out, is just drifting his way through life. While stumbling home from work after working a double shift, he finds a necklace on the ground and takes it home with him. During the night, the necklace ends up transporting him to the edge of a mysterious lake where he meets a highly disgruntled demon (y/c). Cue a hilarious journey as they try to find their way home, learning that the demon is tied to the necklace and that they have been tasked to find the Well of Immortality along the way.
I've Made a Grave Error
Felix is a young college student majoring in bio-engineering science who decides that after five years of living alone, he needs a companion. This decision leads him to adopting a puppy from a local shelter, a seven month old terrier mix that has more attitude in it than Felix knows what to do with. During an emergency trip to the vet after his new friend ate a plate of brownies, and Felix freaking out after reading online that chocolate could kill dogs, he discovers that the veterinarian (YC) is the single most gorgeous person he's had the pleasure of laying eyes on. After that, it becomes a downward spiral of pathetic and embarrassing excuses to see the vet again, and each time, Felix somehow manages to not once ask the man for his number.

Rage Against the Machine
This one is set in the future. It's during a revolution war in the USA. The lower class and poverty class have decided to take a stand against the government. The war has been going on for about two years now with neither side willing to back down. The rebellion has more people and fight dirtier, but the government has better weapons and training. My character will be apart of the Rebellion. He is a simple foot solder, fighting for what he believes in. You character can either also be apart of the rebellion or on the opposing side.

If they are on opposing sides, we would need to brainstorm and figure out how they meet. Your character could possibly be taken as a POW by the rebellion and mine is in charge of watching over the prisoners. That would set it up for them to get to know each other, possibly my character either sway yours or help yours escape. There are tons of possibilities here.

If they are on the same side from the get-go, we would need to brainstorm what they are to each other at the beginning. Do they know each other already? If so, how? Or do they end up on the same assignment together and get along? Does one save the other and that is what starts it? Maybe they end up POW, go through torture together, manage to escape and have to find their way back across enemy lines to safety?

The plot of this rp will change depending on what option you pick. The first option will be a slow burn while the second won't. This will focus partly on their relationship, but I also want the war to play a part in this. I know this idea is super vague, but I think it leaves a lot of room for brainstorming.

I also want this one to be a nice mix of serious and humor.
I'm looking for a person to rp with strictly through discord. It's a different style of rping that I would really like to try out and see if I can keep up with it easier than forum rping.
I'm looking for a person to rp with strictly through discord. It's a different style of rping that I would really like to try out and see if I can keep up with it easier than forum rping.

Oh damn ): does that mean you're completely unopened to forum rps then? Your prompts are hilarious. I loved the fk this, fk u and the grave error prompt but I only do rps on forums orz
Oh damn ): does that mean you're completely unopened to forum rps then? Your prompts are hilarious. I loved the fk this, fk u and the grave error prompt but I only do rps on forums orz
I'm not entirely against forum rps. I've had a few people flake out on me before we even get the rp rolling, which is part of why I want to switch over to Discord for the most part. Buuuut....I'm a sucker for anyone who wants to rp with me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll shoot you a pm, and we can go from there
I'm not entirely against forum rps. I've had a few people flake out on me before we even get the rp rolling, which is part of why I want to switch over to Discord for the most part. Buuuut....I'm a sucker for anyone who wants to rp with me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll shoot you a pm, and we can go from there

Eeyyy, that's great! I'll await your PMs then. Just a heads up: I'll probably reply late because I'd be out most of the day but I'll get to it as soon as I can.

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